The Spirit World Is Composed of the Air of Love

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    Distinguished guests! You yourselves are exactly the same as a people without a nation. Did you have a nation in the past? Has there ever, in history, been the kind of nation we could call ‘our nation?’ We have never had that kind of nation. Is that because nobody ever tried to build such a nation? No. The reason we have never had such a nation is that the people who desired it in history were never in a position to build it. They could not build such a nation because the ages in which they lived did not allow a fully developed and complete standard by which that nation could be built. The homeland that we need to build is not a nation with a certain history and tradition that exists in the world today. Rather, it is of a dimension essentially different from the nations that exist in today’s world.
    If we want to inherit this different kind of nation, we must become a people who possess the ideological consciousness that makes it possible. If an absolute creator exists, that ideology and thought would need to be one with the Creator’s ideology and thought. If the Absolute Being wanted a nation, he would want a nation where the citizens can be completely united centering on the national sovereignty. We need to have that kind of national character, and we need to have that kind of national pattern

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God said to Rebecca, “Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples, born of you, shall be divided;” (Gen. 25:23). This means that her two sons would form the roots of two separate nations, one being the heavenly nation and the other Satan’s nation. God fought there to restore His lineage through three generations. Through struggling and reversing positions within the womb a condition of inheriting the lineage would be made. Jacob, through three generations, gained an external victory, but the basis for the internal victory was created by Perez, who was born of Tamar. This is the principle of restoration. (36-251, 1970.12.6)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 5

Love and the Spirit World

Section 1. The Atmosphere of the Spirit World is Love

In the spirit world, you need to love God more than the world, your nation, your wife or your child. Those who have achieved the highest level of character in the realm of love will be able to exercise God’s authority in that world. (91-173, 1977.2.6)

The spirit world is composed of the air of love. Everything has to be born through love. You should live in love, and through living for the sake of others, become filled with love. Only then, will you be the substantial being of God’s hope that He has longed for throughout history, and be welcomed wherever you go in the Kingdom of Heaven. Family training is preparation for you to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (143-71, 1986.3.15)

Those who expand their family training in four directions, creating a realm in which love is practiced, will go directly to the Kingdom of Heaven. (143-71, 1986.3.15)

Because the spirit world is infinitely vast, you can travel even millions of kilometers instantly centered on love. Love is the fastest. (216-192, 1991.3.31)

Compared to the spirit world, earth is like a speck of dust. You do not realize how immense the spirit world is. It is an infinite world that transcends time and space. Also, if you say, “If there is a person who was born, lived and died on earth in such and such an age with such and such a heart, please come forward!”, that person instantly appears. It is a world where your intuitive senses become reality. (224-105, 1991.11.23)

The spirit world is such a beautiful world that you never tire of looking at it even after a thousand years. You cannot even imagine it. Even the best things in this world are nothing in comparison; they do not even match a small corner of the spirit world. So, earth holds no interest for me. Honestly speaking, I want to go back because this earth does not fit my purpose. (15-149, 1965.10.7)

In the spirit world when God looks at you, if your heart is filled with love, you shine brighter and brighter. In God’s eyes, this light looks more beautiful than the light of a diamond. Also, He relishes this light, and the more He looks at it, the more He loves it. This is the reason God uses the term “love.” (103-27, 1979.1.28)

The air in the spirit world is love. Love is the essence of life. In that world, you do not just breathe through your nostrils but also through the top of your head and through all your cells. Thus, if you want to live a full life in the spirit world, you have to completely develop a character of love during your earthly life. (112-205, 1981.4.12)
pgs. 408-409



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