You Cannot Eat in the Spirit World if You do not Have God’s Love

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In the spirit world, it might appear that there are no colors. It is so bright that it looks almost like silver. It looks like silver, but because it is so bright and radiant, it appears purple. When electricity passes through a filament, it lights up with white light. Similarly, in the spirit world, people will shine brilliantly. Skin color is not an issue there. Good people who lived with a true conscience go to a high place in the spirit world. There are no handicapped people there, either. Those who are handicapped or have deformities will have no disability once they discard their flesh. (293-223, 1998.5.26)

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    Japan inherited everything from the western world; its political system from Britain, its legal system from Italy, and its military system from Germany. It imitated everything in the western world and built its foundation.|
    On Satan’s side stood Japan, Germany and Italy. On God’s side stood Britain and the son of Britain. Britain’s son is America, isn’t it? The son of Japan is Germany. Germany would say, “Wow, that little country of Japan is like that, so it will sweep over the western world in an instant.” That is why war ensued. England and her son, the United States, are in the same relationship as the Eve nation, Japan, and Germany. The archangel nation on God’s side, in a similar position to Italy, was France. France wavered back and forth; isn’t that so? (188-147, 1989.2.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 5

Love and the Spirit World

Section 1. The Atmosphere of the Spirit World is Love

In the spirit world, you will not long for anything because nothing is missing. If you were to long for something, it would be a true person. Therefore, the meritorious servants who have made effort in order to raise a true person will naturally become sons and daughters of glory in the heavenly world. There is nothing you can be proud of except this. (30-147, 1970.3.21)

Can you see your mind? The spirit world is a world where your mind takes form, and it is a world that transcends time and space. There you can eat meals whenever you want. You do not have to worry about your meals. You do not have to worry about water. Nor do you have to worry about drinking. There is no need to worry about clothes. The spirit world is a place where you rise above the need for clothing, food and shelter. Would you need cars there? Do you think there are automobile factories there? Do you think there are food, clothing or textile factories there? There are none of these. It is a place where you can move hundreds of millions of kilometers in an instant. But by what force? By the force of love. If you say you want to see your loved one, he will appear before you. (210-225, 1990.12.23)

When you go to the spirit world, you can go everywhere because there is nothing that can block your movement there. A being with the original characteristics of God should not be blocked. You should be able to travel everywhere. Because the spirit world transcends time and space, people who lived hundreds of millions of years ago are still there now. They can also be any age they want. You can meet as many people as you want to in the spirit world. (194-132, 1989.10.17)

When you go to the spirit world, you will notice that it resembles a person. God, who is the Subject, and spirit world, which resembles one big person, will be united. Then the entire spiritual and physical worlds will become euphoric! When God jumps, so will the earth, and when God laughs, so will the earth. That is how it should be. When you look at the spirit world, you will see that it is structured like one big person. (91-279, 1977.2.27)

In the spirit world, you do not need explanations or to make excuses. You can sense what is going on immediately at the slightest indication. You can sense whether someone is below, next to or above you; in other words, you know the hierarchy of love. This hierarchy is absolute. Whoever is in a higher position naturally stands in this position according to that hierarchy. It is different from the earthly world. Those who have used deceit and slander to succeed will find their situation turned around. They will face failure. This is why I tell you to follow the right way. (194-132, 1989.10.17)

What are you going to do in your lives? Let us leave behind a mound of love. If you have lived in a mound of love, you will have no regrets. Such a life will succeed forever. If you die after having lived this way, God will bless you, and upon your arrival to the spirit world, God will come out with His sons and daughters to welcome you. (97-167, 1978.3.12)

In the spirit world, you cannot eat if you do not have God’s love. You do not have the right to eat. Hell is a place where you cannot eat even though you can see the food, and you cannot act even though you know what to do. Only those who have led a life while on earth in which their spirit and body become one in God’s love can possess the eternal world of the ideal or own the heavenly kingdom. (91-173, 1977.2.6)
pgs 407-408

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