Earth Is a Factory to Produce the People of the Heavenly Kingdom

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1955

In America and the other nations of the world, I am causing Japan to exert itself at my direction. I am also con- ducting joint operations with Japan. This will support Japan. For three years, you must demonstrate a sincere heart to bring together all the things of creation, the substantial body and the heart as one. Without creating a foundation, to restore the foundation of victory that I, coming from the Adam nation, have established, there will be no condition for Japan to say that it has fulfilled its mission as the Eve nation. On the national level, the task of indemnifying Jesus’ being unable to meet his Eve during his three-year course… must also be accomplished by the Unification Church of Japan. (55-170, 1972.5.7)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1201

Korea and America are in a relationship similar to that of Israel and Rome. Of course, Rome worshiped the sun god in those days, whereas America has different roots. Today, Korea is in a position of having gained independence under the protection of America. That is the position of America. Rome tried to destroy Israel, but America was not in a position to destroy a country similar to Israel as it was at the time of the Roman Empire. Instead, the United States created an opposite kind of era that allowed Korea to survive as a nation on God’s side. Thus, it created natural circumstances where it became possible to restore through indemnity everything that Rome and Israel could not accomplish in front of Jesus, and Korea was connected to this. (137-19, 1986.1.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 5

Love and the Spirit World

Section 2. We Should Develop a Loving Character During Our Earthly Life

The place called hell is a place where, once you get trapped there, you cannot get out for eternity. Nevertheless, you do not truly realize the fact that your mother, father, and relatives are going to hell.  You just say, “Things will work out somehow,” and that is it. But try thinking that your beloved parents really are going to hell. Should you find out that your parents were going to prison, you would cry your heart out and try to get them out by doing all kinds of things, wouldn’t you? This is how human affection goes. Then, in the same way, if you know that your sons and daughters, parents, relatives, and brothers and sisters, who are connected to you through heavenly affection, are going to hell from which there is no escape, wouldn’t you have the same kind of reaction? (34-266, 1970.9.13)

When you relate to people, do not try to use them or think about making a profit from them. You must not do this. Once a person’s original nature is crushed, it takes from half a year to three years to repair it. So your actions are something you should fear. There is no hell that is as awful as this hell.  Those who know this do not even think about exploiting other people. (204-304, 1990.7.11)

You should not speak ill of beggars or disabled people you see on the street.
You should wonder whether your spirit is not in the same condition as they are.
(10-249, 1969.10.21)

Why do you have to get married? You get married in order to experience parental love, conjugal love, and children’s love. Then, why are these necessary? The spirit world is a place that is filled with the atmosphere of love. You need a family to help train you to follow the rhythm of the spirit world. Those who arrive there without having experienced this will be unable to follow the beat. Such people are like those who are without a nose to smell the air of love.  (Blessed Family – 1062)

The love relationship between parents and children is vertical, a love relationship between husband and wife is horizontal, and the love relationship among brothers and sisters is spherical. These three relationships are different. Therefore, only when you have an experience of deep love in these three different ways on earth, will you be able to turn without restriction vertically, horizontally, and in a circle in the spirit world.
For instance, those who have not tasted parental love when they were young, because their parents died, are rather tragic people because they are missing a very important experience of love.  Those who have not experienced conjugal relationships will be very miserable in the spirit world because they are lacking an important part of life. Likewise, those who are without brothers or sisters will be in a lonely position, unable to live a complete life in the spirit world, since they will lack love that can spread in all directions. (Blessed Family – 1062)

In the spirit world, those who have had enough love for their parents, brothers and sisters, spouse, and children – that is, those who have had a deep experience of love in their family life – will be able to enjoy a lot of freedom. They will be able to go wherever they want, in any direction, without restrictions.  Conversely, those who have had no experience of love, as well as those who are narrow-minded, will find themselves isolated and alone in the spirit world with no freedom whatsoever. You understand? Heaven is immense and unchanging. It is infinite. It is so large! People have been coming and going for hundreds of millions of years, but we do not know where they are. This is how large it is. So even if each person produces a hundred children, there is no overproduction because heaven is so large. It is a world that can accommodate everyone. So, should you practice birth control or not? When you go to the spirit world, the question you will face is how many people of the heavenly kingdom are you bringing with you. You should know that when you bring many true sons and daughters of the heavenly kingdom, they are to your advantage towards earning you honor and determining your rank in the heavenly world.  (Blessed Family – 1062) (202-38, 1990.5.1)

You should raise and leave behind respectable children when you pass away. In the future these children will all go to the spirit world. In the spirit world, they will be people of the heavenly kingdom. When you think about how many people you have offered as people of the heavenly kingdom, you will see that although your job was painful on earth, it became a noble path of glory in the world of eternity. (218-319, 1991.8.22)

In the spirit world in the future, your ownership is determined by how many people of the heavenly kingdom you bring. These are your possessions. These are eternal possessions. (218-227, 1991.8.19)

In the spirit world there is no multiplication of children. Because God is standing in the position of the vertical Parent and there is only one axis, there is only one meeting point. (221-204, 1991.10.24)

When you go to the spirit world, you will find out that the accomplishments of great people who have gone to the spirit world are considered as valuable accomplishments only on earth. What kind of place is earth? It is a factory to produce the people of the heavenly kingdom. Do You understand? Heaven is immense and unchanging. It is infinite. It is so large! People have been coming and going for hundreds of millions of years, but we do not know where they are. This is how large it is. So even if each per- son produces a hundred children, there is no overproduction because heaven is so large. It is a world that can accommodate everyone. So, should you practice birth control or not? When you go to the spirit world, the question you will face is how many people of the heavenly kingdom are you bringing with you. You should know that when you bring many true sons and daughters of the heavenly kingdom, they are to your advantage towards earning you honor and determining your rank in the heavenly world. (202-38, 1990.5.1)

If you make a serious mistake, you have to live in protective confinement in the spirit world. To get out of such a place, you have to wait for thousands of years. Those who are blessed, and make a serious mistake, do not you think your414 sons and daughters will say to you in the future, “Mother, why did make me this way? Why did you drag me here?” Do you think your sons and daughters will keep quiet? Your families are at different levels. So, you will go to the place that is appropriate for your level and stay there for a long time. Then, your ancestors and sons and daughters will accuse you saying, “Why did you do it? Why could not you do better? What is that!” You will have to stay there as long as you fall under their accusation. This is not easy.
So this is why you should do well while on earth. (207-99, 1990.11.1)
pgs. 412-414

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