New Candidate Interview now posted:
#177-Interview with Michael Mood-Republican Candidate for County commissioner-Middleway District-Jefferson County WV
The next Blessing Preparation Course begins November 3rd.
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1506
The cosmos-centered ideology is for the sake of achieving mind-body unity. It is to establish the family as the embodiment of God’s love, and to implement these ideas in the spiritual and physical worlds. The Chinese character for ju (宙) in cheon-ju (cosmos) means “house.” That’s why the term “cosmos-centered ideology” is being used. The cosmos is the combination of the incorporeal and corporeal worlds. How does this relate to us? We need a family. If you cannot achieve oneness on the family level, the cosmos-centered ideology will have nothing to do with you. The God-centered family is the ultimate standard to complete the ideal about which such a cosmos-centered ideology teaches. If you cannot sing the song of peace and praise happiness in the family on earth, you will be unhappy in the spirit world. (26-190, 1969.10.25)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1355
What is the second Seven-Year Course? It is a period during which your families must become Abel families. In order to fulfill that responsibility, you must restore Cain families. What do you form when Abel families restore Cain families? You form tribes. You must become tribal messiahs. The 430 Couples are tribal messiahs. This means to be global. In this way, all conditions should be met. (34-104, 1970.8.29)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4
Chapter 4
Our Course of Life Centered on Love
Section 7. Our Life Passes Through Three Ages
Human beings are born after developing in the mother’s womb. They live on earth for a certain period of time, and then die. Prior to birth, the fetus spends ten months in the mother’s womb where it has limited freedom. It grows by receiving nutrition from the mother through the umbilical cord. It opens and closes its hands, opens and closes its mouth, and wriggles its feet. This is all it can do. Nevertheless, for the fetus the mother’s womb is a world of freedom and the whole world. After ten months the fetus is born into the contemporary earthly world, or human society. (Blessed Families and the Ideal Kingdom of Heaven – 1062)
Why are human beings born? They are born for the sake of love. For this reason, they are grounded in true parental love and grow in the mother’s womb, which is a bosom of parents’ protection and love. Children grow to maturity embraced by parental love that digests with joy all the hardships without complaint. Upon reaching maturity at about twenty years old, the child should meet their eternal love partner and be engrafted into heavenly love in which they live entirely for the sake of one another. Following this life course, this new couple should have their own sons and daughters and love them. Only when they experience the depth of God’s love can the substantial realm of God’s love of the object partner be completed. (143-283, 1986.3.20)
Human life can be compared to the life a fetus lives in the mother’s womb. People will live a one hundred year span in the womb of the universal mother. Just as the fetus is ignorant of the world outside the mother’s womb, the people living a physical life today are ignorant of the reality of the spirit world that awaits them after death. They can venture a guess. They have a vague sense that, just as they did not know about the human world while in the mother’s womb, a world after death must also exist. Regardless of people’s feelings or convictions concerning the world after death, the spirit world really does exist. Because the world after death cannot be perceived by our five physical senses, we must overcome the unbelievable through religious faith. (Blessed Family – 1062)
Human beings go through three ages. The animal world also has the water age, land age, and air age. Everything must go through these three ages.
For human beings to stand as the lords of creation and be qualified to rule over all things, they must be a complete life form, more complete than any other creature, in the water age and live therein. Next, they must exist in the land age and be the highest being among all creatures there. Then there has to be the air age. But human beings have no wings. How can they fly without wings? They should be able to fly higher and farther than any bird or insect. Then what do they have to do? This cannot happen when they are in a physical body. They cannot get far no matter how high they jump. However, because human beings are to be the lords of creation who have dominion and because they stand in the reciprocal position to God, a spiritual being, their stage of operation should be the same as God’s. Human beings can travel faster than light that travels 300 thousand kilometers in a second. This is none other than spirit. (112-201, 1981.4.12)
We live in this world, but it is not everything. There is the spirit world. Then what is the place we are to go to and live in? It is the eternal spirit world filled with the air of love. Our physical life is a time of preparation for life in the eternal world of spirit. (140-121, 1986.2.9)
pgs. 456-458