Parental Love Is the Highest

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1959

If I had not chosen Japan as the Eve nation, she would not have become that kind of nation. She would have become a miserable nation. If the Christian culture had accepted me, Great Britain would have become the Eve nation. The Adam nation is Korea. In Europe, Britain would have been the Eve nation, France the archangel nation and Germany the Adam nation; they all would have automatically become one. Yet these nations disobeyed and rejected God. Thus, you should not forget that God took what was most loved by the enemy, the Eve nation, and also took away Germany, the male nation, to reestablish His will by making the Adam nation, the Eve nation and the archangel nation centering on the Unification Church. Therefore, Japan was not blessed for her own sake; it was for the sake of the world, for the Unification Church and Korea. If Japan does not use those blessings for the unification of Korea, she will be destroyed. (186-116, 1989.1.29)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1270

    The fruits that Christians have produced through their lives of faith are the fruits of the wild olive tree. In order to produce fruits of the true olive tree, they need to be cut off at the base and have the sprout of the true olive tree engrafted on to them. If the sprout cannot be engrafted, the tree should be pulled up completely and burned to ashes. If the wild olive tree is not uprooted completely, it will produce further fruits, which will then be strewn around the tree and will grow into more wild olive trees.
    The cutting down of wild olive trees is necessary in order to engraft the sprouts of the true olive tree on to them. The problem here is that the sprout of the true olive tree and the sprout of the wild olive tree look exactly alike from the outside and so disputes may arise. In particular, at the time of the Second Coming, many Antichrists will appear and those trying to find the truth may be confused. That is why you have been told, “Pray constantly, without resting or sleeping!”
    By cutting off the wild olive tree at the base and engrafting the true olive tree on to it, all wild olive trees will disappear. The field where they used to be will become a field of true olive trees. Now that I am ready to carry out this task, many are raising uproar. They are scared of the pain they will feel when their bodies are cut off at the roots. They are worried that I may be an incompetent gardener. The spring of providential history has come and with it the task of engrafting the sprouts on to the wild olive trees has begun. (Blessed Family – 510)

Richard:  To receive the Blessing is to engraft to the true olive tree.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 8

True Parental Love

Section 7. Parental Love Sets the Standard for All Forms of Love

Parental love is the highest. Those who have been raised with the empowerment of true parental love become well-rounded people and understand the dynamics of love. The family is the school of love. The children will never forget their parents’ love. The full experience of parental love is impossible without parents. (62-16, 1972.9.10)

What should the love among children be like? What should they use as the standard for loving? Brothers and sisters should love each other just as their father and mother do. From whom should we learn about love? We should learn from our parents. (66-120, 1973.4.18)

Children should be able to say to their mother and father, “Our mother and father are the greatest in the world. They are the ones who stand in the position of God!” When children see an unchanging heart and love between their parents and say, “Let us learn from this love and become united among ourselves as well,” this is the realization of an ideal family. When children grow up and reach young adulthood, they go looking for a partner with whom their mind and heart can be one. This is realized through marriage, where a man and woman totally respect each other and strive to establish the standard of love and heart. You should have a family in which the mother and father can unite with God’s heart and love, and then the children can take after their parents and also unite with God’s heart and love. (Blessed Family – 913)

It is the order and tradition of love for the one in the position of the elder brother, as a representative of the parents, to sacrifice himself and love his younger siblings centering on the parents’ love. The position of the elder brother brings with it the responsibility to suffer most among his siblings. It is the same with the position of parents, who suffer the most for the sake of the children. If parents shed tears and sacrifice for the sake of their children, the children will naturally want to follow their parents. (Blessed Family – 913)

When they relate with God as the center, children can express love to each other in many different ways. The older child should love the younger sibling in the same way the parents love him. In a family united through such love, the love within that family will blossom, and become the love within a society and the love within a nation. In this way it eventually becomes the love of the whole world. (28-151, 1970.1.11)

What is the reason you receive love from your parents? It is because your father and mother’s motivation to rely on each other and love each other originates in you. Do you understand? Thus, when brothers and sisters love each other centering on that motivation, their love also will not change. Similarly, when you think of your neighbor as if he were your own self, the right social environment will develop. The family is the formation stage, the society is the growth stage, and the nation is the completion stage. You must go through all three stages. All families must be linked together. Only then will love develop among them and unity be realized on the national level. Society is divided into many sectors. Companies have a CEO, and how many heads of state does a country have? Isn’t it just one? One person is responsible. In this way, a unified pattern is established, while the scale just increases. Becoming one, yet also being divided into many parts is the essence of the four-position foundation. (26-153, 1969.10.25)
pgs 497-498

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