Where Is God’s Most Holy Place?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 378

The universe is a mysterious world. God did not create the universe as something to fool around with or play with. With the most devoted effort He created it for the sake of His beloved people, and indeed how beautiful it is! So when we look at this universe, we should have an extremely grateful heart, saying that the Father has created it for us. If you walk around the gardens, behold the trees, plants, flowers, and birds, watch the streams flow, and feel the winds blow with this kind of heart, you cannot but be overwhelmed with wonder. (87-319, 1976.6.27)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1482

    Where on earth is God? Where would His dwelling place be? God settles in the most precious thing of all, namely love. Then if this love happened to be that between a man and a woman, where would He reside? He lives perpendicularly in the deepest part of the love that is completely united and unchanging. The central place of His residence would be the place where man and woman attain oneness.
    When you reach a mystical state while praying, such that you undergo spiritual experiences, then if you call out to God, “Heavenly Father,” you will hear the answer coming from inside you, “Why are you calling me? I am right here!” “Here” would be the center of your heart. He would be at the central point of love, in a perpendicular position, inside the person whose mind and body are completely united. If you consider God’s point to be the intersection of two perpendicular lines, it would be a position of complete self-denial. (224-148, 1991.11.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 12

Seeking True Families

Section 2. The Most Holy Place Where God Can Come to Dwell

    What are God’s attributes? He is absolute, unique, eternal and unchanging. Then who is the owner of love? It is neither man nor woman. It is none other than God. By centering on love and through love, God and humankind become one. This is because they both absolutely need love. What kind of love does God need? He wants absolute love. What about you? It is the same for us. Just like God, all of us need absolute, unique, unchanging and eternal love. We must all resemble God. (279-246, 1996.9.15)

    Where is God’s most holy place? It was to have been the male and female organs that were untainted by the Fall. This is the place where love was to have dwelt. This is God’s holy of holies. (134-185, 1985.4.7)

    What is love? It is the most holy place where God can come to dwell. We must cleanse the fallen world through love. I have already made it clear that Adam and Eve, who had to pass through the period of adolescence smoothly, failed to do so and went off the track, bringing about the Fall. Eve, the ancestor of humankind, first fell by having an illicit love relationship with the archangel, and then because of this, she also fell physically through her relationship with Adam. Thus, their sinful lineage has been transmitted to their descendants.
    You must understand that God can never comfortably dwell in a place where even small traces of Satan persist. For people to receive God’s love, they must first die and be born again. In human society, would a man have any reason to like his wife if, after their marriage to each other, she is unable to forget about her first husband? Likewise, God has been carrying out the providence of salvation, guiding people to atone for their sins by way of restoration through indemnity. (Blessed Family – 344)

    What do you think the color of love would be? Do you think it would be black at night, white during the daytime, and yellow in the evening? In the central color of love there is a strength that can bring peace and unity and create the concept of the equality of humanity. Isn’t the Unificationist concept of love beautiful? The color of love in today’s American society is, in short, a disgusting color of death. Instead of realizing the world of the eternal ideal of creation through conjugal love, they are sinking into the pit of death. Those who thoughtlessly enter the most holy place of love will suffer the fire of judgment. Until they receive the Blessing, men and women must keep their most holy place of love undefiled, and once they have made love, they must continue to keep it undefiled. However, Americans generally are wicked men and women who violate love’s sanctuary.
    Americans who do not accept marriage through the Blessing are nothing but patients who cannot see ahead because they are blinded by fallen love. If American society continues to behave like this, it will have no hope for the future but instead will be filled only with despair. It is crystal clear that it will eventually be destroyed – not by God’s judgment but rather by people who have lost their humanity. (Blessed Family – 344)

    Since we in the Unification Church have come to know the providence of love that has been hidden for six thousand years, we have sought to broaden the foothold of the Blessing in order to perfect the ideal of creation based on God’s love. Through the Blessing, love’s most holy place has come to be created. You need to understand that from here, life emerges anew. (Blessed Family – 344)
pgs. 531-532


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