Love Needs No Revolution

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1840

    Twenty million people in this world starve to death each year. For the past twenty years I have taken an interest in the marine products industries in order to solve the food problem for the sake of these people. The key issue is fish powder. This is highly-enriched protein, and contains nutrients not found in any land animal. By making this into powder, it will be convenient for both storage and transportation. If we produce one ton of this fish powder, we can increase it to thirty to fifty times the original amount. Ninety-eight percent of that is protein. The developed nations should have solved the problem of starvation, but they have not done so. (296-228, 1998.11.10)

    We will never truly know how many species of fish there are, including extremely large species of fish. There is such a huge variety. Realizing this, I thought that if there were three or four people competent with nets, it would be no problem to catch a boat-load of fish in a single day – more fish that we ourselves catch in the Alaskan waters. So I had people do research, after thinking that we should hire people to catch fish, make it into fish powder and sell it. (267-18, 1994.12.27)

Richard:  We donate to Kids Against Hunger for hunger relief.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1535

At the time of creation, God stood in the position of having exercised absolute faith, love, and obedience, but because human beings failed to form families that could stand as object partners to Him, they consequently fell into hell. We are now living in the time when everything that was lost in Adam’s family can be restored worldwide through absolute faith, love and obedience on the unified foundation of True Parents’ realm of victory. Unification Church members must therefore inherit and practice absolute faith, love and obedience centering on the True Parents. True Parents inherited these absolute traditions from God, and so you should inherit these traditions in turn. Do you understand? Then God’s blessing will be with you. (1996.11.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 12

Seeking True Families

Section 4. Love Has No Evolution or Revolution

    Love cannot undergo evolution or any type of revolution. The original form of love itself is perfect, unchangeable, eternal and absolute. (Blessed Family – 351)

    Love has no evolution or revolution. Love is eternal and perfect – a truth that does not change for eternity. If you think love evolves and you consequently start to experiment with it, you’ll discover this notion to be incorrect. If American society, for instance, thinks of love as a livelihood, it is inevitably doomed to perish. There would be no reason for God to bless its future. If such a society does not self-destruct, then I will make it perish by exploding a bomb of love. What is clear is that love should never be used expediently or as a way to make a living. (Blessed Family – 351)

    From the time a married couple first makes love, a husband has no desire for any kind of revolution or evolution of love from his wife. This also is the hope of a wife toward her husband. It is the hope of both husband and wife to maintain the purity of their first love. They do not want any colors to be added to their pure love, nor do they need any revolution. They desire that the pure love itself be preserved for eternity.
    Why does the threat of divorce ever arise between two spouses who love each other? When we learn that a couple, intensely in love with one another at the beginning of their relationship, has decided to get divorced, we realize that something has gone wrong. No matter what a couple’s reason for getting a divorce may be, the break-up indicates that something has changed – their relationship has changed. Ultimately, the couple came to the point of divorce because they failed to protect and nurture their love for one another. Love itself has not changed, but their minds changed. (Blessed Family – 351)

    When a man and a woman become husband and wife, the important thing is how to achieve unchanging unity between them. When they sing of eternal happiness in such unchanging unity, this is eternal happiness. The standard of an ideal heart of love can only be established with an unchanging subject. (Blessed Family – 351)

    Say you marry a man because he is handsome and you like him, and then a week later he becomes disabled in an accident. If, because of this, you want to divorce him, your love for him cannot be called true love. It is false love. (Blessed Family – 351)

    In the developed nations today, white people are in the higher positions to lead and influence the world, whereas black people are more likely to be found in lower positions under their dominion. Yet when parents love their children, the intensity of their love knows no such difference as that between whites and blacks. Nobody dominates anyone. This never changes. The heart of parents loving their children, the heart of spouses loving each other, the heart of people who truly love each other cannot change no matter how much history changes, develops, or goes through a process of revolution. (32-243, 1970.7.19)
pgs 533-534

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