The Crossroads of Life Appear in a Single Moment

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1860

Some fish even have vegetarian eating habits. This Dorado is intrepid – no matter where it goes. When it bites, it emits a noise that sounds like “sheek.” When five people fish on the same boat and cast their lines out, if a rod moves, it is difficult to distinguish one line from another. They do not know which line has a bite and begin asking, “Whose is it? Whose is it?” They look at their rods and one exclaims in amazement, “Hey, it’s mine!” This would happen three, four, five, or six times. That is a great experience. The light of the evening sun, the golden hue of the fish, and that brilliant view cannot be appreciated without the pleasure of catching Dorado. It is an enjoyable sight that everyone should experience at least once in his life. It is human nature to want to personally experience this firsthand. (293-232, 1998.5.26)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1243

The value of the Blessing is so great that it cannot be exchanged even with the whole world. There have been times when I regretted bestowing the Blessing. I have blessed you so that a man and woman can become a true father and a true mother practicing true love, according to God’s will. (Blessed Family – 552)

Richard: Start your Blessing journey at

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 1

The Existence of Human Beings in the Physical and Spirit Worlds

Section 1. Our Course of Life

1.4. The relationship between a moment and a lifetime

    Your living body cannot be perfected unless your entire existence becomes a foothold for absorbing nutrients. This phenomenon occurs in the natural world. The crossroads of life do not appear over a long period of time but in a single moment.
    People who ignore a moment fail to obtain something precious. They cannot become great people, nor inherit God’s throne and crown. Thus, for the sake of one bright shining moment, exercise care with each word you utter, each action you take, and even each thought you entertain. Deal with life and solve problems, believing that the contents of your daily life will all remain as phenomena in relationship to the world. That is the only way the realm of victory is determined.
    In this way, the realm of victory is determined in one moment. It is the same with the historical realm of victory and the cosmic realm of victory. Those who know the infinite value of one bright shining moment and live accordingly can become great people, even saints or God’s sons and daughters. In this way, the junction of life and death is crossed in a single moment. (31-217, 1970.5.31) 

    Today, our attitude is the problem. Of course, it is necessary to first desire the coming of the kingdom and wish for the Will to be done. Yet, what is more important is how we ourselves can personally become one with God’s will.
    If we take this one hour, we see that how we use it to become one with the Will is more important than to desire the Kingdom of God to come. Therefore, we must first create environments as individuals, families, tribes and peoples that will enable us to inherit God’s will, whereupon we can then proceed to establish a relationship with God’s Kingdom. Then, centered on God, how do we make a relationship with the Will in this one hour – if you are given an hour – within the sphere of your daily living? This is a very important issue.
    Looking at the history of the providence of restoration, there were four thousand years from Adam’s family through Noah’s, Abraham’s and Moses’ families down to Jesus’ family. Here, however, what led to their failures did not occur over the span of, say, a year. In Adam’s family, the Fall of Adam and Eve was not something planned out and put into action over the span of a year or a decade or even several decades. Their mistake happened in a flash, and when we think about how that failure of one moment has been perpetuated over eons of time, we can understand the fearfulness and dreadfulness of that instant.
    Due to the failure of that one moment, so many people who walked the path of righteousness in the course of history had to undergo untold suffering, and many races that could not follow the Will fell into the abyss of destruction. All these became the origin of a tremendous offering of indemnity. When we understand this, a single hour that we ordinarily live so casually in our daily life becomes fearful; but even more, we have to feel how fearful a moment is, even one second of one hour that goes by as the clock steadily ticks. Even the eternal Kingdom of Heaven does not exist without having an integral relationship with the single moment
pgs. 549-550

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