Getting through a Year Successfully Requires a Fighting Spirit

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1891

    When a large fish gets caught, you can feel its vibration reverberating deep under the sea. People on the boat bang the boat, making the sound, “boomboom-boom-boom”, which is similar to hitting your head with a hammer. How many raging waves have fish endured, having gone through all sorts of hardships for several decades in the sea? We can easily imagine what they have gone through, since they have managed to survive in those harsh circumstances.
    You should never make a loud banging noise from above the water, because the fish already know, due to the vibrations, how many meters away the people are. (221-84, 1991.10.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 879

You cannot enter heaven without being joined in heart. Heaven is the original nation, the nation of original nature, which can have dominion over the whole. You cannot possess that nation based on your situation. Only people who have a deep bond of heart can possess it. Therefore, Christianity is ultimately not a religion dealing with situations but dealing with heart. The purpose of God’s providence on earth is to create the foundation to be able to share heart beyond our personal circumstances. (8-290, 1960.2.14)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 1

The Existence of Human Beings in the Physical and Spirit Worlds

Section 1. Our Course of Life

1.5. Infancy and the three orderly stages of the growing period

    How did God create Adam and Eve? If He used clay, what kind was it? Where did He begin? From which point did Adam and Eve’s lives start? We cannot think that God created them as adults, but rather as babies. Without the notion that God behaved as a pregnant mother who subsequently gave birth to, nourished and nurtured a baby, we cannot logically explain the formation of all existence through the three orderly stages of growth. Logically, Adam and Eve passed through infancy before entering the growth and completion stages. This is heavenly law. |
    What was Adam and Eve’s infancy like? We must proceed from the concept that the invisible God nurtured a baby whose beginnings were in the world without form and who could pass through the course in the physical realm. (225-198, 1992.1.20)

1.6. Our life path

    Since the society, nation and world in which we live are far from ideal, all manner of suffering occurs, and good and evil are at cross-purposes.
    If we took a random sample of a hundred men, it would reveal that one hundred percent of them jostle among themselves in “an every man for himself” struggle within their circumstances to cope with the demands of their mundane affairs.
    Therefore, in our daily lives, we all acutely lack the confidence that we can complete the day’s work that we planned in the morning. With a wider scope of activities we would need proportionately more drive and determination to bring a victorious result in our everyday life. Lacking these, that day cannot be victorious. Such days turn into months and months into years.
    We also lack environments conducive for meeting our monthly goals. To end a month victoriously, we need the drive and determination necessary to achieve breakthroughs in tackling both the details and complexities of that month. Without them, we cannot conclude our monthly activities victoriously.
    Getting through a year successfully requires us to be equipped with a fighting spirit or driving force that can thrust aside all the challenges of each and every one of its 365 days. We can then celebrate that year victoriously. If we live a year like that, and continue in this vein, it will eventually add up to ten, and then twenty, and then thirty years, and that eventually becomes our life path. (31-30, 1970.4.12)

    People living on earth today cannot escape from the constraints of time. That has been true throughout history. Individuals, families, tribes, people, nations and the world all move within the realm of time.
    Wherever people exist, there is always some goal to attain. We are to focus on such a goal for ten, twenty, thirty, seventy years and, indeed, our entire lives. The greater our goal, the stronger our internal commitment needs to be. Unless we maintain an internal determination that surpasses the goal through the process called time, the goal will be unattainable. (31-149, 1970.5.24)
pgs. 551-552





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