God Needs a Production Center for the Citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1085

    Nowadays, people say the teenage years are important. Why is that? There are pluses and minuses everywhere… They are out of control and want to go around everywhere. When they do, they bring about their own self-destruction as well as the destruction of their society.
    Since adolescence is a time of change, they say, “Ehh!” to anyone who says even a word to them. Since it is a time of transition, they want to aimlessly wander about. Therefore, they have to follow a principled way while being aware of that situation. You must now put all these things in order; no matter how hard it is to control them, you must do it. Comparing good and evil, what is evil? Evil is destructive. There is no protection against evil. (118-196, 1982.6.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1271

Who is supposed to carry out the conversion of the lineage? It cannot be performed by just anyone. You must know that in order to become the one who can perform it, I walked the tearful path of the cross. Because I set such a standard, you are able to become a part of the tradition of the Blessing without having to do anything for it. It took thousands of years of hard work on God’s part and my substantial life course, which was filled with hardships and suffering, to establish the victorious realm of the conversion of lineage. You are now standing on the foundation thus laid down. To receive the Blessing is to completely cut off the evil lineage and to engraft a new lineage. By engrafting, the lineage is completely changed. (35-178, 1970.10.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 1

The Existence of Human Beings in the Physical and Spirit Worlds

Section 1. Our Course of Life

1.9. The standard of birth and the standard of life

1.9.2. The standard of life

    When I say life here, I mean eternal life. I am not referring only to the spirit world, but to a life to live for eternity. Each individual was created to be an object of God’s love. You are the object partner of the absolute God, and the partner in His love. God cherishes the notion of true love more than He values Himself. He is the absolute and eternal center of life. His ideal is even more eternal and the center of that ideal is true love. The partner of that love is you.
    The attribute of love promotes unity between partners. Such love can unify a nation. Thus, one partner can accompany the other partner in any position and follow unconditionally. You can inherit God’s entire fortune and even His entire heart. I went through a miserable course to discover this and now stand on that foundation. It is sublime and lofty and cannot be exchanged for anything: it is an amazing grace. For that reason, I stand in the same position with God. I share the eternal position of true love. The spirit world is in a different dimension from this limited earthly world. We cannot move freely within mundane confines, but as the spirit world is a higher-dimensional place, you can do anything there; you can leap across time. If you want something based on love, you can have it all anytime, anywhere.
    We were originally created as eternal beings. If we become eternal beings of true love and go to the spirit world, we will be free. The first standard of life is the standard of good and evil, the second is the original starting point, and the third is eternal life. (216-107, 1991.3.9)

Section 2. The Status and Character of Human Beings

2.1. God’s purpose in creating humankind

    Why did God create humankind? First, it was for God to stand in the position of a parent. A parent, however, is invisible even in the spirit world. There is no model. Thus, in order to become the parent of human beings with a form, God must have a form. Otherwise, He cannot be the center.
    Second, a vertical line is one-dimensional and does not generate an area; reproduction cannot take place in the spirit world. A large area or space can only unfold horizontally based on a vertical axis with a 360-degree perpendicular rotation.
    Third, it was to maintain the eternality of the realm of the partner of love. It was not only Adam and Eve who were to be God’s partners. Adam and Eve’s children would have stood in the position of God’s partners, just as their parents did. Therefore, God produced people in order to preserve their position as His partners in perpetuity.
    Both Adam and Eve called God, “Father”. Then would their children call Him uncle or grandfather? They would call Him Father. The word partner implies equality. We must multiply God’s love horizontally and perfect its value. The value of perfected love is one. That is equality.
    To recapitulate, first, God needed a form or shape, namely that of a parent. He acquired that form in order to manifest Himself spiritually as Adam’s father. Second, God needed a production center for the citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. As such, husbands and wives are factories. Using that analogy, would it be better to engage in mass production or small-scale production? Mass production is better. Through automation those factories could definitely produce in mass and pack the Kingdom of Heaven to capacity. That is why women are created to bear many children. (222- 337, 1991.11.7)
pgs. 554-555


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