Jesus Cursed the Fig Tree

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#185-President Trump Rights January 6th Protest Injustices

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2296

    However much we yearn for the ideal family, parents, couple and children, they do not exist, for their overall perfection can only take place through the True Parents. From a traditional position, as the heirs standing in the place of God and True Parents, you need to reach the value of the seed which is equal in value to the highest level of oneness ever seen among brothers and sisters, and similar in value to the oneness between God and Adam and Eve. Coming from such a world, if you were to harvest a family that can be expanded to produce new descendants for all human beings, then this family – having the same value as that of a unified God and True Parents – will then become successors able to inherit the record of champions.
    It has been said that those with power will rule the world. We should not compete with others on the basis of power. Those with power have created environments, in which they can become more powerful, and they have swept away those that are weak; they act as champions and record- breakers. This is not the result of victory won through a competition of goodwill, as desired by God. Hence, all this must be cleared away from the face of the earth. (301-19, 1999.4.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 973

    When Adam finally enters the Kingdom of Heaven, do you think he would be at ease if he heard the weeping of couples in the middle realm of spirit world and the weeping of people in hell? They should not be there, should they? It does not follow the Principle. That is why I am liberating them. I proclaimed 4.4. Jeol in Kodiak, Alaska and I declared the cosmic 4.4. Jeol on January 8 at Punta del Este. (300-96, 1999.3.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 2

Death and the Spirit World

Section 2. Understanding Death

2.8. What to leave behind before going to the spirit world

2.8.2. Proprietary rights in the spirit world are determined through witnessing

    On his way to Jerusalem, Jesus went up to a fig tree to see if it had any fruit. When he found it to be without fruit, he cursed it, and it withered and died. That’s exactly how it will be. What use is it to keep up appearances? Thus, the number of Blessed Families you create will become your harvest.
    You need to bring 120 people, even hundreds. Without being able to do that, it does not make sense for you to love your own sons and daughters. From the viewpoint of the Principle, we need 120 people. The number 120 represents the nations of the world at the time of Jesus. The 430 families are equivalent to all the surnames in one nation. The 430 families represent 4,300 years of Korean history. Through them, I opened the gate for the citizens represented by these surnames to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Although I have opened it, it does not mean they have actually entered.
    This is not empty talk; it is logical. Do not kill time. Only when you give birth to sons and daughters and raise them up during your younger years can you leave to your descendants a foundation to be proud of. Only when your children become great people can you stand proud before history. Without such actual results, you might be accepted at the family or village level, but not at the national level. For that, you need actual results that can be passed on as a tradition.
    That is why everyone desires to leave something behind for the nation, the world, and heaven and earth. The same principle applies to you. Have the clear concept that your lifelong purpose is to establish your domain of ownership. Therefore, you cannot think of giving up on the way of God’s will, even if you do not like it.
    Why would I take on that responsibility even if it means I have to go to prison and suffer there alone? To save people suffering in such circumstances. People in suffering circumstances will follow if it can benefit them. By following, they are harvested. When I go to the spirit world, because all I have done will be welcomed as something public, I will go to the highest position of the heavenly kingdom.
    If citizens are well educated, the nation prospers. The same principle applies to you. It is a question of how much you can reason with people, straighten out their attitudes, and leave behind the achievement of your ideals centering on the realm of life of the heavenly kingdom. If this is done, the world will be restored quickly. That is why you have to devotedly raise them.
    It is the same with me. When I give sermons, I speak for five or six hours at a time. I do not do that because I like to. The gist of a sermon is simple and does not even require a fifteen minute talk. I speak that long because I try to make it easy for different types of people, for those who have come to hear, to understand the gist by explaining to them using many examples, and to have them participate within that sphere. The purpose is to sow as many seeds as possible in the spring season. If I sow many seeds, many plants will grow.
    Where must you sow the seeds, then? It must be an unspoiled place. Where is that? Adolescents. Once you sow seeds in them, they will last a lifetime. They will not be uprooted.
    When are people most sensitive? In elementary school. Peoples’ senses dull as they advance through middle and high schools. Once they start going to university, it is like passing through a neighboring village, like an excursion activity. The most difficult time is during elementary school. Next is during middle and high school. As time goes by, their senses dull. We must sow the seeds of life accordingly.
    If, while playing with children at Sunday school, you teach them children’s songs, tell them stories and so on, such things will accumulate to become eternal assets for your future. Whenever you meet elderly people, testify to God’s Word. Unification Church leaders are not doing these things well.
    When on a bus, talk to ten people and ask them where they are going in order to get to know them. Arrange to see them again and when you do, introduce the Principle to them. You can witness to them as much as you like. There are enough materials. If you want to witness to people, it is better to ride on the bus or subway than to drive your own car. As you commute on the same route everyday, twelve months a year, you will get to know people by their faces. By greeting them, you are tapping into an interactive network. Such paths are cleared, so why are you just wasting time?
pgs. 593-595


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