The latest Richard Urban Show:
#185-President Trump Rights January 6th Protest Injustices
Cheon Seong Gyeong 574
Among the many people living in this world today, there are not that many who understand the meaning of the Blessing taught by the Unification Church. The Unification Church coined the term Blessing and has performed blessing ceremonies using this term. In the future, humanity cannot go to heaven without going through the gate of the Blessing.
Many people believe in the established churches. But even the established churches themselves cannot go to heaven unless they go through the gate of the Blessing. If I tell them this, the established churches complain that Rev. Moon of the Unification Church is selfrighteous. Nevertheless, fallen human beings must surely go through the Blessing taught by the Unification Church. Even though they oppose it, the Blessing is a matter of great importance that should be dealt with by connecting the spirit world with the physical world.
Today the people who believe in ordinary religions think that salvation means individual salvation. It means that they think they will enter heaven if they just have faith individually. Yet based on God’s original ideal, people are not to go to heaven alone, but rather as a loving couple together with their loving family. (143-234, 1986.3.19)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 909
Although we have entered a global age, you still have an individual position, which is connected with the highest saints in the spirit world. Thus, if you are a person who has a similar frame of mind, who keeps such a standard of heart, then you would inherit the spiritual foundation that enables you to receive immeasurable assistance, wherever you are and whenever you need it. That is why, based on the present-day activities of the Unification Church on earth, the spirits of the patriots of each nation have built a protected foundation in spirit world and have now come down and settled on the earth.
When you consider past military campaigns, haven’t tens and hundreds of times more people died, than the population of a nation, in trying to defend their country? They have now come to earth to set up camp and are waiting for operations to expand. Therefore, all missionaries should initiate a national movement, a total mobilization, and be ready to make sacrifices representing both physical and spirit worlds. The spirits will all come to their aid once the order for advance is given. (162-108, 1987.3.30)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1126
If the Unification Church had not appeared God could never have been understood. Since the beginning of human history there has been no way to solve the problems in the relationship between the spiritual and physical worlds. There has been no explanation as to why human beings have had to walk the path of great suffering and why, if God exists, an evil world came into being and drove humanity into such misery. Yet today, the followers of the Unification Church know clearly that this is because of the human portion of responsibility. This is an amazing fact. (138-120, 1986.1.19)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5
Chapter 2
Death and the Spirit World
Section 2. Understanding Death
2.8. What to leave behind before going to the spirit world
2.8.2. Proprietary rights in the spirit world are determined through witnessing
More important than eating is harvesting the citizens of heaven, but you are not doing that well. It is our main occupation. It is our principal activity while we live on earth. Among the works you should do in your lifetime, there is nothing more important than that. Landing a job, getting promoted and making money will all be water under a bridge. Money will be useless in the other world; materials and knowledge are unnecessary there. Even if you are not taught, your mind knows ahead of time; you will know everything within a week.
Power is unnecessary in the other world. What is needed there is love-centered harmonizing power, love-centered influential power. Therefore, people lacking that love-centered influential power are intrinsically unable to harmonize with the original world which moves by the influence of love. If they should arrive there, they are repelled and end up in hell.
You say you have lived and worked for the Unification Church ever since you joined it, but you should consider in what position you have worked. Always ask yourselves in which direction you are headed and in which position you are located. If you do that prayerfully, God will be with you. You will know it the moment you close your eyes – even without praying. As you go somewhere to give a talk, the right words just flow out of your mouth. If you come across conscientious people, you are drawn to enter their houses.
Everything seeks relationship. Even flowers have the power of attraction to create relationships, whether as a subject or object partner. Even if you see someone for the first time, it does not mean that you cannot relate to that person. That is how a magnet is – its essence is eternally unchanging. By the same token, if you go to such a place, you feel joyful and are inspired to speak. Once you enter that state, your mouth opens even if you were not intending to speak.
When you go to that other world someday, what will you say to God who has been guiding the work of redemption and who took great pains to this day to find one Adam? From the Genesis up to the present day, God has been seeking His perfect son Adam. You all know the Principle. This is the weapon that can save countless people. Until now, God could not teach humankind and consequently had to guide the work of redemption amid ignorance. On earth, we work on God’s behalf and are doing greater things than He. The Principle provides us with a path to enlighten and assemble a following of hundreds and thousands of Adams.
That is why we have to connect them to eternal life. The question of eternal life is a serious matter. When spring comes the young women go and look for herbs to pick. Likewise, just as you would go and seek out what you desire, you have to live your whole life in such a way. When your contacts show up while you are doing that, have the heart of wanting to convey the Principle to them all night. Go all out to inspire them at your first meeting.
You should not be doing anything other than finding sons and daughters whom you can take with you to heaven. Even if you had hundreds of millions of dollars and lived richly, all that would pass away. Do it even to the point of investing all your materials, knowledge, and your very lives. Invest them all at one time, not separately, to create heavenly citizens. The value of your investment will be proportional to the amount of your input your input.
You so-called Unification Church leaders here: you may stiffen your shoulders proudly and fancy yourselves, but that is shameful. The question is how many lives you have saved through your own efforts.
The degree to which you will be praised eternally before heaven for your achievements depends on how many heavenly citizens you harvested. People have not had a spade to harvest them until now. They could not do it because they did not know, but you have an A-frame carrier on your back. You can bring in an explosive harvest once you start spreading God’s words passionately. However, because you are wasting time even with that kind of real internal power, God wants to strike you with a thunderbolt.
It matters not whether it is midnight or dawn, whether night or day. When Heaven is ready to receive you, you cannot say to Him, “Oh, I just want to sleep!” In that position, you just run straight through.
We must provide education concerning the issue of eternal life. From now on, assume that responsibility. I cannot curse those who oppose the Unification Church. God wants them to connect with me and commit themselves, but if they drop out that is our church’s responsibility and I must assume responsibility for that. This world came to oppose us because of Satan, but it is our responsibility to overcome those adverse circumstances quickly. If we do not, our situation will be all the more miserable from the resultant damage it will sustain.
It is the same as nursing a baby. If you give birth to a baby, you have to nurse it. That is why people come looking for you. When they do, never treat them coldly. I have also lived that way all my life. If people visit me even at midnight, unless they decide to leave, I will stay seated with them and never ask them to leave. They will not want to leave because they are looking for something. Then, I must share God’s words with them. I will live my whole life that way. I will never be businesslike. The spirit world is always awake.
If you Unification Church members fight among yourselves and cause even one person to fall away, the damage would be great. That person could come to understand God’s will and fulfill his responsibility before heaven; he could then go on to save thousands and myriads of people, and surprise you by surpassing you. So if you mismanage your people, everything will go wrong. If you constantly lower yourselves and strive to elevate everyone else, you will have no problems. That is what humility means.
But if you err, you will go down. When entering the room where your wife and children are at night, be a responsible father and husband. If the husband does well, his wife will follow him to the other world. Of course, there is a process of training in order to enter the Father’s house. It is fastest if they can go directly. The other side is an unforgiving world. We are now preparing to be in step with it.
Do this work even if you have to skip a meal. Do not say you will do it after you eat. If a charge of dynamite was about to explode, you would not be eating. It is a serious question of getting people to connect with the issue of eternal life. A light can burn only when an electrical current generated at a power plant is transmitted through various terminals and electrical circuit devices. Only with a connection will it stay on.
Therefore, love your spiritual sons and daughters more than your own children, and do more for your spiritual parents than for your natural parents. The parents who gave birth to you are parents from the satanic world, but your spiritual parents are parents from the heavenly world. Therefore, serve them more than you would your own mother. Furthermore, spiritual sons and daughters have the responsibility to nurture the children of the people who saved them and to help them get married. Such is God’s will. They are to raise all those children.
Thus, unless people become linked to eternal life, everything is in vain. It is not over after they have heard God’s Word. Keep encouraging them in order to bring them to the Blessing. They must receive it. If they do and start witnessing, a connection will be made naturally. If they can overcome persecution in the difficult circumstances of the satanic world, they are already on the path of life. When they receive the Blessing, your job is done.
Do not give egotistical sermons. Speak while shedding blood and sweat. Go through the pain of giving birth. Do that while shedding tears. If your eyes are not wet with tears, your sermon is contrived. (230-25, 1992.4.15)
pgs 595-597