Listen to Rev. Moon

Cheon Seong Gyeong 446

We cannot live separate from the heart. Even if you are the president of a country or possess global authority, you would not be able to live if you had no place to express your heartfelt joy. You would not be able to feel the deepest satisfaction from the people who are under your command, your officers or the people who follow you. You must feel it in your family. You should be able to return home and feel joy through your wife and children. In such a way you should be proud of this joy in front of others. This joy is a primal joy; not a secondary joy. It is the same with God. Even if He was to restore the whole world, without a family He would not feel joy. So we need our families after all. (25-85, 1969.9.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1498

The family is the horizontal foundation in the form of a miniature world. From the family stems the nation and the world. What is the family? The family is the horizontal miniature of the world and is the objective standard to the absolute center. Then what are individuals? They are the stepping-stones on which the absolute center can reside. (26- 258, 1969.11.9)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 895

There are no boundaries in the mind. When we think about God, even He does not have any boundaries in His mind. Consequently, God can go anywhere. If He wants to go to heaven, He can go there. If God wants to go to hell, He can go there. He can go anywhere. That means there are no borders in the mind of God. (124-184, 1983.2.15)

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 3

The Spirit World

Section 1. The Spirit World Can Be Experienced with the Physical Body

1.6. Advent (substantial works)

    Our Unification Church members must receive spiritual guidance from me directly during their prayer or in their dreams. Already many members can receive my spiritual guidance directly, no matter where they go.
    Many wonderful things will occur that are more real than those at the time of Jesus. That is why Unification members are in a position to attend me directly. In the church you will from time to time experience something greater than that which the people had in Jesus’ time. That is why the world will be able to become one with the Unification Movement.
    In order to pass through the realm of death today, we need to offer our prayers with the resolve to die. It is not enough for you to pray for only an instant. Pray for twenty-four hours. People who are unable to have such experiences or live without being able to attend me personally in such an era of freedom are pitiful.
    By having such standards and experiences Blessed Couples originally should be connected to such content. You are supposed to be entitled to be Blessing candidates only after being spiritually engrafted to and united with me. (31-330, 1970.6.7)

    We talk about God’s heart. Where does it exist? In your prayer, you will hear a voice saying, “Listen to Rev. Moon. Do not make him sad. Make him happy.” That is the only way. God will speak to you like that. People say that when they sacrificed their sleep pining to see me, the spirit world would open up to them. That is why it is important to have spiritual experiences. (76-152, 1975.2.2)
pg. 622


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