I Have Walked a Lonely Path

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1650

Look at this world and universe: in the field of minerals, there are positive and negative ions, in the plant world, stamen and pistil, and in the animal kingdom, male and female. I recently heard there are even male and female germs. Everything is supposed to become one based on love in its appropriate domain. Through observation, we can see that this world of the pair system has been created in this way, so that when the ideal love of human beings becomes representative of heaven and earth, the rest of the creation can connect to it and support it. Just as the foundation needs to be laid before a house can be built, God created everything within the pair system for the sake of humankind. You may have seen that among animals. When the male and female are roaming around together and the female is attacked, the male will protect her to the death. After giving birth to their young, they will risk their lives for them. Such is the way of love, and it is like this because it has the same characteristics as the origin. (222-123, 1991.10.28)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 841

When you look at a family, you find a grandfather and grandmother, a father and mother, and sons and daughters. This makes three generations. All throughout history, this is the way it has always been. The grandparents represent your ancestors in heaven who have passed away to the spirit world. They are the ambassadors plenipotentiary sent to your household. So, like whom should you attend your grandfather and grandmother? You should attend them like God. By attending them in this way, heaven will begin. (226-56, 1992.2.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

True God
Chapter 4 

Section 6. The Liberation of God and the Way of the Filial Child

6.1. The path of restoration True Father has walked

    Even though many people follow the Unification Church, none of them is one with my thought. All of you must understand this. A substandard Unificationist community cannot stand in the sphere of liberation. I know that the behavior of those who have received the Blessing is nowadays like that of the devil’s cousins. (145-332, 1986.6.1) Continue reading “I Have Walked a Lonely Path”

I Did Not Pray to God Asking Him to Save Me

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1529

What is pledge number four about? What should you do, centering on God’s true love? “To build the universal family encompassing heaven and earth, which is God’s ideal of creation, and perfect the world of freedom, peace, unity and happiness…” God’s ideal of creation is to create one extended family on such a foundation, as He desires. The Cain and Abel worlds are meant to be a single extended family. At the place where the original ideal, that is, the Four Great Realms of Heart and the Three Great Kingships, has been established, the ideal of the one global family would be perfected. We pledge to perfect a world of freedom, peace and happiness by standing in such a position. Everything should be fulfilled in a particular order. (261-89, 1994.5.22)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1067

Parents’ love toward their children does not just come from their everyday relationships with each other. It is a love that springs up from the very marrow of their bones. Parents have a loving mind for their children that can never be forgotten or cut off. Therefore, parents love their children as long as their life endures. When parents experience that their life is connected with their children, a loving heart toward their children naturally springs up. Parents cannot help loving their children, not just because of a conscious intention to love them because they are their own, but because of the life force that connects them to their children more deeply than that kind of awareness. We vividly feel this reality in our daily family life. (32-15, 1970.6.14

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

True God
Chapter 4 

True Father’s Insights on God

Section 6. The Liberation of God and the Way of the Filial Child

6.1. The path of restoration True Father has walked

    I fully understand what it is like to determine to fulfill God’s will. I know what God’s love is like, and I know that I must both kneel in gratitude and walk the path to offer forgiveness. No one has known that God is filled with bitter grief that compels Him to walk the path of liberation even though His blood might be shed.
    I did not pray to God asking Him to save me even when I collapsed under torture; and though I was pursued, I did not pray to God asking Him to protect me on my path or to save me. As a man of character, I have my own reserve of strength. I have the spirit and the inner strength to fight. I say to myself, “God will probably save me if I collapse unconscious due to lack of strength. But before that, with my own power…” I know that God is waiting, preparing things in advance before I go. (138-358, 1986.1.24) Continue reading “I Did Not Pray to God Asking Him to Save Me”

Father Carried Jeong Hwa Park on His Back

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2452

    Because of the Fall of Adam and Eve, God was unable to stand in the position of three generations. Only two generations were established when the Fall occurred. What, then, is the most miserable thing about American families these days? The worst thing is that grandparents virtually cannot meet their own grandchildren. All grandparents start out as babies and finally reach the stage of grandparenthood, so they naturally should return to a babylike state. Who are their “baby friends”? This is their grandchildren.
    Once we grow old, we start to become senile, don’t we? Once we get senile, we become like babies. Once we become senile, we even lose the ability to speak. Isn’t that true? That is why grandparents and grandchildren should come together. Once I have become a grandfather, I find my grandchildren even more lovable than my own children. And the people I long for the most are not my children, but my grandchildren. That’s how it is. From this point of view, old people in America are really to be pitied. (266-147, 1994.12.22)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2168

Do you think that Satan, who has given God such a hard time for six thousand years, is just going to quietly say, “Oh boy, I have had it. I think I will just give up,” then lower his eyes and crawl away? Don’t you yourselves value even a wash cloth too much to just throw it away? Before you throw it out, you will probably turn it over, inspect it, and even smell it. What I am saying is that Satan will not just give up and go away like that. That is why he keeps on putting up such a stubborn fight. So, we have to fit with and match up with the center. Even Rev. Moon of the Unification Church will be broken the day he deviates from the center. If the direction is not right, then you cannot make any progress.

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The True Parent and the Completed Testament Age
(Completion, Conclusion and Finalization of the Providence of Restoration Through Indemnity)

God’s Providence of Restoration

    True Father walked to Pyeongyang in North Korea after leaving prison.  He did not stop at his hometown.  He searched for his disciples and was able to find one, Jeong Hwa Park.  He carried him on a bicycle, and later on his back, across the 38th parallel to South Korea. 
    Father traveled to Pusan and wrote the first Principle book at a mud-walled hut that he constructed.  It was completed on May 11, 1952.  The Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of World Christianity was founded on May 1, 1954 in Seoul, Korea.
    Father chose Hak Ja Han and wedded her in holy marriage on April 11, 1960 (March 16 by the lunar calendar).  Mother has the mission to become one with True Father, love the True Children, love Cain, love the families if the great saints (love the wives who are part of the families of the six great saints) and to release the historical anguish of all women that resulted from Eve’s mistake.  She had to be recreated as the True Mother inside of the The True Father.

See slides 54 to 56 below:


True Father Endured Being Tortured to the Point of Death

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2448

You are hearing this kind of thing for the first time, aren’t you? This is what the Kingdom of Heaven is; a homeland where you have to travel to carrying the love of the royal family, after having restored the Four Great Realms of Heart and the Three Great Kingships. Go ahead and die, if you don’t believe me. No matter how great a person is, everyone is affected by this reality. Therefore, please make up you mind quickly to receive the Holy Blessing. That is the quickest and easiest solution. Don’t let a situation arise where you end up dead and have to lament, “Oh, I wish I had listened to Rev. Moon!” So receive the Blessing and learn as you go. You actually have to unite together as a man and a woman, seek and restore the lost heavenly family, and attend God as your King. In this sense, your grandfather is there representing God, so you should attend him in place of attending God. Your parents are in the position of king and queen, centering on the families of five billion people living on earth. The children should be attended as the kings and queens of the future. Let us therefore inherit the path of the parents, the path of those we attend as the king and queen of the families in this present world, together with God. The world that inherits that path and passes it on for thousands and ten thousands of generations is the Kingdom of Heaven on earth! Amen! Amen! (239-76, 1992.11.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2219

Your loyalty will be immortalized by your descendants, and when you go to the spirit world, you will be commended for your merits of your efforts. The age of indemnity has now passed, and from now, you will be able to establish a bright tradition commensurate with the level and extent of your activities. This will become your estate. Let us devote ourselves to our task with utmost sincerity, knowing that we are placed in such a point in time. (38-126, 1971.1.3)

Richard: Amen and Aju!

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The True Parent and the Completed Testament Age
(Completion, Conclusion and Finalization of the Providence of Restoration Through Indemnity)

God’s Providence of Restoration

    Father cannot bear to see injustice and cannot stand to lose.
    Father met Jesus on Easter Sunday morning, April 17, 1935.  Jesus approached Father and passionately asked Father to complete the work that he himself was unable to complete while on earth.  Father declined Jesus’ request several times, but on each occasion, he perceived a great sorrow in God’s heart and determined to walk the path of the Will.
    Father was directly involved in the independence movement for Korea while in Japan, the enemy nation.  Father was married and has a son born March 1, 1946.  However,  God commanded him to immediately search for ‘God’s wife’ without delay.  Father headed into North Korea.
   In North Korea, he was arrested and imprisoned for preaching.  He met prepared spiritual groups in prison, and was tortured severely to the point of near death.  Later, Father was imprisoned at the Heungname Concentration Camp.  This was a labor camp where a crew of 10 men had to fill 1300 straw bags of fertilizer each day. 
    Father gained 12 disciples while in Heungnam Concentration Camp.  UN troops liberated the prison camp.

See slides 51 to 53 below:

True Father Was Born as the Culmination of the Foundation for the Second Coming

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1063

What kind of being is the God who created this universe and its laws? He is the one who stands in the representative position of having lived for the sake of others more than anyone else. This is God. Therefore, in order to meet Him, you have to live for the sake of others. Even though He is the great king of knowledge, He does not ask you to come to Him with knowledge. God is also the great king of power, yet He does not ask you to come with power. He is also the master and great king of authority, money, and material things, but His desire is not for people to gather these things. If you live for the sake of others, everything can come to you. (133-16, 1984.7.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 865

    What will you do when you go to the spirit world? How will you live in the future when all the people from past history come together to live beyond the worldly domain? You will be living for each other. When you go to the spirit world, you continue with a life revolving around the ideal of love. Therefore you are investing in something that has greater value and that brings joy to you.
    The spirit world is the extension of the physical world. If you pursued the deep, joyful and all-embracing aspects of the ideal of heavenly love while on earth, then when you go to the spirit world, you will connect with both the outer sphere of love with all its different qualities and its inner essence. So ultimately, you must be able to invest your love in all of its aspects – deep, shallow, high, and low. You have to live such a life of re-creation in God’s stead. (164-326, 1987.5.18)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The True Parent and the Completed Testament Age
(Completion, Conclusion and Finalization of the Providence of Restoration Through Indemnity)

God’s Providence of Restoration

    True Father, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, was born on January 6, 1920, by the lunar calendar.  He was born on the foundation of the 400 year period for Preparation for the Second Coming of Christ, the foundation of the restoration of the Three Blessing by Jesus thorugh victory in the Three Temptations and the restoration of the First Blessing by the conclusion of World War I and the foundation of the start of the Korean Independence (from Japanese occupation) movement on March 1, 1919.
    True Father’s Family was a family of patriots, and the family suffered a lot.
    See slides 48 to 50 below: