Cheon Seong Gyeong 1861
If you go to the Pantanal in the summer, you will see that the fish will swallow any other fish that is just slightly smaller than itself. Even a codfish would gulp down a smaller baby shark without hesitation. You would swallow anything that is smaller than you. Isn’t that great? If the larger kind swallowed only the smaller kind, the smaller kind would protest to God saying, “God, why are we the only ones being eaten?” When God created everything from water to heaven and earth, He made it so that the larger kind could swallow the smaller kind, regardless of the species. That is why if you are of the larger kind, you can swallow the smaller kind and thus nobody complains. (296-90, 1998.11.3)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1279
The Holy Wedding Blessing Ceremony is not simply a wedding through which a man and woman come together and form a family. Until now, all weddings were centered on the people getting married, but our wedding ceremony is a significant condition necessary to indemnify history. Therefore, in returning joy to God, we conduct the ceremony solemnly and splendidly. The Divine Principle clearly explains to us that our wedding ceremonies alleviate the grief of God caused by the Fall of Adam and Eve, and establish the true standard of husband and wife, which Jesus was not able to achieve. (22-212, 1969.2.4)
Richard: Receive the Blessing at
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5
Chapter 3
The Spirit World
Section 3. The Content and Situation of the Spirit World
3.1. The Fall led to ignorance about the spirit world
The human body consists of almost one hundred trillion cells. Our ancestors have died and gone to the spirit world, but within our body are cells passed down that have received their love. The cells connecting to life have been passed down – connected through the lineage. They are still alive and moving.
When autumn comes, the leaves fall. New buds come out in spring. A garden becomes green in summer. Likewise, we human beings are born from numerous ancestors through our blood connection. Although we are their descendants, we are meant to live our lives representing them. Centering on our ancestors’ true love and drawing upon their life energy, we are to pass down their lineage. Thus, your grandfather and grandmother are the beings into whom your ancestors are compressed. It is they who represent your clans and your families before heaven.
Then what about your father and mother? They are the center of your family. They represent all the fathers and mothers of all families in the present world. The grandfather and grandmother represent the past and the father and mother represent the present. What about sons and daughters? They are the future descendants who can be unified with God’s eternal ideal world – the heavenly kingdom – and can complete the unification of the cosmos. Your family is holding your son and daughter as the starting point of your family. Therefore, the family is the compressed unit of the representative of the past, the representative of the present people of the world, and the representative of future descendants living in one place. That is why the family that has not fallen stands in such a position whereby it can communicate with both the spiritual and physical worlds.
Just as the love within the parent-child relationship is cherished in the physical world, if you live with such love on earth, you will attend God as your Parent and live your life in heaven as His child. (214-268, 1991.2.3)
pgs. 627-628
Richard: Wow. “Although we are their descendants, we are meant to live our lives representing them.” This is really an amazing view on each of our lives, how we are literally representing and are the fruits of our ancestors.