What I Teach Is the Tide of Love

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2010

The homeland we are to find is not one of the existing nations, which already have their established traditions and cultures. The nation we are seeking is of a fundamentally different dimension. To be qualified to inherit such a nation, we have to embrace the ideology that enables us to correctly take on the subject role. The underlying thought of such a subject-based ideology has to be perfectly aligned with the absolute thought of the Creator. God, the Absolute Being, desires a nation whose citizens desire to unite under its sovereignty. Each citizen must have these characteristics and embody the form and shape of that nation. (49-93, 1971.10.9)

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In the realm of the religious path, you must even be recognized by God after going to the spirit world. Why is that so? You will come to know it all when you study the Principle. It is very difficult. Someone had to dig into all of this and create a systematic understanding. Being such an exhaustively thorough person, I made such a system. The spirit world is so vast that it cannot be grasped. If you make a garment by untangling a bag of rags completely, then you should know how to weave it into a kingly garment that a monarch can wear and go about in. By doing so, you should enable God to say, “In all of history, you are better than me.” (203-296, 1990.6.27)

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Those who can become object partners to God, the God who is harmonized through the ideal of love, can instantly materialize all their thoughts in the spirit world. It is the world where you can instantaneously throw a party for a zillion guests. If you want to please God as the object of His love by dressing up gorgeously, it will happen right away. It is a world where everything imaginable is possible. Those who know the spirit world have no zest for living on earth. That is why even being cast into jail did not bother me at all. This momentary life on earth is like taking a single breath in the eternal world. (211-244, 1990.12.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 3

The Spirit World

Section 3. The Content and Situation of the Spirit World

3.5. Clothing, food and shelter in the spirit world

     Would you skip breakfast tomorrow morning because you had breakfast this morning? You will keep crying out, “Oh, food!” until your life ends. Likewise, you have to eat God’s words every day in the spirit world. That is why you have to train yourself on earth. Your hunger for knowledge, even after going to the spirit world, will push you to ask, “What words will God speak to us? What do they mean?”
    Think about it. Do you expect to find bakeries in the spirit world or not? What about cola and juice bottling plants? No. Would there be auto-manufacturing plants there or not? When you get there, would you go around saying you are going to move about in a luxury vehicle? Here people boast of owning a Benz, but over there, there is no need for all that.
    What will you be doing over there? Will you be eating or not? You will. Based upon what will you be doing that? Because love will be central to eating, people without love will not be able to open their mouths however much they want to eat. That is the law. Their mouths will not open if they love themselves and are not focused on loving everyone. Even as they try to pick up food with chopsticks to bring the food to their mouths, the chopsticks will move away. Thus, in the spirit world everything is possible only when you have true love and everything is impossible if you do not.
    What I teach is the tide of love. It is a tide that reaches God’s throne in heaven all the way to His heart. It flows to all nations and enables you to connect with everyone.
    If a nice house in the spirit world is inhabited by someone ranked lower than yourself, you can make it yours. This will be naturally known as you enter it.
    By becoming God’s sons and daughters, you will come to own the entire vast universe. In the spirit world, you will not be able to follow me around because the gates of your hearts are narrow. True love can flow freely, whether through a wide gate or a narrow gate. Love must be true. (207-93, 1990.11.1)

    The spirit world is our homeland – the original homeland. This earth is the homeland of the original body and the spirit world is the homeland of the original heart. The next place to go is the world of heart – the spirit world. Thus, only by training ourselves on earth to adjust to the spirit world will we have no difficulties upon arriving there. (207-72, 1990.11.1)

    There are neither cars nor food in the spirit world. Like God the Creator, we will be able to create all sorts of things through true love there. You can make anything through love. When you call out for some instrument, it will appear at once. When you order food for several hundred thousand or even millions of guests at a banquet, it will be served. If you stipulate a golden dress code, it will materialize instantaneously.
    We will not be sleeping in the spirit world. That being the case, we will be able to dance the night away with total abandon. Spiritually we will be filling ourselves with eternal enjoyment. The air there will be the air of love, the food there will be the food of love, and the clothes there will be the garments of love, and all these will be provided by the True Parents through true love. (217-293, 1991.6.2)

    On earth, food is one of life’s concerns. Thus, manufacturing plants for automobiles, fertilizer, garments, food, and so on are needed. People make a big fuss over food at home. In the spirit world, all that is unnecessary. Cars and planes are not needed. In the twinkling of an eye, infinite distances can be crossed. Spiritual energy travels faster than the sunlight created by God, and it travels three hundred million meters per second. God’s original love energy and life energy travel infinitely faster than that. If you wish to meet with someone light years away, that person will appear right away. Even in heaven, which is vast, when you prepare your heart and say that you would like to meet someone you loved, that person will appear on the spot.
    Those who used to live millions of years ago will appear and greet you. How much has changed over the past millennia? People who used to live then could sense heaven much more deeply than those who live now.
    Yet it is the other way around from the perspective of civilization – our spiritual senses develop along with its advancements. Greater knowledge leads to a corresponding increase in overall understanding and penetrating analyses. Thus, the foundation to attain extrasensory perception is expanded. Then the spirit world will naturally teach in advance the wise ones concerned about the future of the world. They will understand through spiritual waves what will happen. Those who reach the highest position will see but one goal at the end. (206-138, 1990.10.3)
pgs. 630-632

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