Cheon Seong Gyeong 2031
The people who behaved as they wanted, saying that they were the leaders, will have to bow their heads toward the people whom they contemptuously mistreated. When that happens, do you think your relatives will be pleased or not? It is the same thing when you go to your hometown and become the leader for 360 men and their wives, a total of 720 people. Is anything more needed? You should invite your relatives to a feast and pass out presents you brought on a truck. If you do this, you can bring everyone to your side smoothly within one evening.
Why am I saying this? Centering on your own actions, are you going to bring one hundred people, one thousand people, or ten thousand people? If all of you say you will bring ten thousand people, there are not enough people. That is also a problem. You should be fully aware of what is happening around you, leaving little bits of food for others to eat as you go forward. If you try to finish everything quickly, it will not work. You should do everything at an average pace. Pick up and eat things one by one. Do you understand? (237-305, 1992.11.17)
Richard: Home Church is a core ministry of the Unification Movement.
Cheon Seong Gyeong
What is a filial son? It means a son who devotes his life in love to attend his parents. Then what is a loyal subject or patriot? We call a person a loyal subject or patriot when he is rooted in love, sacrifices himself and offers his life for his king who represents God. A saint is one who lives for the sake of the people of the world. He is a person who resolves to offer his life in loving all people regardless of the differences in their cultural background, national boundaries or race. A saint tries to lead people to the path of loving others not momentarily, but eternally. Taking this a step further, what is a divine son or daughter? Divine sons and daughters are ones who can offer their lives based on love, not only for this world, but even for the infinite spirit world, and for God. Everything is rooted in love. (143-151, 1986.3.17)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1371
If you were to compare a Japanese couple with an international couple, which would you say is the higher? You must serve the international couples. It is the same for Mr. Furuta and Mr. Oyamada as well. On whose shoulders lies the most important responsibility of leading Japan in the future? It is in fact the traditional standpoint of heaven to gradually appoint those who have intermarried as the leaders. This is not the case at present, but you should bear in mind that it will happen. The same is true for the United States. This is the first time I have spoken about such things in public. I am telling you because the time is ripe. (217-54, 1991.4.16)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5
Chapter 3
The Spirit World
Section 3. The Content and Situation of the Spirit World
3.6. How to use knowledge and power in the spirit world
You can make as much money as you want in the spirit world. God is the King of knowledge. Knowledge, money, and power are but some of the values people pursue during their physical life. Can professors boast of their knowledge forever? Can they go around showing it off? It lasts only a lifetime. Your knowledge is with you only during your life and the same for your money and power. Thus, do not boast of your knowledge, money or power. God regards them as valueless. They are all valueless in the spirit world. (203-291, 1990.6.27)
We should know God. He must be a god of personality, He cannot be obscure. As we are people personifying intellect, emotion and will, then our subject partner, God, must also be the deity personifying intellect, emotion and will. What is the central attribute of God among all His many attributes? It is emotion. It is love. God too needs love most to live. You do not live with knowledge in heaven. Things are the way they are because you do not know the spirit world. However, once you are there, it will take less than a week for you to learn everything. In the spirit world you can look into people’s minds as you see reflections in a mirror. The spirit world is a world of intuition where, within a week, you can surpass the knowledge of any intellectual, however distinguished or great.
By seeing things through the light of your heart, you will automatically understand the world and all its related connections. Only through the heart of love will you understand whether someone is your object or subject partner. It cannot be done through knowledge or any of God’s other attributes. (210-311, 1990.12.27)
In the spirit world, if you just say with a strong heart of love that you want to see someone an infinite distance away, he can appear. If you ask him, “Why have you come here?” he will reply, “Because you called me.” If you ask him, “How far have you come?” he will say that he came from light-years away. The spirit world transcends space. The universe becomes your base of activity. Yet we have things tied around our necks that do not exist in the spirit world, namely money, knowledge and power. Not even one of those things exists in that world. Not even one of them will endure. Money, knowledge and power are needed in this world, but not in that world. Yet, in the satanic world, people desire them.
The spirit world is a world devoid of power consciousness. If you are require power you will be unable to live anywhere in the spirit world. Nothing in the spirit world will welcome you. You will not be able to own anything even if the spirit world itself becomes interested in you and tries to unite with you. Essential opposites cannot become one. They cannot be linked to a position in which the spirit world can have interest. (205-128, 1990.7.29)
God created everything for love. If you ask Him what He loves most, what do you think His answer will be? He has no favorites. He does not need money, knowledge or power. What do we Unification Church members need? The same thing. Love contains money, knowledge and power. Its power is everlasting. People who understand true love will not have anything to learn in heaven.
Such people can go in and out of God’s heart anytime. They can move freely in all directions through His body. His heart is like a central terminal. Why do we need it? As you enter and leave it, you emerge with tremendous power because energy from all directions gets concentrated there. Even lowly people will be elevated to the same position as God as they emerge from that central terminal. Love has such great power.
What is knowledge? Through it, you can own everything around you. If you have only love, which is the highest form of knowledge, everything in the world will connect with you. Knowledgeable people rule. It has been said that knowledge is power. It is logical that powerful people rule. That is why people with love do not need knowledge. They will know everything in the spirit world even without learning.
As I know all these things clearly, I do not want to live on earth. Everything in that vast world is intertwined with love. Everything is complete if you come to own the realm of God’s heart harmonized with that love. The history of creation will continue forever. You have to accomplish what you have planned by harmonizing yourself with that heart of love. Once you determine and command it, it will unfold at once. (202-86, 1990.5.6)
pgs. 632-633