Parents Should Know How Much God Has Loved Them, By Loving Their Children

Saturday November 18th:
Strengthening Families and Communities Forum

10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.: Screening of the documentary
Gender Transformation
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Audience and panel discussion on:
Understanding parent’s rights and stopping sexual indoctrination in public schools.
Let’s work together to protect our children.
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV, and online by Zoom

Lunch will be served following the discussion.
Free-Registration Required:

Register Now
Register Now

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1519

    When we say Heavenly Father, we are saying that God is a Parent. If Adam and Eve not fallen, they would have become the king and queen of the heavenly nation, as well as the parents. They would have been the king and queen of God’s Kingdom and the universe. That’s why it is said that devoted, filial children and loyal subjects can enter heaven.
    When a woman serves her husband as God, lord and king, and leads a life of true love, she can enter heaven. In this way, it becomes logical that you cannot be welcome in heaven unless you love your parents, nation and world. (Blessed Family – 954)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1623

    There is a great difference between God’s joy before the Creation, and the great stimulation of love He felt when harmonizing with His partners in love thereafter. Even if He were to dance and dance for a thousand or tens of thousands of years, that joy would not come to an end. But could God dance alone? Would He want to sing alone? We were born because of love and we live to become the objects of the Lord of love who will unite the universe and have dominion over it. Then we too would be able to be lords of love. Seen in light of God’s intense hopes at the time of Creation, God’s beloved object partners are superior to Him, are to stand in a position above Him.
    Consequently, when we call out, “Heavenly Father” He comes to us, and when we tell Him, “Come on,” He follows in our wake and never complains. Even when He is made to follow us for thousands of miles, He will gladly continue to walk behind us. Words cannot express the joy felt by parents following their children. When heaven and earth harmonize with and welcome their children even more than themselves, the parents will be so pleased that even their cells will burst forth in peals of laughter. (215-109, 1991.2.6)

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon


Our Course of Life
Centered on Love

Section 6. Human Beings Seek the Center of Love


Human beings are born through love, grow up in parental love,
and mature while broadening love horizontally. Horizontal love
reaches the completion of the first stage when man and woman
meet and grow together to the state where they can represent the
love of heaven and earth and bear children as the fruit of that love.
Children are born from the heart’s core as a result of love.

The child who is born from a man and woman who share love
based on heart creates a path to the center of love. This center will
lead them directly to God. By having children as a fruit of love,
human beings come to deeply experience the love with which God
created all things and human beings. By loving their children, they
deeply experience the love they received from their parents and
the parental heart. The love parents have been pouring into their
children is not a materialistic love but an intrinsic love.

The love that parents give their children does not change even if
heaven and earth change and historical ages change. By becoming
a parent and loving your children, you will understand and deeply
experience how God has been loving human beings. By becoming
a parent and loving your children, you will feel and realize how
much your parents have loved you.

This is why we revere our aged parents even more and fulfill the
duties of filial piety with love. If you do not fulfill these
responsibilities, you are unqualified to be parents and your love
towards your children can only be considered hypocritical.

Human beings should feel and realize how much God has loved
them by becoming parents themselves and loving their children.
Furthermore, they will love God even more sincerely. A person
should love their aged parents more than they love their children
and love God more than they love their parents, knowing that this
is the order and law of love.

Because heaven and earth has a spherical shape, they share
horizontal love and rotate, forming a circle on the first level.
When they take a partner of the opposite sex and share love, they
have children as the fruit and become parents. When they love
each other and rotate, vertical love is realized following the
horizontal love. This forms the spherical world and establishes the
center of love at the same time.

The center of love that emerges through the movement created by
these love relationships is also the core of existence of the entire
world of creation. The earth exists because it is also moving
continuously around this center of love. The center of love is
where infinite force is gathered that enables continuous
movement. The center that appears through the sphere of love in
this manner is also a place where God dwells. Therefore, all
creation existing in the world is born and exists through God’s
love and moves in search for the center of God’s love. God is a
furnace of love. (126-245, 1983.4.24)

Everyone Should Get Married and Have and Raise Children

Sunday, November 19th:
Unification Principle Study

10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. eastern time. Lunch is included.

Understand what God’s will for your life is by studying the Unification Principle.  This study includes God’s Ideal for the Family, what went wrong and the Role of True Parents.

Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV, and online by Zoom

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1587

   The Blessing brings inheritance of the foundation of a connection with the lineage of God’s true life. Since there are people in both the spiritual and physical worlds who have inherited His lineage through the Blessing, He is able to have full dominion over them. Thus, even now, with full authority He is freely pressing ahead with re-creation and the providence of restoration without needing to set up indemnity conditions. Hence, the question at hand is whether you can stand in the position of His object partner with such conviction. Once you have made your resolution to unite with the standard of absolute faith, love and obedience, everything can be rapidly put in place in the equalized world.  

    Every one of you should practice absolute love and obedience. The families in Eden had nothing in their name. Had they become true sons and daughters, standing in oneness with God and His absolute love and lineage, everything in the whole universe would have belonged to them, as God originally intended to bequeath everything to His children. Once you have attained oneness with God through love, everything will become yours.
    You should not believe that everything you have in your possession truly belongs to you. Of the things you can possess, the greatest of all is God’s love, and the greatest thing you can become is a family of His sons and daughters who are eligible to receive His love. This comes first. When that was lost, everything was lost. Conversely, through its recovery, you can recover everything. In order for you to establish such a family centering on God’s love, you must create it from a position of possessing absolutely nothing and connect the foundation of absolute faith, love and obedience with the ideal. Having this original standard, you must stand in the position of being denied even by the satanic world.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1387

    If the True Parents had not come to the earth to teach people the fundamentals, those people will have problems when they pass on to the spirit world. Through this teaching being conveyed to every village and town in the world, the spiritual and physical worlds can be completely united. Thus, the 360,000 Couples Blessing held this year was truly great. At the end of the forty-year course, we were able to achieve, along with the liberation of women through the appearance of the True Mother, the 30,000 Couples Blessing. The reason the number of couples was set at 30,000 was in order to establish a new foundation of the Blessing in the world, based on the True Mother standing on the global level and involving Cain and Abel. That ceremony was the formation stage, and so this latter ceremony, the 360,000 Couples Blessing, can be said to be the growth stage. Through it, God is keeping the world in pace with His providence by focusing everyone’s attention on the problems of the family.
    At the moment, the whole world has become like hell. However much nations may take pride in being advanced, they must bow their heads in shame over the problems of the family. Families have completely broken down to the point that no one can tackle their problems. The situation is so serious that no economic, military, or political power can deal with it. (272-179, 1995.10.5)

If the True Parents had not come to the earth to teach people the fundamentals, those people will have problems when they pass on to the spirit world. Through this teaching being conveyed to every village and town in the world, the spiritual and physical worlds can be completely united. Thus, the 360,000 Couples Blessing held this year was truly great. At the end of the forty-year course, we were able to achieve, along with the liberation of women through the appearance of the True Mother, the 30,000 Couples Blessing. The reason the number of couples was set at 30,000 was in order to establish a new foundation of the Blessing in the world, based on the True Mother standing on the global level and involving Cain and Abel. That ceremony was the formation stage, and so this latter ceremony, the 360,000 Couples Blessing, can be said to be the growth stage. Through it, God is keeping the world in pace with His providence by focusing everyone’s attention on the problems of the family. At the moment, the whole world has become like hell. However much nations may take pride in being advanced, they must bow their heads in shame over the problems of the family. Families have completely broken down to the point that no one can tackle their problems. The situation is so serious that no economic, military, or political power can deal with it. (272-179, 1995.10.5)

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon


Our Course of Life
Centered on Love

Section 5. God’s Blessing Allows You to Inherit
Love and Joy

A glorious new morning will dawn when God assumes a physical
body. The time He can love His grandchildren is a time more
glorious than the time He can love His sons and daughters. How
do you think God expressed His joy to Adam after having created
him? God had to teach Adam about His parental joy, but that can
be learned only when the children have their own sons and
daughters. Children cannot know what parental love is like, but
they do come to understand after having babies and a family.
They understand that their parents loved them while raising them.
Therefore, the day when your child takes a spouse is a day of
glory, and the day your child has a child is a day of glory. (Blessed
Family – 934)

You should know God’s love. You should experience your parents’
love and learn how to serve them. You should all experience
conjugal love with your spouses and learn how to serve them. You
should know your children’s love. Do not just give orders to your
children, but learn how to understand and serve them as well.
Only then can you understand God’s love. Without children, you
are in an incomplete state. You cannot understand God’s love.
You cannot understand how much God loved human beings, His
children. Furthermore, without being a husband, you cannot
know the wife, and without being a wife, you cannot know the
husband. Children do not know what parents’ love is like until
they become parents. So without sons and daughters, you cannot
be true parents. (133-138, 1984.7.10)

Parents want their children to be married because they want to
bequeath to them and completely teach them of parental love.
When parents die, they leave their real selves behind with their
descendants. This is why they need descendants. Love is
something that continues forever. Since love is the highest human
desire, everyone wants to inherit it with their arms wide open.
When parents bequeath their love to their descendants, they can
stand proudly before God in the spirit world. It is through the
family that love becomes complete. Going to the heavenly
kingdom through the family means that the realm of oneness of
love has been realized. (Blessed Family – 934)

People should follow this principle. Seeds are sown in the spring;
in summer, plants develop fully; and in autumn, they bear fruit. In
winter, you should put things in order and carry the essence of
this new seed of life deep within your heart. Only then will you
have seeds to plant again when spring returns. This means that in
the future you should be parents and raise sons and daughters like
yourselves. (26-158, 1969.10.25)

Why do people feel sorry when they do not have sons and
daughters? They feel sorry because they cannot form a circle.
When you see birds feeding their young, you can recognize the
deep love of the mother bird. Western people may not know this,
but in the Orient, children are liked more than adults. People
show polite respect for adults, but they show the utmost love for
children. You can realize how much your parents loved you when
you have your own sons and daughters and raise them. (Blessed
Family – 934)

Everyone should get married and have and raise their children so
they can know both children’s love and parental love. It seems that
western people are not like this. They avoid having and raising
sons and daughters. They hesitate to have children because the
children may limit their freedom to marry and divorce. But when
people fail to establish the four-position foundation, they cannot
go to the Kingdom of Heaven because they do not know God’s
heart of loving people. (Blessed Family – 934)

If Your Husband Loves You, You Do Not Need Anything Else

Saturday November 18th:
Strengthening Families and Communities Forum

10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.: Screening of the documentary
Gender Transformation
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Audience and panel discussion on:
Understanding parent’s rights and stopping sexual indoctrination in public schools.
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV, and online by Zoom

Lunch will be served following the discussion.
Free-Registration Required:

Register Now
Register Now

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1231

Until now, who has completed the payment of indemnity for the portion of responsibility? Can you pay that indemnity with money? Can you pay it by selling your house and your country? Then what should you do? There is nothing you can do. You can only be absolutely obedient. You must be absolutely obedient until you are in your twenties. Adam and Eve insisted on their own way. They had a sexual encounter, thus falling before they reached the age of twenty. Until you reach your twenties, you must be absolutely obedient. Before you reach twenty, you must obey. Therefore children are absolutely obedient. They are, even if you do not teach them to be like that. They know that if they do not become one with their parents, they will go to ruin. You will go to ruin if you do not become one with God. (133- 136, 1984.7.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1303

Christianity failed to stand in the position of both physical and spiritual perfection. In other words, it achieved the realm of the second Israel spiritually but not physically. As a consequence, we must additionally achieve the substantial standard. The day on which we achieve this is the day of the Second Coming. Christians who have waited and yearned for this day must receive the returning Lord on the spiritual foundation of the second Israel, and establish the worldwide realm of the chosen People of the third Israel. (16-223, 1966.6.19)
Richard: We should all join the realm of Blessed Couples.

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon


Our Course of Life
Centered on Love

Section 4. What is God’s Love?

Try to discover God’s love. How can we characterize God’s love? It
can be compared to a warm spring day where white clouds gently
float in the sky, heat rises from the ground, insects fly around, ants
crawl in and out to see the world, pussy willows shoot out by the
stream, frogs sing new spring songs, bees swarm and butterflies
flutter. You feel intoxicated in such an environment and feel
sleepy, but in reality you are awake and feeling so good that you
want to stay like this forever. When God finds His ideal object
partner, He gets the same feeling, as if He is in a beautiful garden
of flowers where butterflies and bees fly around. When thinking of
this, do you feel good or bad? These dull-witted men may not be
aware of this. It feels good.

When you run into someone you are pleased to see, you hold his
hand firmly and shake hands. When someone joyfully says, “Long
time no see!” and holds your hand firmly, do you feel good or
bad? If there is someone who says he feels bad, just kick him,
saying, “You jerk!” When you are glad to see someone, do you
hold hands tightly or not? Do you like it when someone grasps
your hand firmly? You want to like it, but maybe you really do
not. You have to know something to like it, and if you do not
know it, then how can you like it?

Be honest! If your husband loves you, you do not need anything
else. You live clinging tightly to your husband. It is always great to
see a man and a woman firmly holding hands, especially when the
man’s hand is as rough as a cow’s front hoof. When watching
movies, we enjoy seeing scenes like that. If the woman says to the
man, “Oh, you have pretty hands,” the man will be offended. This
is how things are. Love is eternal. Love is united, not divided. You
become one. When a man and a woman become a couple and love
each other, they are bonded together. Of course this does not
happen literally, but in heart they reach a level even higher than
this. That is God’s love. If you live with such love, will you be
united or not? Think about it. Everything is destined to become
one. (Blessed Family – 106)

When a man and a woman fall in love, all kinds of things happen,
right? But if you find a way to know God’s love and really taste it,
then His love cannot be compared to anything in this world. If
there is someone who has tasted this love, no amount of difficulty
or sorrow can defeat him. Such a realm of absolute liberation
should exist, should it not? The question is how to find it. (39-240,

God’s love can largely be divided into three great forms of love.
They are parental love, conjugal love, and children’s love. The
center where these three forms converge into one is God’s love.
(173-278, 1975.11.23)

Everything and Everyone can Become a Friend through True Love

Sunday, November 19th:
Unification Principle Study

10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. eastern time. Lunch is included.

Understand what God’s will for your life is by studying the Unification Principle.  This study includes God’s Ideal for the Family, what went wrong and the Role of True Parents.

Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV, and online by Zoom

Register Now

Register Now

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1623

Everything and everyone can become a friend through true love. Even rocks can speak in a certain way; they will talk about how they came into existence at the time of creation, their mode of life, and much else. Of course God is aware of all this. No matter how majestic and unyielding mountains may seem, they will want to receive love from God. If He were to cast His eyes upon a mountain and ask, “How did you come to be so big?” would He reprimand the mountain if it replied, “I became so big to give joy to You”? Each and every being in the world is affected by love; all of them have become objects of love. (183-49, 1988.10.29)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 979

What is my one and only hope? How will God treat me when I enter the spirit world? When I come into His presence, God will be sitting on His throne, but will jump down in an instant in spite of Himself. He will embrace me and kiss me for my labors and say, “May eternal blessings be upon you.” My wish is to see that day. I cannot die, even if I want to, without leaving those works behind on earth. You must understand that these are the circumstances of the True Parent. (264-63, 1994.10.9)

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon


Our Course of Life
Centered on Love

Section 3. For Human Beings, the Eternal
Element of Life is Love

You shouldn’t forget that while you lived as an embryo, you not
only received nutrition from your mother but you also received
love from her. Likewise, people living on earth are not only
receiving physical nutrition from the universe but also love from
God, who is the essential element of life. (Blessed Family -1062)

Just as all plants absorb sunlight as an element of life, love is an
element of life for people. Our hope is that the Kingdom of
Heaven on earth or the Kingdom of Heaven in heaven be built
where we can live eternally in love and in adoration. (Blessed
Family -1062)

Human beings are born through love and grow through their
childhood while receiving love. After a certain stage of growth,
parental love is not enough, and their love expands horizontally
through the love among brothers and sisters and the love of the tribe.
In other words, they grow to maturity while receiving all kinds of love
in heaven and earth. When they reach young adulthood, they
particularly thirst for love with the opposite sex. Engaging in this love
leads them to a more comprehensive love, through which they finally
find the center of love. (Blessed Family -1062)

The paths that man and woman walk exist because of love and for
the sake of love. My path is the path of love. I move in order to
attain love, keep love, and form an environment of love. It is also
for the sake of love that women put on cosmetics and receive
massages. Wanting something and doing work are all for the sake
of love. We overcome hardship and move on in order to attain
precious love. (Blessed Family -1066)

From the time we are born, we are receiving parental love. As long
as our parents are alive, they love us at any stage of life, be it the
period of childhood, the period of youth, or the period of middle
age. When we grow up receiving parental love, horizontal love of
husband and wife is bound to happen to each of us. (Blessed
Family -1062)

What do you think marriage is? It is a school, a place where the men
learn something they did not know about women, and women learn
something they did not know about men. All their grades should be
A’s in order for the husband and wife to be pleased. You have sons
and daughters for the sake of learning how to love the world.
Without them, you cannot be connected to the future.

Your sons and daughters are given to you as educational materials
through which you can be connected to the future world.
Fulfilling your filial duties to your ancestors and grandfather and
grandmother is like receiving education from the spirit world. All
these things are connected through love. The grandfather and
grandmother, husband and wife, and sons and daughters are all
connected through love. Just like the blood vessels in the human
body flow up and down, you can go up and down all the way to
your ancestors of 10 million generations in the spirit world and
also reach your distant descendants through this. So you should
know that this is how spirit world and the universe are organized.
All things will be governed in this way. We can say that becoming
a servant of love and a slave of love is the greatest happiness.
(Blessed Family -1062)

What Are You Living For?

Saturday November 18th:
Strengthening Families and Communities Forum

10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.: Screening of the documentary
Gender Transformation
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Audience and panel discussion on:
Understanding parent’s rights and stopping sexual indoctrination in public schools.
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV, and online by Zoom

Lunch will be served following the discussion.
Free-Registration Required:

Register Now
Register Now

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#143-Conflicts of Interest Corrupt Our Government

Cheon Seong Gyeong 706

    For this reason, you should go through a process of passing the fearful judgment of substance. That is the law. On that day, a foundation of heart will automatically come into being. When you work hard fundraising and witnessing, why do people persecute and accuse you? That experience allows you to find heart, a heart you did not have, and to find love. It happens so that you can love such people.
    Without undergoing such a training course, however much you try to become heavenly people, you will not make it. In other words, you should find love greater than that in the satanic world. Otherwise you cannot go to heaven. We are trying to go to heaven by finding love and only those who have found love can go there.
    Who will be the Lords of judgment at that time? God, Jesus, and I will be the Lords of Judgment. Therefore you should put these things into practice. You should know that this is the task we are confronting and it is God’s command. (103-236, 1979.3.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1566

Now that the vertical and horizontal eight-stage indemnity has all been completed, the Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight Stages could be performed on August 31, 1989, in Alaska, the most northerly location in the West. It is the northernmost place. On the first day of September, I declared “the ideology centered on the Heavenly Father” at the same place. The ideology centered on the Heavenly Father is simultaneously the ideology of salvation by love as well as the ideology of parental love. This parent-centered ideology is all about a life lived by giving love. Satan cannot oppose anything based on love. If he cannot oppose the path taken by the Unification Church, we can rapidly expand worldwide. (199-157, 1990.2.16)

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon


Our Course of Life
Centered on Love

Section 2. Life in its Original Form

What do you think is the cause of human existence? The cause of
human existence is love. Then where do you think the purpose of
human existence lies? The purpose of human existence lies in
completing the ideal of love. Human beings came into being
through love, and so their purpose is to perfect love by forming a
foundation of love and expanding and connecting it. In other
words, since the beginning is love, the purpose has to be reached
through love as well. For this, a man and a woman in partnership
must become one in love and connect front and back, left and
right, and above and below. (Blessed Family -1062)

Continue reading “What Are You Living For?”