The Era of Cheon Il Guk, the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth Has Begun

We hope that you enjoyed the holiday yesterday, Foundation Day for the Unified Nation of Heaven and Earth. I recommend reading here to receive a blessing and understand more about this holiday. Yesterday was also the 22nd anniversary of the establishment of Cheon Il Guk (The Kingdom of Heaven). Here is a very relevant excerpt from the previous link:

A new era has begun, the era of Cheon il Guk, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. All people—in the spirit world and in the physical world, on the right and on the left, and Muslims and Christians—will live together as one family. This is the meaning of Cheon Il Guk. World peace can be realized only when there are no barriers or borders dividing religions.
Our children can build a world of peace through inter-religious and international marriages. When Jews and Muslims have their children marry each other, and when communists and people from the free world have their children marry each other, we will eventually become the members of one family…

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We’ll see you at the Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop this Saturday and Sunday!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1190

People have never understood why the history religion is one of tribulation and particularly why they developed when they were persecuted. In all of history, only Rev. Moon has been able to clearly expose the secrets entangled in the spirit world, the religious and mystical worlds that only Satan and God knew about. This is not empty theory. That is how things move. They move according to that principle. Just try to witness. When a person makes a determination to come to the Unification Church, Satan always tries to obstruct their path. Everything goes according to a certain formula. (138-204, 1986.1.21)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 333

It is said that God is the original being of truth, the original being of goodness, the original being of love, and the original being of life. But what does this mean? All these have the same meaning. In order for the truth to be established, love and life are indispensable. So the central core – the original being of life, original being of love, and original being of truth – is God. What kind of being is God? He is both the father and mother of humankind. The core is the parents. Seen in this way, God is a simple being. (21-183, 1968.11.20

Family Pledge

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Pledge Number Two: (Continued)

Core Concept 44:  We have to have love for our parents, nation and the world.


2.2. Perfect the dutiful family way of filial sons and daughters in our family, patriots in our nation, saints in the world, and divine sons and daughters in heaven and earth
2.2.1. The path of filial sons and daughters, patriots, saints, and divine sons and daughters that we must inevitably go

Continue reading “The Era of Cheon Il Guk, the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth Has Begun”

God is the Vertical Parent and Perfected Adam & Eve Are the Horizontal Parents

We’ll see you at the Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop this coming weekend!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1506

The cosmos-centered ideology is for the sake of achieving mind-body unity. It is to establish the family as the embodiment of God’s love, and to implement these ideas in the spiritual and physical worlds. The Chinese character for ju (宙) in cheon-ju (cosmos) means “house.” That’s why the term “cosmos-centered ideology” is being used. The cosmos is the combination of the incorporeal and corporeal worlds. How does this relate to us? We need a family. If you cannot achieve oneness on the family level, the cosmos-centered ideology will have nothing to do with you. The God-centered family is the ultimate standard to complete the ideal about which such a cosmos-centered ideology teaches. If you cannot sing the song of peace and praise happiness in the family on earth, you will be unhappy in the spirit world. (26-190, 1969.10.25)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1315

The year 1970 saw the beginning of a great mobilization. The Blessed Families from ten nations around the world were called to Korea, in order to restore Canaan. They were called to Korea and became completely united while over here. You must know that this was after the Blessing of the 777 Couples. Wasn’t that Blessing held in 1970? In making such a foundation, the Unification tribe from across the world representing ten nations came to participate. Going beyond the number nine, which signifies formation, growth and completion, the number ten is the number of God, and it also corresponds to the number twelve. That is why the ten nations must be connected providentially. (69-237, 1974.1.1)

Family Pledge

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Pledge Number Two:

The Big Idea:
True Parents set the model of the ideal family.  We have to become true parents ourselves in our family.  We have to be filial sons and daughters, patriots, saints, and divine sons and daughters.

Picture:  family with national flag(s) in background, or image of globe in background


1.  Why is Adam’s position important?
2. Why are True Parents important?
3. What kind of person is a filial son or daughter, a patriot or a saint?

Continue reading “God is the Vertical Parent and Perfected Adam & Eve Are the Horizontal Parents”

Building the Kingdom of Heaven Is the Mission of Blessed Families

We’ll see you at the Peaceful Families; Peaceful World workshop this coming weekend!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1263

Why are true parents needed? You need them because it is necessary for you to take root centering on the realm of heart. At the present time, your roots are different. Because of the Fall, the trunk and the branches are also different. A new root must begin from true parents, and new trunk and branches must also grow from them, which can then be used for engrafting. You must cut off the old trunk and branches and engraft the new shoot. By engrafting them like this on to the old root, that tree will then become part of the great mainstream of the universe. Everything in the satanic world must be cut down. It must be cut off at the roots. (164-155, 1987.5.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 704

    For this reason, we must overcome our circumstances. Not only that, we must also inherit all the conditions that can bear fruit, thereby possessing the inherent strength that generates that fruition. Only then can we complete the process of fruition, becoming a fruit needed for the progress of a new social and historical course.
    After birth, people must overcome their circumstances on their own. They must undergo a process through which they can inherit new life and bear fruit in the future. Finally, they must occupy a place where they can manifest the proper effects and results. For example, after grain is sown, it germinates, matures, bears fruit, and is then harvested and stored by the owner. We too must undergo a process whereby we can be harvested for a certain purpose.
    You must understand that you are responsible to equip yourselves with the inner conditions which will permit you to inherit such hopes and to use those conditions to embrace the external environment. This must be accomplished not from a position of self-defense, but by taking the initiative.

Family Pledge

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Pledge Number One:

Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to seek our original homeland and build the Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven, the original ideal of creation, by centering on true love.

(continued)  See here for the first part
Core Concept 41: We have to create our original homeland by helping our parents, siblings, relatives and neighbors to understand God’s ideal and to become Blessed families
Continue reading “Building the Kingdom of Heaven Is the Mission of Blessed Families”

Love One Another As Much as You Love God and True Parents

Happy True Children’s Day!
See the special reading below.

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#144-Are We a Police State?

Today is the last day to register!

Saturday November 18th:
Strengthening Families and Communities Forum

10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.: Screening of the documentary
Gender Transformation: the Untold Realities
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Audience and panel discussion on:
Understanding parent’s rights and stopping sexual indoctrination in public schools.
Let’s work together to protect our children.
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV, and online by Zoom

Lunch will be served following the discussion.
Free-Registration Required

Registration Deadline: November 13th

Register Now

Register Now

Historical Children’s Day

Sun Myung Moon
October 28, 1980
New York, NY

Today is the historical Children’s Day. God cannot erect His kingdom alone; He needs a champion, an assistant to act as mediator. You are His children, called to this task. God regards you as the champions whom He has hand-picked to create the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. What an overwhelming task for Him!

The Unification Church is one family. If the head of a family thinks only about himself, the family becomes unhappy. The success and happiness of a family flow from the head of the family who cares for all the members. My deepest concern and care dwells with each one of you, and you in turn should love and care for each other as brothers and sisters, advancing hand in hand to meet True Parents.

Continue reading “Love One Another As Much as You Love God and True Parents”

Our Family Pledges to Build the Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven

We thank all of the Veterans who sacrificed greatly to secure our freedoms and God-given rights.

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#144-Are We a Police State?

Only Three Days left to register!
Sunday, November 19th:
Unification Principle Study

10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. eastern time. Lunch is included.

Understand what God’s will for your life is by studying the Unification Principle.  This study includes God’s Ideal for the Family, what went wrong and the Role of True Parents.

Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV, and online by Zoom

Register Now

Register Now

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2098

We will fail if people say, “In the Unification Church, the words are good but the people are bad.” Did I give you only words? No, I did not just speak. I have done all the things that I am teaching you now. Therefore, there should be no doubt about them. I am teaching by creating a system of thought that is free of inconsistency and contradiction in both its intellectual and the practical aspects. No one can say anything about that. Both Satan and God approve of it. (24-108, 1969.7.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1306

So, who are the 36 Couples? In each era of history, not a single family has been able to fulfill the Will, or been able to form a family according to God’s will, and so the conditions necessary to indemnify this have been passed on from generation to generation. The 36 Couples, by offering these conditions of indemnity, have been called to act as shields for families on earth in this era. In other words, they are the representative couples that can fulfill the conditions of indemnity that have been handed down throughout history

Family Pledge

Rev. Sun Myung Moon

We will be doing a study of the Family Pledge that has been prepared as part of the Blessing Preparation Course for the upcoming matching website.

The Big Idea:
The Family Pledge explains the role of the family in building the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.  The Family Pledge is intended for Blessed families, who are fulfilling God’s original ideal of creation, centered on true love.  The original world and original homeland is a world of brotherhood and sisterhood.  It is where we help our parents, siblings and relatives to enter this world.
By fulfilling the Family Pledge, we can become ideal families


1. What is God’s original ideal of creation?
2. How do God and human beings become one?
3. Where is the original homeland?


Core concept 1:  The primary premise of the Family Pledge is “by centering on true love”


Pledge Number One:

Our family, the owner of Cheon Il Guk, pledges to seek our original homeland and build the Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven, the original ideal of creation, by centering on true love.

1.1. The owner of Cheon Il Guk

1.1.1. The meaning of Cheon Il Guk

Continue reading “Our Family Pledges to Build the Kingdom of God on Earth and in Heaven”