Wave the Flag of Love

Watch the documentary Gender Transformation.
I highly recommend it!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1251

    For a man to achieve individual perfection, he needs a reciprocal relationship, and that is why ultimately he needs to get married. He cannot enter the realm of perfect love if he is not married.
    The reason people need to get married is so they can relate to the love of God. In other words, a man and woman cannot fully connect to the love of God if they are not married. When a man and woman get married, the love of God resides with them, and they become one centering on this love. Then, God can bequeath to them the whole universe, including God Himself, His love, and everything that belongs to Him. (135-327, 1985.12.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 478

    The one son and one daughter are a son and daughter who have appeared as substantial object partners of the invisible God. As substantial object partners, the man represents God’s plus characteristics, and the woman represents God’s minus characteristics.
    According to the principle of creation, the internal nature of God is divided into two characteristics. God harmonizes the two characteristics, and re-unites them in a form that resembles His original internal nature

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Chapter One

Our Course of Life

Section 2. The purpose that people desire

God does not have a body. Therefore, in order to manifest His body, God used Adam as His body, showing His face through him. That is the ideal of creation.

God is the original spiritual focal point and Adam is the original physical focal point. These two focal points generate a 90-degree angle. This is God’s purpose of creation and the purpose that people desire. Had Adam and Eve not fallen, they would have occupied the positions of father and mother eternally in the spirit world; yet, due to the Fall, this was not possible. Had there been no Fall, everyone could have gone to Heaven simply by attending their parents as though they were attending God. (119-109, 1982.2.1)

Section 3. The reason for birth

This created world is round everywhere: the sun, the earth, and the stars; everything is created round. Even our mouth, if we analyze it, is round. No matter what, everything is created that way. Then, the universe makes relationships by going around and around, making circular, cyclical movements. Even if one individual thing has a round shape, it does not exist by itself individually but makes a relational connection with the whole. Then, why are we born? We are born to beat in rhythm with this vast universe. Ocean waves lapping against the shore lap against our hearts as well. Gentle breezes sighing serenely lull our hearts into serenity. Flowers in bloom release rich fragrances and stir the fragrances in our hearts. (104-122, 1979.4.22)

If we are born, raised, live and die in love, then we can be grateful for our birth, life and death. You were all born by having participated in the place where your father and mother loved and treasured each other exceedingly. You are participants in this love. Since you were born through your parents’ love, you consider yourselves born as the flags planted through your parents’ love. These flags flutter to express love. We are all meant to live for the sake of love throughout our lives. So you should wave the flag of love for your mother, wave the flag of love when you see your father, and wave the flag of love for your siblings. (103-258, 1979.2.25)


We Need a Wholesome Earthly Life to Have a Wholesome Life in Heaven

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1244

What did Jesus want so much to accomplish that he devoted himself to the task for two thousand years? It was all to hold a marriage ceremony. What marriage ceremony would that have been? The Blessing. For two thousand years, Jesus had longed and yearned for the marriage ceremony of the Blessing. In order to hold a marriage celebration, a bride must come to her groom. For Christianity, that represents the Last Days. You cannot enter the Kingdom of Heaven without going beyond Christianity. (76-72, 1975.1.26)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1355

Individual restoration precedes family restoration. After achieving individual victory, we enter the stage of Abel families. Whether husband or wife, all of you are Abels in your family and so from there you must become tribal messiahs. As this mission can only be undertaken by families, I have entrusted it to the 430 Couples. You do not understand this at all, do you? What do I mean when I say that the 430 Couples are tribal messiahs? This is logically inevitable. These words apply to everyone. (39-119, 1971.1.10)Individual restoration precedes family restoration. After achieving individual victory, we enter the stage of Abel families. Whether husband or wife, all of you are Abels in your family and so from there you must become tribal messiahs. As this mission can only be undertaken by families, I have entrusted it to the 430 Couples. You do not understand this at all, do you? What do I mean when I say that the 430 Couples are tribal messiahs? This is logically inevitable. These words apply to everyone. (39-119, 1971.1.10)

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Chapter One

Our Course of Life

Section 1. Prayers relating to the life course

“Beloved Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your grace, and for having shielded me in my struggles from my childhood until now; during those years I have been apprehensive of any humiliation or shame that Heaven might suffer. Among all the good things on this earth, there is nothing more precious than connecting to Your original heart. Knowing this, we must infinitely long for that relationship. We must keep in mind that those who experience Your love will have no regrets even if they for”Beloved Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your grace, and for having shielded me in my struggles from my childhood until now; during those years I have been apprehensive of any humiliation or shame that Heaven might suffer. Among all the good things on this earth, there is nothing more precious than connecting to Your original heart. Knowing this, we must infinitely long for that relationship. We must keep in mind that those who experience Your love will have no regrets even if they forget about all the things of this world. Now we must seek the ideal world, the original homeland where we live by Your love. We must prepare today on earth for the day of our birth as liberated children endowed with the authority of freedom of our third life.

Continue reading “We Need a Wholesome Earthly Life to Have a Wholesome Life in Heaven”

Second Generation Must Do Hoon Dok Hae

The latest Richard Urban Show:
141-White House Caught Lying and Covering Up COVID Shot Dangers

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1200

    The reason I created a newspaper company was to call together minorities. The countries where Native American peoples live are the countries of Rev. Moon’s cousins. Asia is the elder brother. The younger brother separated from there and came onto the American continent. This has to be indemnified. Unlike the ways of the Anglo-Saxon people in America, Rev. Moon must restore this through indemnity, without shedding blood. Both the CIA and FBI say, “Rev. Moon, that’s causing us trouble!” No matter how alarming it may be, it is God’s will. God makes things happen that way. I make relationships with people through the will of God. People of all races are brothers and sisters. God doesn’t see colors. He is color blind.
    Focusing on this mission, I cannot help but follow this way. While I was in Korea, I created every conceivable organization. Even if I were to live at the summit of the Alps, it would be no problem for me. The world is my stage. It is my stage for my activities. (134-206, 1985.7.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 978

God and humankind had to separate in tears. So, after God has cried aloud, He embraces his weeping son and says, “Isn’t this what you have desired?” I know that only through the bequeathing and receiving of the words of blessing can the eternal victorious supremacy of the True Parents be bequeathed. It is a serious matter. I am offering my entire life for that day. (288-153, 1997.11.27)

Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 7, 2009

When you live in absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience, there is no room for your own glory or your own excuses. This is even truer for countries. God doesn’t have a relationship with countries that enables Him to recreate them, does He? It is from this viewpoint that parents should give their blessed children the collection of Father’s sermons, World Scripture, and the encyclopedia. Continue reading “Second Generation Must Do Hoon Dok Hae”

You Get Married Only Once

The latest Richard Urban Show:
141-White House Caught Lying and Covering Up COVID Shot Dangers

Cheon Seong Gyeong 248

    Then, is it enough just to attend True Parents? It is not. After attending True Parents, you need to restore a true family, a tribe, a people, a nation, and the world. The people of Israel was prepared for this. To stand before True Parents as true children, the children’s course of individual-level restoration, course of family-level restoration, course of tribal-level restoration, course of ethnic-level restoration and course of national-level restoration are to be accomplished. Through the completion of the parents’ course of restoration for the individual, family, tribe, people and nation and the children’s course of restoration for the individual, family, tribe, people and nation, the standard of parents and children having become one and victorious is established. Only after this can we finally conclude national-level restoration and make a fresh start toward the global level.
    Then, what is the mission of the Unification Church and in what kind of position are you who have joined the church? You have been called into the Unification Church, of which I am the central figure. You are in the position of having to horizontally and physically develop what has been a sorrowful six thousand years of vertical history. What kind of resolution do we have to make? What is the goal we must aim for? We must establish the nation of True Parents on a worldwide foundation. We must establish the world-level nation of True Parents.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 705

While the fruit is growing, its essential elements should never be severed. It should be left undisturbed to grow continuously. From the day its life began until the time it is harvested by the owner and kept in storage, the essential elements should never be disconnected, not even once. Whether it is windy – or worse still, stormy, they must not be disconnected no matter what hardships may come. These essential elements must be retained without interruption, from beginning to end.

Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 7, 2009

So it all leads naturally to a single conclusion. If you welcome this, raise both hands in Mansei twelve times. No matter what you do — what did I say about this? Die if you are told to die; live if you are told to live. You need to become free and liberated people who are free to go, if you are so directed, to sell everything and relocate anywhere. Where are the members of God’s family who, as the inheritors of total release, become God’s princes and princesses and go with Him to the Heavenly Kingdom that is His original homeland? You must keep this law. The new Kingdom of Heaven will begin only if there is a starting point where this law is upheld as the eternal heavenly constitution.

Raise your hand if you say you will not have a copy of this book (True Families; Gateway to Heaven). Buy a copy today, and keep it in your coat pocket. By the time autumn comes, you should become a person who reflects completely the content of this book. You must not become any other type of person. Once you reflect this book, you must not change; you must maintain the same ideology.

Parents should raise their children using this textbook so that they can also attend God as His sons and daughters. Those who were blessed but fell again, those who committed adultery, drank alcohol, or engaged in illicit sex cannot stand on this foundation. This is absolute. You should indicate that you absolutely understand this by raising your hands and clapping twelve times. Clap with your hands and feet — three times, three times, three times, and three times. You have gone up and down and laid a foundation by pledging twelve times that you welcome this, so how will you ever deny this?

If a person can see East, West, North, and South, can see the Big Dipper and the Southern Cross constellations, and is able to feel these, how would such a person engage in a hodgepodge of divorces? You get married only once. This is a revolution. America, too, needs to have a revolution. Give people this book (True Families; Gateway to Heaven). You must create a revolution. People need to read this book and live in accordance with what it says. If they do, they will certainly go to heaven.

This is a standard of testimony that is guaranteed by the person who liberated True Parents, True Teacher, True King, and even God Himself. It is an absolute constitution among all constitutions that can be used by the lawyers of heaven, the prosecutors of heaven, the judges of heaven. So please understand that there can be no excuse for going against this, and live your lives in total accordance with it.

I am grateful that you say you will live this way, and I will return to Korea. Two or three years from now, I will be able to do anything I want in Korea. If the Korea-Japan Tunnel is not built, then Korea will build the Bering Strait Tunnel. I can easily do this alone. If I take charge, it will easily be done. Am I able to gather the plutocrats with a day’s notice or not? Just wait and see.

You Should Understand How Valuable the Blessing Is

The latest Richard Urban Show:
141-White House Caught Lying and Covering Up COVID Shot Dangers

Cheon Seong Gyeong 659

What God desires is not the individual Kingdom of Heaven. He does not rejoice over seeing its realization. Can we say that the Kingdom of Heaven is established just by seeing one person’s joy? God sent Jesus Christ – the one person over whom He could rejoice – to the earth, to be the center for all nations to connect horizontally in seeking the Kingdom in its entirety. He thus sent the Messiah to the earth and sacrificed him. (46-74, 1971.7.25)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1050

Among the Unification members, if you mock someone who is working hard and exhibiting great devotion for the sake of the church, saying, “Why does he act so special?” then you become Cain. You must understand this. This is how Cain and Abel set themselves apart from each other. The one who is being criticized and being harmed without having committed any sin is always Abel, while the one who criticizes and strikes others always becomes Cain. (56-85, 1972.5.14)

Owner of Peace, Owner of Lineage

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 7, 2009

Who is Cain? The democratic world, which was the first to research and build a foundation, is Cain. Now, by Abel switching places with Cain, a grandfather can become a grandson, a father can become a son, and an elder brother can become a younger brother. Thus we can practice absolute faith, absolute love and absolute obedience. Then, what should we do with the Cain realm of this world? A person who is able to exalt God and Parents, exalt them more than his own tribe, belongs to the Heavenly Kingdom. We need to donate our national treasuries and all taxes to the Kingdom of Heaven and then receive passports. That’s when God’s fatherland and hometown appear.

Should we return to such place or not? I’m telling you these things, but if you want to go away, you can go ahead and do it, saying, “From this day I don’t need True Parents.” However, the only center that remains are True Parents, King of Kings. The unique God secured a place for Himself only just now. You can’t complain, can you? We can now take off the signposts of religion and state. A textbook (True Families; Gateway to Heaven) has appeared according to which our sons and daughters can receive a new education. Do you understand how precious this book (True Families; Gateway to Heaven) is? It contains everything. I put the essence of 1,200 volumes into this book, so how precious it is!

This book can be used as study material in middle and high schools, in universities and postgraduate schools, and furthermore in the nation (“Beyond this, I have given you middle school-level textbooks, high school-level textbooks, university-level textbooks, graduate school-level textbooks, and textbooks to guide you in fulfilling your responsibilities for the nation”)*. The heavenly world and earthly word differ from each other. We are not in Satan’s palace but in the original heavenly palace, which existed before the Fall. So what should we do to follow God and True Parents? The lineages of elder and younger siblings were split, so Father and Mother should unite and solve this problem. Otherwise not even God can solve it.

Satan instead of God became flesh and body. However, the True Parents became one body with God, so they have become body and flesh. So True God can become a bone. That seed will not disappear and die. It was hidden in God’s bosom, inside his bones, but when Adam and Eve, who were waiting for marriage reach 17 years of age, their sexual organs meet and the heat goes up, what is going to happen? Once the temperature goes over 40,43, and 53 degrees, no viruses or bacteria can multiply.
*Alternate text from the book Owners of Peace, Owners of Lineage published by HSA-UWC in 2013

Parents must prepare by any means. They can even sell their property and their land, but they must prepare this textbook. To go through all stages — kindergarten, elementary, middle and high school, then university and a doctorate course — may take 10 or 20 years. Until this period finishes, parents should provide the money for textbooks. They should provide the textbooks, so that all teachers in postgraduate courses, universities, high, middle and elementary schools, as well as kindergartens can use them. They should become representatives of true parents, true teachers and true kings.

If the 6.5 billion people on earth are educated through this textbook, they can go to God’s kingdom without needing any other textbook in the spirit world. If you still need such a textbook, you can’t enter the Heavenly Kingdom. To raise people who can enter the Heavenly Kingdom without any additional textbooks, people in the position of parents should prepare textbooks for kindergarten, elementary, middle, and high school, as well as for universities and postgraduate courses. If you have money you should buy these text books; you should read them even while eating or working. In this way, finally, this textbook will not be needed in the world.

All relatives of such a family, seven generations of their ancestors will unite, creating on the earth an environment of a nation populated only by families that God cannot help but like. This will be the Kingdom of Heaven, where peace shall reign for millennia, where God can be liberated and shout Eog Mansei, where all things are liberated. This Kingdom, God’s fatherland and hometown, our fatherland and hometown, will inevitably be bound together with one blood lineage. We can’t deny that the blood lineage is essential.

That’s why people must receive the Blessing. From now, you should understand how valuable the Blessing is. This textbook represents the True Parents and the Unification Church. The Unification Church will also disappear. If three generations in your family representing God, ancestors, and descendants, possess this textbook, this is going to become a realm of Heavenly Kingdom — the nation, the world and the universe ruled by God. Isn’t it so? Let lawyers, prosecutors and judges of the satanic world come and try to argue about it. In an hour they’ll all look like blind people.