CSG 2018
In the heavenly world of the future,
the time for living off a monthly salary
will pass away. As couples, you must pay
complete indemnity. Throughout the
ages of history, the rule of all creation has
been absolute faith, absolute love, and
absolute obedience. Because of love, you
also need faith and you also need obedi-
ence. Because of love. Even the God of
the entire universe is obedient to infinite
love. God invests and then forgets, and
so we also invest and forget what we have
invested. This is obedience.
Absolute faith is based on absolute
love. In order to achieve love, you need
absolute obedience. Until death, you
need love. Even if you die one hundred
times over, you need love, so you must
properly seek the way to it. That is why
dying and going to the spirit world is
not death but a way to seek God’s love.
It is not dying. It is the way to find God’s
love. God made the path of death for the
sake of love. If your heart and mind can-
not hold onto this higher level, then you
cannot restore love. (296-50, 1998.10.11)
CSG p. 1051
A dog will enter the yard of even
the best of houses to relieve itself. If the
homeowner complains, “Oh! You dirty
little dog! Why are you coming round
to our house to defecate in our yard?”
then he is chasing away his blessings.
Instead, he should say, “Come on in and
relieve yourself.” (60-158, 1972.8.19)
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