Find the Spiritual Flame

Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Teaching Abstinence and Achieving Blessed Marriage Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV is now open.  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering now:

CSG 560

What is the pride of our Unification
Church? First is true love and second
is True Parents. These terms are found
only in the Unification Church, not in
the dictionary. Third is true children
and fourth is true tribe. These relate to
our four main goals. (203-103, 1990.6.17)

Jeremiah 5

The people have rebelled
and rejected the Lord
    too many times.
So enemies will attack
like lions from the forest
    or wolves from the desert.
Those enemies will watch
    the towns of Judah,
and like leopards
they will tear to pieces
    whoever goes outside.

Continue reading “Find the Spiritual Flame”

You Will Ultimately Succumb to Your Mind When You Die

Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Fall Leadership Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV is now open.  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering now:

CSG 2291-2292

Your hope lies nowhere other than
in becoming the True Parents’ sons and
daughters of true filial piety. The True
Parents will become the king and queen
of all kings and queens under heaven.
Hence, this is the place where the cen-
ters of all hope – past, present and future
– can be brought to fruition. (46-167,
From the perspective of the Prin-
ciple, all forms of creation are to be
brought under dominion on the foun-
dation where true parental love has been
fulfilled; the most important question
therefore is whether you have definitely
fulfilled that love. (67-148, 1973.6.1)
For adopted children to advance to
the position of begotten children, the
jealousy the archangel felt at the time
of Adam and Eve must be indemnified.
To do this, spiritual children should
value and love the physical children of
their spiritual parents more than their
own lives. Next, they should restore
the satanic world. These are essential
points. What this means is that you can-
not enter unless you have loved my chil-
dren. Ask yourselves whether you loved
them from the time they were in the
womb. Have you loved me, God’s will
and the children of my body even more
than yourselves? The question is wheth-
er you loved them more than yourselves.
Jesus asked, “Did you love me more than
your own sons and daughters, your fam-
ily?” If you have not done so, you cannot
proceed, and should indemnify this fail-
ure for three years starting now. (127-128,

CSG 1184

The course of restoration must go
through eight stages, restoring the indi-
vidual, family, tribe, people, nation,
world and heaven and earth, and restor-
ing the love of God. But, this cannot be
accomplished all at once. Had Adam and
Eve not fallen, they would have naturally
perfected themselves, but because they
fell to the level of servant of servants at
the beginning of history, we cannot be
raised up through all the stages at once.
Thus, in the process of pioneering each
stage, continuous indemnity condi-
tions were absolutely necessary for each
course. By setting up these conditions,
we can separate from Satan. Because of
Satan, indemnity conditions are neces-
sary; if Satan did not exist, indemnity
conditions would not be required. (161-204,

Continue reading “You Will Ultimately Succumb to Your Mind When You Die”

A Worldwide Christian Movement Must Emerge to Establish God’s Kingdom on Earth

Extra Early Bird Registration for the Urban Life Fall Leadership Conference on November 24 to 26 in Harpers Ferry, WV is now open.  Save up to $20 per ticket by registering now:

Daniel 11

18 Afterwards, this proud king of the north will invade and conquer many of the nations along the coast, but a military leader will defeat him and make him lose his pride. 19 He will retreat to his fortresses in his own country, but on the way he will be defeated and never again be seen.

2 Chronicles 34

31 After Josiah had finished reading, he stood in the place reserved for the king. He promised in the Lord’s name to faithfully obey the Lordand to follow his laws and teachings that were written in the book. 32 Then he asked the people of Jerusalem and Benjamin to make that same promise and to obey the God their ancestors had worshiped.

Richard:  Our current society, although ostensibly Christian, does not honor God in daily life int the proper way.  Rich and powerful bankers and oligarchs try to lord over the peon masses, so to speak.  Yet President Donald Trump is trying to break this wicked mold, and all holy hell is breaking loose as evil forces on both the left and right try to stop him.  We should pray for and support our President.

Continue reading “A Worldwide Christian Movement Must Emerge to Establish God’s Kingdom on Earth”

Center Your Soul on God

CSG 2244

Had Adam and Eve matured and
married, they would have been unified
within God’s realm of direct love. Who
is the center here? It is God. When that
happens, human beings become the
bodies of God, who takes on a substan-
tial form. Had Adam and Eve been thus
unified, they would have become God’s
bodies, the parents of humankind, and
the center for God. If God – however
omniscient and omnipotent – were to
start experiencing joy without a partner,
we would call Him crazy.
We human beings are relation-
al beings before the absolute God. We
must become as one body through abso-
lute love. If God, Adam, and Eve had
become as one body, the children born
through Adam and Eve would have been
theirs and God’s simultaneously. If that
had happened, then, as God’s offspring,
they would have established on earth a
family, tribe, people, nation and world.
As there would be no one to sever their
Chapter 1 • God’s True Love Is the Motivating Force for the Creation 2245
relationship based on God’s eternal love,
their nation in itself would have become
the kingdom on earth founded on His
love. (54-64, 1972.3.11)

CSG 1205

In order for the Western Civiliza-
tion to come to Asia, a bridge must be
made. If the archangel makes an offer-
ing, it cannot simply become the pos-
session of God. Since all things were
lost through Eve, he must make the
offering having established unity with
Eve. What belonged to heaven was tak-
en and belongs to Satan, so by the prin-
ciple of restoration through indemnity,
the archangel nation on God’s side must
gather and bring all material things and
then make unity with Eve. It must be
grafted onto Japan, which is the Eve
nation. Why did Japan become an eco-
nomic power in modern times? In the
age of this dispensation, bridges must be
built. Japan will inherit all that belongs
to America. This has been taking place
in the period of 120 years, from the
Meiji Reformation until 1988. Try to
calculate it. This is connected to 1988.
During this 120-year period that ends
next year, Japan is to inherit everything
from America. (166-292, 1987.6.14)

Continue reading “Center Your Soul on God”

Truth Involves a Relationship with Jesus

CSG 1778

The devil, Satan, is in the position of
the chief culprit, who drove out the orig-
inal owner, seized his wife and is leading
even their children to their deaths. From
this perspective, is there a way to for-
give the devil, Satan, the enemy of God
and humankind? Ultimately, the devil,
Satan, became the adulterer in front of
love and in front of God. Could God for-
give him, therefore? If He forgave Satan,
it would have led the whole world to
destruction. Thus, can you all think that
you will simply be able to become God’s
sons and daughters as you are? You must
know that God and humanity must con-
tinue the historical path, being unable to
avoid the way of suffering and pain until
we reverse this situation. (53-338, 1972.3.6)

Luke 9

42 While the boy was being brought, the demon attacked him and made him shake all over. Jesus ordered the demon to stop. Then he healed the boy and gave him back to his father. 43 Everyone was amazed at God’s great power.

Richard:  There are many demons acting in today’s world, as actors like George Soros pay people to foment chaos.  Watch my video on George Soros fake race war:

Continue reading “Truth Involves a Relationship with Jesus”