Join the ranks of Heaven

What is God’s Plan for Sex Leadership Training Seminar, July 15th:
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Book 13 • Restoration of the True God’s Homeland

Sons and daughters should not live
for their own sakes. In serving heaven
and earth and humankind as themselves,
they should be sons and daughters
who must inherit a stronger and
higher tradition. This is how it should
be. No one can complain. This is why
not just anyone can be the successor to
the founder of the Unification Church.
They should be sons and daughters
who can inherit the lineage and live
according to the tradition of living for
the sake of others. They should be sons
and daughters who are at a higher level
and who can do better than their own
mothers and fathers. Unless they have
lived for and served others, how can
the sons and daughters say they have
surpassed their parents? Those who are
inconsistent will not succeed. We need
the eldest child to live for the sake of
others even more than high level sons
and daughters do in order for him to
receive the inheritance. (175-185, 1988.4.16)

Richard:  This passage hleps us understand that Pastor Hyung Jin Moon is the heir qualified as the successor to Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

Chapter 6 • True Parents and Us

Today, we are turning
around 180 degrees from Satan’s tradition.
We are turning 180 degrees and
becoming reborn. To be reborn is to be
born again. The first to accomplish this
rebirth is not the nation, but the parents.
Brothers and sisters are next. Husband
and wife are third and the children are
fourth. God wants three generations but
has not had them. The first generation is
God, the second generation is Adam and
Eve, and yet God has not had the third
generation until now. Humankind has
not been multiplying under God, but
has belonged only to Satan. Satan is an
enemy of love. How can this lineage be
eliminated? You are not born as a Japanese
or as a citizen of any other nation,
but as one of God’s people

p 245 p. 1

Continue reading “Join the ranks of Heaven”

Archangels May Betray Heaven and Oppose God’s Will

New Blog Post by Richard Urban at Urban Life Training:
Is Sexual Abstinence Before Marriage a Viable Choice?

What is God’s Plan for Sex Leadership Training Seminar, July 15th:
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Matthew 22:10

10 They went out on the streets and brought in everyone they could find, good and bad alike. And the banquet room was filled with guests.

11 When the king went in to meet the guests, he found that one of them wasn’t wearing the right kind of clothes for the wedding. 12 The king asked, “Friend, why didn’t you wear proper clothes for the wedding?” But the guest had no excuse. 13 So the king gave orders for that person to be tied hand and foot and to be thrown outside into the dark. That’s where people will cry and grit their teeth in pain. 14 Many are invited, but only a few are chosen.

Obadiah 1

Everything you treasure most
    will be taken from you.
Your allies can’t be trusted.
They will force you out
    of your own country.
Your best friends
will trick and trap you,
    even before you know it.

Continue reading “Archangels May Betray Heaven and Oppose God’s Will”

Jesus Did Not Die Because He Wanted To

New Blog Post by Richard Urban at Urban Life Training:
Is Sexual Abstinence Before Marriage a Viable Choice?

What is God’s Plan for Sex Leadership Training Seminar, July 15th:
Join us for this life-changing seminar:

Luke 22

35 He said to them, “When I sent you out without a purse, bag, or sandals, did you lack anything?” They said, “No, not a thing.” 36 He said to them, “But now, the one who has a purse must take it, and likewise a bag. And the one who has no sword must sell his cloak and buy one. 37 For I tell you, this scripture must be fulfilled in me, ‘And he was counted among the lawless’; and indeed what is written about me is being fulfilled.” 38 They said, “Lord, look, here are two swords.” He replied, “It is enough.” (NRSV)

Isaiah 65

I will destine you to the sword,
    and all of you shall bow down to the slaughter;
because, when I called, you did not answer,
    when I spoke, you did not listen,
but you did what was evil in my sight,
    and chose what I did not delight in. (NRSV)

Continue reading “Jesus Did Not Die Because He Wanted To”

The Most Holy Place are the Sexaul Organs-Do Not Defile Them

New Blog Post by Richard Urban at Urban Life Training:
Is Sexual Abstinence Before Marriage a Viable Choice?

What is God’s Plan for Sex Leadership Training Seminar, July 15th:
Join us for this life-changing seminar:


What is the difference between patriots
and saints? Loyal patriots are always
ready to sacrifice their lives for their
nation, and they live and invest themselves
for the public good. Saints, however,
transcend their race and nation, and
live for all humankind. Going beyond
that, they live for God who dwells in
the public domain of the cosmos. More
than just following the way of filial piety
in the family or loyalty to the nation,
saints are determined to fulfill the way
of loyalty and filial piety in front of all
humankind. They are willing to abandon
their position as loyal patriots and
forget their country and king. Even if
the king grabs their hands and pleads
with them, saying, “Our country will be
brought to ruin if you go,” saints won’t
concern themselves with their king’s situation.
After they fulfill the way of the
saint in the world, they will be recognized
by heaven as having done something
far greater than just being a loyal
patriot to their king. (101-150, 1978.10.29)

p. 2182 p.1

Sexual organs are so precious for
they are the royal palace of life, love and
lineage. But if you treat them like libertines,
as if they were bull’s balls, how
are you going to pay the price of that
sin? Isn’t this a serious problem? This
is a holy place. It is the most holy place,
which God created as the most precious
organ. What happens when it is defiled?
In Moses’ course, were not those who
defiled the Ark of the Covenant killed on
the spot? This is the same. Defiling the
1150 Book 8 • Sin and Restoration Through Indemnity
stronghold of love, which is the same as
the most holy place, cannot be forgiven.
Man and woman embrace each other.
Loving each other is a cosmic act. It is
the touchstone for forming the realm of
oneness of God and humankind. In this
moment man and woman are granted
the relationship that connects the finite
to the infinite. (218-133, 1991.7.14)

p. 1149-1150

Continue reading “The Most Holy Place are the Sexaul Organs-Do Not Defile Them”

The Israelites did not Know the Heart of Moses

What is God’s Plan for Sex Leadership Training Seminar, July 15th:
Join us for this life-changing seminar:

Cheon Seong Gyeong

At Seodaemun prison, a lady evangelist
who had persevered for a time in
the Unification Church but who then left
after things did not turn out the way she
wanted, said to me, “Oh, this has turned
out well for you. Would this happen to
the son of God?” I answered “Yes, I am
not someone who will disappear in prison.
I will make great leaps toward a liberated
world.” I will never forget her face. I
heard that she recently died in miserable
circumstances, and I felt pity for her. This
is how I live. I know everything about
how the five presidents of Korea treated
me. Yet I do not show this. I do not
seek revenge. They did not know. I have
to meet them and teach them. After saying
what I need to say, I have to resolve
everything. (204-118, 1990.7.1)

p. 157 pr. 4

Cain and Abel have no original portion
of responsibility to fulfill. Then who
would have had responsibility? It would
be Adam and Eve, the parents. Since I
was given this obligation in the providence
of restoration, I took responsibility
for what you had failed to achieve
and for the errors committed by Christianity.
For forty years, in the position
of the parents, I corrected everything
on the levels of the individual, family,
tribe, people, nation and world. In
this way, I completed the individual’s
portion of responsibility in restoration
through indemnity, erected walls
to shut Satan out, and established the
realm of the fulfillment of one’s portion
of responsibility. This is how a new
world can begin thenceforth.
Since I have now achieved all this on
a level even beyond that of the world, it
has now become possible to build God’s
kingdom. Thus, a new term has emerged
– the establishment of God’s Kingdom
1608 Book 10 • The Way in the Completed Testament Age
or homeland. This is all in accordance
with the Principle. (148-163, 1986.10.8)

p. 1607 pr.4

Continue reading “The Israelites did not Know the Heart of Moses”