Death Is the Blessed Gateway to Our Second Birth

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1755

When you actually stop to think about it, you thought that treasures were stored up there in heaven. But it turns out that you had treasures all along in your bodies. You came to understand that the original palace is a part of your body. Aren’t the love organs the original palace that can attend God? Where is the pathway that makes the love connection? Is it in the fingertips? Where is it? What is it in a man? What is it in a woman? It is the male and female organs, where the most distasteful substance can also be found. Where does urine come out? From the sexual organ. This is the case for both women and men. If that unclean urine thus excreted were to mingle with love, would it still be unclean or would it become clean? Then how wonderful would it be to drink urine steeped in true love like iced tea! (178-125, 1988.6.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1242

    The Blessing is the most precious thing in heaven and earth. It is also the most fearful. If a blessed member is attracted to others besides his or her spouse, it is an emotional violation of the spouse.
    Good ancestors, the territory and the nation stem from you, the Blessed Families. That is why blessed members should think about the universe during every waking moment. You have received the Blessing so that you can share blessings with others. ( 13-67, 1963.10.17)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 2

Death and the Spirit World

Section 2. Understanding Death

2.6 Death is a process to link three worlds

    People are born from the depths of water. The period in the womb is the period of existence in water. When the fetus is inside the mother’s womb, it is floating in water. It needs to draw in and expel water as it lives under water. Therefore, it lives by way of a hose connected to its stomach. Continue reading “Death Is the Blessed Gateway to Our Second Birth”

The Day of Our Death Is a Day of Rebirth

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2058

What is it that the Republic of Korea has done until now? The politicians have made it impossible for me to come as far down as the family foundation. How many years has it been already? Hasn’t it been five years since we started tong ban activities? This is the sixth year. We must bring total change to the family, only then will the nation be revived. The answer is not in the towns and districts. Everyone who has the kind of ability should visit families and restore them. (206-358, 1990.10.14)

Richard: Home Church, also known as Tong Ban Kyok Pa (community breakthrough), is the core activity of Unificationists to help families in their communities.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Today Christianity says, “God is the holy, omniscient, and omnipotent being, and the judge who sits on His throne as the righteous Lord of Judgment and passes judgment on all people.” But do you like being a judge? If you serve as a judge for ten years, you will get sick and die; or if not, you will at least become seriously ill. If you do not get sick, you are a fake. Judges sometimes pass death sentences, and yet their verdicts cannot be absolutely right. There are many different ways of seeing the situation, and still their judgments decide whether someone lives or dies. This is a serious matter. Laws cannot be absolute in the light of the universal law. For this reason, an ordinary person will fall sick after being a judge for ten years. (198-285, 1990.2.5)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 738

    The position of the True Parents spoken of in the Unification Church is not just for Koreans but was originally for all humankind and the ancestors who went before us. All ancestors should have gone to the spirit world as the True Parents’ relatives, but this collapsed due to the Fall. Since the earth is in Abel’s position, by following Abels as they went the way of restoring the birthright of the firstborn, the spirit world could be liberated.
    Since the physical world has restored the birthright of the firstborn, the time has come for the spirit world to support our endeavors. So be strong and courageous. At this hour, I am determining and proclaiming this ceremony as the Ceremony of One Heart.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1310

    After the blessing of the international holy grounds, I performed the Blessing of the 430 Couples. This number corresponds to the 430 years of captivity of the Israelites in Egypt, and also the 4,300 years of Korean history. This Blessing signifies the beginning of a new history. Moreover, the 430 Couples also represent all families in the world. Afterwards, while I was carrying out my second world tour, I blessed 43 couples in the United States, Europe and Japan. I could then connect those 43 couples to the 430 Couples on the world level. By doing this, I was able to connect the victorious foundation I had established in Korea to the world, including the Western world.
    By accomplishing all this, all the families in the world, not just the members of the Unification Church, could now stand in a position to receive heavenly fortune right then and there. That is why the gates of heaven are now open to all families on earth. (52-131, 1971.12.26)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 2

Death and the Spirit World

Section 2. Understanding Death

2.5. Death in relation to the value of life

    The word “death” invites understanding of the meaning of life. Who knows the value of life very well? Those who seek to live do not. Those who seek to fathom the value of life while clinging onto God at the crossroads of life and death understand. (74-242, 1974.12.31) Continue reading “The Day of Our Death Is a Day of Rebirth”

People of Faith Should Hope for the Eternal World that can even Conquer Death

Cheon Seong Gyeong 738

    The position of the True Parents spoken of in the Unification Church is not just for Koreans but was originally for all humankind and the ancestors who went before us. All ancestors should have gone to the spirit world as the True Parents’ relatives, but this collapsed due to the Fall. Since the earth is in Abel’s position, by following Abels as they went the way of restoring the birthright of the firstborn, the spirit world could be liberated.
    Since the physical world has restored the birthright of the firstborn, the time has come for the spirit world to support our endeavors. So be strong and courageous. At this hour, I am determining and proclaiming this ceremony as the Ceremony of One Heart.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1310

    After the blessing of the international holy grounds, I performed the Blessing of the 430 Couples. This number corresponds to the 430 years of captivity of the Israelites in Egypt, and also the 4,300 years of Korean history. This Blessing signifies the beginning of a new history. Moreover, the 430 Couples also represent all families in the world. Afterwards, while I was carrying out my second world tour, I blessed 43 couples in the United States, Europe and Japan. I could then connect those 43 couples to the 430 Couples on the world level. By doing this, I was able to connect the victorious foundation I had established in Korea to the world, including the Western world.
    By accomplishing all this, all the families in the world, not just the members of the Unification Church, could now stand in a position to receive heavenly fortune right then and there. That is why the gates of heaven are now open to all families on earth. (52-131, 1971.12.26)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 2

Death and the Spirit World

Section 2. Understanding Death

2.4. The spiritual connection of life and death

    However hard you may try to avoid death, you will die when your time comes. People enter the spirit world in different states. Some go there after living to a ripe old age while others die untimely deaths. Among the latter are those who die due to punishment and those who die to indemnify the sins of their people and the world.
    If three prominent young people in a village die, good fortune will come to that village. If three promising youths of a clan die, good fortune will come to that clan. In other words, indemnity must be paid. It applies everywhere. The principle of causality operates everywhere. Continue reading “People of Faith Should Hope for the Eternal World that can even Conquer Death”

The Day We Pass Is a Precious Day

Cheon Seong Gyeong 559

Things do not happen by chance. Preparation is never easy. Viewed against the backdrop of a lifetime, childhood is the time to prepare for adolescence. The prime of life is the time to prepare for old age, which in turn is the time to prepare to go to the spirit world. Our lifetime is a period of training during which we undergo a course that prepares us to acquire a universal personality. (147-188, 1986.9.21)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1051

I try to warmly treat those who come, even if we were to starve. If they have reached a certain level of spirituality, say one hundred, we will be struck and judged if we treat them any less. In those situations, you should treat such people two, three, five, even ten times greater than their level. You will not go to ruin by doing so. God will be deeply impressed saying, “This fellow is better than Heaven!” (56-38, 1972.5.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 2

Death and the Spirit World

Section 2. Understanding Death

2.1. The meaning of the Korean word toraganda

    There is no doubt that the spirit world exists. It surely exists, and since we were born from the spirit world, we must return there.
    The Korean word toraganda (literally “to return,” but meaning “to die”) is interesting. To where do we return? Not to a cemetery. We return to our place of origin. The place of our departure is not a cemetery. It means to return across the vast expanses of history, even beyond its origin.
    To return as a human being does not mean to be born and to return as a Korean. Someone who dies as a Korean does not return on that path as one. We return to the original world that brought forth the ancestors of humankind. What does that mean? As there is a Creator, we will return to the place where that Creator is. That is where we originated, so it is there that we return.
    The universe is engaged in circular motion: when the snow covering the mountains melts, it flows down through small valleys and into the ocean through many streams and rivers. Later it enters the ocean where it evaporates and returns to complete its cycle.
    Everything circulates. When one returns, where does one return to? We wish to return to a place where we can be higher and better. No one wants to get smaller. However, all the laws of motion of the natural world dictate that things diminish through action. When we roll something, it does not roll eternally. First it rolls rapidly, and then it decelerates and finally stops. (141-269, 1986.3.2)

    2.2. The place to which we must go

    We live in this world, yet it is not the only world that exists. There is also the spirit world. This world and the spirit world should not be two separate worlds; they should be integrated.
    Then where is the place in which we are to go to and live? Of course, while living physically on earth we are proceeding toward the eternal world. Ordinarily, people are simply born into this world, pass through youth, reach their prime, enter old age and end their life like the setting sun.
    Yet those who know of the spirit world realize that a lifetime is but a fleeting moment compared to eternal life after death. That being so, our lifetime serves to prepare us to welcome the world of eternity. (140-121, 1986.2.9)

2.3. The day we pass on is a precious day

    If a global unified world had been formed in which Adam’s birthday, his wedding day, and the day of his return were commemorated, the human race that commemorated those days would have been a unified brotherhood of one people. That is to say, they would have become a people that lived in one world. If that had happened, all the customs of Adam’s life would have been inherited in the history of humanity, and the culture formed at that time would have been inherited eternally. (31-230, 1970.6.4)
pgs. 581-582

We Must Reverse the Way of Individualism

Cheon Seong Gyeong 717

    We human beings were born because of God. The motive for our birth comes through the Creator. We are made by Him, but for what? This is the question. Did He create us because He wanted to leave diamonds to us because He likes them? Did He create us because he wants to bequeath His power, or to pass on all His knowledge because He likes knowledge? What is our origin, our beginning? This is the question. Even if we were to assert ourselves as having originated from the absolute God and being born out of an internal bond with Him, if we do not clearly understand the process for returning to the original homeland in the future, everything now underway will remain unfinished.
    The motive for our birth comes from our mother and father. We were born because the lives of our father and mother intertwined. But the inheritance of the characteristics of both parents was not the result of their lives colliding. Beforehand, the fundamental action and motive that connected these two lives together, was love. When we consider the preciousness of life and love, life is in second place, and love is in first place.(177-305, 1988.5.22)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 2

Death and the Spirit World

Section 1. The Inevitable Path of Our Life

1.3. Death is inevitable

    One day we will go to the spirit world. There is no doubt about that. People visiting Korea land at Gimpo Airport, but that does not mean they have traveled in Korea. From Gimpo Airport, where do we go? Do we go to South Jeolla Province or South Gyeongsang Province or Pyeong-an Province? From Pyeong-an Province, where do we go? To a county. From there, where next? A township. What is next? A village. From there, we must go to a neighborhood. This is not easy. If people cannot determine their dwelling place, what is the value of success in social life? That is a problem.
    If God orders me to come, even tomorrow night, no matter how great I may be today, I have no choice but to go. However loudly I might protest, I would have to go. I will go while protesting loudly, but only after speaking the right words. I must present the way that the nation and the world must go. It will be my death if I fail to do so. (177- 41, 1988.5.15) Continue reading “We Must Reverse the Way of Individualism”