We Want You to Do Good Things for the Nation Rather than for Us

Cheon Seong Gyeong 764

How would fresh water feel when it flows into the sea? Would it resist saying, “I don’t want to go?” Would all rivers think like that? If I ask you where you go after death, I’m sure you will all answer that you go to the spirit world. Then how do you go to the spirit world? You get there by dying. Though that is the case, no one wants to die. Then, what happens when the river finally flows into the sea? What would happen if the fresh water was completely engulfed by the sea water? Would the fresh water feel good about it? It would feel shocked as though everything had contracted, or shall I say shrunk… It would feel a great shock, as if what had originally been the largest thing had become the smallest thing. (229-209, 1992.4.12)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 973

I am telling you to go to Cheong-pyeong and be trained so that you can liberate 120 generations of your ancestors. When I gave instructions to liberate four generations, Cheong-pyeong was in an uproar. Then I told them to continue to seven generations and they accomplished that. Now, I am saying that you should go as far as 120 generations, and they are thinking, “Oh my gosh!” How can you say, “Oh my gosh!”?

Richard:  Cheong-pyeong is a training center in South Korea where Unification Movement workshops were held.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 9

True Education for Children

Section 7. The Teachings of True Parents and Teachers

    Parents work for the sake of their children. There are no parents who work only in order to feed themselves. When poor parents with many children work hard in the fields or on worksites, carrying heavy loads with an A-frame on their back or weeding a field with a hoe, it is for their children’s happiness to last indefinitely. The sweat of toil dripping from their foreheads is not for their own sake. When the fruit of this sweat mingles with their loving heart for their children, a new history of creation will unfold there. Although they may weed a field or carry a back frame on a worksite, each tread of their footsteps is carving out a new history. (25-97, 1969.9.30) Continue reading “We Want You to Do Good Things for the Nation Rather than for Us”

Why Tell Children to Study?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 5107

    The question is: what is it that God needs most? What is God called? He is the King and Owner of true love. If He is the King and Bridegroom of true love, it is an absolute principle that He needs a queen to become His partner. Who can be partners of true love for the absolute God? True human beings. It was Adam and Eve who were to attain oneness with God’s love. You need money, knowledge and power, but if you lack a spouse, all these are in vain. Husbands need their wives and children, and wives need their husbands and children. The place where such objects of love live is called the family. Families who attend God, the Subject of love, must form the base for the beginning of God’s Kingdom on earth centered on His true love. The core family is comprised of a man and a woman who are united as the object partners of God’s love, who fulfill the desire of the conscience, who have sons and daughters within God’s love, and who live happily as a family. 
    Just as human beings wish for the appearance of a beloved partner a million times or infinitely more valuable than themselves, God also wishes for His beloved partners to become beings of infinite value. Such people are true men and women. None of you have realized the fact that such a man and woman were none other than Adam and Eve, who were supposed to reach perfection without falling. (270-238, 1995.6.7)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

    What is the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? Do you know what it is? It refers to the sexual part of the woman. In Korean, don’t people say, “I picked and ate that woman” meaning, “I seduced her”? The Korean language is curious. Men use this word, “I am going to pick and eat that woman.” Even men who do not know the Bible say things like that. This tells the truth to a person’s heart. Everything should be reported truthfully to our conscience. In the Last Days, people have to tell the truth. (137-252, 1986.1.3)

Study the Human Fall here.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 9

True Education for Children

Section 6. Why Tell Children to Study?

Do students go to school because they want to study? They first go to school because they are made to. In particular, elementary school students attend because they are afraid of their parents and not because they want to study. Everybody is like this at the beginning. Continue reading “Why Tell Children to Study?”

The Severity of the Punishment Should Not Surpass Your Concern for Him

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1612

Everywhere you go, you should become an explosive center of action with full confidence in yourself, receive the power that is coming to you from the center of heaven, and push through horizontally. Carry on confidently with your work for the expansion of the Blessing throughout heaven and earth, for there is nothing that can stop you. Heaven and earth will be keen observe families who are true to their work. Through such families liberation will be achieved. Indeed, heaven and earth will be turned Chapter 4 • The Way in the Completed Testament Age 1613 around. Then your blessed tribes should be educated and unified in Jardim. (298- 57, 1999.1.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 701

Right after the Unification Ceremony on the day before Heung-jin went to the spirit world, what did I pray? I prayed, promising him, “Even though you are leaving the physical world, I will choose an adopted son for you as if you were still on earth, and let him join the ranks of the son.” For that reason, I have to give him the Blessing on earth. Without doing so, it would be impossible for me to keep my promise. God has sent the Messiah to save the earthly world. You should know that today, in order for True Parents to save the spirit world, I have sent a prince of love as my ambassador with full authority. Why must I establish such a global foundation on earth? Even Jesus could not reach that position. You should know the fact that, for the first time in history, God has a young son whom He can love as His own. For the first time, God loves from the spirit world and True Parents love from earth. Thus, the two worlds are connected. Since this world was in the realm of fallen love, that is, in the indirect dominion of God, it had no connection with the love of True Parents until now. Yet you must know the amazing fact that this has finally emerged.

Richard: Richard: Heung-jin is the second son of Rev. and Mrs. Moon. He died in an automobile accident at age 17.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 9

True Education for Children

Section 5. Chastisement with Love

    According to the Revelation to John, one should be either cold or hot but never lukewarm. In the world of love a lukewarm attitude will not do. If you have a heart of love you can even chastise with a stick. When you raise your children, if they fail to keep a standard even though you loved them, you should sometimes treat them coldly. If you do not scold them when they are at fault, they will lose their capacity to distinguish right from wrong. You should know that although your Teacher may look amiable, I can sometimes be strict. I can be merciless toward evil, but toward goodness I can be hot like a furnace at thousands of degrees. (103-32, 1979.1.28) Continue reading “The Severity of the Punishment Should Not Surpass Your Concern for Him”

Where Does Love Come From?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1633

The seed of life is always made up of two halves. This is a principle of heaven and earth. God exists as one being, e one personality, with dual characteristics, which are symbolized by the seed. Within the seed is a germ, parts of which will form the roots, the bud, and so on. In other words, within it is everything required for it to develop its existence; it is made so that, even if left to itself, it can grow into a perfected substantial form. (262-147, 1994.7.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1190

There are seven horizontal stages you have to pass through from the individual to the family, tribe, people, nation, world, and heaven and earth, before reaching the final position of God. There are also eight vertical levels beginning with the servant of servant’s position. On the foundation of restoring the rights of the firstborn son in the course of seven of these eight levels, you must attain the position of the original, unfallen firstborn son. Adam and Eve were the first son and the first daughter. The first son and daughter have to pass through the realm of dominion based on accomplishments through the Principle. Then, they must be connected to the realm of direct dominion based on love and possess the right of the firstborn son. Such connection is impossible with the love of the younger child. They are not connected with the love of the second child. Therefore, you must return to this position and restore the right of the firstborn son going up stage by stage. This is the battle to be fought. (138-134, 1986.1.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 9

True Education for Children

Section 4. Parents Are Best Friends and Best Teachers

    Where does love come from? Never from the self, but rather from one’s partner. Without a partner, love cannot arise. Within humankind, woman complements man, and children complement their parents. Continue reading “Where Does Love Come From?”

Parents Should Set the Example for Their Children

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2137

    Human beings are created to pass through three stages of life. The stage in the mother’s womb is spent in the water, the stage of physical life is that of soil, water, and air, and the stage after death is that of love. In the same way that a fetus grows by receiving nutrition through its mother’s womb, our physical bodies grow through eating food taken from the creation on earth. Thus, we should love the Earth as our mother. In the spirit world, light as bright as the sun radiates regardless of day or night. It is always day on the sun. That is how it is in the spirit world. The light of love in the spirit world is unchanging. Love does not change, whether by day or by night, either at the North or the South Pole. The spirit world is the world filled with true love. As it is also like a storehouse in which the fruits we harvested through spring, summer, autumn, and winter on earth are kept, it is the resultant place of our earthly life.
    In the course of the history of restoration, Jesus was the only one born with true life directly connected to God’s true lineage. Accordingly, no one else among fallen humanity has ever entered the realm of God’s direct dominion either on earth or in the spirit world. Thus, God has been alone, spending eons in solitude and sorrow. Hence, the world has become a place where people and all things of nature are sad. God has been seeking one person whom He could trust and who could purify the fallen lineage of humanity and transform it into true life, that is, the Messiah who inherits God’s true love and liberates all humankind.
    As you all know, the history of the Old Testament Age after Adam’s fall is that of the people chosen to receive the Messiah. God’s will was for Jesus to come as the Messiah through the prepared chosen people of Israel, for all people to be grafted onto his family, and for this to be expanded to encompass the world. Yet his death on the cross caused by the faithlessness of his people left this process as an ideal to be accomplished at the time of the Second Advent. Accordingly, the returning Lord must stand in the position of the True Parent of humankind and restore the true love nest by fulfilling together with his bride the position of the Parents of heaven and earth and complete God’s providence for human salvation.

UnionStation.love can help you to form your own true love nest.

    A path leading to the valley of hell was created due to the failure in Adam’s responsibility. No one knows how miserable the restoration course was, turning this situation around and re-establishing a path of life, while digesting humiliation, persecution, and a heart filled with bitter grief. Only God knows such things.
    When spiritualists pray asking who Rev. Moon is, the heart of God can only respond in tears. Whenever I hear this, I simply say, “Father, it was nothing….” How many tears of gratitude He will shed! After I lived with this heart and showed the world these things, God was freed from His imprisonment. You must all be aware of this. My life goal was to revive Heavenly Father’s heart, so that when I enter the spirit world, He will want to welcome and receive me with great joy, as someone worth tens of thousands of times more than Adam. (302-250, 1999.6.14)

Find out about the life of Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 9

True Education for Children

Section 3. Parents Must First Set an Example

    In order to educate their children, parents should first put their words into practice. They should set the example of being loyal to God’s will. This way, they should create an atmosphere in which, whatever they say, their children can revere them without ever talking back. Otherwise, their children would not follow them. (31-268, 1970.6.4) Continue reading “Parents Should Set the Example for Their Children”