Parents Want to Give All of Their Best Possessions

Choen Seong Gyeong 1747

Do you think God does not see you making love? It is all out in the open. It is open for the universe to see. It is very wrong to be unaware of this fact. Your ancestors are watching from the spirit world; they can see it as if it is taking place right before their eyes, like on the palm of their hands. Therefore it is very wrong to think making love is embarrassing. (250-244, 1993.10.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 607

    What will be the basis of competition in the future? Living for the sake of others. Why? Those who live for others go to a higher position in heaven. By serving such people and riding on their coattails one can make great leaps forward. You can be launched from there, just like the satellites that are launched from Cape Kennedy. This is because living for the sake of an individual is comparable to when God created His object partners; you, too, will stand as the object of that individual. For that purpose, we follow someone and live for others.

    You serve me to make use of me. Earning my love is your launching pad toward occupying God. Satellites symbolize how today’s believers can take off and cross infinite distances to get to heaven.
Eventually, human beings are destined to go to the original homeland.
They may have their hometown in this world, but when they return to the original homeland – the eternal homeland – those who have nothing to show for their efforts will be miserable. You know how devastating not being able to join a group can be. (213-193, 1991.1.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 8

True Parental Love

Section 1. Parental Heart Wants to Give Everything

    Parents who have given birth to and raised children all understand the desire to receive blessings and feel happiness through their sons and daughters, whom they love dearly. Also, if they have established a correct standard through which they can experience joy, they will want to bequeath this to their offspring for eternity. Even fallen parents hope that their children will grow up as fine people who can be followed and revered by all nations and praised eternally. Continue reading “Parents Want to Give All of Their Best Possessions”

Because of Love, Human Beings Are Born as Men or Women

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1346

    Just as I have the 120 Couples, all of you have 120 kinfolk of your own, through twelve tribes multiplied by ten in the spirit world. At present, we regard the number of nations in the world in which we are carrying out missionary work as 120 or 160. Hence, at the time of the Seoul Olympics, national representatives from 120 nations got together to become as one. Similarly, within your tribe, you must establish representatives of 120 nations and make them unite with you as the representatives of the nations of the world. Only thus can you restore through indemnity the lost base of the 120 followers on earth at the time of Jesus’ resurrection and ascension, which is why we need the 120 Couples. Only when they are established on earth, brought together and completely united can the 120 representatives in the spirit world be connected to the tribes. In this way, even the spirit world can be connected to the 120 nations. Thus, the 120 Couples are absolutely indispensable to us. (215-129, 1991.2.6)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 479

    It is because of love that human beings are born as men or women. Love can bear fruit when a man and woman become a husband and wife, thus becoming one. Since men and women are substantial manifestations of God’s love through dual characteristics, the separate substantial manifestations must find God’s love in order to unite as one.
    If they hope to encounter God’s love, the man and woman must become one in love. Otherwise, they cannot encounter God’s love. By encountering God’s love, we live on a level equal to God. This equal level means a position where we can stand next to God. (144-132, 1986.4.12)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 7

The Love of a True Husband and a True Wife

Section 8. Conjugal Love Should Be Eternal

If someone asks a loving husband and wife how long they will be in love, and one of them says, “Just while we are young,” would the other feel good or bad? For how long do you want to be in love? Eternally, but first of all until you die, and then you will want to love eternally. Continue reading “Because of Love, Human Beings Are Born as Men or Women”

What Is the Ideology of the New Movement?

Congratulations to President Donald J. Trump on being elected the 47th President of the United States!
Let’s make America good again, centered on strengthening families, where the love of a husband and wife is sacred. This is the mission of our organization, VisionRoot:

We promote a world where the culture of sexual abstinence in preparation for marriage is honored and where the welfare of children comes before the pleasure of adults. We uplift God’s plan for the family; a loving, God-centered husband and wife and the children that their union creates.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 719

    What is the ideology of the new movement we are actualizing? Since God exists, it is an ideology based on His will. Because God exists, so must the spirit world. The spirit world does exist and it is the place where our numerous ancestors reside. It is the place where the countless number of people on earth today and the myriads of people to come in the future will all go and live.
   In the spirit world too, there are good and evil spirit realms. Evil people must go to the evil spirit realm. If the spirit world has a gathering place for those who can form some relationship with God, then the spirit world, too, is inevitably divided into different realms, those of goodness and those of evil.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1204

    As America represents the democratic world and the whole of humanity then, if it is to attain the heavenly standard of restoration through indemnity centered on the historical Christian cultural realm, what way of thinking should America have? It should be based on being determined to liberate God. It must have a conscientious heart in seeking the liberation of God. The True Parents who are to come, come as the incarnation of God, so America must attend the True Parents and love humankind more than its own people. Americans must love humankind more than their own people and nation. That is why, within America, there are numerous nationalities, peoples, tribes and families. (148-166, 1986.10.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4



The Love of a True Husband and a True Wife

Section 7. Why You Feel Sad When Your Beloved Passes Away

    Why does a woman cry when she loses her husband? It is not for some vague reason that she is sad after losing her husband.
    Love embraces all four directions. At the same time, there has to be relations of front and back, and left and right. Because love is like this, the husband stands next to his wife in a relationship of left and right, and realizes a love that embraces the four directions. When such a wife loses her husband and falls from the position of being supported by the universe into a position of having no support, she feels the pain of his loss, as well as the pressure from the universal power. (Blessed Family – 901) Continue reading “What Is the Ideology of the New Movement?”

Husband and Wife should Long to be Together all Day

Congratulations to President Donald J. Trump on being elected the 47th President of the United States!
Let’s make America good again, centered on strengthening families, where the love of a husband and wife is sacred. This is the mission of our organization, VisionRoot:

We promote a world where the culture of sexual abstinence in preparation for marriage is honored and where the welfare of children comes before the pleasure of adults. We uplift God’s plan for the family; a loving, God-centered husband and wife and the children that their union creates.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1351

    What is the Blessing? It is the securing of families. Centering on my family, the 3, 36, 72, and 124 Couples were blessed, and through these Blessings, the global indemnity condition could be fulfilled. Then the issue of the 430 Couples arises. Although the 124 Couples were established to represent the global standard of the Blessing, there are still many Koreans who do not believe in religion and so do not lead religious lives. Isn’t that so? God’s providence must take account of all existing religions, and indemnity conditions are necessary for their sakes. But what would happen to nonbelievers? They cannot just be cut off completely and cast away.
    Ultimately, the many races and clans must be equally engrafted to the realm of mainstream thought through religions. Although the way leading to the world has been paved and the gates through which religious people can pass have been opened, ordinary people had been excluded; they could not be admitted. Thus, the many ordinary tribes in Korea must be engrafted. That was the reason behind the establishment of the 430 Couples: they represent the 4,300 years of Korean history. (110-123, 1980.11.10)

You too can receive the Blessing and join the Kingdom of Heaven by becoming a Blessed Couple!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1288

    If this world became one that absolutely valued the sexual organs, would that world be a good world or a bad one? Would it be a thriving world or a perishing world? When God was creating human beings, which part of the body do you think He put most effort into making? Would it have been the eyes, nose, heart, or brain? None of these organs are capable of reproducing new life and die out in the end. Isn’t that true? (279-244, 1996.9.15)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4



The Love of a True Husband and a True Wife

Section 5. The More a Husband and Wife See Each Other, the More They Want to See Each Other

    When do a man and woman feel happy? We can say they feel happy when they become partners and share love. If a man were to relate to a woman by swinging his fist or using physical force, this couple would never be able to attain happiness.
    When the man embraces and protects the woman with his strength and loves her, she will be able to feel true happiness. The love between a man and woman does not work just with strength or just within the mind. The woman will be able to experience a real feeling of happiness when the man confirms his loving heart with his strength, and when she returns love to him with her body and mind. They will be a truly happy husband and wife. (Blessed Family – 887) Continue reading “Husband and Wife should Long to be Together all Day”

We Can Reverse Satan’s Threats and Intimidation

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1590

    Heavenly Father! On this day, June 14, 1999, at quarter past one in the afternoon, the historic moment has come when the proclamation of the victorious cosmic liberation in the names of the True Father and True Parents can be made standing here before You. Also the declaration of welcome for the victorious True Parents representing heaven and earth can be made, based on the Congratulatory Declaration of the True Parents’ East-West (Global) Victory on May 30.
    I am aware of the anguish long-harbored deep within Your heart, which could not be dissolved by anyone in the past. Every moment of the sad history of sin committed in front of You ever since the time of the first ancestors is buried inside Your heart.
    I know that many difficulties arose in Your mind as You had to watch Satan accusing, cursing and ridiculing You. In order to resolve this, You endeavored to form the tribe of love that could inherit God’s lineage. You intended it to be centered on the family of perfected Adam, developing into a people, a nation, and finally a world of true love to begin Your kingdom on earth and in heaven. However, the providential course to establish this ideal faced continual failure.
    Satan has now finally been brought to submission, as a result of which a new era of global liberation has dawned wherein You can establish control of everything that is on Satan’s side by actively exercising Your creative authority. Heavenly Father, we are truly grateful for Your grace in permitting us this time of the Congratulatory Declaration of True Parents’ Cosmic Victory as the vertical foundation, along with the Congratulatory Declaration of True Parents’ East-West (Global) Victory as the horizontal foundation.
    Under Your guidance, Heavenly Father, from this day forward we can begin to reverse Satan’s threats and intimidation. He has been cutting people down, dragging them to the scaffold, and dooming them to hell. We welcome the era of freedom and liberation in which families blessed in the spirit world can come to their descendants to inspire them and reprimand them in turn to lead them, by force if necessary, to heaven rather than hell.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 973

    Now we are entering the age of the nation. You should adjust your focus for this purpose. I am now giving liberation Blessings to the spirit world. There will be Blessings for up to 120 generations of ancestors. In the past it was four generations. How close would four generations be in terms of kin? It would include relatives up to those eight times removed. When this is taken to seven generations it would include even more. It would be hundreds, even thousands of ancestral families for a family with many children. There will be Blessings for four generations and then for seven generations. When seven generations are blessed, it goes beyond family relatives. For 120 generations it would reach across the entire world. Since we are doing this in Cheongpyeong, all Blessed Families should compete with one another in liberating their ancestors, and they have the responsibility to open the door of the Blessing to them. (299-307, 1999.2.21)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4



The Love of a True Husband and a True Wife

Section 4. Even God is Enraptured in the Love of a True Couple

    Each one of us, as an individual, has a mind and body in mutual conflict, and thus we should unite our body with our mind as the center, preparing a foundation of reciprocity in our mind, where God can come and dwell.
    When such a man and woman receive the Blessing, sharing perfect love and delighting in joy, in God’s eyes this is like a flower that has blossomed on earth. Moreover, all the forms of harmony that unfold through their love are like a fragrance to God. God comes to them because He wants to live amid such beautiful flowers and fragrance. The foundation upon which God’s love can come is none other than the place of conjugal love. This is the place where all things and the universe harmonize. It is the Unification Church and its teaching that explains such ideas and the path to follow. (Blessed Family – 887) Continue reading “We Can Reverse Satan’s Threats and Intimidation”