Choen Seong Gyeong 1747
Do you think God does not see you making love? It is all out in the open. It is open for the universe to see. It is very wrong to be unaware of this fact. Your ancestors are watching from the spirit world; they can see it as if it is taking place right before their eyes, like on the palm of their hands. Therefore it is very wrong to think making love is embarrassing. (250-244, 1993.10.15)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 607
What will be the basis of competition in the future? Living for the sake of others. Why? Those who live for others go to a higher position in heaven. By serving such people and riding on their coattails one can make great leaps forward. You can be launched from there, just like the satellites that are launched from Cape Kennedy. This is because living for the sake of an individual is comparable to when God created His object partners; you, too, will stand as the object of that individual. For that purpose, we follow someone and live for others.
You serve me to make use of me. Earning my love is your launching pad toward occupying God. Satellites symbolize how today’s believers can take off and cross infinite distances to get to heaven.
Eventually, human beings are destined to go to the original homeland.
They may have their hometown in this world, but when they return to the original homeland – the eternal homeland – those who have nothing to show for their efforts will be miserable. You know how devastating not being able to join a group can be. (213-193, 1991.1.20)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4
Chapter 8
True Parental Love
Section 1. Parental Heart Wants to Give Everything
Parents who have given birth to and raised children all understand the desire to receive blessings and feel happiness through their sons and daughters, whom they love dearly. Also, if they have established a correct standard through which they can experience joy, they will want to bequeath this to their offspring for eternity. Even fallen parents hope that their children will grow up as fine people who can be followed and revered by all nations and praised eternally. Continue reading “Parents Want to Give All of Their Best Possessions”