Because of Their Children, Parents Have No Right to Divorce

The latest Richard Urban Show
#172-Joe Earley on the Root Cause of Societal Decline

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1663

The original Garden is the world of happiness wherein everything can be in tune with others in its unique way, in front of the rhythm of joy created by God and humankind through their maintaining mutual harmony. It is where each in its own creative way can dance and do all kinds of harmonious activities both symbolically and in image form. When this occurs, the creation will exclaim, “Aha! This is worth being born for!” Would it not be the greatest wish of even the tiniest forms of creation to become eligible to take part in the joyous feast day of love which would be held by God and humankind, and to share that joy with others? (166-46, 1987.5.28)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 570

    How do you live eternally? Christians say that you can attain eternal life and be saved by believing in Jesus but that makes no sense. Only through love can you be saved. From the viewpoint of God’s principles of creation, only a true person is God’s partner in love. Therefore, if someone has true love, he must be able to live eternally. Once you enter the realm of that love, whether you are in the spirit world or on earth, you will come to know where you should live.
    If a large ship sailing across the ocean faces the danger of destruction, the rats inside the ship try to escape to dry land. Even though they are nothing but small animals, they can distinguish which is the right way to take and go in that direction when faced with matters of life and death.
    How would it be in the case of human beings who should be the lords of all creation? Why have they become the way they are? It was because of the Fall. How will you remove the mask of the Fall or free yourself from the devil’s love, life, and lineage?
    To free yourself means to break away from something. It means to completely break away from and stand in an autonomous position with no relation to Satan. (215-53, 1991.2.6)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 6. Filial Love

6.2. The way of true children is filial piety

When you have come to know your parents, what do you have to do for them? You should carry out acts of filial piety and become a child of filial piety. Also, going beyond your parents, you should be a patriot in your nation, because your parents have had authority within the nation and the world. Before becoming a patriot, you should be a child of filial piety, and before becoming a child of filial piety, you should be a member of a family who can be proud of true brothers and sisters. “Family member” is a title that brings the right to sing the praises of your brothers and sisters. (30-220, 1970.3.23)

The reason a child of filial piety is precious is that he respects and serves his parents with unchanging love, whether in childhood, as an adult, or in old age. We call such a person a child of filial piety. (168-161, 1987.9.20) Continue reading “Because of Their Children, Parents Have No Right to Divorce”

It Is Not Bad to Be Born as a Woman

New Richard Urban Show
#172-Joe Earley on the Root Cause of Societal Decline

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1557

Socialism and communism aspire to establish the one absolute nation. The era of the restoration of ownership based on God’s ideal will soon arrive, and Satan, in coming to know of this in advance, planned to completely remove God’s ownership over the world through communism. Satan did all he could. I was the one who undid his every action, and brought everything back to God’s side. Those on that side have therefore all yielded to my logic and ideology. Now, there is nothing and no one who can stand in opposition before the True Parents and God. (229-156, 1992.4.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 998

What kind of person am I? I am a person with only one talent. I am a person who just goes straight ahead no matter what. Some ask why I always do things which are spoken ill of, instead of quietly going around the other way with my mouth shut. It is because the pinnacle can only be overcome by receiving opposition from many people. But you are thinking of taking a detour, aren’t you? Then, why do we have to cut off from everything in the secular world? It is because we cannot go straight if we are pulled by our love for our physical parents. Since God has been going straight towards us, we also have to go straight. (97-257, 1978.3.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

True Love

Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 6. Filial Love
6.1. Children result from a concentration of parental love

Children stand before loving parents as representatives of the world. (Blessed Families and Ideal Kingdom – 934)

Why do they call childless people lonely? Our children are there to enable us to deeply experience the circumstances of the heart of God, the subject who created the entire universe through love. Our children are born through us, on the basis of our own motivation, but by having and loving these children we come to realize, “Ah, this is how God loved people.” (136-201, 1985.12.29) Continue reading “It Is Not Bad to Be Born as a Woman”

Love Is Not Something that Is Learned

New Richard Urban Show
#172-Joe Earley on the Root Cause of Societal Decline

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1390

Even those who passed away before the True Parents had come can now reach the position of being able to receive the Blessing from them and live as Blessed Couples on the same level as those on earth. The Blessing of 3.6 Million Couples represents such a historic realm of liberation. Through this ceremony, all these couples and their ancestors will come together during this year. (282-189, 1997.3.12)

Richard: Read about the 3.6 Million Couples Blessing here.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1149

From the viewpoint of God’s original ideal of creation, the sexual organs are the most precious and holy place. This is the holy place, the holy of holies! The most holy place is not a place that just anyone can enter. No one except for the high priest, except for the person in charge, can open its door. The words “a fountain sealed” in the Song of Solomon in the Bible refer to this. (205-328, 1990.10.2)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 5. Sexual Love

5.2. Love is not something that is learned

Did you learn how to love at home? What kind of father would tell his child to learn how to love from him? Also, does a mother tell her child to learn how to love from her? Furthermore, did the parents learn from someone how to love their children? Did the bride and bridegroom learn from someone that they should love in a certain way? They did not learn it, but they know it well. This is something truly mysterious. (23-20, 1969.5.11) Continue reading “Love Is Not Something that Is Learned”

True Freedom Presupposes Responsibility

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2076

We started in 1978, so this is now the fourteenth year. This work has been going on for fourteen years. If all of you had only done this work with a desperate heart! How great it would have been! If that had happened, then everything would be connected through the tong ban breakthrough activities, centering on the Unification Church. Centering on the Unification Church foundation, we organized everything down to the village, so that we could breakthrough at the tong ban level. Centering on the men, we held conferences in the dong (districts), tong and ban (local communities and home neighborhoods). We passed out Divine Principle books and a book called “The Hope of the World” in my name, to all the 120,000 neighborhood leaders. Maybe even some of you that are here today also received these books. Despite the fact that all this was done, the men still all failed their responsibility. They were relaxed and thought this was just some kind of game. Therefore, because the men failed their responsibility, the women must accomplish it. Whatever happens, they must do this
Richard: Rev. Moon is here talking about the Home Church, or Tong Ban (local community) activities, where you visit and care for 360 or more homes in the area where you live. See here for more explanation.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 693

Since I had to open the way for all humankind, I even befriended condemned criminals. I was chained together with thieves, ate with them and comforted them. Recently, I even went to Las Vegas to pray for those imprisoned there. I bought the New Yorker Hotel to clear away the worst dens of Satan in New York and lay a new foundation. I had to go there to mingle with them and comfort them. Only in this way could I open and pave the way for people from all walks of life, even those headed for destruction in the satanic world. By my paving the way on earth, barriers in the spirit world will be opened and the world can be unified. Hence, I will marry blacks and whites interracially, and buy houses for them. In this way, I am doing things that have never been done before in this world. (91-160, 1977.2.6)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 5. Sexual Love

5.1. Sex is the original palace of love, the most holy place of heaven

Even in the fallen world, when a man and a woman fall in love, they say, “Ah, there is an electric current here.” The electricity that arises from moment to moment starts from the archangel – it is unicellular. The electricity of love that arises in the original world is the lightning of the love of the universe. It surpasses the former in strength several thousand times; moreover, the sound of the movement of the cells of each human organ is like the sound of thunder. The principle view of love is that the man and woman engaged in true love of the original world cannot meet God unless they concentrate with all their might towards the contact point where the lightning of love meets. (Blessed Family – 380) Continue reading “True Freedom Presupposes Responsibility”

You Get Married in Order to Meet God

Cheon Seong Gyeong 963

    To this day, no one has been registered into the heavenly kingdom. The kingdom did not have a nation. It did not have a family or nation. When you go to the spirit world, your parents, and – if there are ten people in your family – all ten of your family members would be separated. However, from now on it will not be that way. You should know that originally, if human beings had not fallen, heaven would be the place where you enter with your mother, father and clan.
    If your grandparents, mother and father, couple, and children, become one based on true love, and inherit God’s true love that lives for others, then even God would be absolutely obedient to that. In the world that strives to live for others – a world that moves according to the love that submits to the tradition of living for others – the basis for peace would surely emerge even if it resisted being formed. (210-354, 1990.12.27)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1194

    The democratic political system is a system of struggle. That is why we have to rise to the position of parents. Only then can the struggle be stopped. Siblings can all unite, centered on the parents. The world of peace starts from such unity. There is no other method. First, people need to find the True Parents, and then everything else including true children, true nation, and true peace can be found. There is no other way. (205-190, 1990.9.1

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 5. Sexual Love

5.1. Sex is the original palace of love, the most holy place of heaven

Love must create harmony; there is nothing dirty in love. Although the sexual organ is the most precious thing, it is close to the dirtiest area of the human body. Why is that the case? Since harmony is a principle in the creation of heaven and earth, the male and female sexual organs, as the most precious things, are placed here. God thus installed them properly near the dirtiest place. (194-49, 1989.10.15) Continue reading “You Get Married in Order to Meet God”