God’s Will Is the Completion and Fulfillment of the Original Ideal of Creation

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1327   

The uppermost wish of all the descendants of humankind will be to connect to my lineage. Therefore, their greatest hope will be to form a blood relationship with me. How many sons and daughters do I have? How many grandchildren do I have? What I’m asking you is how many children should my sons and daughters have? Should they give birth to just one child each? Each of my children should have at least a dozen children.
    Aren’t there many people waiting? People, be they black, white, or yellow, are waiting. Asians are yellow, are they not? Such is the hope of the great tribe, that is, the world. So many lineages can be connected to each other. There is not one neighborhood in the world that is not connected through the 3.6 Million Couples. In every corner of the world, you will be able to find at least one Blessed Couple without fail. (283-108, 1997.4.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1059

Parents should set a good example in their life of faith. In the family, they should show their children how fervently they practice all aspects of a life of faith, including prayer life and family services. They should help the children recognize how important the time for Pledge is. They should not just hold Pledge service at that particular time, but as parents, they should also teach their children about God’s will. (31-269, 1970.6.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 4


Chapter 1

The True Family Originally Intended at the Time of Creation

Section 1. God’s Will through Adam and Eve

Many talk about God’s will and many believers have prayed, “Heavenly Father, may Your will be done!” The words in themselves seem simple, but it is difficult for us, when asked, to articulate precisely what God’s will is. At present we are leading lives of faith to accomplish that will, but there is some contradiction in living a life of faith and praying for the accomplishment of God’s will without knowing what that will is. (Blessed Family – 298) Continue reading “God’s Will Is the Completion and Fulfillment of the Original Ideal of Creation”

You Were Born from God by Borrowing Your Mother’s Womb

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2007

We need to create an impetus for one unified language. You read the record of everything True Parents have accomplished, but to read this in translation is a disgrace. It will become your shame in the spirit world. When you go to the spirit world, you might have to pay indemnity for thousands or tens of thousands of years. That is how great a problem this is. Even if the homeland has been restored, people who cannot go over this hill will have no path upon which they can return to their hometown. They will have no certificate of residence that enables them to dwell in their homeland as registered citizens. This is a serious problem. (303-157, 1999.8.17)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1266

You were born of the lineage of false parents, driven away from God, and have no connection to true parents. Therefore, in order to free yourselves from this lineage, you must stamp it out and uproot it. Only when you do so, and totally change the lineage, can you enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (22-271, 1969.5.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 5

Love and the Spirit World

Section 2. We Should Develop a Loving Character During Our Earthly Life

You were born from your parents. Next, what is more fundamental is that you were born from God by borrowing your mother’s womb. You are to go and find the True Parents through universal parents and your physical parents. Your physical parents are parents of passage. So the moment of death is a time of joy when you go to meet the True Parents. The true love of the True Parents is there. That place is called the heavenly kingdom in heaven. The constituting element of that place is love, and it is filled with parental love. That love is not for your own sake, but rather it is a love through which you can abide by the law under the principle of service and sacrifice. To receive a passing grade, you must love the universe and love humankind. The earthly life is a training ground for such love. You should know that this is the fundamental core of the universe. If while you are alive on earth you practice love with such an outlook, pass your assessment with honors and then go to the spirit world, you will surely return to God. This is the conclusion. (105-108, 1979.9.30) Continue reading “You Were Born from God by Borrowing Your Mother’s Womb”

Earth Is a Factory to Produce the People of the Heavenly Kingdom

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1955

In America and the other nations of the world, I am causing Japan to exert itself at my direction. I am also con- ducting joint operations with Japan. This will support Japan. For three years, you must demonstrate a sincere heart to bring together all the things of creation, the substantial body and the heart as one. Without creating a foundation, to restore the foundation of victory that I, coming from the Adam nation, have established, there will be no condition for Japan to say that it has fulfilled its mission as the Eve nation. On the national level, the task of indemnifying Jesus’ being unable to meet his Eve during his three-year course… must also be accomplished by the Unification Church of Japan. (55-170, 1972.5.7)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1201

Korea and America are in a relationship similar to that of Israel and Rome. Of course, Rome worshiped the sun god in those days, whereas America has different roots. Today, Korea is in a position of having gained independence under the protection of America. That is the position of America. Rome tried to destroy Israel, but America was not in a position to destroy a country similar to Israel as it was at the time of the Roman Empire. Instead, the United States created an opposite kind of era that allowed Korea to survive as a nation on God’s side. Thus, it created natural circumstances where it became possible to restore through indemnity everything that Rome and Israel could not accomplish in front of Jesus, and Korea was connected to this. (137-19, 1986.1.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 5

Love and the Spirit World

Section 2. We Should Develop a Loving Character During Our Earthly Life

The place called hell is a place where, once you get trapped there, you cannot get out for eternity. Nevertheless, you do not truly realize the fact that your mother, father, and relatives are going to hell.  You just say, “Things will work out somehow,” and that is it. But try thinking that your beloved parents really are going to hell. Should you find out that your parents were going to prison, you would cry your heart out and try to get them out by doing all kinds of things, wouldn’t you? This is how human affection goes. Then, in the same way, if you know that your sons and daughters, parents, relatives, and brothers and sisters, who are connected to you through heavenly affection, are going to hell from which there is no escape, wouldn’t you have the same kind of reaction? (34-266, 1970.9.13) Continue reading “Earth Is a Factory to Produce the People of the Heavenly Kingdom”

You Should Realize the Preciousness of Your Physical Body

Cheon Seong Gyeong 530

    Why was man created? Usually men say that they can live alone by themselves, so they don’t care why they were created. Yet man was born for the sake of woman. Without woman, there is absolutely no need for man. Actually, nothing was created for its own sake.
    Consider our five senses. Were our eyes created merely in order to look at themselves? In the same way our nose, ears, mouth and hands were all created for the sake of our partner. The force that can mobilize and focus all five senses is true love. Eyes, nose, ears, mouth and hands are the tools that were created for the sake of true love. Nothing was created for its sake alone. If people take things belonging to others, and use them as their own, aren’t they thieves? Therefore, any man who arbitrarily uses his five senses and his body for himself alone is a thief, because these were created for his wife.
    What is the difference between man and woman? Their bodies, and the sexual organs in particular. Then, who absolutely needs the male organ? It exists for the sake of woman. One of the sexual organs is concave and the other convex. Why were they created that way? Both could have been pointed or both could have been flat. Yet they were made differently. Why? Each of them exists for the sake of the other. Woman absolutely wants what is man’s and vice versa. You did not know that the female organ absolutely belongs to man, and the male organ absolutely belongs to woman. By occupying each other’s sexual organs, man and woman come to know love. Only through the experience of the two attaining perfect oneness can we know the highest level of love. Nobody can ever deny these facts. Everyone must acknowledge them. An ideal couple comes into being in the place where the two achieve complete unity. Absolute love exists in that very place. God will come and dwell in such a place where love is absolutely unchanging. (287-27, 1997.8.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1807

    What is the Fall? God desired through the ideal of creation to bequeath His direct lineage, starting from a family to form a tribe, people and a nation, to create a world of peace, namely God’s Kingdom on earth and in heaven. What is God’s Kingdom on earth and in heaven? There must be a house of love where God can dwell: within my body, in the family, nation, world, and in the infinite spirit world where nothing is impossible. The individual is a house which God can enter and inhabit, centered on true love. The family is formed by a couple in which man and woman are different and opposite poles. In the Garden of Eden, the family united by love was the place for God to come to dwell in. The mother and father were prepared to bear fruit – God’s grandchildren – as the seed connected to His lineage for all generations.
    What is the Fall? If God is the first generation, Adam is the second. The Fall refers to being unable to have a grandchild of the lineage in the third generation. Not being able to have grandchildren is the Fall. Did Adam and Eve give birth to sons and daughters after or before the Fall? They had sons and daughters after the Fall. So who married them? Adam and Eve had nothing to do with God and were driven away. They then married and gave birth to children as Satan’s offspring. Today, the six billion people on earth are the sons and daughters who have inherited the lineage of the fallen Adam and Eve – who were expelled, hid themselves and married wrongfully – and are thus headed for hell. They have nothing to do with God. (2000.3.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 5

Love and the Spirit World

Section 2. We Should Develop a Loving Character During Our Earthly Life

How important is your life on earth? You only live once. It is a short moment, but you only live once. Compared to eternal life, earthly life is but a point in time. It is too short. During this period, you need to prepare for the spirit world where you will live after earthly life. With this idea you should stand in the center and control and overcome everything. Otherwise, you cannot achieve perfection. You should know this. (207-99, 1990.11.1)

Wouldn’t it be simple if a person ceased to exist at the end of his or her earthly life? However, people are meant to live eternally. They are meant to live eternally. This is good, but it is also a big problem. People are meant to live eternally. You do not know this because you have not had any spiritual experiences. But those who have had spiritual experiences can meet everyone, all the way from Adam to ancestors of thousands of years ago. (159-277, 1968.5.19) Continue reading “You Should Realize the Preciousness of Your Physical Body”

In the Spirit World, God’s Love Is Law

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1932-1933

    In 1945, when World War II came to an end, world Christianity was at an extremely important point in the history of God’s providence of salvation. Christian nations like Great Britain, the United States, and France were in the central positions of the providence at that time. In World Wars I and II, the three major Christian nations of Great Britain, the United States, and France fought for democracy as the center of the allied nations.
    It was God’s desire to see the three major Christian nations join their forces to practice God’s love in the service of humankind, with a sacrificial and serving spirit to actualize world peace, without lapsing into nationalistic ideas centered on their countries.
    The end of World War II, in 1945, saw the opportunity of providing lasting peace for humankind through the establishment of the United Nations. However, the historical reality was not the realization of world peace, but the expansion of communism, and the numerous conflicts that have come with it, as well as the spiritual decline and moral degradation of Christian nations. Humankind, which has endured the cold war between the United States and the former Soviet Union for more than 40 years, is passing through a spiritual wilderness that continues until the present.
    For my part, I have traveled the world to reveal God’s ideals and His providence in order to actualize the vision of world peace on the basis of God’s original plan. To this end, I have established many international organizations. But the path is long, and there remains a lot of work for all of us to do. What is the ideal of God? It goes without saying that the original ideal of God is to realize a peaceful world. In such a world, there are no divisions or conflicts. It is a world filled with unity, harmony and joy. The greatest and quickest means to this end is through true love. True love is the factor of unity and the origin of joy and happiness. That is why I would say that the prerequisite of peace is true love.
    The reason why human beings are still unable to make true peace is because they are ignorant of true love. Why? The answer, as mentioned in the Bible, is that humankind has separated from God.
    Due to the Fall of the first human ancestors, Adam and Eve established the first family without God’s blessing. Peace has been absent from this world ever since. Instead, divisions, conflicts, and struggles have come to rule this world. In the individual, the struggle between mind and body, the conflicts between husband and wife at the family level, and the struggles between societies are accepted as normal, everyday life.
    It is my conviction that all human problems are caused by the fundamental loss of true love. The fall of humankind meant the loss of true love. Consequently, Jesus came as the King of true love in order to restore the love that Adam and Eve had lost. By the same token, the Lord at his Second Advent is coming in order to restore true love. That is the logical conclusion, seen from the view of the providence of salvation.
    My life until today, and my quest for world peace, has been concentrated on the point of how humankind can restore true love. When we look at the moral degradation of the world, we can think of how great God’s sorrow must be. Watching this world decline breaks my heart and brings tears to my eyes. The spirit of our young people is wounded by the practice of so-called “free sex”, which is an evil similar to the immorality and adultery of Sodom and Gomorrah. The greatest sorrow of God is to see humankind going down this path of irresponsible destruction.

Richard:  The number one issue of society is the breakdown of the family.  Specifically, this means the breakdown of sexual ethics.  See the Richard Urban Show; Creating an Abstinence-Centered Education Revolution .

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1108

Where does the Kingdom of Heaven expand from? It does not expand just from the point of separating from Satan. It expands from the realm of the fulfillment of human responsibility. That is to say, through Adam and Eve having fulfilled their portion of responsibility, the realms of direct and indirect dominion and the love of the heavenly realm and the love of the earthly realm connect for the first time. This is in accordance with the Principle. This has not been established so far because Satan is obstructing it. It is Satan who blocks the way of the love of God. (148-204, 1986.10.9)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 5

Love and the Spirit World

Section 1. The Atmosphere of the Spirit World is Love

When you go to the spirit world, you will find that those who have deeply experienced in their family life the love of parents, husband and wife, brothers and sisters, and children will enjoy a great deal of freedom; they can go anywhere in any direction without restrictions. Conversely, those who have no experience of love are narrow-minded, and in the spirit world they are isolated and have no freedom. (Blessed Family – 1062)

In the spirit world, God’s love is law. (98-35, 1978.4.8) Continue reading “In the Spirit World, God’s Love Is Law”