Man Is Born for the Sake of a Woman

Saturday November 18th:
Strengthening Families and Communities Forum

10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.: Screening of the documentary
Gender Transformation
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Audience and panel discussion on:
Understanding parent’s rights and stopping sexual indoctrination in public schools.
Let’s work together to protect our children.
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV, and online by Zoom

Lunch will be served following the discussion.
Free-Registration Required

Registration Deadline: November 13th

Register Now
Register Now

Cheon Seong Gyeong 672

    If I had worked for only the family until now, why would I have been persecuted? I am confident that if my father, mother, clan and all my remote relatives were gathered in one place, I could inspire them all through my words. I am supremely confident of bringing them all to God’s will. However, I could not do that because it was not God’s will. Jesus was driven away by his own relatives because he could not do it either.
    However, you have passed all this and welcomed the circumstances of this era in which you can witness to your relatives. You may hold on to your parents and express your sincere heart to them, even shedding tears. In that sense, you are in a better situation than I. If your parents or relatives are unwilling to accept God’s will, now is the time for you to move their hearts through tearful pleas or any other means. The time when you can freely witness is here. Although you may have a difficult time dealing with your elder brother, you can at least witness to your younger siblings, even if you have to do so forcibly to make them believe. Although you have ushered in such a time, if you do not fulfill your responsibilities, you cannot face God. Henceforth, I, too, cannot deal with such people.
    Those who do not do this cannot go to heaven. You go there only by forming your family. (21-65, 1968.9.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1011

    The church is the base through which the past, present, and future are connected. Therefore, it acts as a mediator through which indemnity conditions can be established; it is a place where the Word, nobility of character, and quality of heart can unite. (The Way of the Spiritual Leader – 238)

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Chapter Four

The Love of Man and Woman
in the Original Creation

Section 2. The Reason Men and Women Are Born

What is the original purpose of a man’s birth? We cannot deny the
fact that he is born for the sake of a woman. Likewise, woman is not
born for her own sake. We should know that a problem will arise if a
woman fails to comprehend on her own that she is born for the sake
of a man. Because God, the great owner of heaven and earth,
established this as a principle of creation, we cannot enter the world
of goodness, truth, happiness, and peace or the world of love and
ideal unless we follow this principle. (Blessed Family – 337)

A woman is born to meet a man, and a man is born to meet a
woman, are they not? This is the highest truth. Therefore, we
should find the realm of blessing that conforms to this principle.
Deviating from this highest realm of truth constitutes the highest
evil. (21-201, 1968.11.20)

Men and women are physically opposite. Whereas women are
one-directional, men are three-directional or four-directional.
Women are more likely to enjoy staying at home, and men are
more likely to enjoy traveling the world. The characters of men
and women are opposite. How can men and women become one?
They become one through love. Love unites human beings and
God. (38-255, 1971.1.8)

Why is man born? He is not born for the sake of academic
pursuits, money, or political power. He is born for the sake of
woman. Man is born for the sake of woman. Men have larger
physiques, not so they can earn a living only for themselves, but so
that they can earn a living for their children and wives. Man’s
sexual organ and woman’s sexual organ are different. For whom
do they exist? They did not come into existence for their own
sake. Man’s sexual organ came into existence for the sake of
woman. Likewise, woman’s sexual organ is for the sake of man.
Have you ever thought like this? This is not something to laugh
about. What is the symbol of the love of man and woman? Where
is the final destination of love? It is the sexual organ which makes
them one body. (143-275, 1986.3.20)

The sexual organ becomes a channel through which the mind and
body can completely merge through love. That which man has is
not his, and that which woman has is not hers. Man has what
belongs to woman, and woman has what belongs to man. Men
and women are not born for their own sake. They should know
clearly that they are born for the sake of their partner. Why are
men and women born on earth? They are born in order to love
each other. Since God is the great king of wisdom, He switched
ownership of their love organs. (132-146, 1984.5.31)

A man has a sexual organ, but that does not mean that he is its
owner. The same is true for woman. Those who have acted
carelessly with no regard for their sexual organ’s ownership will be
judged. If men know that they will receive punishment under the
most fearful law, would they dare think of other women instead of
their own wives? Conversely, can wives think of other men instead
of their own husbands? (Blessed Family -340)

God’s Love and Human Love Are the Same in Essence

Sunday, November 19th:
Unification Principle Study

10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. eastern time. Lunch is included.

Understand what God’s will for your life is by studying the Unification Principle.  This study includes God’s Ideal for the Family, what went wrong and the Role of True Parents.

Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV, and online by Zoom

Register Now

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 2220

Everyone must realize that free sex is Satan’s domain of love filled with ensnaring evil spirits to bring about the downfall of humankind and expand hell on earth. From the viewpoint of the God of absolute love, the grandmother and grandfather are one; they cannot be separated. They must absolutely become one centering on God, and centering on love. What is love? It is fitting convex and concave together absolutely; mother and father, husband and wife, son and daughter – all must unite in this way absolutely. This is what God wants. (280-135, 1996.11.24)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 719

Then what constitutes good and evil? God wants the good and evil spirit realms and people on earth to be harmonized. Once they are, every individual will pursue the fulfillment of the ideal dual purposes: the purpose of the individual and the purpose of the whole. People have dual purposes, that of the individual and that of the whole.

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Chapter Four

The Love of Man and Woman
in the Original Creation

Section 1. The Original Love of a Man and
a Woman

When man and woman are in love, whether their love is in accord
with God’s will and the standard He requires of them is the
question. Is their love in accord with the model of love in God’s
mind? We come to the conclusion that if the first man and woman
had become one in love based on the love of God, then their love
would have become the universal model of love. God must have
desired such love from human beings. Likewise, man and woman
must have wanted this love from each other. Such true love must
be the core of the universe. It becomes the standard of
measurement. (Blessed Family – 334)

God’s love and human love are the same in essence. Love causes
oneness. Why do a man and a woman long for each other? It is
because a man can possess God only through a woman, and a
woman can possess God only through a man. In other words, they
long for each other because God comes and dwells where a man
and a woman have become one in love. (Blessed Family – 334)

Considering that the source of the dual characteristics is God, we
should simultaneously sing praises for the noble value of God and for
the dignity and value of men and women. (Blessed Family – 334)

When God’s beloved woman lives in a man’s heart and God’s
beloved man lives in a woman’s heart as well, these two become
his object partners, and when they love each other, God will be
delighted to see this love and all things will rejoice. Heaven and
earth will rejoice to see a man and woman with these values
embrace. When man and woman embrace each other in mutual
fondness, this mutual fondness becomes the point where the
universe unifies. This is how the original image unfolds in God’s
ideal. (Blessed Family – 334)

Originally, a man should meet a woman with whom he can rejoice,
and a woman also should meet a man with whom she can rejoice.
More than this, it should be an encounter over which both God and
all things of creation can rejoice. Then, all creation will be mobilized
for this couple and want to be ruled by them. Birds will sing and
butterflies will flutter and dance with joy. God will rejoice, people will
rejoice, everything will rejoice. Had the first human ancestors started
history by establishing such a position, the world would be the
original, ideal world. (Blessed Family – 334)

The Spirit World is a Place of True Family Love

Saturday November 18th:
Strengthening Families and Communities Forum

10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.: Screening of the documentary
Gender Transformation
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Audience and panel discussion on:
Understanding parent’s rights and stopping sexual indoctrination in public schools.
Let’s work together to protect our children.
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV, and online by Zoom

Lunch will be served following the discussion.
Free-Registration Required:

Register Now
Register Now

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1329

The longer you take to achieve this, the longer your ancestors will have to wait, tapping their feet impatiently in the spirit world, and exclaiming, “You dimwits! What’s taking you so long?” They want to be liberated as soon as possible, and so the liberation of the realm of the archangel will take place quickly. Since we are blessing the realm of the archangel on earth, we should also bless those in the spirit world. That is why as soon as we have accomplished the Blessing of 3.6 million couples, I can bequeath to Heung-jin and Dae Mo Nim the power to bless those in the spirit world. (284-164, 1997.4.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 851

When God began creation, do you think He started by first creating the color He liked the most or the color He disliked the most? If that’s the question, then what color is the flower that blooms in early spring? It is a purple color. The color purple includes red and pink, and what other colors? It has all the colors in it. You like the color purple, don’t you? Elegant things are in purple. In the spirit world, the most beautiful color is purple. (197-49, 1990.1.7)

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon


Our Course of Life
Centered on Love

Section 8. Earthly Life is Training to be in
Rhythm with the Spirit World

I have a depth of spiritual experience. The spirit world is a place
enveloped in the elements of love. On the earth, we breathe air,
but in the spirit world, people live by inhaling love. The love you
share in the spirit world is not secular human love but true love.
(145.267, 1986.5.15)

When you go to spirit world, you will find that those who have fully
loved their parents, brothers and sisters, spouse, and children — that
is, those who have experienced deep love in their family life — will
be able to enjoy great freedom. They can go everywhere without
restriction. Conversely, those in the spirit world who have no
experience of love are narrow-minded; they find themselves isolated
and alone, with no freedom whatsoever. The love between parents
and children is a vertical relationship, the love between husband
and wife is a horizontal relationship, and the love among brothers
and sisters is a relationship that circles and surrounds.

These three relationships differ from one another. Therefore, only
when you experience deep love through these three mutually
distinct interactions on earth can you circulate freely vertically,
horizontally, and in a circle. Those who have not tasted parental
love because their parents died early are in a rather tragic position
because they are missing an important experience of love.
Likewise, those who have not experienced the conjugal love
relationship of husband and wife as well as love in the family,
become poor people in the spirit world because they lack a crucial
experience of life. Those who have no brothers and sisters will also
be in a poor position in the spirit world because they lack this
experience. (Blessed Family – 1062)

The reason to marry is to deeply experience parental love, conjugal
love, and children’s love. We need these experiences because the
spirit world is filled with the air of such love. You need to have a
family to train yourself to be in rhythm with the spirit world. Those
who go to the spirit world without these experiences of love cannot
follow the rhythm there. They will be as one without a nose to
inhale such air of love. (Blessed Family -1062)

You are born from your father and mother. What is more
fundamental is the fact that you are born from God by having
borrowed your mother’s womb. You find true parents through the
universal parents and through your physical parents. Your
physical parents are temporary, so the moment of your death is a
time of jubilation when you go to meet the True Parents. The true
love of the true parents is there. This is the Kingdom of Heaven in
heaven, where the atmosphere is composed of love and filled with
parental love. That love is not for me; it is a love that is in keeping
with the unilateral law under the principle of service and sacrifice.
In accord with this principle, you must love the universe and
humankind. Your life on earth is the training ground for the
development of such love. (105-108, 1979.9.30)

How important is your life on earth? You only live it once. It is a
short moment that only comes once. When compared to eternal
life, the earthly life is but a point. It is too short a moment. At this
moment, we must go beyond our physical life and make
preparation for the spirit world. (207-99, 1990.11.1)

Human Beings Go through Three Stages of Life

Sunday, November 19th:
Unification Principle Study

10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. eastern time. Lunch is included.

Understand what God’s will for your life is by studying the Unification Principle.  This study includes God’s Ideal for the Family, what went wrong and the Role of True Parents.

Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV, and online by Zoom

Register Now

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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1229

    What until now has been the center of life of religious people? Jesus was an unfortunate person. From a humanistic point of view, Jesus had no personal claims. Night and day, he only served God’s will and had no will of his own. He absolutely obeyed God’s will. Absolute obedience! Why did he obey absolutely? There is only one absolute original Subject, but Satan formed another realm of the subject, forming a triangular shape; thus Jesus did what he did in order to remove Satan.
   Today, human beings are under the control of Satan’s domain. To escape from this situation in the satanic realm, they must follow the path Satan hates the most. Therefore, a religion commands one to be absolutely obedient to his conscience. Since God is absolute, there is a requirement for people in the religious world to become a minus which aims at making them absolutely one with God. (57-114, 1972.5.29)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 968

Through my son Heung-jin going to the spirit world, Abel and the angels who had been completely separated like the earth and spirit world, became closely tied together like twins. When they became one, parents could be mobilized on that foundation. This is the view of the Unification Principle.

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon


Our Course of Life
Centered on Love

Section 7. Our Life Passes Through Three Ages

Human beings are born after developing in the mother’s womb.
They live on earth for a certain period of time, and then die. Prior
to birth, the fetus spends ten months in the mother’s womb where
it has limited freedom. It grows by receiving nutrition from the
mother through the umbilical cord. It opens and closes its hands,
opens and closes its mouth, and wriggles its feet. This is all it can
do. Nevertheless, for the fetus the mother’s womb is a world of
freedom and the whole world. After ten months the fetus is born
into the contemporary earthly world, or human society. (Blessed
Families and the Ideal Kingdom of Heaven – 1062)

Why are human beings born? They are born for the sake of love.
For this reason, they are grounded in true parental love and grow
in the mother’s womb, which is a bosom of parents’ protection
and love. Children grow to maturity embraced by parental love
that digests with joy all the hardships without complaint. Upon
reaching maturity at about twenty years old, the child should meet
their eternal love partner and be engrafted into heavenly love in
which they live entirely for the sake of one another. Following this
life course, this new couple should have their own sons and
daughters and love them. Only when they experience the depth of
God’s love can the substantial realm of God’s love of the object
partner be completed. (143-283, 1986.3.20)

Human life can be compared to the life a fetus lives in the
mother’s womb. People will live a one hundred year span in the
womb of the universal mother. Just as the fetus is ignorant of the
world outside the mother’s womb, the people living a physical life
today are ignorant of the reality of the spirit world that awaits
them after death. They can venture a guess. They have a vague
sense that, just as they did not know about the human world while
in the mother’s womb, a world after death must also exist.
Regardless of people’s feelings or convictions concerning the
world after death, the spirit world really does exist. Because the
world after death cannot be perceived by our five physical senses,
we must overcome the unbelievable through religious faith.
(Blessed Family – 1062)

Continue reading “Human Beings Go through Three Stages of Life”

Parents Should Know How Much God Has Loved Them, By Loving Their Children

Saturday November 18th:
Strengthening Families and Communities Forum

10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.: Screening of the documentary
Gender Transformation
12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Audience and panel discussion on:
Understanding parent’s rights and stopping sexual indoctrination in public schools.
Let’s work together to protect our children.
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV, and online by Zoom

Lunch will be served following the discussion.
Free-Registration Required:

Register Now
Register Now

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1519

    When we say Heavenly Father, we are saying that God is a Parent. If Adam and Eve not fallen, they would have become the king and queen of the heavenly nation, as well as the parents. They would have been the king and queen of God’s Kingdom and the universe. That’s why it is said that devoted, filial children and loyal subjects can enter heaven.
    When a woman serves her husband as God, lord and king, and leads a life of true love, she can enter heaven. In this way, it becomes logical that you cannot be welcome in heaven unless you love your parents, nation and world. (Blessed Family – 954)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1623

    There is a great difference between God’s joy before the Creation, and the great stimulation of love He felt when harmonizing with His partners in love thereafter. Even if He were to dance and dance for a thousand or tens of thousands of years, that joy would not come to an end. But could God dance alone? Would He want to sing alone? We were born because of love and we live to become the objects of the Lord of love who will unite the universe and have dominion over it. Then we too would be able to be lords of love. Seen in light of God’s intense hopes at the time of Creation, God’s beloved object partners are superior to Him, are to stand in a position above Him.
    Consequently, when we call out, “Heavenly Father” He comes to us, and when we tell Him, “Come on,” He follows in our wake and never complains. Even when He is made to follow us for thousands of miles, He will gladly continue to walk behind us. Words cannot express the joy felt by parents following their children. When heaven and earth harmonize with and welcome their children even more than themselves, the parents will be so pleased that even their cells will burst forth in peals of laughter. (215-109, 1991.2.6)

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon


Our Course of Life
Centered on Love

Section 6. Human Beings Seek the Center of Love


Human beings are born through love, grow up in parental love,
and mature while broadening love horizontally. Horizontal love
reaches the completion of the first stage when man and woman
meet and grow together to the state where they can represent the
love of heaven and earth and bear children as the fruit of that love.
Children are born from the heart’s core as a result of love.

The child who is born from a man and woman who share love
based on heart creates a path to the center of love. This center will
lead them directly to God. By having children as a fruit of love,
human beings come to deeply experience the love with which God
created all things and human beings. By loving their children, they
deeply experience the love they received from their parents and
the parental heart. The love parents have been pouring into their
children is not a materialistic love but an intrinsic love.

The love that parents give their children does not change even if
heaven and earth change and historical ages change. By becoming
a parent and loving your children, you will understand and deeply
experience how God has been loving human beings. By becoming
a parent and loving your children, you will feel and realize how
much your parents have loved you.

This is why we revere our aged parents even more and fulfill the
duties of filial piety with love. If you do not fulfill these
responsibilities, you are unqualified to be parents and your love
towards your children can only be considered hypocritical.

Human beings should feel and realize how much God has loved
them by becoming parents themselves and loving their children.
Furthermore, they will love God even more sincerely. A person
should love their aged parents more than they love their children
and love God more than they love their parents, knowing that this
is the order and law of love.

Because heaven and earth has a spherical shape, they share
horizontal love and rotate, forming a circle on the first level.
When they take a partner of the opposite sex and share love, they
have children as the fruit and become parents. When they love
each other and rotate, vertical love is realized following the
horizontal love. This forms the spherical world and establishes the
center of love at the same time.

The center of love that emerges through the movement created by
these love relationships is also the core of existence of the entire
world of creation. The earth exists because it is also moving
continuously around this center of love. The center of love is
where infinite force is gathered that enables continuous
movement. The center that appears through the sphere of love in
this manner is also a place where God dwells. Therefore, all
creation existing in the world is born and exists through God’s
love and moves in search for the center of God’s love. God is a
furnace of love. (126-245, 1983.4.24)