The Blessing Enables Us to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2272

From God’s point of view, this is a fallen world where no patriots, filial children, saints or divine sons and daughters have existed. Hence, the Messiah must come to the earth and form God’s family; children of filial piety will emerge from that family, patriots will emerge from the national foundation, saints from the global foundation, and holy sons and daughters from the cosmic foundation. It is my calling to restore what was lost by the first and second Adams. I need to restore that nation at all costs. If you are indeed Unification Church members, you should be able to say, “We will establish God’s Kingdom. We will become patriots, saints and God’s divine sons and daughters” even if it means having to give and sacrifice everything spiritually and physically. Only then can God bless you and say, “You are really my true filial children, patriots, saints and divine sons and daughters. I will bless you.” Thence will you inherit everything; that place is the homeland of all Unification Church members. (293-217, 1998.5.26)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2251

So what is the four-position foundation? It is for perfected Adam and Eve as God’s son and daughter to be blessed within His love to become the husband and wife that He desires. After that, it is to raise children to perfection because children are necessary in order to bring about the family that God desires. (80- 268, 1975.11.2)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 3

Love and Marriage

Section 3. The Blessing Is the Ceremony to Convey God’s Love

Our Unification Church calls marriage the Blessing. (Blessed Family – 544)

The Blessing means true parents and true children meeting together to realize the purpose of creation. (19-73, 1967.12.27)

What is the Blessing? It is becoming one with God. If you become one with God, you will gain everything. You will receive everything God has, everything the Subject has. (Blessed Family – 544)

So far, you have not been able to make a complete connection with True Parents. It is the Blessing that is given to you so that you can make that connection. (23-332, 1969.6.15)

Although there are myriads of people in the world, they can be divided into men and women. Our fundamental purpose is to find a secret method by which they can become one. We are pursuing this because the origin of such a fruitful family has not yet appeared. When such an initiating point appears and gives root to its seeds, they will grow into new trees. This is the Blessing Ceremony.(31‐190, 1970.5.31)

The Blessing Ceremony is not simply a wedding ceremony where a man and a woman come together and then raise a family. Wedding ceremonies have so far been self-centered, but our wedding ceremony should be conducted in a sacred and magnificent manner, as something to return joy to God and as a precious offering to indemnify history. The Principle clearly explains that our wedding ceremony is an effort not only to resolve God’s sorrow caused by the Fall of Adam and Eve, but also to surpass the standard of bride and bridegroom that Jesus was unable to reach. (God’s Will and the World – 27)

Even though you have established faith through God’s providence, you have to be engrafted in order to be restored as God’s child. (Blessed Family – 508)

To say that you are to be reborn does not mean rebirth through the flesh and blood of parents who are descendants of the fallen Adam and Eve; rather, you are to be reborn through the flesh and blood of the parents who have nothing to do with the Fall. Otherwise, you cannot return to God. Since the fundamental root of sin started with Adam and Eve, you cannot return to God’s side until you have stepped over it and acquired the qualification that you are born in a place that has no connection with the original sin. (22-269, 1969.5.4)

In being reborn, you should not fall behind Adam and Eve. If you did, the fundamental restoration would not be realized. The process of rebirth must start with individuals, then families, peoples, nations, and ultimately the entire world. Today’s Christians do not know this fact. (58-42, 1972.6.6)

Even a grandmother over the age of eighty knows that if she died without receiving the Blessing, she would be unable to enter the heavenly kingdom. Therefore, even if a man may be thousands of kilometers away, she will want to receive at least a condition of Blessing by tying a silk thread to him even at the last moment of death. This is what Blessing is like. I am destined to meet with difficulty because I have to do this work. (22‐16, 1969.1.1)

Give Your Utmost Heart as a Truthful and Genuine Person

We honor the life of Rev. Sun Myung Moon today, the 12th Anniversary of his Seong Wha (peaceful ascension). This is also the day that, in 1985, Rev. Moon was released from his detention at Danbury Federal Prison and at a halfway house after being wrongly convicted of tax evasion.Learn more.

Read a biography of Rev. Sun Myung Moon here.

Learn about Rev. Sun Myung Moon’s life:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1879

The Unification Church must become the main stream of the world and resemble the Black Current in the Pacific Ocean. The circulation of the Black Current through four thousand miles in the Pacific enables the waters in the five great oceans to circulate. To generate the life energy of the world from the universe, a source must be created that can turn and move the deepest of places. Through this, we must purify the tarnished world. (275-32, 1995.10.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 670

If two-thirds of your life of seventy or eighty years were sorrowful, how would you handle that period? You should make it a joyful life centering on God. You should make it the Kingdom of Heaven where one gives and gives again. God also has to give. Parents must give to their children. Wanting to give and give again when you have something better to give is the heart of a parent. (34- 141, 1970.8.30)

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 3

Love and Marriage

Section 2. The Love that Man and Woman Desire

No matter how pretty a girl may be, there is a time after emerging from adolescence, which is the most special time. This is when her beauty truly flowers, the most precious time of her life. Nevertheless, is there any woman who would say that she would rather live alone? This is not a woman. Also, is there any man who has a fine body and yet says that he would rather live alone during such a lovely time of youth? At such times you are bound to look for your partner. Why do you do this? It is because you resemble God. During young adulthood, the most precious time of your life, you seek out your life partner. This is true for men and women alike. (32-248, 1970.7.19)

Why do men exist? Men often say they are not interested in such issues because they can usually live alone, but men are born for the sake of women. Without women, men have no reason to be here. There is nothing that has come into being for its own sake. (285-220, 1997.5.19) When we look at our five senses; eyes, nose, ears, mouth and hands are all there for the sake of my partner. Do our eyes exist to look into our own eyes? True love can fully mobilize and concentrate the five senses. Eyes, nose, ears, mouth and hands are tools of true love, created for the sake of true love. (299-119, 1999.2.7) Continue reading “Give Your Utmost Heart as a Truthful and Genuine Person”

Don’t Spoil the Flower of Love

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1251

The ideal of creation is not achieved centering on oneself. All hearts must become one with God, the subject. If He moves, I move. If He does not move, I do not move. In other words, the inside and outside must become one centering on unity of heart. The purpose of creation cannot be fulfilled unless the standard is set, through which you can become harmonized with God in the manner described above. (35-231, 1970.10.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 939

Is it just an ordinary thing for the spirit world to cooperate with me? However, now I must deal more severely with the spirit world and all other issues. When I see red, I can be fearsome. When I see red, I am merciless. I will wipe away all the historical indemnity, many times over. There is no way to comfort God who has seen blood spilled throughout the course of history. My idea is to stop this with my tears. (207-175, 1990.11.9)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 3

Love and Marriage

Section 2. The Love that Man and Woman Desire

In your life’s journey, the loveliest and most beautiful time is your youth. In youth, your looks are like the most precious flower. Someone who can love fully can be invited into God’s living room. A man and a woman who have such love can receive God’s blessings and be invited into His living room. (26-151, 1968.6.4)

What is human happiness? Can you say you are happy simply because you have a lot of money, even enough to adorn yourself with diamonds? You can find true happiness only when you laugh, sing, and whisper together with your partner, both of you enraptured in love. Those who can do this are truly happy people. I would say that those who can hear whispers from a lover are happy people; the soft whispers of your spouse who is caressing your earlobe can make you feel so happy that you would think you were dreaming. Youth is among the happiest of times; this is when the flower of your youth is still blooming radiantly, when you are virtually bursting with love, and when you are to unite in love with another. (Blessed Family – 366) Continue reading “Don’t Spoil the Flower of Love”

In Marriage, Be Ready to love an Insignificant Man or An Ugly Woman

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1036

Blessings do not exist elsewhere. Blessings come according to the state of your heart. For what do you pray and offer devotion? If a person who has been praying and offering devotion sees a crying child and then kicks it in the backside with his foot, his household will surely go to ruin. If you had a beautiful and ardent prayer, you should deal with the environment with a fervent and beautiful heart. In a position reflecting the standard of your prayer, you should carry the mind-set enabling you to bear the fruit of your prayer. Will the Christians of today go to the heavenly kingdom by attending worship and singing praise? No way! Would they be able to go to the heavenly kingdom if they start fighting, exchanging blows, and doing all sorts of things after coming back from church? (233-210, 1992.8.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 851

    Love is likened to heat. You talk about it as if it were heat, don’t you? You say, “My heart is on fire,” don’t you? In the spirit world, since God is the essence of love, He appears as light and heat.
    When you look with your spiritual eyes, you are supposed to know how strong the light of love shines, what color it is, how brilliant it is, and whether it shines in rainbow colors. The family should be combined to become a shining star. All the stars become like moons. There are even stars that have other stars like our sun orbiting around them. (303-42, 1999.7.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 3

Love and Marriage

Section 1. True Marriage Engenders Love of Universal Unity

Given that he was born as a human being, if a man cannot embrace the notion that he will love his wife as he loves God and humankind itself and more than anyone else in this world, then he will not be able to return to the heavenly kingdom. As a man, if he does not know how to love a woman, he cannot love God and humankind. (97-319, 1978.4.1)

I would say that marriage is a ceremony to open and enter the gate of the palace of happiness. It is for this reason that marriage is a great event of human affairs. Love is the greatest thing in human affairs, for it transcends time and space, and marriage is a ceremony to reveal and confirm such love. (Blessed Family – 356)

In getting married, you should not think that you will be a husband to a beauty. Rather, you should think that you will be someone who can wed an ugly woman and still live better than anyone else. This way, you should be a husband who can be revered by any beautiful woman in the world. If you have this kind of viewpoint, you should have no trouble relating to any kind of woman. (26-332, 1969.10.3) Continue reading “In Marriage, Be Ready to love an Insignificant Man or An Ugly Woman”

We Should Sing About the Extreme Sacredness of Marriage

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#174-Tricia Jackson on the Root Cause of Societal Decline

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1697

The one flaw in all religious scriptures is the fact that they do not explain the process of the Creation. They do not talk about the purpose and process of God’s creation. Much has been written, based upon all types of logic. Since they do not deal with the concept of creation, they do not know the direction and purpose of creation. Hence, everyone in the world is doing as they please, coming up with evolutionary theory and other damaging ideas, and behaving in whatever way they like. That being so, we should clearly understand about the concept of creation. Next, we need to inquire why this world became so evil when the direction and purpose of creation did not intend this. After discovering that reason, we need to work out, going back to the very beginning, why entire nations met with destruction in the process of history as narrated by the Holy Scriptures and human history. There must be a historical view with a logical approach that can be justly approved by everyone from both general and practical standpoints. (212-323, 1991.1.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1668

Everything in the world was created by God as the textbook to help His beloved children attain the ideal of love. Thus, it was created with a reciprocal structure. Minerals exhibit subjec-tobject interaction, as do protons and electrons in the case of the atom. Nothing can continue in existence without engaging in action and motion. Thus, with human beings as the center, the universe is created to reach that central point. (137-59, 1985.12.18)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3


Chapter 3

Love and Marriage

Section 1. True Marriage Engenders Love of Universal Unity

Why do we marry? We marry in order to resemble God. God exists as a unified being encompassing the dual characteristics of masculinity and femininity. Man and woman represent the divided characteristics of God. They must become one and become like a seed, thereby returning to God’s original position. (138-97, 1986.1.19)

We should sing about the supreme sacredness of marriage. Married life is the path along which a man and a woman can love each other. Whom do they come to resemble through their unity? They resemble God Himself. A man and a woman must become one in order to resemble God, who created them in His image. Only then will God dwell with them. (70-76, 1974.2.8) Continue reading “We Should Sing About the Extreme Sacredness of Marriage”