It Is Love that Brings About Harmony in Reproduction

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1027

    If you gave a sermon for one hour without giving any inspiration, you have to repent for three hours. This should be clear to you. If you give a poorly delivered sermon and you do not inspire them, you have to repent in excess of three times that time period.
    As for any life form, water and care must be given. But if you do not give it water, and instead take water away and overturn the planted soil, you will be responsible for that. Even after the audience has left, you must bless them and pray for them centering on that day’s speech. (160-194, 1969.5.12)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1283

    Since human beings fell while at the top of the growth stage of the growing period, we cannot go directly to the completion stage. What this means is that people at the top of the growth stage can rid themselves of original sin through the Blessing. They can then rise to the level above the point where the first ancestors fell. Therefore, you must realize that the position you have acquired today through receiving the Blessing is not that of the top of the completion stage but the top of the growth stage. (35-233, 1970.10.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 1

What Is True Love?

Section 3. Harmony Arises in the Presence of Love

What is the only problem of the human world? It is love; whether it burns brightly. In order for the light of love to be bright, that light has to burn both internally and externally. With what should it burn? It should burn with the desire to love. In light of this, you can realize that our life, during which we deal with the ordinary affairs of the world, is just a stopping point on our journey. (194-55, 1989.10.15)

Where is God? We say He is omnipresent. This means He is not in one specific place. He is wherever love is. You need to know this. Based on love, He is omnipresent. We too can be omnipresent when love is our central focus. That is a privilege we can enjoy when we possess love. (149-23, 1986.11.1) Continue reading “It Is Love that Brings About Harmony in Reproduction”

People Must Live Enraptured with Something

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1547

In the future, language will pose a big problem. I’m sure it is very troublesome for you even at this moment as I am speaking in Korean. How much harder, then, would it be for you to understand me if there were no one to interpret my words? Should you learn from me, or I from you? Once you understand the Korean language I speak, you will be able to learn about things more deeply, and you will come to possess knowledge that is much more valuable than what you understand at the present time. Since learning in this way is much more important than anything else, we come to the conclusion that this is the way it should be. (74-33, 1974.11.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1045

    At each and every moment, you should be making desperate resolutions. You should not meaninglessly lose the opportunity that God has been seeking. This has irreplaceable value, more than even a thousand-year history. Thus, to lose this would be terrible. You should pledge never to lose this chance, even if you were to lose the entire world and everything you had found.
    You should go forth offering all manner of devotions and once again pledge resolutely to bequeath a victorious result through that opportunity, even if your life were to be sacrificed. (26-141, 1969.10.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 1

What Is True Love?

Section 3. Harmony Arises in the Presence of Love

It is nice just to think about love, to see it and to taste it. That is how love is. (Tongil Segye 1980. 2 – 10)

Love is the coming together of East and West, of North and South. It is the coming together of heaven and earth. Love therefore assumes the form of a sphere. (225-46, 1992.1.1)

True love is the love that is at the center, connecting the vertical and the horizontal. (195-242, 1989.12.1) Continue reading “People Must Live Enraptured with Something”

Whom Will God Seek as His Partner in Love?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1570

    The purpose of the Bible is to seek out the one True Parent. That is the most hopeful gospel. Since Satan was also a created being, he will disappear with the appearance of the True Parents. Since that time is close at hand, communism has collapsed and North Korea is on the verge of collapse. Whichever way they look there is no solution.
    I am fully aware of this. Now God’s kingdom will come to fruition and the liberation of hell on earth and in the spirit world will take place. (202-351, 1990.5.27)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1619

    God’s kingdom in heaven and on earth must be unified through love. The sphere of the royal family of heaven will become the center of everything, both in the spiritual and physical worlds. Thus, unity comes about wherever members of that family may be. My theme here is the unity of God’s kingdom on earth and in heaven through love. For the first time, everyone can become united through love centering on the royal family. All nations in the world will be unified, as will all tribes in heaven. (232-326, 1992.7.10)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 1

What Is True Love?

Section 2. Love Is Boundless Giving

God had only one dream, which is to realize the ideal of love. However, God cannot accomplish this dream on His own. Neither love, nor happiness, nor joy can be achieved by one entity. They can never be realized without partnership. (Blessed Family – 302)

Where does love come from? It manifests from your partner. If your partner is ugly and you dislike him or her, you want to withdraw your love. And if the partner is beautiful and good, the dynamics of love are set off that much quicker. In other words, the workings of love are determined by the qualities of those in partnership, such as their words, beauty, fragrance and flavor. (Blessed Family – 342) Continue reading “Whom Will God Seek as His Partner in Love?”

Love is Something that even God Cannot Fulfill Alone

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1672

Each of your couples is like a brother and sister set of twins similar to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. There, Adam had nobody other than his younger sister. She was the only daughter with no friends in the world. With only one woman and one man in the Garden of Eden, Adam had to befriend Eve. They were elder brother and younger sister. As Adam and Eve grew up, they were to learn how everything in the pair system grows and reproduces, and when they came to understand how the creation exists and develops, they were to awaken to the fact that they should love each other, become husband and wife, and consequently leave behind this tradition in future history. It was for the sake of future history and humanity that they were to become husband and wife. (243-177, 1993.1.3)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 816

    Do you all want to go to heaven? If you want to go to heaven, you have to have the qualification that lets you enter there. Do you need a ticket on entering heaven? Will you go through with a free pass or will you be examined based on some requirement? It is not a free pass. They will know immediately. Do you think you will find computers in the spirit world or not? Computers are amazing, but the computers in the spirit world can show your entire life in a minute with the touch of a button. You cannot lie. How you were born as someone’s son or daughter, and how you lived your life – everything – will be revealed. Everything about a mischievous woman, or a woman with many unpleasant experiences accumulated as the result of her misdeeds, will come out. (250-110, 1993.10.12)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 1

What Is True Love?

Section 2. Love Is Boundless Giving

There is no other than the house of true love that has the authority to govern this universe of infinite magnitude. Love comes from living for the sake of others. Even God, the great almighty Creator, has to bow His head to love. (162-287, 1987.4.17)

Love is something that even God cannot fulfill alone. Love can only be attained on the basis of a relationship with another. Where does love begin? It does not begin from oneself; it grows and develops through having a partner. (Blessed Family – 342) Continue reading “Love is Something that even God Cannot Fulfill Alone”

True Love Is Giving and Forgetting about It

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1917

The era of the Pacific civilization is coming, because Western Civilization and oriental civilization must recover the lost body of the father. Jesus came as the father, but the body of that father was killed. We must recover this body and make it one with the legacy of spiritual salvation within the sphere of Christianity. That is why the Lord comes to the East. Centering on the coming Lord, the Korean peninsula is like Italy. Until now, Italy has never been destroyed. For over two thousand years, it has survived as a powerful nation. That is because Italy is a counterpart nation for the coming Lord. Based on that standard, the Lord returns to the Pacific era, centering on this Korean peninsula; but it is the Pacific Ocean era rather than the Mediterranean Sea era. He returns to the vast environment of Asia through the connection of the Korean peninsula. If the Korean peninsula is the male sexual organ, then Japan is the female sexual organ. They are bound to become one. The age of a unified world comes when they are united. That is why Korea is called the Adam nation, and Japan the Eve nation. (251-147, 1993.10.17)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 943

What must someone do in order to become the Lord at the Second Advent? You need to go to the spirit world, reveal the principles concerning the relationships of all religions centering on Jesus, clarify everything about heaven and earth and their laws, and receive the approval of the spirit world. You have to proclaim these things on earth. This is something that has not been known even in the spirit world. Only God and Satan knew of this. After I had proclaimed all these things in the spirit world, strong opposition arose there. In that world, a time of chaos came about for forty days. Satan resisted by setting the condition of denying God. As a result, the spirit world was divided in half, with one half against me. In the end, this chaotic situation had to be resolved based on what God decided to be true. That is why the True Parent brings the spirit world into complete submission, receives God’s seal of approval and comes down to the earth. (236-323, 1992.11.9)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 1

What Is True Love?

Section 2. Love Is Boundless Giving

Love requires one hundred percent devotion. When God was creating the universe, He invested Himself one hundred percent through His love. That is why true love begins with living for the sake of others. (189-202, 1989.4.6)

God is not a dictator. God gave everything for human beings. The reason God is close to us is because He wants to live for us. That is why we want to follow Him eternally. To live for the sake of others is the natural law, and so to maintain our state of existence in the world we must live that way. Only through living for the sake of others can the connection be made between East and West, and between past ages and the present. (187-89, 1989.1.6)

Giving and giving again for the sake of others puts you in the same position as God giving of Himself at the time of the creation. By putting everything you have into something, you are creating a second self, and it is the same as God investing everything He had at the time of the creation. The history of re-creation is the course of restoration through indemnity. Indemnity is offered through the history of re-creation, and so only when one invests everything one has, can recreation take place. (82-239, 1976.1.31) Continue reading “True Love Is Giving and Forgetting about It”