Cheon Seong Gyeong 1027
If you gave a sermon for one hour without giving any inspiration, you have to repent for three hours. This should be clear to you. If you give a poorly delivered sermon and you do not inspire them, you have to repent in excess of three times that time period.
As for any life form, water and care must be given. But if you do not give it water, and instead take water away and overturn the planted soil, you will be responsible for that. Even after the audience has left, you must bless them and pray for them centering on that day’s speech. (160-194, 1969.5.12)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1283
Since human beings fell while at the top of the growth stage of the growing period, we cannot go directly to the completion stage. What this means is that people at the top of the growth stage can rid themselves of original sin through the Blessing. They can then rise to the level above the point where the first ancestors fell. Therefore, you must realize that the position you have acquired today through receiving the Blessing is not that of the top of the completion stage but the top of the growth stage. (35-233, 1970.10.19)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3
true love
Chapter 1
What Is True Love?
Section 3. Harmony Arises in the Presence of Love
What is the only problem of the human world? It is love; whether it burns brightly. In order for the light of love to be bright, that light has to burn both internally and externally. With what should it burn? It should burn with the desire to love. In light of this, you can realize that our life, during which we deal with the ordinary affairs of the world, is just a stopping point on our journey. (194-55, 1989.10.15)
Where is God? We say He is omnipresent. This means He is not in one specific place. He is wherever love is. You need to know this. Based on love, He is omnipresent. We too can be omnipresent when love is our central focus. That is a privilege we can enjoy when we possess love. (149-23, 1986.11.1) Continue reading “It Is Love that Brings About Harmony in Reproduction”