The Unification Church Has Proclaimed the Coming of the True Parents

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    Jardim is important. It is a place on the opposite side of the world from Korea. There, I can give official approval to all the national messiahs and tribal messiahs as families that can enter heaven. In this way, they enter the realm in which they can form part of my tribe and kindred, and set out along the course on earth which leads to heaven. Blessed families who have participated in the forty-day workshop in Jardim should sell whatever they have and prepare for a refugee life during the great exodus.
    With the unification of North and South Korea and through Blessed Families becoming one unified whole, a hometown which God can acknowledge will be created; finally a hometown of God’s kingdom on earth and in heaven will come into being.
    The time has now finally arrived when everyone should unite, starting with the True Parents’ family and extending to all tribes, clans and Blessed Families, and for all to settle. When North and South Korea are united, the world will want to follow us in every ideological aspect. Thus it will become one world. The words “cosmic expansion of the true Blessing and the rooting out of Satan’s lineage” signify the complete elimination and transformation of that of satanic lineage. From the year 2000, which marks my eightieth birthday, all tribes living on earth will be bound for heaven. In other words, just as the Israelites departed from Egypt, we will depart from this world which is the hell created by Satan. Moses headed out of Egypt when he was eighty; similarly, as the king of families, the True Parent will set out from this fallen world. (300-305, 1999.4.11)

Richard:  True Father and Mrs. Moon offered 40 day trainings at the Jardim workshop for Blessed families at the Jardim workshop site in the Pantanal area of Brazil from circa 1998 to 2001.

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   Alaska, where the ceremony of The Ceremony of the Settlement of the Eight Stages was held, is becoming famous. The last time I came here I said I would build a church at the North Pole. If the Soviet Communist Party opposes it, I will take the responsibility. I will build the Unification Church at the North Pole. You have to spend your life in order to build the foundation of blessing for all people of the world, but before you die, come to our Church at the North Pole and offer your devotion for forty days and then you can die. Think about this. An ideal city will be created in a world of icebergs. Then, even though it will be thousands of miles away, everything can be supplied by the air. You should try living like this. It would be a wonderful thing. With the power of science today, that would be nothing. We can use prefabricated systems. So we will build an airfield and try to live there, so what problem could arise? We are creating a base in the tourist area of Kodiak… think about it. It will become a gateway unprecedented in history. (193-217, 1989.10.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 8

The Three Great Subjects Principle and the Proclamation of True Parents

Section 2. The Proclamation of True Parents

2.1. Background to the proclamation of True Parents

    How can I declare the coming of True Parents? The democratic world and the communist world are brothers, Abel and Cain. The two worlds are like two sons and yet they are fighting. But since I have reconciled the two fighting sons and stood in the position where I could be welcomed, I was finally able to return to Korea with the special authority of the Parents and I declared the coming of the True Parents throughout the nation.
    This news is spreading throughout the whole world. The CIA in America is supposed to make a daily report on my whereabouts. It is the same in the Soviet Union. So, they surely know about me!
    The fact that True Parents have been declared in this way places me in a global position. Everything that has been prepared in the world is waiting to be engrafted onto Korea.
    What is the problem? We must quickly achieve “the unification of my nation.” The people of Korea are waiting to be engrafted onto the unified foundation. This is precisely how it is. (204-187, 1990.7.8)

2.2. The standard for the proclamation of True Parents

    Strictly speaking, my hometown is not your hometown. The branches, buds and leaves are all the same, but the locations of the branches are each of your individual hometowns. Hence, if you cannot determine to restore your tribe, you do not have a hometown. Those who have no hometown cannot be born.       
    That is why we are engaged in the restoration of parents. You need to complete tribal messiahship through three generations.
    Someone must prepare the circumstances in which all the fulfilled responsibilities – both those under the direct dominion and those in the sphere of the indirect dominion – can become one. Centering on God’s love, that person should conduct a ceremony declaring that all of us, together with all of the creation, belong to love. No one, however, has been able to do such a thing, so the sphere of God’s ownership is not yet determined. Whereas the declaration ceremony should have been conducted in oneness with God’s love, it was conducted in oneness with satanic love, which exists as a corruption of the Principle. Thus, Satan usurped ownership. (213-123, 1991.1.16)

    Democracy, too, has its conflicts. These are like fights between brothers. Fights between brothers are more terrible than those between neighbors, because if one brother is the east, the other is the west, and when east and west do not harmonize, the east becomes closer to north or south, and the west becomes closer to south or north.
    That is, when brothers fight, they separate. But neighbors do not separate even after they fight. They do not pack up and run away. The most vicious of all disputes are those between brothers. Two nations at war in this age of brotherhood are bound to perish.
    Korea has also fought, not knowing who the elder is or who the younger. The question is, “why do they not know?” They are badly raised children who do not know who their parents are. Brought into this world and raised as orphans, they will only stop fighting when their parents appear. That is why parents, the Saviors, must come. The fighting and conflict cannot end in an era of democracy – of brothers – but will only come to an end in the era of parent-centered thought.
    The Unification Church has proclaimed the coming of the True Parents. If Adam and Eve had not fallen in the Garden of Eden, God would have become the True Parent. Adam and Eve would have become true parents also with God as the vertical True Parent, and Adam and Eve as the horizontal true parents – true parents within whom the vertical and horizontal are united. Viewed from this perspective, all four directions are the same. Even if things were turned upside down and east traded places with west, no matter how things were rearranged, all would remain in harmony.
    If America continues to serve its own interests, it will not be able to turn the world around. Even communism should not serve its own interests, but should serve the world. Communism should become a system that is praised even by the democratic world as well as by itself. It should become an ideology which everyone can cheer.
    In this world gone bad, where vicious fighting has taken place and still continues, what kind of ideology is needed? In order for groups to stop fighting, brother against brother, the mother and father must appear. In that light, I have declared True Parents today.
    For True Parents to be proclaimed worldwide, they must accomplish their mission as True Parents at all the stages of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, and cosmos. They must reach the point where God Himself can acknowledge True Parents, where True Parents themselves can acknowledge True Parents. This announcement is truly historic. (202-165, 1990.5.20)

    The proclamation of the True Parents should go out to and be received by at least one third of all humankind, but what is the reality? For this purpose I have set up conditions for the remaining two thirds. Japan is within my sphere of influence as is America and China. Everyone is within my sphere of influence.
    When the age of parents comes, the fighting will be over. Even if brothers are still fighting at eighty, ninety, or a hundred years old, when their parents come, should the brothers stop and run to greet, their parents, or should they continue fighting? How should they run to greet the parents for whom they have waited thousands of years?
    I have conquered through love – a love that serves others rather than myself. (202-170, 1990.5.20)

Jesus Was to Meet a Woman and Bear Children

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    Human beings stand as horizontal parents. Adam and Eve are children, and brother and sister, and husband and wife at the same time. They then rise to the position of God by giving birth to sons and daughters. To give birth to and love children means to inherit everything that was joyful after God created human beings. (223-267, 1991.11.12)

    Your children are the way God helps you feel joy in the position of a creator, the joy God felt when He created Adam and Eve. Children are the second creation, coming through Adam and Eve. The incorporeal God created Adam and Eve as beings of substance having a physical form. If Adam and Eve had reached perfection, they would have become the central representatives of love as the perfection of God’s corporeal being. Just as God felt joy after creating Adam and Eve, children are given to you so that you can substantially feel and experience God’s joy of creation. (238-62, 1992.11.19)

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Soybean paste soup tastes best when it is served in an earthenware bowl. The rough and thick taste of soybean paste soup is something you can never forget once you have developed a liking for it. Likewise, when people have developed a liking for the rough and thick flavor of love, they will never change. Just as you quickly get tired of instant foods, which are sweet, if you could get love easily anywhere like instant food, you would not be able to call it true love. (Blessed Family – 353)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 8

The Three Great Subjects Principle and the Proclamation of True Parents

Section 1.  The Three Great Subjects Principle and the Parent-Centered Ideology

1.4. A parent-centered ideology

    Is Jesus a man or a woman? He is a man. If such a man, who has received God’s love, God’s life and God’s lineage, had met a woman who could create a relationship with him and they bore children, then new children of God’s direct lineage would have been born on this earth. Then, neither Christianity nor the Vatican would be needed today. With the appearance of sons and daughters of Jesus’ direct lineage, a kingship and a true royal family would have finally begun on this earth and created one world. Continue reading “Jesus Was to Meet a Woman and Bear Children”

On the Perpendicular, there Is only One Vertical Line

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Where is the standard of unity? It is on the perpendicular. Had the Fall not occurred, where would God and humankind meet? People get married to meet God, to be engrafted to His love. Like God, we should seek the ideal object partner of our love because we are born for love and through love we are united with the universe. This cannot be done alone. We are the divided forms of God’s dual characteristics. (203-247, 1990.6.26)

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In order to become the Lord at his Second Advent, I had to go to the spirit world and return with God’s seal of approval. By my going to the spirit world, a battle took place there for forty-three days. Everyone, from the bottom of hell to the top of heaven, said, “Rev. Moon is a heretic!” I had to deal with this, beginning from the lowest place, right through to the saints at the very end. I had to argue with them in God’s presence and go through a decisive battle that decided who was the Lord of righteousness. What was the issue at that time? It was concerning the stained lineage of all the people in the spirit world and whether they knew that they had to change that.
What was the second consideration? It concerned transferring the rights of ownership of all material things. I stated that, “Those who had rights of ownership during their life on earth are traitors to the Kingdom of Heaven!” No matter how great the founders of the religions were, they had to face this judgment. That is why, when I fought in the spirit world, I stood my ground in battle and challenged them confidently, asking, “Who’s the heretic?”
Since great chaos would come to the spirit world after this, God had to make a decision as the Judge. But even He stood against me. God said, “Rev. Moon is a heretic, as you all say.” Why? Since Adam had betrayed God, in accordance with the laws of restoration through indemnity, the person representing perfected Adam had to face a situation of betrayal, even by God Himself. Only then could the walls that were raised in God’s heart be brought down. In this way, everyone was against me, and even God was standing on the other side, leaving me totally alone.
Still, the spirit world could not be left as it was, in a whirlpool of chaos. God had to make the final decision. He proclaimed, “The transition of the lineage, transition of the rights of ownership and transition of the realm of heart that Rev. Moon speaks of, are true.” I then had to return here, to this world, after receiving God’s seal as a victorious champion. (264-50, 1994.10.9)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 8

The Three Great Subjects Principle and the Proclamation of True Parents

Section 1.  The Three Great Subjects Principle and the Parent-Centered Ideology

1.2. The Three Subjects Principle is the philosophy of True Parents\

The core of Three Subjects Principle is the philosophy of True Parents. Why are true parents the core here? On the perpendicular there is only one vertical line.     Since there is only one vertical standard based on true love, it is the representative standard rooted in the family where True Parents and the vertical God meet. Thus, a teacher or sovereign who follows the pattern of parental love will pursue the environment of a heavenly nation which Satan cannot invade. Since the evil one’s sphere of false love cannot invade, a realm of liberation will unfold and create the heavenly kingdom on earth. (213-124, 1991.1.16) Continue reading “On the Perpendicular, there Is only One Vertical Line”

We Want to Became a True Parent, a True Teacher and a True Owner

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Whose are the sexual organs? Are they yours? They belong to your spouses. You did not know this simple truth. The yin-yang principle of this universe is that of male and female. Even in the mineral world the subject-object relationship can be found; nowadays it is even said that there are male and female bacteria. In short, the entire universe exists in a pair system. Under the concept of love, each subject partner was born for its object partner, and vice versa. Why were they born? It was for love, to perfect love. You must understand that since God created Adam and Eve, man and woman, and intended to marry them when they were fully matured, the sexual organs that would have been brought together in intercourse on their wedding were to become the absolute and central organs for the planting of absolute life, love and lineage. (280-62, 1996.11.1)

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Right after the Unification Ceremony on the day before Heung-jin went to the spirit world, what did I pray? I prayed, promising him, “Even though you are leaving the physical world, I will choose an adopted son for you as if you were still on earth, and let him join the ranks of the son.” For that reason, I have to give him the Blessing on earth. Without doing so, it would be impossible for me to keep my promise. God has sent the Messiah to save the earthly world. You should know that today, in order for True Parents to save the spirit world, I have sent a prince of love as my ambassador with full authority. Why must I establish such a global foundation on earth? Even Jesus could not reach that position. You should know the fact that, for the first time in history, God has a young son whom He can love as His own. For the first time, God loves from the spirit world and True Parents love from earth. Thus, the two worlds are connected. Since this world was in the realm of fallen love, that is, in the indirect dominion of God, it had no connection with the love of True Parents until now. Yet you must know the amazing fact that this has finally emerged.

Richard: Father Moon Blessed his second son, Heung-jin, who died in an automobile accident at age 17, with his wife Hoon Sook after he had ascended to the spirit world. Their couple adopted Shin Chul, a child offered by another Unification Church family.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 8

The Three Great Subjects Principle and the Proclamation of True Parents

Section 1.  The Three Great Subjects Principle and the Parent-Centered Ideology

1.1. The Three Subjects Principle is our desire

    What do people want? What do fallen people really desire? It is to become true parents who give birth to and raise sons and daughters who are able to go straight to the heavenly kingdom without being persecuted by the satanic world. Continue reading “We Want to Became a True Parent, a True Teacher and a True Owner”

True Parents Cannot Be Exchanged for Anything

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If we ask ourselves whether life or love is first, we can claim each to be first. But which do you think really comes first? It is love that comes first. Relating this to the core of the universe, in order for something to have value, there must be an original flow of love. (143-277, 1986.3.20)

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Who is supposed to carry out the conversion of the lineage? It cannot be performed by just anyone. You must know that in order to become the one who can perform it, I walked the tearful path of the cross. Because I set such a standard, you are able to become a part of the tradition of the Blessing without having to do anything for it. It took thousands of years of hard work on God’s part and my substantial life course, which was filled with hardships and suffering, to establish the victorious realm of the conversion of lineage. You are now standing on the foundation thus laid down. To receive the Blessing is to completely cut off the evil lineage and to engraft a new lineage. By engrafting, the lineage is completely changed. (35-178, 1970.10.13)

Receive marriage strengthening education and the Blessing at Join now, as a single or married couple.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 7

A Life with True Parents

Section 8. Bequeathing and Inheriting True Parents’ Heart

8.2. Sons and daughters inherit from their parents

    If there is a gift God can give to the human world, what would the best gift be? It must be for all of you to become the ancestors of humankind and true mothers and fathers. There is nothing higher. Even being a cabinet minister or the president cannot match it. This is the greatest gift God can give to people. When there are True Parents, there will automatically be true children, true families, true tribes, true nations, and a true world. Then, what is the most important title? It is the name and title of True Parents. Continue reading “True Parents Cannot Be Exchanged for Anything”