How Miserable is God’s Inner Heart

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1190

There are seven horizontal stages you have to pass through from the individual to the family, tribe, people, nation, world, and heaven and earth, before reaching the final position of God. There are also eight vertical levels beginning with the servant of servant’s position. On the foundation of restoring the rights of the firstborn son in the course of seven of these eight levels, you must attain the position of the original, unfallen firstborn son. Adam and Eve were the first son and the first daughter. The first son and daughter have to pass through the realm of dominion based on accomplishments through the Principle. Then, they must be connected to the realm of direct dominion based on love and possess the right of the firstborn son. Such connection is impossible with the love of the younger child. They are not connected with the love of the second child. Therefore, you must return to this position and restore the right of the firstborn son going up stage by stage. This is the battle to be fought. (138-134, 1986.1.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1458

Adam and Eve lost the standard through which they could practice absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience. They entered unprincipled marriage, thereby defiling the lineage, completely overturning the right of ownership, and bringing into ruin their whole tribe. Therefore, the absolute restoration of the lineage must take place. In other words, you need to protect the pure lineage of True Parents so that it can be passed down to your descendants eternally. Adam and Eve failed to do so and entered a fallen relationship. Therefore, you need to maintain purity and be blessed in marriage. You can then restore the absolute lineage, the absolute right of ownership, and the absolute realm of heart. This should be our motto, in fact three mottos. (269-94, 1995.4.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

True God
Chapter 4 

True Father’s Insights on God
Section 2. God’s Grief and Shock at Losing His Son and Daughter

2.2. God has been miserable throughout history

How enraged God is when He looks down on us on earth! All human beings should have had His lineage, but Satan pushes them into a miserable state and scornfully jeers at God saying, “Your descendants are miserable.” When Satan asks God, “How will You, with all Your omniscience and omnipotence, redeem this difficult situation?” God can only be silent. He has to pretend to be deaf though He can hear, pretend not to smell though He can smell, and pretend not to feel though He can feel. Have you ever thought about the misery of God throughout history? (183-19, 1988.10.29) Continue reading “How Miserable is God’s Inner Heart”

Satan Took God’s Place as the Center

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1645

Even the microorganisms, which practice their own forms of love, take pride in the fact that they were also created to play their part within the same realm of the ideal of creation, which is represented by the universal pair system. They are proud of the fact that although you are big and they are small, if they can unite with you and give you a part of themselves, they are more than willing to share themselves with you for eternity. They are different from fallen human beings. The creation of one chemical substance signifies that the plus and the minus elements have found and become one with each other. How silly human beings are by comparison! They are in fact essentially disharmonious, and this is the problem. (209-189, 1990.11.29)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1239

The Blessing Ceremony of the Unification Church is not simply a wedding through which a man and a woman come together and form a family. Until now, all weddings were solely for the sake of the people getting married. But our wedding ceremony is significant and necessary to set a condition to indemnify the past and return joy to God. Therefore, we conduct our ceremonies in a sacred and splendid manner. Divine Principle clearly explains to us that our wedding ceremony alleviates God’s bitter grief that was caused by the Fall of Adam and Eve. It goes beyond the standard of husband and wife, which Jesus was unable to attain. (22-212, 1969.2.4)
Richard: Join to prepare to receive the Blessing.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

True God
Chapter 4

True Father’s Insights on God
Section 2. God’s Grief and Shock at Losing His Son and Daughter

2.1. God lost His eternal and only son

    How sorrowful God was when Adam and Eve committed the Fall and sank away from Him! They were to have been the ideal partners for God, who embodies the pure essence of love. God’s sorrow exceeded that of any person. He grieved so very deeply. The deeper and greater the value of what was lost, the deeper the sorrow. This is the situation of God, who has pursued the way of restoration for His lost children. (127-18, 1983.5.1) Continue reading “Satan Took God’s Place as the Center”

You Must Become Engrafted to God and True Parents

Cheon Seong Gyeong 219

    In order to reach the point of self-perfection, you must eventually become engrafted to God and True Parents. This engrafting is particularly important given that you are already fully- grown and therefore cannot literally be reborn through the womb. It is for this reason that the Messiah comes. The Messiah comes as a man with fully mature, original love – that is, the True Parent’s love. He comes as a representative of the original ideal. Think about this every time you use the word “I.” This is how you can be liberated. If you are liberated from Satan, liberated from Satan’s realm of daily life, and liberated from the realm of Satan’s lineage, everything will be completed.
    Then what will you do after having been liberated? Because you will serve and attend God instead of the devil, you will have to create a new cultural realm. You have to create True Parents’ realm of daily life. When you stand in the position of the perfected Adam, you realize the purpose of your birth. When this happens, the love of God and True Parents will continually reside within you. This love is the basis of the harmony that completes you. In other words, you will have love, life and lineage. This forms a trinity. (202-283, 1990.5.25)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1291

Even if I inquired into every truth in the world, probed into both the spiritual and physical worlds, and looked into every scripture, there would be no way to answer the question: Does God exist or not? If there is a God and if this God made the world the way it is today, I would fight with Him to bring this problem to an end. I would never let Him go until this problem was solved. Why were human beings born and what is the fundamental principle through which human beings were born? Man was born because of woman. That is the best truth of all truths. An ideal man standing before a woman is the best truth. You must realize that he is the substantial entity of the truth of the ideal; he brings the perfection of the whole universe. The woman standing before such a man is also the substantial entity of all substantial elements of universal truth. She is the being that embodies absolute truth. (267-230, 1995.1.8)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

True God
Chapter 4

True Father’s Insights on God
Section 1. A God of Historical Bitterness, Grief and Pain

1.2. The bitter pain of restoration and God’s six-thousand-year search for His children

    God is responsible for the fallen world and has been restoring it. He does not just dwell in a lofty, precious, holy, and pristine place. His wretched, bitter and brutal situation is beyond our imagination and beyond description. (21-73, 1968.10.14)

    You can be consoled by someone with more reasons to be resentful than you have, but God has no one to comfort Him because He has more grievances than anyone in the world. God is the Alpha and Omega. Thus, deep within Himself, God is working out how to resolve His ongoing bitterness. This has been God’s deep, inner anguish. Under these circumstances God has carried out the providence of restoration. (29-294, 1970.3.12) Continue reading “You Must Become Engrafted to God and True Parents”

How Many Christians Clearly Understand God’s Grievous Heart?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1517

There is only one fundamental concept common to the three main ideals of true parents’ love, true teacher’s love, and true owner’s love. This is the concept of parents in a true family. Even I myself return home at night, don’t I? Even a nation’s president returns home at night. The school should be a place where a teacher possessing parental love teaches, and the president should be someone who governs a nation with parental love. (213-124, 1991.1.16)

Cheon Seong gyeong 695

    Unless the spirit world is united, the physical world cannot be united. If there is a Lord who has unified the spirit world, what would be the problem in unifying the physical world? It is not difficult.
    From now on we have to manage even spiritualists. I am now their commander. They too must come here to learn from me. They only know a one-way direction. For that reason, even if they receive messages from the spirit world, they should not regard them as absolute. If they do not interpret their messages according to the Divine Principle and select the right direction, they will easily become satans.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

True God
Chapter 4

True Father’s Insights on God
Section 1. A God of Historical Bitterness, Grief and Pain

1.2. The bitter pain of restoration and God’s six-thousand-year search for His children

    According to the Unification Church, what is the original sin? It is love gone wrong. Our love should have been connected to God’s love, life and lineage. Instead, it was connected to satanic love, life and lineage. Because Adam and Eve became the personifications of the devil and left behind the satanic lineage, they produced lasting regret in history. Why was the all-knowing, all-powerful God of autonomous authority, who created heaven and earth from its root, so helpless in the face of the evil being who brought human beings to the state they are in today? If you do not know, it may seem natural for you to deny the existence of God. (211-21, 1990.12.28) Continue reading “How Many Christians Clearly Understand God’s Grievous Heart?”

Who Knew the Miserable Mind and Heart of God?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1282

The holy wine ceremony sets the condition that you have been born through three providential mothers – Eve, Mary and True Mother. The holy wine contains the blood of indemnity. By drinking the holy wine, you are purified internally, and by wiping yourself with the holy handkerchief, you are purified externally. (19-270, 1968.2.20)
Richard: The Holy Wine Ceremony is one of the steps in the Blessing of Marriage. You can join the Blessing Preparation Course, as a single seeking a match or as a married couple, here.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 845

Parents first think about their sons and daughters when going through hardships. Then, what is the deepest concern of people’s hearts? You have to know how to find people of misfortune and strive to raise them up to your standard. When you do this, the entire world may oppose you and treat you with contempt, but God and heaven will admire and protect you. The spirits centering on God in the spirit world will go around protecting you like a cloud. Such a person will not perish. When this happens, the clouds will sweep away the entire circumstance and sort it out. Thus, you can create results in equal measure to how hard you work and how much you have invested. Although you are persecuted and suffer hardship, heavenly fortune comes behind you and lays this foundation. Saints were persecuted in their times, but in the following generations they left behind their names. Such phenomena occur because the spirit world, heaven, and heavenly fortune make it this way. (207-99, 1990.11.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

True God
Chapter 4

True Father’s Insights on God
Section 1. A God of Historical Bitterness, Grief and Pain

1.1. God lost the position of parent through the Fall

    God’s providence of salvation is the providence of restoration. It started from Adam and Eve because they were the perpetrators of the Fall. Adam was not restored until I appeared on earth. In the course of carrying out restoration and to seek out one man, God, the almighty and all-knowing Creator of the universe has been unable to show His face for millions of years. You must know both God’s love and His deep grief. (237-27, 1992.11.10)

    What is God’s will? It is the fulfillment of the ideal of creation. Furthermore, it is to realize the ideal of three object partners in our world. God will say, “How happy I am!” when this ideal is realized based on His love. What enables God to be happy? Today, all Christians think that the all-knowing and almighty God sits on His throne as the Lord of lords and everything proceeds according to His command. But in fact how very miserable God has been at finding Himself constantly alone. (170-95, 1987.11.8) Continue reading “Who Knew the Miserable Mind and Heart of God?”