We hope that you enjoyed the holiday yesterday, Foundation Day for the Unified Nation of Heaven and Earth. I recommend reading here to receive a blessing and understand more about this holiday. Yesterday was also the 22nd anniversary of the establishment of Cheon Il Guk (The Kingdom of Heaven). Here is a very relevant excerpt from the previous link:
A new era has begun, the era of Cheon il Guk, the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. All people—in the spirit world and in the physical world, on the right and on the left, and Muslims and Christians—will live together as one family. This is the meaning of Cheon Il Guk. World peace can be realized only when there are no barriers or borders dividing religions. Our children can build a world of peace through inter-religious and international marriages. When Jews and Muslims have their children marry each other, and when communists and people from the free world have their children marry each other, we will eventually become the members of one family…
People have never understood why the history religion is one of tribulation and particularly why they developed when they were persecuted. In all of history, only Rev. Moon has been able to clearly expose the secrets entangled in the spirit world, the religious and mystical worlds that only Satan and God knew about. This is not empty theory. That is how things move. They move according to that principle. Just try to witness. When a person makes a determination to come to the Unification Church, Satan always tries to obstruct their path. Everything goes according to a certain formula. (138-204, 1986.1.21)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 333
It is said that God is the original being of truth, the original being of goodness, the original being of love, and the original being of life. But what does this mean? All these have the same meaning. In order for the truth to be established, love and life are indispensable. So the central core – the original being of life, original being of love, and original being of truth – is God. What kind of being is God? He is both the father and mother of humankind. The core is the parents. Seen in this way, God is a simple being. (21-183, 1968.11.20
Family Pledge
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Pledge Number Two: (Continued)
Core Concept 44: We have to have love for our parents, nation and the world.
2.2. Perfect the dutiful family way of filial sons and daughters in our family, patriots in our nation, saints in the world, and divine sons and daughters in heaven and earth 2.2.1. The path of filial sons and daughters, patriots, saints, and divine sons and daughters that we must inevitably go
Only Four Days left to register! Saturday November 18th: Strengthening Families and Communities Forum
10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.: Screening of the documentary Gender Transformation: the Untold Realities 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Audience and panel discussion on: Understanding parent’s rights and stopping sexual indoctrination in public schools. Let’s work together to protect our children. Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV, and online by Zoom
Lunch will be served following the discussion. Free-Registration Required
By cutting off the wild olive tree at the base and engrafting the true olive tree on to it, all wild olive trees will disappear. The field where they used to be will become a field of true olive trees. Now that I am ready to carry out this task, many are raising uproar. They are scared of the pain they will feel when their bodies are cut off at the roots. They are worried that I may be an incompetent gardener. The spring of providential history has come and with it the task of engrafting the sprouts on to the wild olive trees has begun. (Blessed Family – 510)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1243
What is the occasion of the Blessing? It is the very best place in the entire world. With whom should you establish a relationship at the place of Blessing? You cannot perfect yourself on your own. You are perfected through True Parents’ love. When a child is born from its parents’ bosom, regardless of whether it is good-looking or not, the child takes after its parents. In the same way, in the Unification Church, members are taught the way of the true parent. For you, that is the greatest blessing of all blessings. (35-236, 1970.10.19)
True Family; Gateway to Heaven Chapter Four
The Love of Man and Woman in the Original Creation
Section 7. Love Is Realized in a Completely Natural Setting
This is a story from my youth. One day, I caught a pair of birds and tried to make them kiss each other’s beaks. To see them kiss I put them in a cage, fed them, and watched them. I did it out of a child’s desire to see them love each other and sing happily together. This was an experiment, out of curiosity, to understand the principles of nature. I continued this experiment, which I now understand to have been quite naughty. It was only after a long while that I finally understood that love is realized only in a natural setting. Sincere love is realized naturally, in an atmosphere that is natural to the highest degree. Through a long journey of experiments I came to the correct understanding of love. (Blessed Family – 353)
When someone loses love, will having a university education help him to regain love? He will only accumulate knowledge, become individualistic, and come to worship materialism. Just as Korean bean soup tastes right only when it is served in a thick Korean bowl, character training can reach its purpose only when it is based on love.
The flower of world civilization should blossom on the basis of artistic harmony. In this sense, roasted ribs should be served on a heavy platter and Korean bean paste soup should be served in a thick, Korean earthenware bowl to bring out their proper tastes. Once you have become used to the rough, deep, and refreshing taste of Korean bean paste soup, you will never forget it no matter where you may go.
Likewise, once people have become used to the earthy, deep, relaxing taste of love, they will not change. Just as one easily tires of instant foods that are usually heavily sweetened, if one could obtain love easily and anywhere like instant food, we would be unable to call it true love. (Blessed Family – 353)
There are people everywhere today who taste love as if they were eating instant food. This is the problem. Love does not deepen because you bathe in a fragrant bath. I would say that the love of a couple living in the countryside that washes themselves in cold water before going to bed is purer, longer lasting, and ever deepening. A couple that has to brush their teeth before kissing is not experiencing natural love. The toothpaste smell will prevent them from tasting the unique smell of the other. When I look at people who brush their teeth before kissing, I don’t know whether they are trying to taste love or taste toothpaste. (Blessed Family – 353)
When you meet with someone you like and love, you want to embrace and kiss that person. This is a natural instinct between the sexes. You can think you are meeting your partner in order to love your surroundings — the universe. Finding a partner and establishing a relationship is a natural human behavior.
When man relates to woman and woman relates to man under the ideal of partnership, there will be no acts or incidents that violate the order of love. The true order of love emerges only when man and woman meet on the basis of the ideal of partnership. (Blessed Family – 353)
Only Five Days left to register! Sunday, November 19th: Unification Principle Study
10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. eastern time. Lunch is included.
Understand what God’s will for your life is by studying the Unification Principle. This study includes God’s Ideal for the Family, what went wrong and the Role of True Parents.
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV, and online by Zoom
Members of the Unification Church will be able to register their names in the not too distant future. The day when North and South Korea are united as one nation, in which God can take delight, will be the day on which you can be registered. When such a day dawns, even if you are blind or have an impaired voice or a deformed arm, if you were blessed first, you would be considered the elder. You would be the elder sister-in-law. If you were blessed later, you would have to serve a person with an impaired voice and deformed arm as your elder, even if you are older and a college graduate. Such a day is coming. Therefore, when that time comes, all these special conditions of attendance will become important factors that will decide between success and failure. (58-113, 1972.6.6)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1189
As God carried out the dispensation for restoration, His grief lay in the fact that the firstborn son was on Satan’s side. That is why human history is diseased. What kind of disease does it suffer from? It has a love related disease. The first son was born after humankind went astray due to the disease of love. If we are not aware of this fact, we won’t reach the time when we are able to ascend to the individual position where we can again achieve harmony, even if we spend billions of years in search of the principled standard. (136-126, 1985.12.22)
True Family; Gateway to Heaven Chapter Four
The Love of Man and Woman in the Original Creation
Section 6. Original Human Beings Are Enraptured with True Love
What is the holiest thing in the world? True love is the holiest thing in world. True love originates with God. If God exists, there is no other way than the way of true love. God truly desires the way of true love, and without traversing the way of true love, we cannot go before God. We have to know this point. God wants to see, hear, eat, and touch through love. As for human beings, if they receive a kiss of love from God, their joy will make them feel as if they are going to explode from inside. This is where God’s desire lies. God does not rejoice because He has diamonds or jewelry. (Blessed Family – 380)
The human body has five senses and every human being feels and confirms true love through the sensations of the five senses. If the eyes are directed toward true love, they will be colored by and intoxicated with true love. How beautifully those colorful, intoxicated eyes will shine! Think about how enchanting the smiling lips of a person immersed in true love are. Try to imagine the intense beauty of the five senses moving in intoxication with true love and the harmony of the five senses moving toward God.
Alone, God cannot experience the joy of such beauty. He can experience such beauty only when He has a partner, and this is the reason God created human beings. How would God feel as He observed a beautiful man and woman absorbed into one another through true love-intoxicated eyes, or kissing with true love- intoxicated lips, and playing the melody of a heart of true love? If there is an Eve of true love, God would want to completely traverse her world of heart. God would have an impulsive desire to explore the breadth and depth of this beautiful Eve’s world of heart. God would want to traverse both Adam’s and Eve’s world of heart, a world more beautiful than the created heaven and earth. It is certain that God would rather travel within the world of the heart of a person of true love than the universe. God would never want to leave Adam’s and Eve’s world of heart and true love. If, after God created human beings, He fell into their true love and became a child lost in that love, what kind of world would we have? Since God would dwell in their midst, the world formed by God and human beings becoming one would be a world filled with joy and beauty. (Blessed Family – 380)
If the true love of God had been perfected, the God of responsiveness would have no regrets at being totally absorbed by true love. God’s nature is such that He would be totally happy with anything that happened within the realm of true love. If human beings were to live in this world of true love, they would live a happy life free from regret. Moreover, this world would be without war and free of complaint and misfortune. (Blessed Family – 380)
Only Six Days left to register! Saturday November 18th: Strengthening Families and Communities Forum
10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.: Screening of the documentary Gender Transformation: the Untold Realities 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. Audience and panel discussion on: Understanding parent’s rights and stopping sexual indoctrination in public schools. Let’s work together to protect our children. Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV, and online by Zoom
Lunch will be served following the discussion. Free-Registration Required
Registration Deadline: November 13th
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1283
The individual perfection we speak of today is not the absolute and complete perfection of the individual. It is conditional. You must understand that this perfection is a conditional perfection in the process of restoration. That is why, though they stand in the position of parents, they do not truly know about God’s realm of heart. They have not experienced the great power of loving each other so much that the husband cannot give up his wife and the wife cannot give up her husband even in exchange for the universe. The love they share is so strong that it can hold heaven and earth together. That is why those families who have received the Blessing must bear in mind that until they cross over from this fallen realm, they are only in the realm of conditional perfection. They are not in the realm of the perfected Kingdom of Heaven. Since they are only living in that conditional realm of perfection, once they pass on to the spirit world, they need to go through certain formalities. Only after they go through due formalities and reach complete perfection can they receive their passports and enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (100-144, 1978.10.9)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1582
Now, through the Sa-Sa Jeol (4.4. Day) declaration, which represents the number four, the southern hemisphere can be connected to the northern hemisphere and the heart of the Parents to the oceans. Although the great judgment of Noah’s time took place on the sea, based on the sea that did not face judgment and the principle of giving and receiving by all created beings, then all national messiahs and Blessed Families were called to gather here in Jardim in order to symbolize the coming together of all creation to the place of liberation. I have disclosed to all those who are here that, in the form of the global messiah, national messiahs, tribal and family messiahs, they should return following the Parents. Richard: Victory is ours, as Blessed families, if we claim it. First we have to understand what a Blessed family is, and we have to practice true love and absolute sexual ethics within our Blessed family and exemplify those values to our family and neighbors. Join us on November 19th for the Unification Principle Study, which is a great place to begin your journey as a Blessed family. Peaceful families build a peaceful world.
True Family; Gateway to Heaven Chapter Four
The Love of Man and Woman in the Original Creation
Section 5. Men and Women Harmonize in Love
Man symbolizes heaven and woman, earth. The two must unite and realize harmony. Men and women are different. Men’s muscles are rugged and women’s are smooth. Men have beards while women do not. Their voices are also different. If we compare men and women, we see their contrasting features fit together well. Harmony unfolds between them. When we look at the physical structure of human beings, their left and right sides form a correlative pair. These two halves are bound tightly together.
Ladies and gentlemen, do you like only high things or only low things? You like things that create harmony. Judging from the line formed by the horizon, fish live below and mammals, birds, and other creatures live above. Women menstruate once a month, like tidal variations based on the moon. Breathing is similar. A man and a woman establish a line of balance and create harmony. People like Disneyland, with its rides that go up and down, because Disneyland duplicates the motions of the universe.
Which do you think will be more pleasing, a man harmonizing with another man or a man harmonizing with a woman? A man harmonizing with a woman is better because that reflects the harmony of the universe. We should live in step with the beat of the universe, the universe that promotes harmony through the harmony of yin and yang. (Blessed Family – 344)
When man and woman create harmony, they initiate circular movement. When man and woman become one body through love and bear the fruits of love, God comes down and they go up and they meet in the middle. God becomes the center of this sphere, and spherical movement begins. The center of the sphere is the place where harmony of love is realized. It is the place where life emerges and moves, and it is the starting point of human equality and communal philosophy. This is so because the power of love is there. Thus, the force that embraces all interactions of the universe is love. (Blessed Family – 344)
For human beings love is eternal. It is one and never divided. Once a man and a woman are joined in love they are to live together for a lifetime and then eternally even after death. They are two bodies that become one body by uniting and revolving together. When the two bodies become one, they revolve as God does and form a four- position foundation of love, the expression of the ideal world of love. Only true love dwells there and false love cannot invade. When man and woman become blessed by God and achieve perfection, God comes to them freely. When they form a four-position foundation of love, they will come to love each other’s mind through each other’s body, and when they come to love the mind their body will follow. (Blessed Family – 344)
Only Six Days left to register! Sunday, November 19th: Unification Principle Study
10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. eastern time. Lunch is included.
Understand what God’s will for your life is by studying the Unification Principle. This study includes God’s Ideal for the Family, what went wrong and the Role of True Parents.
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV, and online by Zoom
For what purpose does God designate Abel? He does it to establish the rights of the firstborn son and to correct the tradition within the family, not in order to save Abel’s children. Unification Church members don’t understand this point. You say, “Ahem! I am Abel,” but you leaders must remember that you cannot say, “Because we are in the position of Abel, that’s it!” The reason all of you are placed in your positions is to restore a tribe that holds the right of the eldest son. If you want to receive blessings, earn the right of the firstborn son and share the blessings, then you can receive some of them. The right of the firstborn son is not for you. Focused on the Lord who is to come, you must develop a connection with the vertical heavenly world. This will not happen with only the horizontal physical world. I was going to explain this last point in more detail in terms of the Principle but, as I believe you understand this, I am putting it in simple terms. Since I, the founder of the Unification Church, came to know this path, I could not help but establish the logic of “living for the sake of others.” We were born for the sake of others. You must also realize that man was born for the sake of woman. There is no such thing as “I”. (136-130, 1985.12.22)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1429
There is no doubt that the Kingdom of God is a place that is governed according to the will of God, whose sovereignty is inherited by His children of direct descent, who follow the commands issued by Him as their center. In such a place, democracy or communism cannot exist. Once it is established, the kingdom would retain its system of governance eternally. Taking all this into consideration, how truly lamentable it is that you cannot be a citizen of such a nation. Therefore, you should lament the fact that you are not a resident of that nation. You should lament the fact that you are not qualified to be a part of it. We should all lament the fact that we do not have such an unchanging sovereignty anywhere. (72-292, 1974.9.1)
Chapter Four
The Love of Man and Woman in the Original Creation
Section 4. Love Comes from One’s Partner
Love cannot be realized by oneself. Where does love come from? Love does not come from me but from my spouse. Since love comes from my spouse, I must bow my head and serve her. This is where the heavenly principle of living for the sake of others originates. When something highly noble comes to me, I must honor and serve it in order to receive it. We must live the philosophy of living for the sake of others. (143-277, 1986.3.30) When we are alone, love cannot manifest itself. Love does not appear when man is alone, but only when woman appears as his object of love. Only when the object of love appears, does love finally spring forth. (Blessed Family – 342)