We Need True Parents to Receive the New Lineage

Cheon Seong Gyeong 914

You should receive your ancestors’ co-operation with a fervent heart greater than heaven and earth. Everything goes in this way. Three generations are included. Your ancestors are the first generation, you are the second generation and your children are the third generation. You have to bind them together with a fervent heart so that your descendants, the third generation, on earth, who are born anew, can even reach to your parents and ancestors in heaven. Isn’t that so? (302-39, 1999.5.18)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1100

I will be going to the highest position, to the heavenly throne, but not all of you will be able to come with me. Because you received the precious thing called the Blessing, the door is open for you, but not all of you have the proper ceremonial robes to wear. Even if you have been invited to a feast, you cannot attend unless you have the proper clothing, can you? If you have been asked to be a groomsman at a wedding, can you go dressed as if you just finished working on the farm? You have to dress appropriately before you go. Only then will you be qualified to be welcomed into that environment. If not, you will be thrown out. They will yell at you: “Get out of here, you good for nothing!”

Richard: God’s standard is absolute sexual ethics. To enter the Kingdom of Heaven, we have to follow that standard.

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 3

The Need for True Parents

Section 6. The True Parents are Needed Absolutely

    What do the Unification Church members call me? They call me the True Parent. The words “True Parent” are fearsome words. It is also a great thing that these words exist.
    Without a family that emerged from the womb of God’s love as a model, no tribe, people or nation can be formed. A family expands to form a tribe, a people and a nation. Therefore, to defeat the world of the devil, we must deal with things based on the model of the true family.
    Fallen people have evil parents. Your mother and father are parents within the fallen domain as well. What does this mean? It means that they are ancestors within the fallen tradition. So the fact that the term True Parents has appeared is an amazing fact. Continue reading “We Need True Parents to Receive the New Lineage”

True Parents are Needed to Dismantle the Foundation of Satanic Love, Life and Lineage

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1421

Jesus, who failed to accomplish the will of God on earth, should have found a bride in his time and established the relationship of true parents and raised true children. He should have prepared a foundation on earth that would secure, with heaven’s authority, the right of inheritance and the right of registration into the kingdom. He passed away to the spirit world without having done so. In registering, would you register as servants? If you cannot be a son of direct descent, you must at least be registered in the name of an adopted son in order to become one of God’s heirs. Then you will share the right of inheritance. (155-309, 1965.11.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 893

You will not be free to go anywhere in the universe. You will have no place to run to. You cannot run away as you wish. You have to know that you are unable to free yourself from the realm of universal law and order. You have to follow the right path. You should realize that you are living under the rule of the universal law based on the standard of the official constitution. This affects everything relating to the order of love and morality: family, society, nation, world, cosmos and God. The path of giving love and living for the sake of others is the only way to attain an autonomy that is supported and upheld by all the laws including the laws of nature. Unification Church members do not have a clear concept of hell. You should know that hell exists. You should know that there is a severe and fearful hell if you do not follow the way of carrying the banner of love. Did you know that? I hope that you can stand in court and be victorious. (117-312, 1982.4.11)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 3

The Need for True Parents

Section 4. The Conditions for the Appearance of the True Parents

    What has to be done in order for True Parents to come? Without the Archangel’s restoration, True Parents cannot come. Without Jesus being restored, True Parents cannot come. Also, without the bride being restored, True Parents cannot come. This must be resolved in the religious world.
    The entity that has appeared after resolving all the difficulties in God’s providence of restoration is the True Parents. True Parents are not easy-going, good-for-nothing people.
    True Parents would not appear unless the archangel was restored. They would not appear unless Adam was restored. Also, they would not appear unless the bride – that is, Eve – was restored. That is for sure. (46-214, 1971.8.15) Continue reading “True Parents are Needed to Dismantle the Foundation of Satanic Love, Life and Lineage”

Democracy Cannot Unify the World

Cheon Seong Gyeong 641

The Unification Church is capable of mobilizing an individual spiritually as well as ancestors. Since the religions that have existed until today were incapable of connecting the physical and spiritual worlds, they made contact by harmonizing vertically their spiritual devotion with rhythms and dancing. Yet now we have entered the broadcasting station itself. Our position is like a diaphragm. It is not the undulation itself but a generating transmitter. With a broadcast station, you can say, “Ancestors in the spirit world, please come and work with me. Good ancestors please come and work with me. I need such vibrations,” and they are supposed to come. Individuals and families can be called and mobilized. Since the foothold for connecting with the tribal, ethnic and global realms were established on the earth, the spirits will be mobilized and come down to earth. When this happens, our bodies will be drawn into this without our knowing it. (162-103, 1987.3.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1266

What is the hope of humanity? It is to attend True Parents. Six thousand years ago, Adam and Eve were supposed to be blessed in marriage, an event that would have allowed all humankind to subsequently become the descendants of God. However, due to the Fall, everyone became the descendants of Satan. Therefore, True Parents, who were lost six thousand years ago, must be restored on the side of heaven, and human beings have to be reborn through the relationship of the love of True Parents. Only then can they become citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven. (19-203, 1968.1.7)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 3

The Need for True Parents

Section 3. The Reason True Parents Must Come

    What is it that you desire? You want to be people of the heavenly kingdom or children of the heavenly kingdom. This must be your desire. If you become people and children of the heavenly kingdom, the heavenly kingdom will naturally appear. Continue reading “Democracy Cannot Unify the World”

Fallen Parents have Lead Us Down a Continuously Self-Centered Path

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1837

    In the organization of our economic activities, the last remaining obstacle is the battle to take a leading position in sales in the nation. If we can take the lead in the marine products industry in America through Seilo – a global machine marketing organization – and are united in our approach, then we will automatically develop an influential position in America and the free world. As we build an economic foundation in this field, we are preparing simultaneously the Washington Times and a magazine, Insight, aimed at securing a global media base. Through these media, we are creating the means to influence the world. Fortunately, America has vast resources in the marine products industries. However, it lacks an owner.
    It is amazing that we have risen to the point where the Rev. Moon and the Unification Church are evaluated as the only ones who can become the leading force at this time. I am looking to establish the Seilo organization in fifty states in order to have the foundation of a commanding position in sales in America through the expansion of our markets, based on science and technology. The Seilo organization has gone beyond national borders. Until now, there had never been an exhibition hall or sales market that transcended national borders. (135-97, 1985.9.30)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1451

3.3. True Parents’ instructions to Registered Families

a. Steadfast defense of the pure lineage
b. Settlement of unchanging heart
c. Education of children in practicing
true love
d. Breaking down of national boundaries and cross-cultural marriage
e. Restoration of the homeland and establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven
f. Memorization of Hoon Dok Gyeong
and Divine Principle
g. Fulfillment of the Family Pledge
h. Settlement of Noon
(333-233, 2000.9.26)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 3

The Need for True Parents

Section 2. True Parents and Our Natural Parents

    In what position are your fallen, biological mother and father? Have there been, in a world untainted by the Fall, unfallen sons and daughters of whom God could say, “Oh, you are our sons and daughters!”? In the Garden of Eden, was there a concept that one had to forsake his former mother and father in order to find a new mother and father? No. Then why are we born with such a fate? This fate was not created by God but by Satan. It is the result of the Fall. This is a world created by the devil. Continue reading “Fallen Parents have Lead Us Down a Continuously Self-Centered Path”

The Parental Heart Is the Heart of Heaven

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1511

God is the vertical parent who has true love for humankind. There is only one such vertical and perpendicular relationship. It is absolute. There cannot be two such relationships. If the vertical Parent were left standing alone, He would collapse. Therefore, the horizontal parents need to be found and connected to the vertical Parent. To go into more detail, the Creator is the vertical Parent of true love, and the created Adam and Eve are in the position of His children, as well as the horizontal parents. Adam and Eve are His substantial embodiments. When they are giving and receiving at the place where they resonate together in union, a central point comes into existence and the center of that couple’s realm of resonance is established. This is the origin of life from which you were born. (183-40, 1988.10.29)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1058

All Blessed Families, without exception, should arrive before the church service starts and create an atmosphere of grace for the many types of people who will attend, so that they may experience grace. If you create a foundation of heart to support the minister before he comes up to give the sermon, the speaker will be stimulated by the fervent expressions on the members’ faces. The number of such members determines the development of the church. (31-271, 1970.6.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 2
True Parents
Chapter 3

The Need for True Parents

Section 1. We also Need Our Natural Parents

   Originally, when God as the Parent created Adam and Eve, He reaped the benefit of having children. At the same time, He enabled the children to benefit by having parents. God’s hope was to raise His children to perfection. Had this happened, it would be possible to say that God would have harvested both Adam and Eve. Continue reading “The Parental Heart Is the Heart of Heaven”