We Were Originally Created as Eternal Beings

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#142-Beat Your Swords Into Plowshares

Cheon Seong Gyeong 690

    There is no self there. God is not the one who must walk the way of suffering in order to save the fallen world. He does not have to deal with the fallen world. He comes forward with a new bond of true love. He comes to us with new hope and a new foundation for restoration. These are the circumstances in which the bond between God and you is formed. It is a bond by which the four directions can be brought into oneness, and it is linked at one point of origin so that it can destroy the world of death and establish the foundation for a new heaven and earth in the bright future. In this way, the world can make a new start by practicing the parent-child relationship.
    No sword or power can break the bond between you and the True Parents – not even the power of Satan. Why? Because this bond possesses the special authority to break through all of today’s problems and bring salvation to humankind, and because the power that humankind has historically desired has been concentrated in this bond, or stronghold. Thus, no historical concentration of power would be strong enough to break this relationship. In this way, the True Parents are the ones whom God has sent forth as historical sacrifices for the purpose of doing away with all evil and making a new victorious beginning based on a new bond.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1056

From now on, we should cut off what needs to be cut off and divide what needs to be divided. You should not do as you please. The Unification Church must establish the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, it should restore the family rather than the individual. Those who cannot become exemplary in their family life will suffer worldwide criticism, even throughout all of heaven and earth. (30-230, 1970.3.23)

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Chapter One

Our Course of Life

Section 9. The standard of birth and the standard
of life
9.2. The standard of life

When I say life here, I mean eternal life. I am not referring only to the spirit world, but to a life to live for eternity. Each individual was created to be an object of God’s love. You are the object partner of the absolute God, and the partner in His love. God cherishes the notion of true love more than He values Himself. He is the absolute and eternal center of life. His ideal is even more eternal and the center of that ideal is true love. The partner of that love is you.

The attribute of love promotes unity between partners. Such love can unify a nation. Thus, one partner can accompany the other partner in any position and follow unconditionally. You can inherit God’s entire fortune and even His entire heart. I went through a miserable course to discover this and now stand on that foundation. It is sublime and lofty and cannot be exchanged for anything: it is an amazing grace. For that reason, I stand in the same position with God. I share the eternal position of true love. The spirit world is in a different dimension from this limited earthly world. We cannot move freely within mundane confines, but as the spirit world is a higher-dimensional place, you can do anything there; you can leap across time. if you want something based on love, you can have it all anytime, anywhere.

We were originally created as eternal beings. If we become eternal beings of true love and go to the spirit world, we will be free. The first standard of life is the standard of good and evil, the second is the original starting point, and the third is eternal life. (216-107, 1991.3.9)


Satan’s Blood is Running through

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1677

Re-creation involves the creation of an environment with subject and object partners, followed by corresponding developments. This is how evolutionary theory should also develop; it cannot develop as it is. Subject and object partners must unite, be absorbed into something greater, and pass through the gates of love. According to this principle, to progress from the loveless amoeba to the human being thousands of levels need to be passed through, and these gates of love cannot be crossed just like that. (230- 68, 1992.4.19)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 893

The reason you suffer now is for the sake of finding the freedom of heaven. It is to create heaven even in hell. Even if you go to hell and act like a judge, those serving time in hell would say, “Since you went through it all, we cannot accuse you!” In this world if a person went down to this position or if he went down from a high level to a lower one, wouldn’t he make a fuss? He would say, “Why should I go there? Why should I go?” Going down to a lower position is something that would never happen in a society of brothers, but is only possible within the realm of the parental heart. God, the most High, can go all the way down to the bottom of hell. That is a parent – a true parent. He would do that even if He were to be injured in His face or whatever may happen to His body. (116-115, 1981.12.27)

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Chapter One

Our Course of Life

Section 9. The standard of birth and the standard
of life
9.1. The wrong standard of birth

People in today’s world who flaunt their pedigrees and parade their degrees as marks of social distinction, are unaware that their births were spiritually sullied. They do not know that they were born with the love, life and lineage of Satan; God’s enemy. This is a serious problem.

Due to the Fall, people have been born from Satan’s love which was passed down to their parents. Satan’s blood has made its way down through the lives of our mothers and fathers to us in the present day. The fruit of those three then, is you. As such, you all belong to the satanic lineage. In other words, Satan’s blood is running through your veins. Therefore, he automatically bears his ideal fruit while God strives to redeem those very men and women and transform them into originally pure and perfect people. You all began from Satan’s love and are born from his lineage.

Since your start was all wrong, you must return to the original point. As we originated from false parents, we need to return and start anew from true parents. How serious is this? It is imperative to inherit God’s love, life and lineage afresh.

That is why, when you receive the Blessing, you undergo the ceremony for changing the lineage. You must believe in this more than your own life. Just because it is a Unification Church ceremony, you should not think of it as some ordinary ritual. It is like a wonder drug, an antidote, to restore the dead back to life.

Our ancestors committed an error so grave that countless people fell victim to its aftereffects throughout the course of human history. Knowing this, we cannot tread that same path again — ever again! We paid a ghastly price throughout history for having perpetuated illicit love in the fallen spiritual and physical worlds, with far-reaching consequences for individuals, families, societies, nations and the world. (216-109, 1991.3.9)

Our Life Path Should Be One of Possessing God’s Love

Watch the documentary Gender Transformation.
I highly recommend it!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 682

The physical and spirit worlds move facing each other. If the physical world ascends, so will the spirit world. If the physical world descends, the spirit world follows suit. If one turns, the other does likewise. So you have to realize this point during your life on earth and live in a way that adds to your eternal life. The spiritual and physical worlds are not separate. If you do not clearly distinguish between heaven and hell, you will not understand this. In this way, you must always work with the feeling that both eternal life and life on earth are important. No one can take care of your life except you. More than anyone else, you yourself know God. If you become like that, wherever you go heavenly fortune will embrace you. In that case, if you are gone from your village, people will search for you saying, “Where did that person go? I have not seen him for a few days. I miss his voice, as I am used to hearing him in the morning and evening.” You cannot stop it from happening. Because heavenly fortune is with him, someone who lives according to his conscience automatically orients himself to that direction, similar to iron filings moving towards a magnet, or like whatever has life moves with all its tactile sense towards the light

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1067

I always caress the sleeping faces of my children when I come home. It is not easy to be a good parent. Through this, a thought is automatically implanted in the children’s minds, “I will also love my sons and daughters as my father loves me.” They should be able to realize that their father is the best in the whole world. (97-310, 1978.3.26)

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Chapter One

Our Course of Life

Section 8. Our highest path in life

What should be our life path? It is the path of possessing God’s love. Possessing God’s love is life’s highest and final destination. Everyone, men and women alike, must go this way. Our life path must lead us to the infinite God of love. The greatest life path consists of finding God’s love by crossing over the peaks of death tens and even hundreds of times, and continuing in that search even after death.

What is the endpoint of our desires? It is the possession of God’s love. If, in that regard, we possess love more precious than our own, God cannot be ours. [or You have met God, but if you did not discover a love that is even more precious, then you have not made God your own.] Thus, we need to possess God’s love. If we possessed only God’s love, then it would be all right even if He were not present. When His love becomes mine and mine becomes His, the internal and the external become one for the first time. A nation based on such love becomes an ideal homeland without upper and lower classes.

When we lie in that place of love, we feel that there is nothing under the sun that does not appear good and that does not exist for our sake. Since God’s love is like that, the heavenly world, which is humankind’s destination, namely the Kingdom of Heaven, is a place filled with love. (19-210, 1971.1.10)

Central Religion Teaches to Live for the Sake of Others

Watch the documentary Gender Transformation.
I highly recommend it!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1766

Do you know how pained God is by the sin of man with woman? The question arises as to how to manage this and turn God’s original heart back to us by getting to the point where there is no longer any satanic foundation in us. Isn’t celibacy taught in the religious sphere? Men and women are taught to live as if their sexual organs had been done away with. It is the same for you. So who can commit the fall? In an instant, that act ensnared the great eternal King of heaven and earth so that He could not be liberated. In order to reverse this, Unification Church members receive the Blessing. Do you think they can repeat the Fall? Is that possible? (296-204, 1998.11.9)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1287

The sexual organs are the palace of love, the palace in which eternal life is born, the palace that inherits the future descendants and lineage which will succeed to the eternally unchanging traditions of heaven. It is the palace of true life, true love and true lineage. It is the most precious place of all. You cannot do anything you like with it. You cannot use it without permission from God. It is a place that cannot be touched by anyone other than your husband or wife, who has gained the approval of God and the universe. (216-207, 1991.3.31)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1827

What kind of age will the future be? Why would you want to spend hours on a plane? Instead, we will build a massive steel column in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and build a hotel. How diverse are the functions of a helicopter? You can fly anywhere you like with a press of a button. Yet, flying becomes boring, even after three hours. So, we will fly for one or two hours and then stay in a marine hotel. It will be fantastic! We will build a hotel on the Pacific Ocean. Then, it will take only a few hours to get there, and you can have lunch or go on a boat with your family, or even go fishing. What a wonderful life! (203-57, 1990.6.14)

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Chapter One

Our Course of Life

Section 7. The original homeland that we
must seek

You may not know of the reality of the spirit world, but I enjoy the special benefit from God of having a clear insight into that unknown world. Digging into the root of that world, I found its principles to be quite simple. In the spirit world only those who lived altruistically in line with God’s universal principles can enter the higher realms. The world structured along those lines is the ideal heavenly kingdom. That place is the original homeland that humankind must seek. Today, although we are exiles from our original homeland and live a fallen life, we are destined to return there. God had to create a path for this in the course of history because we could not do so by our own efforts.

This is why God raised up many different religions. They are training grounds through which He has been directing all people along that path, whatever their race, cultural background, customs and traditions. Religions are the training grounds for training people to become eligible to return to the original homeland. Taking into account the diverse cultural backgrounds ranging across the four corners of the earth, God is leading humanity toward a unified world of religion that can progress upward onto higher ground.

What does religion which guides people to the original homeland, centrally teach? It is to live for the sake of others. As highly developed religions tend to emphasize this principle, they teach us to be gentle and meek, to stand in a position to elevate others and live for their sake, and to serve them sacrificially. All this serves to instill discipline in us to abide by the laws of the Kingdom of Heaven. (78-115, 1975.5.6)

Indemnity Comes Before Restoration

Watch the documentary Gender Transformation.
I highly recommend it!

Cheon Seong Gyeong 833

You have to make your family life into a work of art. You have to become a pleasing and artistic husband. If you find something good in a magazine, you should bring it home and read it with a soothing voice to your wife when she is about to fall asleep. If you dream of your wife while falling asleep after having been deeply moved by this, your dream will be substantiated. This way of life will continue into the spirit world. How wonderful this is! Would you like to live like this, or would you like to live as very drab couples? If you wish to live such a life, you have to assume a new direction with a fresh mind-set enabling you to possess good vitality. This is the basic requirement. (271-282, 1995.8.28)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1042

Members of the Unification Church today do not like the path of indemnity. This means they do not like restoration. There is no such thing as, “I like restoration, but I don’t like indemnity.” So, which comes first? Does restoration come first or indemnity come first? You like restoration but not indemnity. Yet, it is the opposite for God. Which side are you on? Are you on the side of God or on the side of Satan? You have to be clear about this. You like restoration. However, God’s side cannot just like restoration. Only after going through indemnity can restoration occur. (116-127, 1981.12.27)
Richard: Stacey got this same Rheama on Saturday. The chances of this are zero (0). God is clearly making a point here, for us, but also for everyone. We will have to make sacrifices to do God’s work. We will have to be humble to do God’s work. We will have to listen and hear and act to do God’s work.

True Family Gateway to Heaven
Rev. Sun Myung Moon

Chapter One

Our Course of Life

Section 5. Infancy and the three orderly stages of
the growing period

How did God create Adam and Eve? If He used clay, what kind was it? Where did He begin? From which point did Adam and Eve’s lives start? We cannot think that God created them as adults, but rattier as babies. Without the notion that God behaved as a pregnant mother who subsequently gave birth to, nourished and nurtured a baby, we cannot logically explain the formation of all existence through the three orderly stages of growth. Logically, Adam and Eve passed through infancy before entering the growth and completion stages. This is heavenly law.

What was Adam and Eve’s infancy like? We must proceed from the concept that the invisible God nurtured a baby whose beginnings were in the world without form and who could pass through the course in the physical realm. (225-198, 1992.1.20)

Section 6. Our life path

Since the society, nation and world in which we live are far from ideal, all manner of suffering occurs, and good and evil are at cross-purposes.

If we took a random sample of a hundred men, it would reveal that one hundred percent of them jostle among themselves in “an every man for himself” struggle within their circumstances to cope with the demands of their mundane affairs.

Therefore, in our daily lives, we all acutely lack the confidence that we can complete the day’s work that we planned in the morning. With a wider scope of activities we would need proportionately more drive and determination to bring a victorious result in our everyday life. Lacking these, that day cannot be victorious. Such days turn into months and months into years.

We also lack environments conducive for meeting our monthly goals. To end a month victoriously, we need the drive and determination necessary to achieve breakthroughs in tackling both the details and complexities of that month. Without them, we cannot conclude our monthly activities victoriously.

Getting through a year successfully requires us to be equipped with a fighting spirit or driving force that can thrust aside all the challenges of each and every one of its 365 days. We can then celebrate that year victoriously. If we live a year like that, and continue in this vein, it will eventually add up to ten, and then twenty, and then thirty years, and that eventually becomes our life path. (31-30, 1970.4.12)

People living on earth today cannot escape from the constraints of time. That has been true throughout history. Individuals, families, tribes, people, nations and the world all move within the realm of time.

Wherever people exist, there is always some goal to attain. We are to focus on such a goal for ten, twenty, thirty, seventy years and, indeed, our entire lives. The greater our goal, the stronger our internal commitment needs to be. Unless we maintain an internal determination that surpasses the goal through the process called time, the goal will be unattainable. (31-149, 1970.5.24)