God Has Revealed His Heavenly Secrets

Cheon Seong Gyeong 247

    You are each walking the path of restoration as an individual, but you are not walking it individually. You are always walking that path on behalf of True Parents. Otherwise, you will not be able to prepare True Parents’ victorious foundation at the tribal, ethnic, or national levels. For you to proceed correctly on behalf of True Parents, if True Parents are going out to establish the worldwide spiritual standard of victory, you should go out to establish the national standard of victory. You should know this clearly. Now that True Parents’ standard of victory is established spiritually, it must be established on earth. You are going beyond the level of one people, carrying out True Parents’ responsibility on their behalf. To explain this from another viewpoint, you are going over the national level towards the worldwide level, to spiritually establish the cosmic standard of victory. The Lord, who is coming as the True Parents for us, has to spiritually pioneer the cross we must bear, achieve substantial victory and take responsibility for everything. This is the difficult aspect of restoring parents.
    Looking at heaven, earth, and humankind, has Heaven ever been able to attend the victorious True Parents? Heaven could not yet do so. Has the earth been able to attend them? It has not yet been able to do so. Has humankind been able to attend them? They have not been able to, but they are now on the way to doing so.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2371

By fulfilling the duty of a holy person, and going forward so that I can govern all religions on earth in the place of God, I am to bless the world centering on families. You should know that I will not bless families and nations separately. Since I am in such a position, I can bring to fulfillment the Four Great Realms of Heart and the Three Great Kingships. Everyone can achieve kingship by standing in the position where they can fulfill the purpose of the blessing, allowing them to move freely in any direction – east, west, north, and south, and to the twelve pearly gates; everywhere within a 360 degree range. Now the Four Great Realms of Heart must be dealt with. If you do not go beyond the realm of the heart of a holy man, the realm of the heart of a saint, the realm of the heart of a loyal citizen, and the realm of the heart of a filial child in the Four Great Realms of Heart, you can not say that you have crossed over the boundary of the Four Great Realms of Heart. This is the meaning of the third verse of the Family Pledge. (280-35, 1996.10.13)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The Eras in Providential History and the Formation of Their Lengths

The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth is a world similar to a single completed human being.  Conversely, we can understand the overall contents of human history by observing the life practices of a single fallen person, where the two minds, the good and evil mends are always fighting.
Satan took the lead to establish an unprincipled world before God could establish His ideal.  The unprincipled world that Satan established is similar in form to the principled world God intended to establish. 
The new expression of truth is the Unification Principle revealed by the Second Coming of Christ, the True Parent. Centering on the Unification Principle, religion, politics and economics must work together under one ideological framework to realize God’s ideal of creation.  You can study this new truth this Sudnay, July 23rd at the Peaceful Families, Peaceful World workshop.  Register now here to ensure your place.
The society of the Ideal of Creation (Cheon IL Guk) is a society o coexistence, co-prosperity and common righteousness.
See slides 18 to 22 below:

Three Popes Reigned Simultaneously During the Period of Papal Captivity and Return

Join the Strengthening Families and Communities Forum
Topic:  Stopping the Sexualization of Children in Public Schools; Providing a Positive Alternative
July 22nd, 2023 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV or online
Ft. Father Bayo B. Adrien, Rev. Rebecca Basford, Commissioner Jennifer Krouse & Richard Urban
Register and more information
Register by today, July 17th

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1490

Anything that engages in action for its own sake brings about evil. Anything that acts for the greater good brings about development. You should bear this in mind. When you live for the greater good, all doors will open before you. The individual, family, tribe, race, world and heaven, in fact, the path of love and all other paths in the world will open their doors wide before you and welcome you. So what would be this path? We need to consider this. Thus, the Unification Church teaches that to live for the sake of others is a principle of heavenly law. (133-16, 1984.7.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 671

In the face of death, Jesus cried out, “My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me. Yet not as I will, but as You will.” Even as he died, he did not protest to God, but was ready to offer a greater sacrifice without question because his will was great for the sake of God’s will. Jesus’ attitude brought him to a closer position to God because it enabled him to go deeper. In front of such a person, God is melted. Whoever would strike such a person would be instantly destroyed. God would personally punish that person. Hence it is said, “Do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.”

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The Eras in Providential History and the Formation of Their Lengths

Continuing with the parallel periods of history, next is the Period of Israel’s Captivity and Return and the Period of Papal Captivity and Return.  Next is the Period of the Preparation for the Coming of the Messiah and the Period of the Preparation for the Second Coming of the Messiah.
When we look at the course of history, we can see that God’s sovereignty and Satan’s sovereignty have crossed over three times since the time of Jesus.  Now is the time of God’s sovereignty and the time of the Second Coming of Christ.
See slides 14 to 17 below.


The Israelites Failed to Exalt God’s Will for the Tabernacle

#136–Dump Google  The latest Richard Urban Show

Join the Strengthening Families and Communities Forum
Topic:  Stopping the Sexualization of Children in Public Schools; Providing a Positive Alternative
July 22nd, 2023 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV or online
Ft. Father Bayo B. Adrien, Rev. Rebecca Basford, Commissioner Jennifer Krouse & Richard Urban
Register and more information
Register by July 17th

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1058

Blessed families should teach their children how to offer the Sabbath day to God by showing them an exemplary life of offering devotion from the break of day in order to prepare for the service. But in reality they do whatever they want to do. They do not pray, offer devotions, study the Principle, or witness in the name of a life of living faith. If the Sunday Service starts at 10:30, they should leave for church at 9:30 or 10:00. Instead of doing this, they leave home late and rush into their seats in the middle of the service. Such a family will be accused. As parents, no matter how much they educate their children, it will not influence them at all. (31-269, 1970.6.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1073

What will you teach your children? In order for your children to inherit the tradition, you must educate them and lead an exemplary public life. People were originally made to be educated by their parents; they are not to receive education just from school. Especially, education in order to inherit the tradition cannot be taught in school. (111-256, 1981.2.22)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The Eras in Providential History and the Formation of Their Lengths

The next parallel periods are the Period of the Judges of 400 years and the Period of the patriarchal system of 400 years.
Then, the Period of the Unified Kingdom of 120 years and the Period of the Christian Empire of 120 years.
Next, the Era of the Divided Kingdom of North and South of 400 years and the Period of the Divided Kingdom of East and West of 400 years.
See slides 10 to 13 below.

Early Christians Suffered Just as Abrahams Family Suffered Slavery in Egypt

#136–Dump Google  The latest Richard Urban Show

Join the Strengthening Families and Communities Forum
Topic:  Stopping the Sexualization of Children in Public Schools; Providing a Positive Alternative
July 22nd, 2023 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV or online
Ft. Father Bayo B. Adrien, Rev. Rebecca Basford, Commissioner Jennifer Krouse & Richard Urban
Register and more information
Register by July 17th

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1380

The topic of our conversation moved on to the wedding of the 30,000 Couples and I asked, “Elder Brother Il-sung, would you be willing to open the thirty-eighth parallel if I were to bring the 30,000 Couples to North Korea?” He answered, “Of course, of course! Wow, that is splendid!” He actually invited me to bring the 30,000 Couples to North Korea. So I replied, “But there aren’t any hotels here.” He then told me, “The Songdo Beach Resort is very famous worldwide and hundreds of thousands of people can be accommodated in the pine fields there. So if you brought one tent for every ten people, you wouldn’t have any problem.” What he said was true. He said we should bring our own food as well and that he would open the port of Wonsan for us, so that we could bring all we needed by boat. (239-42, 1992.11.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 726

    Starting from the idea that religious and world unity must come from myself, the question of what the Unification Church is trying to do today comes to the forefront. It is not a religion just for the sake of religion. It should achieve solidarity with the world, finding ways that religious activity can be accompanied by social activity; it should find ways the world is seeking the religious path and bring the two into oneness. A big wall lies across here blocking religion and society from becoming one – for individuals, families, peoples, nations, the world, and even the cosmos.
    Where do we start from to demolish this wall? Where did the trouble start? Not from the end of the world, but from the individual. Because individuals got out of order, mind and body came apart and pursued their own separate purposes in different directions. What is the issue here? It is how to merge, weave, combine, and melt different purposes into one, and then how to reintegrate mind and body.

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The Eras in Providential History and the Formation of Their Lengths

    Central figures who are responsible to restore the Foudation of Faith must pass through numerical indemnity perioids.  Numbers, including 3, 4, and 12 were to be fulfilled as Adam and Eve passed through their growing period.  These same numbers must be restored by subsequent providential figures, such as Noah’s 120 years building the ark.  Numerical periods of time must also be fulfilled before God calls specific central figures, such as Noah, Abraham and those central figures following.
    As mentioned in yesterday’s study, we see parallel periods of time playing out in subsequent generations due to the necessity of these providential time periods being restored through the responsible actions of the central figures.
   Therefore, we see a remarkable parallel between the time periods from Abraham to Jesus and from Jesus to today, the time of the Second Coming of Christ.  These time periods are also parallel in symbolic form to the time periods from Adam to the time Jacob met Joseph in Egypt.
    The first parallel periods are the Period of Slaver in Egypt of 400 years and the Period of persecution under Rome of 400 years.
See slides 6 to 9 below:

History Repeats in Parallel Periods

#136–Dump Google  The latest Richard Urban Show

Join the Strengthening Families and Communities Forum
Topic:  Stopping the Sexualization of Children in Public Schools; Providing a Positive Alternative
July 22nd, 2023 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Peace Kingdom Center, Harpers Ferry WV or online
Ft. Father Bayo B. Adrien, Rev. Rebecca Basford, Commissioner Jennifer Krouse & Richard Urban
Register and more information
Register by July 17th

Cheon Seong Gyeong

    If you go to heaven now, you will not see God. It is necessary that God enter the minds of the True Parents after they have accomplished everything and gone to the next world. When this happens, He will take on a body and we will enter an age when He will be able to move and rule over everything in the universe. In other words, He will take on a holy external form.
    When all this has been completed – the accomplishment of His kingdom in heaven and on earth – He will take on an external form. This is possible centering on love. If love becomes physically one in Adam’s family, God too, can have a combined internal nature and external form so He can take on a body. This cannot be done without love. This is where the term “one body” comes from.
    The spirit world is a place governed by true love – that is, absolute love. Everything is linked to true love. True love is the seed. Seeds unrelated with the Fall are linked together and fill all of heaven and earth. The world today came about as a result of the Fall, so it must disappear. We must do away with the lineage of the fallen world and link ourselves to God’s original lineage. How do we create such a world? Blessed marriage is the way. The Blessing is the means of engrafting ourselves onto God’s lineage. (294-316, 1998.8.9)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1136

All parents come from Adam and Eve. All forefathers of humankind come from them. The true husbands and wives of humanity originate in Adam and Eve. Through Adam and Eve, sons and daughters were born for the first time. Moreover, the parent-child relationship of God with His sons and daughters also began from Adam and Eve. (188-214, 1989.2.26)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The Eras in Providential History and the Formation of Their Lengths

The course of history in an earlier era is repeated in a similar form by later eras. These parallel eras occur due to the necessity for humans to fulfill their portion of responsibility for God’s providence to be fulfilled. The overall purpose in the providence of restoration is to fulfill the foundation for the Messiah, which includes the foundation of faith and the foundation of substance. These providential eras were fulfilled on the family, national and world levels over the course of the providence
See slides 1 to 5 below: