People at the Top Need to Know God’s Providence

The Word is Life:

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Your families represent the sover-
eignty of God’s Kingdom. The parents
stand on behalf of this sovereignty. The
children stand in the stead of the citi-
zens, and the material possessions rep-
resent the land of that kingdom. Subse-
quently, being filial to one’s parents is
the same as being loyal to one’s nation,
and also leads one to fulfill one’s duties
as a saint. At present, the family has
become the origin of many disgraceful
acts, but God hopes that the family will
be transformed into sanctified ground.
Therefore, the mission to save corrupted
families in the fallen realm lies with us.
Though families worldwide are shatter-
ing, we are not in a position to abandon
them. (35-306, 1970.10.30)

p. 1511 pr 1

I blessed the 124 Couples repre-
senting the world’s 120 nations and the
number four, on the global level, on the
foundation of having established the
center of tribes. What this means is that
families have been formed that will rep-
resent the center of all Christianity that
originated from Jesus’ 120 followers,
who themselves symbolized the founda-
tion of 120 nations. These therefore are
couples whose responsibility it will be
to achieve the four-position foundation
on the individual level under my leader-
ship, and bring together the ancestors,
the races, and finally the world. As such,
from now on, the way will be opened for
all nations of the world to move toward
one common destination. (75-150, 1975.1.2)

p. 1347 pr 4

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