Happy Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day!
A day on, not a day off.
“Life’s most persistent and urgent question is: ‘What are you doing for others? Dr. King
Announcing UnionStation.love, the site for finding your eternal match.
Both Singles looking for a match and married couples who want to receive the Blessing of marriage can join the first Blessing Preparation Class, which begins January 16th, 2024.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1378
I can select the right spouses for everyone in the world. I have no difficulty in finding the right spouse for people. I know who is good for whom at a glance. You would not be able to find the right spouses for your children in ten years, but on one occasion I matched fifteen couples in ten seconds. I have the head for it – I know the world inside out and so am able to do this kind of work. You believe me, don’t you, since I blessed 30,000 couples last year? In secular society, there are people who call themselves matchmakers, but I am not one. Marriages are originally meant to be arranged by one’s true parents, but because human beings lost their true parents, I must deal with this in the position of the world’s parent to engraft everyone; being the only one who knows how to do that, I have no choice but to take care of it myself. (245-241, 1993.3.7)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1568
What is required to fulfill the ideology centered on the Heavenly Father? The answer is the God-centered family. Thus, at the time when God is working to achieve this Will, the greatest problem posed in both the communist and democratic worlds is the breakdown of the family. The communist world does not recognize the concept of the family. It treats the family as the basis of exploitation. It has no relationship whatsoever with God. The same is true in the democratic world. In fact, the reality is that everything concerned with the well-being of the family is on the decline. Although the family is the foundation of the society, nation and world, it has been in complete disarray until now. As such, once we have secured our basis through the family, we will automatically embrace the right and left wing worlds. (194-113, 1989.10.17)
Cheon Seong Gyeong
Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
True God
Chapter 3
The History of the Providence of Restoration and Changes in Humankind’s View of God
Section 1. The God of the Old Testament Age
1.1. The Old Testament Age was the age of the servant
Through the Fall, human beings fell into the non-Principle realm. How far did they fall? They fell into a realm even lower than that of the angels, who are God’s servants. The princes and princesses, who were supposed to be the masters, fell to a position lower than servants, so they must go back up.
From the way of the servant of servants, they should go up through the way of a servant, adopted child, child by a concubine, and child of the direct lineage, and then return, through the mother, to the position of Adam, the father. This is restoration.
The providence of salvation is like returning someone to the standard of health he enjoyed before he became sick. He must return to the state of having had no sickness.
This is why the providence of salvation is the providence of restoration. The providence of restoration is not carried out arbitrarily. You cannot just “believe and be saved.” (222-144, 1991.11.3) Continue reading “Salvation Means Returning to a State of Health”