Believe in Yourself

Join me on Saturday, October 5th at 10 a.m. for Part 1 of the Unification Principle online seminar. Register here:

Acts 4

You are questioning us today about a kind deed in which a crippled man was healed. 10 But there is something we must tell you and everyone else in Israel. This man is standing here completely well because of the power of Jesus Christ from Nazareth. You put Jesus to death on a cross, but God raised him to life. 11 He is the stone that you builders thought was worthless, and now he is the most important stone of all. 12 Only Jesus has the power to save! His name is the only one in all the world that can save anyone.

Richard:  We have to be bold in our witness.

Lamentations 2

The Lord was angry!
    So he disgraced[a] Zion
though it was Israel’s pride
    and his own place of rest.
In his anger he threw Zion down
    from heaven to earth.
The Lord had no mercy!
He destroyed the homes
    of Jacob’s descendants.
In his anger he tore down
    every walled city in Judah;
he toppled the nation
together with its leaders,
    leaving them in shame.

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
August 30, 1959

John 14:11

1 Corinthians 13: 1-13

Christianity, which should lay this foundation of love, has been destroyed. We have stood up to rebuild the foundation with our own hands. We should fight and march without words. This path is not one of glory or wealth. If you desire those things, the time of hope will not come. We do not have time to spend our energy on that. No matter what the world does, we are determined to walk our own path.

Is there anyone who came to the Unification Church to listen to these words without knowing anything? To put it simply, the path of the Unification Church is very difficult to walk. We are to experience the pain of banging our heads on the walls of agony and colliding into it with our bodies and having our flesh torn. The path we walk is not a smooth path. Neither the Lord nor the prophets walked a smooth path. Those who were responsible for history were brave soldiers who possessed the vibrant spirit and blood of history. Those who will inherit the ideals and spirit of Jesus, who clung to the love of Heaven in the same way that the prophets led history, must have the same qualities. You have to understand this clearly. I want to tell you that the time of having aimless faith has passed. The empty and fabricated foundation of logic is based on ignorance and there can be no perfection based on that foundation. Therefore, what we should present today is how to believe in ourselves.

Just as God believed in Jesus and Jesus believed in God, just as Jesus believed in the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit believed in Jesus, we have to believe in ourselves. We should reach the level where we can say, “Even if the principles of Heaven were to change, I would not change. Even if Heaven and earth were to disappear, the words of Jesus cannot change. Even if Heaven and earth disappear, I will not change.”

The problem lies in each one of you. Do you believe in yourselves? You who are trying so hard to go to the Kingdom of Heaven, do you believe in yourselves? We have no need for belief in words, belief that is empty at the core. We have no need for the empty shell, for the empty husk of grain. This is the meaning of the biblical parable of a grain and its empty ear. If we become the incarnations of solid core faith, solid core hope, and solid core love, no matter how vast this world may be, no matter how wide the American continent is and how advanced it may be, it will not pose any problem for us. We will not encounter any difficulty. If there is a group of people who are confident they will conquer the others through love one day, they will surely rule the world. Since eternal hope is in the Father, those who represent the Father are embodiments of eternal hope. Since God is eternal love, you should struggle to embrace that love and give it to others. You should struggle to the point of death to give that love. If you did so, would this country perish?

You should have eternal faith in yourself, hope in yourself, and love yourself before you say, “God, please receive my love and hope and rejoice in my faith.” Then God will receive you. This is the purpose for which you have established faith, sought hope, and longed for love. When this is achieved, you will be able to honor the Lord on that foundation. You will be able to live together with the Lord. What is the purpose of hope and faith? It is to live your daily life centering on God’s love. The Kingdom of Heaven on earth is the new ideal world where we can discard the entire notion of religion and sing songs of love. That world is not a fabricated world. It must appear as an inescapable reality based on logic.

Who are the people who will remain in this world? They are the people who are burning with faith, hope and passion. We should examine every page of history and investigate the rise and fall of nations and look for the people who held fast to faith and fidelity. The people who are burning with hope and zeal and do not hesitate to risk their lives for the sake of God are the ones who are close to God.

The Kingdom of Heaven is Within Us

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The registration deadline for the Urban Family Life Success Formula Training Seminar is Friday, June 28th!

  • For Couples, singles seeking a godly spouse, youth and young adult ministers
    July 5th to July 7th, 2019
    Peace Kingdom Center
    Harpers Ferry, WV
  • Click Here to Register
  • Call 202-544-5081 for more information

1 Corinthians 3

My friends, you are acting like the people of this world. That’s why I could not speak to you as spiritual people. You are like babies as far as your faith in Christ is concerned. So I had to treat you like babies and feed you milk. You could not take solid food, and you still cannot, because you are not yet spiritual. You are jealous and argue with each other. This proves that you are not spiritual and that you are acting like the people of this world.

Some of you say that you follow me, and others claim to follow Apollos. Isn’t that how ordinary people behave? Apollos and I are merely servants who helped you to have faith. It was the Lord who made it all happen. I planted the seeds, Apollos watered them, but God made them sprout and grow. What matters isn’t those who planted or watered, but God who made the plants grow. The one who plants is just as important as the one who waters. And each one will be paid for what they do. Apollos and I work together for God, and you are God’s garden and God’s building.

Lamentations 2

Your prophets deceived you
with false visions
    and lying messages—
they should have warned you
to leave your sins
    and be saved from disaster.

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
July 12, 1959

John 14: 1-19

The resting place of mankind is not a private world. It is where the heart flows. It is the world of heart that transcends national boundaries, where one feels just right. If today’s humankind cannot transcend the historical realities with the consciousness of such a world of heart, God’s ideology of unification cannot be accomplished. Then the advent of Jesus would have been in vain. Then the relationships of the bride and the father are meaningless. When the heart is truly felt, race is not a problem. Ideology is not a problem. When such a heart is felt, all these can be overcome and we will be joyful. In the last days of history, that will be inherited.

Jesus said that the kingdom of Heaven is within us. What does this mean? The fact that eternal Heaven is in my mind means that Heaven starts from my heart. That is why we should have a connection of heart when we relate to Heavenly Father.

When God becomes our Father and we become His children, His body and our bodies are one. The Father’s flesh and blood are my flesh and blood. Even the world acknowledges that. Why does a parent love his child? It is because the child is an extension of the parent. It is as if one is loving oneself. Parenthood means the blood line is connected.

From the perspective of heart, God and Jesus were one. When God’s artery moved, Jesus’ artery moved. Their hearts beat as one. Isn’t that so? Is there any parent who says, “I love you” first and then goes on to love the child? Is there a child who says, “I love you” first and then loves the parent? The movement of love is automatic because the blood is connected. Such a world transcends logic as we know it.

Paul said in Romans 8 that we are adopted children because of the Fall. You should not be so proud. Fallen mankind is in the position of adopted children. Adopted children have a different blood lineage.

Therefore, Heavenly Father is longing for a child who can get rid of the adopted blood lineage and receive the blood lineage that originates from His heart. Then the child will be naturally loving in His eyes. The Father should love me even if I do not say that I love the Father. I should have the heart to admire Heavenly Father without having to speak it. I would fight for the Father without having to say so. Such a heart is not felt in the fallen mind.

Jesus was different in this respect. If he called on the Father, Heavenly Father would reply even if He was in sadness. In Jesus’ calling “Father,” God felt such a heart that it transcended the prayers of millions of people. Such a call and reply exist within the natural relationship that transcends the sorrowful history, centering on God’s purpose of creation. This is a situation in which nothing else matters, where no one can deny it, and no condition can prevent it. Have you been in such a situation?

When you are in such a situation, even your cells can feel it. You may say, “This young man is speaking nonsense,” but I don’t mind what anyone says. The heart and touch of love are the essence of the existing world and have the quality of the whole. That is why you long for Heavenly Father.

When you pray in such circumstances, the deepening of night is no problem. You transcend consciousness of hunger or weariness. The world of love is such that its internal emotion surpasses thousands of times what people perceive with their physical bodies. Would that not be the case? The hour in which Jesus was praying quietly to Heavenly Father on the Mount of Olives, dragging himself in after being persecuted, was an hour of happiness no one else knew. The moment he called out “Father,” his whole self was absorbed into the world of the heart. He could wish blessing upon his enemy because in communion with the heart of God even death on the cross could be forgotten.

This world should witness people calling upon the Father with such a heart and Him loving those people as His children. Jesus was like this, but he could not get across the lifestyle of the world of the heart. Although he introduced it, he must come again because the content of heart was not made into a reality.

If you want to reach the unifying point of heart where you can call Heavenly Father “Father,” your body has to be the body of Heavenly Father. Your blood has to be the blood of Heavenly Father. When you have reached such a state, you will be a holy temple. When you become a holy temple, your mind and body are not yours. They belong to Heavenly Father. You are not your own origin. Because everything began from Heavenly Father, it has to end with Heavenly Father. Therefore, your existence is not yours but the Father’s.

When you have entered the realm of heart where your flesh and blood take the place of God’s flesh and blood, you will unconsciously shed tears when Heavenly Father is grieving. Those of you who have come here for the first time may ask how in the world such a thing is possible, but it is. The world of the heart surpasses by thousands of times the value of all existence. We will transcend awareness when we connect with such a world.

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A Champion of Love Must Come Who Can Embrace and Love Humanity

Ruth 4

13 Boaz married Ruth, and the Lord blessed her with a son. 14 After his birth, the women said to Naomi:

Praise the Lord! Today he has given you a grandson to take care of you. We pray that the boy will grow up to be famous everywhere in Israel. 15 He will[c] make you happy and take care of you in your old age, because he is the son of your daughter-in-law. And she loves you more than seven sons of your own would love you.

16 Naomi loved the boy and took good care of him. 17 The neighborhood women named him Obed, but they called him “Naomi’s Boy.”

When Obed grew up he had a son named Jesse, who later became the father of King David. 18-22 Here is a list of the ancestors of David: Jesse, Obed, Boaz, Salmon, Nahshon, Amminadab, Ram, Hezron, and Perez.

Lamentations 4

17 Our eyes became weary,
    hopelessly looking
for help
from a nation[e]
    that could not save us.
18 Enemies hunted us down
    on every public street.
Our time was up;
    our doom was near.
19 They swooped down faster
    than eagles from the sky.
They hunted for us in the hills
and set traps to catch us
    out in the desert.
20 The Lord’s chosen leader[f]
    was our hope for survival!
We thought he would keep us safe
    somewhere among the nations,
but even he was caught
    in one of their traps.

The Grieving Father, Son and Daughter as They Try to Establish the Kingdom of Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
May 17, 1959

John 14:1-24

Your heart must be captivated by a subject of goodness, a purposeful entity of goodness, and the world of ideology. You must be enraptured by it. When you have become so, it is certain that you may search for the world of the purpose. When someone is content to lead his whole life according to his concepts, derived from his subjectivity and understanding through rationality, he will surely fall into his trap.

Once you realize, looking deeply into your heart, that this outpouring of emotion is itself an undeniable truth body and a real, existing entity, this is cosmic evidence, historical evidence, and ideological evidence that you are connected to the cosmos. It becomes certain that you are becoming an objective being in relation to one subject.

Believing in the existence of Heavenly Father, we should strive for the day when our subject, Heavenly Father, trusts in us, His objects, one hundred percent. We should strive to reach that goal with one hundred percent faith. This is the last significant problem that humankind has to solve. Continue reading “A Champion of Love Must Come Who Can Embrace and Love Humanity”

The Line of Life Is Linked Above the Line of Death

Luke 12

My friends, don’t be afraid of people. They can kill you, but after that, there is nothing else they can do. God is the one you must fear. Not only can he take your life, but he can throw you into hell. God is certainly the one you should fear!

Five sparrows are sold for just two pennies, but God doesn’t forget a one of them. Even the hairs on your head are counted. So don’t be afraid! You are worth much more than many sparrows.

Lamentations 4

16 The Lord is the one
who sent them scattering,
    and he has forgotten them.
No respect or kindness
will be shown
    to the priests or leaders.
17 Our eyes became weary,
    hopelessly looking
for help
from a nation[e]
    that could not save us.

When We Should Stay Awake with Heaven

Sun Myung Moon
April 19, 1959

Matthew 25:1-13

Until today, humans have been fighting against one another. They also have been fighting against Satan. Heaven also has been striking you. Humankind has been hit on three sides. It is the same on the earth. Is there not an army, an air force, and a navy? In the last age, there will be attacks in the above three types focusing on an individual human being. Humans will attack like an army; Satan will attack like a navy; attacks by the heavenly world will be like those of an air force. They will attack in these forms.

Such an age of great judgment is coming. Why is this fearful age rushing in? It is not to bring ruin, but to defeat evil and revive the heart that has been oppressed over and over in the course of history. You should know that there is such a hidden purpose. Continue reading “The Line of Life Is Linked Above the Line of Death”

Align With God at High Noon Settlement

Wishing you and yours a very Happy Christmas!

Watch the latest Richard Urban Show:  Do You Believe Only In Jesus or in What Father Is Saying In This New Age?:

Luke 12

12 As thousands of people crowded around Jesus and were stepping on each other, he told his disciples:

Be sure to guard against the dishonest teaching[a] of the Pharisees! It is their way of fooling people. Everything that is hidden will be found out, and every secret will be known. Whatever you say in the dark will be heard when it is day. Whatever you whisper in a closed room will be shouted from the housetops.

Richard:  This is the time of noon day sunshine.  Everything will be made known.  We should be transparent and aligned with our conscience.

Lamentations 2

Jerusalem Speaks:

20 Think about it, Lord!
Have you ever been this cruel
    to anyone before?
Is it right for mothers
    to eat their children,
or for priests and prophets
    to be killed in your temple?
21 My people, both young and old,
    lie dead in the streets.
Because you were angry,
my young men and women
    were brutally slaughtered.
22 When you were angry, Lord,
you invited my enemies
    like guests for a party.
No one survived that day;
enemies killed my children,
    my own little ones.

The Path of Faith Which Should be Examined Carefully

Sun Myung Moon
April 12, 1959

Matthew 11: 1-30


Father, although our path is rugged, we see that the day of hope when we can meet a heavenly person by following this way is not far off. Although our legs are tired from walking this road, we see that this is the inevitable course of life because You have traveled it.

We have realized that when the eager heart that can call out for You arises in us, You are there, looking at us with greater desperation. We realize that the footsteps which follow Your voice are not easy, leading us to walk an unknown course, groping our way step by step.

We cannot help lamenting for not having become loyal sacrifices before the will due to our shortcomings. We cannot help sighing whenever we look back on the sad history wherein we failed to end suffering and bring joy to You. Please forgive our past defects as we prayed for blessing in such a state.

Father, if there are sons and daughters who can see Your desire to regain humankind and Your disappointments, they cannot wish for their own good fortune and insist upon their opinions before You. Please forgive us, the disloyal children who forgot Your historical sorrow tens of thousands of times. Continue reading “Align With God at High Noon Settlement”