Watch the Richard Urban show; week 3
The Vaccine Battle in West Virginia:
Cheon Seong Gyeong 2084
We want the unification of North
and South Korea right now, but what is
the solution to the division? North and
South Korea cannot be united unless a
clearly defined solution is provided. It
cannot happen by either the North or
the South simply saying, “You have to
do as we say.” They cannot be unified if
both have something to lose. It’s possible
only when there’s a plus for both. Isn’t
that so? For example, a man and woman
cannot be one after marriage if they are
both minuses to each other; they must
find something that they can gain from
each other. (61-73, 1972.8.27)
Cheon Seong Gyeong 1387
The True Mother has accomplished
a victorious foundation, thereby liber-
ating women from the position of fallen
Eve who could not fulfill her responsibil-
ity. Hence, the true women’s liberation
movement can finally be initiated. With-
in the next three years, we must proceed
with the efforts to restore the nation
through the liberation of women.
Since we have entered the era in
which we can restore the nation, we are
able to hold huge global weddings. Since
we reclaimed 360,000 couples from the
satanic realm, the satanic world has fall-
en to pieces. Now the families in the
secular world are bound to disintegrate.
Once this happens, the Blessed Families
will become the mainstream, and every-
one will get to know that the family ideal
I teach will not only bring liberation to
humanity, but also show us the short-
est route to world peace; consequently,
we will no longer face opposition. From
now on, if anyone dares to oppose us,
whether royalty or any other dignitary,
those around them should shout, “Be
quiet, you! Don’t you know what Rev.
Moon has achieved? Don’t you know
that he has brought together young men
and women from around the world and
married them in the 360,000 Couples
Blessing? What have you done that is so
great that you dare oppose him? Cut it
out!” Now the time has come for you to
go back to your hometowns and to sit on
your parents until they bow down to you
Book 9 • Blessed Family 1388
in submission. In other words, the time
has come for us to restore the rights of
the parents. Do you understand? (272-50,
Let Us Possess the Everlasting Love of the Father
Rev. Sun Myung Moon
October 5, 1958
Why could God not make man have a relationship with absolute love and goodness? I have struggled a lot with this question myself. Was God like this from the beginning? No. God is a being such that, without the fall, we could feel Him even before we thought about His existence. We could feel His existence inside us as the substance of hope even before we had wishes. He would appear even before we longed for Him. However, the fall means that humankind has not reached such an emotional, ideological and living standard. Everything was lost through the fall. You should know that this is the sorrow of humankind.
Now we are wandering about, searching for truth, life, the ideal and God’s love. With our ultimate power of life, the ideal and the standard of Shim Jung, we cannot help loving God and cannot help thinking that God is the center of the whole ideal and the cosmos. If you carry such feelings and make the connection within your life with the source of such a stimulus, God’s eternal life will become your eternal life. You will move and halt as God moves and halts. You should know that this is the hope of the Creator of humanity. Continue reading “The Bride and Bridegroom are Most Valuable”