God Seeks the Bridegroom and Bride

Cheong Seong Gyeong 2152

In fact, throughout my life I have
developed a movement for ‘One World
Under God’ transcending race, ideolo-
gy, and nationality in accordance with
His providence. This is a principle of
providential history and not a theory
that I specially devised. Being enlight-
ened regarding God’s will, in order for
me to not only teach His plan as a the-
ory but also to implement it, there is no
part of the five oceans and six continents
that my activities have not outwardly
Through the foundation of multifar-
ious missionary and business activities
in Alaska, Antarctica, the countries of
the former Soviet Union, the 33 nations
of Latin America, and throughout Asia
and Africa, we are making preparations
to solve problems that humanity will
face over the coming millennium, such
as environmental pollution and fam-
ine. In recent years, I have worked in the
Pantanal and Amazon regions of Brazil
to lay a substantial foundation to protect
the Earth’s environment. On the other
hand as regards the internal aspects, I
have worked through the International
Holy Blessings and the True Family Val-
ues Ministry. Some 430 million couples
around the world have participated in
these marriage blessings, adding further
impetus to the building of God’s long-
awaited kingdom on earth based on ide-
al families.

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1063

Concerning the process of re-cre-
ation, to give and give again for the sake
of others is the same as God expending
Himself in the act of creation. To invest
oneself is the act of creating one’s second
self; it is the same as God investing Him-
self for the sake of Creation. The works
of re-creation follow the course of res-
toration through indemnity; indemnity
is carried out through the works of re-
creation. Therefore, re-creation can only
come about when you invest yourself.
For this reason, it is a reasonable con-
clusion to say that sacrifice is inevitable.
(82-240, 1976.1.31)

Let Us Become Beloved Children and Receive the Seals

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 14, 1958

John 10:31-36

Where should this relationship be made? This relationship should not be made in the spirit world, but on the earth. That is why it is emphasized that Heaven is the groom and the earth is the bride. This is an undeniable connection. The Shim Jung by which humanity feels this never changes. No one can transcend this Shim Jung, regardless of whether he lived thousands of years ago or lives 10,000 years from now. The groom sets up one absolute standard. By establishing the bride’s name as a condition, he spreads the connection toward sons and daughters. He then regains the earth, subjects, the substance of children and parents. This is restoration. Continue reading “God Seeks the Bridegroom and Bride”

Form a Relationship with the Son to Connect to the Father

Acts 3

The time of prayer was about three o’clock in the afternoon, and Peter and John were going into the temple.[a] A man who had been born lame was being carried to the temple door. Each day he was placed beside this door, known as the Beautiful Gate. He sat there and begged from the people who were going in.

The man saw Peter and John entering the temple, and he asked them for money. But they looked straight at him and said, “Look up at us!”

The man stared at them and thought he was going to get something. But Peter said, “I don’t have any silver or gold! But I will give you what I do have. In the name of Jesus Christ from Nazareth, get up and start walking.” Peter then took him by the right hand and helped him up.

At once the man’s feet and ankles became strong, and he jumped up and started walking. He went with Peter and John into the temple, walking and jumping and praising God. Everyone saw him walking around and praising God. 10 They knew that he was the beggar who had been lying beside the Beautiful Gate, and they were completely surprised. They could not imagine what had happened to the man.

Job 19

I am skin and bones—
    just barely alive.
21 My friends, I beg you for pity!
    God has made me his target.
22 Hasn’t he already done enough?
    Why do you join the attack?

Let Us Become Beloved Children and Receive the Seals

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 14, 1958

John 10:31-36

Who shattered our father-son relationship with God? Sadly, this relationship cannot be restored with heavenly strength or with our strength alone. There must be nothing that provokes your anger more. We should be the children who can feel the sorrow, pain and grief of losing the loving Father and being unable to serve, meet or follow the parents who should be served eternally. Coming down the road of misfortune, God has been trying to find people who could share joy as His children, but we knew nothing about His sorrow. We are unable to be called children of God due to our fallen lineage, though theoretically we are sons with an inseparable blood relationship. In real life, we have countless elements of the enemy within us. Continue reading “Form a Relationship with the Son to Connect to the Father”

Joy Will Come Only After Experiencing Sorrow

Cheon Seong Gyeong 486

The value of sons and daughters is
such that they are an encapsulation of
love, not exchangeable for anything in
the world. Through sons and daugh-
ters, parents will experience the heart
by which God created the first human
ancestors, Adam and Eve. This is why
the parents rejoice when they look at
their children, singing out, “You are my
love, whether I look at you this way or
look at you that way.”
No matter what your baby does,
who is born through love, you do not
hate him but simply love him. This is
because he is part of your body, made of
your own blood and flesh and your love.
Whether he pees, takes a poop, or has a
runny nose, he is simply cute and lovely.
It is because love is dissolved into such
things. (Blessed Family – 894)

Matthew 1

Jesus Christ came from the family of King David and also from the family of Abraham. And this is a list of his ancestors. 2-6a  From Abraham to King David, his ancestors were:

Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah and his brothers (Judah’s sons were Perez and Zerah, and their mother was Tamar), Hezron;…

Let Us Become Beloved Children and Receive the Seals

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 14, 1958

John 10:31-36

What then must I do? I must resolve God’s sorrow by restoring myself, my family, my society, my country, the world and the universe into being acceptable to God. In this way, I should dominate all things with God’s authority and serve God. This is the crucial task you should pursue throughout your life. If you cannot relate to God this way, you will have nothing to do with God, even when God comes to the world, the country, the society or the family. Continue reading “Joy Will Come Only After Experiencing Sorrow”

Replace the Sorrow, Anguish and Anger of the Father with Your Own

Genesis 47

Then Joseph brought his father Jacob and introduced him to the king. Jacob gave the king his blessing, and the king asked him, “How old are you?”

Jacob answered, “I have lived only a hundred thirty years, and I have had to move from place to place. My parents and my grandparents also had to move from place to place. But they lived much longer, and their life was not as hard as mine.” 10 Then Jacob gave the king his blessing once again and left. 11 Joseph obeyed the king’s orders and gave his father and brothers some of the best land in Egypt near the city of Rameses. 12 Joseph also provided food for their families.

Ezra 8

35 Those who had returned from exile offered sacrifices on the altar to the God of Israel. Twelve bulls were offered for all Israel. Ninety-six rams and seventy-seven[o] lambs were offered on the altar. And twelve goats were sacrificed for the sins of the people. 36 Some of those who had returned took the king’s orders to the governors and officials in Western Province. Then the officials did what they could for the people and for the temple of God.

Richard:  Let us offer gratitude to God by working to save His lost children.

Let Us Become Beloved Children and Receive the Seals

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 14, 1958

John 10:31-36

We have the tradition and connection left behind by the believers in history. If anyone forgets this, it would be an ungrateful betrayal of the universe, which incorporates the heavenly way and the human way. Now is the time to realize this.

In the internal life of faith, what is the first thing you should feel and find before the heavenly way? It is not joy, happiness nor glory. Since humanity has brought sorrow to Heaven, the first thing to find is heavenly sorrow, which has been ruling the earth. You should know that despite time and place, the seekers of the truth are the ones who are carrying the cross and establishing the altar of heavenly appeal under unjust oppression to remove the heavenly tears. Continue reading “Replace the Sorrow, Anguish and Anger of the Father with Your Own”

Understand Your Historical Position

Matther 21

18 When Jesus got up the next morning, he was hungry. He started out for the city, 19 and along the way he saw a fig tree. But when he came to it, he found only leaves and no figs. So he told the tree, “You will never again grow any fruit!” Right then the fig tree dried up.

20 The disciples were shocked when they saw how quickly the tree had dried up. 21 But Jesus said to them, “If you have faith and don’t doubt, I promise that you can do what I did to this tree. And you will be able to do even more. You can tell this mountain to get up and jump into the sea, and it will. 22 If you have faith when you pray, you will be given whatever you ask for.”

1 Cor 4

15 Ten thousand people may teach you about Christ, but I am your only father. You became my children when I told you about Christ Jesus, 16 and I want you to be like me. 

Let Us Become Beloved Children and Receive the Seals

Rev. Sun Myung Moon
September 14, 1958

Today I will speak upon the topic, “Let us Become Beloved Children and Receive the Seals.”

Everyone, who has hope, desires to be at the center of hope. If God has a hope, you desire to be within this hope. The same mentality exists in a family, where all members desire to dwell within the master’s heart. It is the same with a country, the world and the will of the Father, who has been restoring the creation. Thus, you should be remembered in the heart of your leader. If you are religious, you should be remembered in the heart of the religious leader. Furthermore, if there is a God, you should be remembered in the heart of God. Continue reading “Understand Your Historical Position”