Noah Did not Have a Filial Son

1 Kings 19

Ahab told his wife Jezebel what Elijah had done and that he had killed the prophets. She sent a message to Elijah: “You killed my prophets. Now I’m going to kill you! I pray that the gods will punish me even more severely if I don’t do it by this time tomorrow.”

Isaiah 60

17 I will bring bronze and iron
    in place of wood and stone;
in place of bronze and iron,
    I will bring gold and silver.
I will appoint peace and justice
    as your rulers and leaders.
18 Violence, destruction, and ruin
will never again
be heard of
    within your borders.
“Victory” will be the name
    you give to your walls;
“Praise” will be the name
    you give to your gates.

Continue reading “Noah Did not Have a Filial Son”

God is Seeking His People

CSG 2018

In the heavenly world of the future,
the time for living off a monthly salary
will pass away. As couples, you must pay
complete indemnity. Throughout the
ages of history, the rule of all creation has
been absolute faith, absolute love, and
absolute obedience. Because of love, you
also need faith and you also need obedi-
ence. Because of love. Even the God of
the entire universe is obedient to infinite
love. God invests and then forgets, and
so we also invest and forget what we have
invested. This is obedience.
Absolute faith is based on absolute
love. In order to achieve love, you need
absolute obedience. Until death, you
need love. Even if you die one hundred
times over, you need love, so you must
properly seek the way to it. That is why
dying and going to the spirit world is
not death but a way to seek God’s love.
It is not dying. It is the way to find God’s
love. God made the path of death for the
sake of love. If your heart and mind can-
not hold onto this higher level, then you
cannot restore love. (296-50, 1998.10.11)

CSG p. 1051

A dog will enter the yard of even
the best of houses to relieve itself. If the
homeowner complains, “Oh! You dirty
little dog! Why are you coming round
to our house to defecate in our yard?”
then he is chasing away his blessings.
Instead, he should say, “Come on in and
relieve yourself.” (60-158, 1972.8.19)
Continue reading “God is Seeking His People”

Our Determination Toward the Will

 Timothy 3

Church officers[d] should be serious. They must not be liars, heavy drinkers, or greedy for money. And they must have a clear conscience and hold firmly to what God has shown us about our faith. 10 They must first prove themselves. Then if no one has anything against them, they can serve as officers.

11 Women[e] must also be serious. They must not gossip or be heavy drinkers, and they must be faithful in everything they do.

12 Church officers must be faithful in marriage.[f] They must be in full control of their children and everyone else in their home. 13 Those who serve well as officers will earn a good reputation and will be highly respected for their faith in Christ Jesus.

2 Chronicles 28

Oded lived in Samaria and was one of the Lord’s prophets. He met Israel’s army on their way back from Judah and said to them:

The Lord God of your ancestors let you defeat Judah’s army only because he was angry with them. But you should not have been so cruel! 10 If you make slaves of the people of Judah and Jerusalem, you will be as guilty as they are of sinning against the Lord.

11 Send these prisoners back home—they are your own relatives. If you don’t, the Lord will punish you in his anger.

Continue reading “Our Determination Toward the Will”

God’s Determination

CSG 2116

Section 6. Our Original
Hometown and the Way to Enter
the Kingdom of Heaven
6.1. Hometown is a world of the
original creation
We are at a point of time when we
cannot hope to achieve world peace or
one unified world using human power,
wisdom, culture or anything else. Under
these circumstances, what is the main
problem? I believe that answering the
question as to whether God exists or
not is the most important issue. Once
all humankind clearly understands all
about God’s existence, they will clearly
understand the direction of God’s will.
When they understand this, the world
will become one world, a world of peace
and an ideal world. (56-131, 1972.5.14)

Richard:  It is really necessary to help everyone understand the nature of God and His Purpose and His Will.  We can know this clearly through the Divine Principle and the words of Jesus and Rev. Sun Myung Moon.

Proverbs 6:3

My child, suppose you agree
to pay the debt of someone,
    who cannot repay a loan.
Then you are trapped
    by your own words,
    and you are now in the power
    of someone else.
Here is what you should do:
    Go and beg for permission
    to call off the agreement.
Do this before you fall asleep
    or even get sleepy.
Save yourself, just as a deer
or a bird
    tries to escape
    from a hunter.

Continue reading “God’s Determination”

Our Determination Must Reflect God’s

John 13

“You will never wash my feet!” Peter replied.

“If I don’t wash you,” Jesus told him, “you don’t really belong to me.”


18 Israel[g] will be a fire,
and Edom will be straw
    going up in flames.
The Lord has spoken!

Continue reading “Our Determination Must Reflect God’s”