Return to Basics

2 Samuel 12

12 and he sent Nathan the prophet to tell this story to David:

A rich man and a poor man lived in the same town. The rich man owned a lot of sheep and cattle, but the poor man had only one little lamb that he had bought and raised. The lamb became a pet for him and his children. He even let it eat from his plate and drink from his cup and sleep on his lap. The lamb was like one of his own children.

One day someone came to visit the rich man, but the rich man didn’t want to kill any of his own sheep or cattle and serve it to the visitor. So he stole the poor man’s little lamb and served it instead.

David was furious with the rich man and said to Nathan, “I swear by the living Lord that the man who did this deserves to die! And because he didn’t have any pity on the poor man, he will have to pay four times what the lamb was worth.”

Then Nathan told David:

You are that rich man! Now listen to what the Lord God of Israel says to you: “I chose you to be the king of Israel. I kept you safe from Saul and even gave you his house and his wives. I let you rule Israel and Judah, and if that had not been enough, I would have given you much more. Why did you disobey me and do such a horrible thing? You murdered Uriah the Hittite by having the Ammonites kill him, so you could take his wife.

10 “Because you wouldn’t obey me and took Uriah’s wife for yourself, your family will never live in peace. 11 Someone from your own family will cause you a lot of trouble, and I will take your wives and give them to another man before your very eyes. He will go to bed with them while everyone looks on. 12 What you did was in secret, but I will do this in the open for everyone in Israel to see.”

13-14 David said, “I have disobeyed the Lord.”

“Yes, you have!” Nathan answered. “You showed you didn’t care what the Lord wanted.[a] He has forgiven you, and you won’t die. But your newborn son will.” 15 Then Nathan went back home.

Richard: Are we poor in spirit? Are we ready to hear what God is saying? David repented; can each of us do the same?

Proverbs 31

31 These are the sayings
that King Lemuel of Massa
    was taught by his mother.
My son Lemuel, you were born
in answer to my prayers,
    so listen carefully.
Don’t waste your life
chasing after women!
    This has ruined many kings.

Kings and leaders
should not get drunk
    or even want to drink.
Drinking makes you forget
your responsibilities,
    and you mistreat the poor.
Beer and wine are only
for the dying
    or for those
    who have lost all hope.
Let them drink
    and forget
how poor and miserable
    they feel.
But you must defend
those who are helpless
    and have no hope.
Be fair and give justice
    to the poor and homeless.

Richard: God is calling us to return to basics. Stay abstinent before marriage. Be Blessed in marriage and rear godly children. Follow the great commission; do Home Church, which means witnessing and serving in an area of 360 or more homes, as we have been reading in the past weeks.

Selected Passages from the Words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon about Home Church

Today’s Word magazine, September 1981 p. 16

The unified soldier has a mission to return to
his home town and build a holy temple in the
Kingdom of Heaven. Thus, your 360 houses are
your Cain-type home church and your home town
will be your Abel-type home church.
In the future, our organization will become
completely home church. National leaders, center
leaders-everyone-will do home church work.
Thus, Satan will lose all his ground and have to
leave the earth completely. Thus, the era of mobile
activity will draw to a close, and everyone will settle
You left your home and your relatives have
persecuted you. But in a few years you can go
back to them and serve them better than any son
or daughter has ever done in the past. Soon you
can write a letter home saying, Forgive me. Daddy
and Mommy. for my absence. Now I can come
home and become more obedient to you than the
most dutiful son or daughter that ever lived in
this country. In a few years, you can pack your
bags and go home. Then in one night, you can
explain the Principle to your parents. and they will
cry tears of repentance when they understand
what you have done. When you die, your relatives
will erect a tomb in honor of you who died for
the sake of your parents. (9/23/78)

When you get all your home church people
united. don’t you think they would all want to help
you do home church work with your family? They
will do the witnessing for you. When your relatives
come and see your members serving them and you
so sincerely, they will be deeply moved. This is the
normal pattern: Cain and Abel are meant to love
each other and live together harmoniously. The
Bible says your worst enemy is your family (even
without looking it up in the Bible, you know that
from experience!). But if you succeed in your
Cain-type home church, then you won’t even have
to fight your worst enemy.
After the completion of home church in the
Cain world, you can build one more home church:
your Abel-type home church in your home town.
Then you can invite your father and mother and
your whole family to join you, and together with
them you can enter the Kingdom of God. The
Kingdom of God accepts only families, not just
individuals-and families of three generations,
at that. By physically creating our tribal messiah-
ship, we can open the door for national and
worldwide messiahship. (1/1/79)

Home Church is Infinitely Precious

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2168

Do you think that Satan, who has
given God such a hard time for six thou-
sand years, is just going to quietly say,
“Oh boy, I have had it. I think I will just
give up,” then lower his eyes and crawl
away? Don’t you yourselves value even
a wash cloth too much to just throw it
away? Before you throw it out, you will
probably turn it over, inspect it, and
even smell it. What I am saying is that
Satan will not just give up and go away
like that. That is why he keeps on put-
ting up such a stubborn fight. So, we
have to fit with and match up with the
center. Even Rev. Moon of the Unifica-
tion Church will be broken the day he
deviates from the center. If the direction
is not right, then you cannot make any

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1794

Men and women are horizontal. They
are level. The union of man and wom-
an is to be engrafted, based on vertical,
lifelong and eternal love. As men rep-
resenting east and women representing
west have lost the central line, they will
seek to graft into this, so they must abso-
lutely get married. Aren’t there many in
America who oppose marriage? There
are many who, like homosexuals or les-
bians, dislike having children. Those
without children have lost out when they
pass on to the spirit world. This is the
formula of the universe. (163-88, 1987.4.19)

Selected Passages from the Words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon about Home Church

Today’s Word magazine, September 1981 pp. 13 – 14

Mobilize spirit world
Home church is the bridge to unite the spiritual
and physical worlds. ( 1/14/79)

1981 is the final year of the third seven-year
course, and between then and the year 2000, the
entire world will be organized into home church.
That will complete 40 years since True Parents were
installed in 1960. The more work we do here in the
physical world, the greater the spiritual phenomena
affecting the earth. Spiritual assistance will be
equally strong, because that realm is like the
angelic realm: its position is to serve the victorious
Adam and Eve. In your home church, you will
exercise your authority to direct the spirit world to
assist you. (5/27/79)

Home church can easily be surrounded and
protected by the spiritual victory I have won; there
is no possibility for it to fail. The spiritual power
we can employ for the home church is many
thousands of times greater than anything the
satanic world can mobilize. All you have to do is
unite with True Parents’ spirit and intent. Make
controversy; go ahead and create good trouble. The
world is plagued with evil trouble, so let us become
makers of good trouble.
On November 2, 1978, two important ceremo-
nies were held at Chung Pyong Lake, Korea. One
ceremony was to unite all religions around one
central religion-not just on earth but, more
basically, in the spirit world. The other ceremony
was to unite all races around one central race or
representative of God. The basic purpose of
these ceremonies was to form one totally unified
world, to remove racial and religious barriers. Walls
that have separated the ages are now crumbling.
Before, if some ancestor wanted to descend and
help us, he would have to go through so much
processing; but now the ancestors know the
meaning of home church and can even help
prevent persecution. In your home church area, if
you witness to one person, his ancestors can all
come down at one time. The whole clan-level spirit
world can pour down and give you support.

All good men of conscience in the entire spirit
world and here on earth must come forward to
participate in kingdom-building. You can pray,
asking for their support. You can also petition
God as your Father to send down a regiment of
angels to work with you, since you are doing home
church work as His representative, and God will
listen to that prayer. Until now, the angelic world
could not come to give you much help, because you
belong to the fallen generation. But by doing
home church work, you can become the true
children of God, so you can request the help of
legions of angels. ( 1/1/79)

Through home church, God can have dominion,
and spirit world can have a free pass to come and
help you. It used to be that when spirit world
descended, it would have to ascend again; but now
when we have a home church, it can stay with us;
through home church, spirit world has no limita-
tion in helping us. (12/11/78)

Home church is infinitely precious; it’s almost
like landing on the final terminal of God’s
dispensation. When Armstrong landed on the
moon, four billion people on the earth watched
him; but when you land in home church, all the
billions of people in spirit world will observe and
applaud. Before this, you were nobody special,
but by encountering me and the Divine Principle,
you have become a person of historical signifi-
cance. (1/14/79)

If you cannot bear to leave your area, and you
stay there, remaining awake all night, then spirit
world will visit those 360 homes for you, showing
them a vision of you standing in the neighbor-
hood and not going back home because you miss
them so much. After such a vision. they will open
up their door and you will be standing there.

Your home church members will see visions of
me and of you also. When they are open like that,
then they will live eternally in the same spirit world
and realize that they are to live in the same family.
Love will open their eyes. When you link that love to
one home church and it connects it to another and
so on, it will form an unbreakable chain of love
which no one. not even God. can cut. This link will
be directly sustained by the spirit world. (5/1/79)

Those of you who are engaged should determine
to receive the inheritance from ·our own True
Parents and walk on their foundation. How do
you prove you are worthy? Through home church.
No one who retreats from doing home church is
qualified for the Blessing. In some cases, your
fiance or wife or husband may be hesitant to do
home church, but you should push him or her out.
If you can give anything for your home church,
how much more could you do for your mate? Now
that you have a fiance, a new loved one, you can
love your people more. Do you wish you had more
time to spend with your fiance instead of home
church? Your antenna should be directed towards
home church. When you meet with your fiance,
put your heads together and decide that you will
each go out to win the victory in home church and
then come back and ask me to bless you. I would
like to see you practically worshiped in your home
church area, so that when you bring your fiance,
everyone will say that they have a king or queen as
well. By winning this qualification, you can truly
enter the hall of Blessing for the wedding march.
The process of restoring the fallen world
involves three major relationships: that of Cain
and Abel, that of husband and wife, and that of
parents and children. Now we are bringing these
three together for the first time. Home church is
the process of uniting the brothers, Cain and
Abel. Eventually, your home church and your
spouse’s home church will come together, and you
will be able to live together as a couple after
receiving accolades from your home church. That
will be your foundation for living as husband
and wife. (5/27/79)

Connect Everything to Home Church

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2076

The women must not just be worried
about the livelihood of their own homes.
Please notice that I’ve mobilized women
centering on the Women’s Federation.
Is this mobilization due to the power of
human beings? In the beginning, when
I first said that I would have an initia-
tion conference for the Asian Women’s
Federation of World Peace (AWFWP),
everyone’s eyes went like this, and our
own Unification Church members put
up opposition saying women can’t do
anything and that AWFWP women
can’t do anything. But then True Moth-
er stepped forward and the opposition
subsided. Seeing the atmosphere, the
members couldn’t oppose it any further.
Therefore, I declared the arrival of the
era of women. I made this declaration
because the time was ripe to do so. Wait
and see if the age of women comes now
or not. (233-111, 1992.7.31)

Because tong ban breakthrough
activities started back in 1978, that means
it has already been fourteen years. The
fourteen years of doing tong ban break-
through stands for this age. The concept
of Home Church is the concept of tong
ban breakthrough activities. Because
you were starting to slack off in Home
Church, I changed the description a lit-
tle and pulled you forward centering on
tong ban breakthrough activities. We
spent seven years and then another seven
years, so it has taken fourteen years. My
plan was to be prepared and to do this
before now, but the leaders of Korea did
not know this and couldn’t fulfill their
responsibility. The men failed twice, so
the women must do it from now on. (237-65,

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1241

What is the most important thing
when it comes to receiving blessings?
It is neither money, nor honor. It is
not having power. The most important
blessing is for your sons and daughters
to receive good fortune in life. You must
understand this. What did I say is the
best blessing out of all the blessings you
can receive? It is none other than giving
birth to sons and daughters who can be
loved by God. That is the best blessing.
Then, what would happen next? If your
son receives more love from God than
you do, then you will also benefit from it.
Isn’t that how everything works?
When you see power lines extend-
ing to remote parts of the land, you can
see that they hang loosely between poles.
Nevertheless, if you pull from one end,
the lines become taut. In the same way,
when your children receive great love
from Heaven, even if you’re sagging,
you’ll be pulled up just like the power
lines. You receive benefit in this way.
(78-42, 1975.5.1)

Selected Passages from the Words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon about Home Church

Today’s Word magazine, September 1981 p. 10

Make it the focus of your devotion

Have you felt that the mission God gave you is
so exciting and wonderful that you forget about
eating and sleeping? Are you knocking on the
doors of home church with that passion? If not.
then you are defeated. (2/21/80)

You should be so anxious to go to home church
that no one could keep you in your room. (4/14/79)

Everything you see should be connected to home
church. (5/7/78)

When you come home all worn out from
working and collapse on your bed, should your
central figure sympathize with you and let you
sleep, or should he challenge you with the ques-
tion. What about y our home church? Even
exhausted, your last words should be reporting on
home church.
Maybe you run into a friend you have not seen
for a long time, and he invites you out to dinner.
Then you should think, What about my home
church? If you go to home church immediately
after eating, the food will be pleased; but if you
wander off somewhere else, the food you ate will
be disappointed.
If you and your fiance have a long-standing
date to visit the Statue of Liberty and you buy a
coke to drink there, the coke will protest, You think
you are enjoying this, but it would be better to
enjoy plain water in your home church.
Wherever you go, the things around you will ask
why you came there instead of going to home
church. The bench in the park will blame you for
not being in home church. If you stop for a
quick lunch at a restaurant, it will protest that you
should eat just leftovers in home church. Ask
each bench, each bathroom, each drink and meal
if they have their mission, and they will reply, Yes
we do, but we have no connection with you aside
from your home church.
And when you go to bed, tell it, I know I should
be sleeping in my home church, but please forgive
me this one time. Tomorrow when I wake up, I will
accomplish twice as much.
If you go out to enjoy nature, all creation will
feel that you are not a good person if you are not
in your home church. It’s like people finding a
ten-year-old playing hooky from school. Spiritually.
all nature knows that you should be in home
After hearing this, you will feel the creation
protesting against you everywhere you go. If that
makes you feel more connected to home church
and less free than before, because all your
surroundings remind you of your destiny, so
much the better. ( 10/5/80)

How much you devote yourself to home church
shall determine the distance between you and God
and the intensity of love God can give to you. Set
the condition that you love your home church more
than your wife or husband, your children or
parents. With all your heart, soul and mind, love
your home church. Jesus said that whoever loved
his husband or wife or family more than he
would not be worthy of the kingdom of God.
Likewise, if you love husband, wife or family
more than home church and God, you are unworthy
of the heavenly kingdom. ( 1/1/79)

Love Your Home Church more than Your Wife or Husband

Judges 5

The Lord’s angel said,
    “Put a curse on Meroz Town!
Its people refused
to help the Lord fight
    his powerful enemies.”

24 But honor Jael,
the wife of Heber
    from the Kenite clan.
Give more honor to her
than to any other woman
    who lives in tents.
Yes, give more honor to her
    than to any other woman.
25 Sisera asked for water,
but Jael gave him milk—
    cream in a fancy cup.
26 She reached for a tent-peg
and held a hammer
    in her right hand.
And with a blow to the head,
    she crushed his skull.
27 Sisera sank to his knees
    and fell dead at her feet.

Jeremiah 34

21-22 These enemies are King Nebuchadnezzar[e] of Babylonia and his army. They have stopped attacking Jerusalem, but they want to kill King Zedekiah and his high officials. So I will command them to return and attack again. This time they will conquer the city and burn it down, and they will capture Zedekiah and his officials. I will also let them destroy the towns of Judah, so that no one can live there any longer.

Richard: In the Old Testament, enemies attack God’s chosen people, the Isrealites, because they have discarded God and his commandments. As a whole, the United States has veered far away from God. We should heed God’s words and ways. This will help protect our nation and help each person and family to find true happiness. Read this speech to get a good overview of what God’s will is: .

Selected Passages from the Words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon about Home Church

Today’s Word magazine, September 1981 pp. 9 – 10

If your beloved parent or child were in jail, you
wouldn’t go to see him out of duty, but out of
love. The people in your home church area are like
prisoners in jail, and as God’s representative, you
should go there with a parental heart. You have to
penetrate people’s trust one level at a time,
gradually winning their hearts. It takes real
effort and love to do so. I want you to have
concern and pity for those who fiercely reject
you, because they are the ones whose hearts have
been hurt deeply and cannot trust. You must
understand that they need more love than anyone
else. ( 1/28/79)

Love God more than anything else. God is the
root, and home church is the fruit and harvest
of His love. When you come to the throne of God,
can you proudly say, God, I loved my tribe and the
world, representing You, and now I have come back
to You?
Home church is the battleground where you are
going to explode your love. You are going to home
church to wage the battle of love, aiming the gun
of love at each person. At the finish of that
battle, God will be triumphant, as well as 1tue
Parents and all your home church people. If you
win the battle of love in your home church, you
will be as God to your people. Because God is
invisible, He will manifest Himself to them
through you as His representative. I would like to
hear home church people say that when you enter
their home, God enters through you. ( 1/7/79)

Love will open their eyes. When you link that love
to one home church and it connects it to another
and so on, it will form an unbreakable chain of
love which no one, not even God, can cut. This link
will be directly sustained by the spirit world.

Set the condition that you love your home
church more than your wife or husband, your
children or parents. With all your heart, soul and
mind, love your home church. Jesus said that
whoever loved his husband or wife or family
more than he would not be worthy of the
kingdom of God. Likewise, if you love husband,
wife or family more than home church and God,
you are unworthy of the heavenly kingdom.

Are you going out with the messiah’s heart? Do
you look for someone to help you and give you
something, or do you feel that you are the
messiah who will bring whatever your 360 homes
need? ( 1/28/79)

The only way you can go out to home church is
with great expectation of finding a treasure of a
person, your lost relatives. The person who is
successful in home church is the one who
recovers the lost people, the lost country and the
lost spirit world. Everything that was lost will be
recovered by the successful home church workers.

In the small world of home church, you are
going to demonstrate that you love the people in
your area more than anyone else in history. You
must be superior in heart to everyone-past,
present and future-in loving that small world.
Then God will say, My son, you have fulfilled the
qualification. Come and receive my inheritance.
( 12/24/78)

You Can Make Your Own Second Coming

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1952

Japan is the Eve nation on the satan-
ic side. This is why the Eve nation on
the satanic side could share and retain
equally all the blessings of the Eve nation
on the heavenly side. Christianity did
not succeed in going to Asia and instead
went in a reverse course to Europe,
through Rome and passed on to Britain.
In this way, it has gone the other way.
The peninsula corresponding to Rome is
the Korean peninsula; the sea and island
corresponding to the Mediterranean Sea
is Japan; and the continent correspond-
ing to Europe is the Asian continent. In
correlation, it comes back after making a
full circuit. The time has come for these
two to meet. This is why scholars and
politicians say that the age of the Pacific
civilization is coming. (251-144, 1993.10.17)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1486

When can your mind and body be
unified? You have never thought of this,
have you? This is a very serious matter.
They are engaged in a lifelong fight, and
who can stop them? This is the prob-
lem. Your father or mother, your king
or your teacher, even saints cannot stop
it. Where is the master who can stop it?
Have you ever looked for him seriously?
That master is true love. (184-211, 1989.1.1)

Selected Passages from the Words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon about Home Church

Today’s Word magazine, September 1981 pp. 8 – 9

The best things that happen in your life should
happen in your home church area. When you
become old and look back, you will say those were
your happiest days. and you will have a founda-
tion for eternal happiness. (2/25/80)

Until your home church people shed tears and
sweat for you, you must keep going. When that
happens, you will be liberated and can then shed
tears of hope and happiness. Then God will say,
Amen. You have done it, and you are truly my son.
You might die in the process of shedding tears
and sweat, but don’t worry; you will not lose, but
will go to the highest heaven. In such a case, you
can make your own second coming. Jesus was
crucified as a tribal messiah and was not able to
complete the entire dispensation, so he came once
again. In the same way, if as a tribal messiah you
are martyred, your second coming is guaranteed,
and on earth the people who inherit your mission
will continue home church. There is no way you
can lose. (4/27/80)

Through home church you can win assets of
eternal value. One day. after we finish our task
here on earth, we will have a great assembly in
spirit world. At that time, you will come to me in
thanks for sending you out to home church,
making it possible for you to go to the highest
possible heaven. You will be comforted, and there
will be a celebration lasting for eternity. However,
if you come to me saying. Please have mercy on
me. I cannot come to your realm because I did not
do my home church mission, I will reply, I don’t
know you: depart from me. ( 1/1/79).

Lay a good individual foundation
I want you to know that in order to build the
base of the Kingdom of Heaven eternally, you
must first build a base of the Kingdom of
Heaven within yourselves. ( 1/1/80)

Before we can talk about home church, we need
to win the individual war. Do you think that the
person who is defeated in his individual struggle
will have much success in home church? Someone
defeated as an individual is like a mortally
wounded soldier. If he gets up and tries to go to
home church, he will only become an obstacle
there. In order to go to home church, you need to
have won the individual battle; you need to become
s t r o n ~ . healthy, disciplined and absolutely deter-
mined. Only in this way can you bring results.

Be motivated by love
You should think of home church as your lover
and love the people there more than you have ever
loved anyone in the past. (5/18/80)

If you do home church out of duty alone, you
will never survive: but if you become a person
burning with love, then people cannot help but
welcome you and invite you to stay longer with
them. You will become a magnet that pulls people.
You must experience such a deep fellowship that
you don’t want it to end, even when it becomes
2:00 or 3:00 a.m. It should be an experience that
people wish could last forever. ( 1/8/78)

No matter how loudly you may shout out your
slogan, if you do home church out of duty, you
will never succeed. Only when you act from the
intoxication of love will you succeed. The home
church arena is where you obtain the kingship of
love. Put everything inside home church and put
home church everywhere, so that wherever anyone
touches you, they will feel home church. ( 1/14/79)