Home Church Is a Microcosm of the World

Romans 6

15 What does all this mean? Does it mean we are free to sin, because we are ruled by God’s wonderful kindness and not by the Law? Certainly not! 16 Don’t you know that you are slaves of anyone you obey? You can be slaves of sin and die, or you can be obedient slaves of God and be acceptable to him. 17 You used to be slaves of sin. But I thank God that with all your heart you obeyed the teaching you received from me. 18 Now you are set free from sin and are slaves who please God.

19 I am using these everyday examples, because in some ways you are still weak. You used to let the different parts of your body be slaves of your evil thoughts. But now you must make every part of your body serve God, so that you will belong completely to him.

20 When you were slaves of sin, you didn’t have to please God. 21 But what good did you receive from the things you did? All you have to show for them is your shame, and they lead to death. 22 Now you have been set free from sin, and you are God’s slaves. This will make you holy and will lead you to eternal life. 23 Sin pays off with death. But God’s gift is eternal life given by Jesus Christ our Lord.

Isaiah 1

10 You are no better
    than the leaders and people
of Sodom and Gomorrah!
    So listen to the Lord God:
11 “Your sacrifices
    mean nothing to me.
I am sick of your offerings
    of rams and choice cattle;
I don’t like the blood
    of bulls or lambs or goats.

12 “Who asked you to bring all this
when you come to worship me?
    Stay out of my temple!
13 Your sacrifices are worthless,
    and incense is disgusting.
I can’t stand the evil you do
    on your New Moon Festivals
or on your Sabbaths
    and other times of worship.
14 I hate your New Moon Festivals
    and all others as well.
They are a heavy burden
    I am tired of carrying.

15 “No matter how much you pray,
I won’t listen.
    You are too violent.
16 Wash yourselves clean!
I am disgusted
    with your filthy deeds.
Stop doing wrong
17     and learn to live right.
See that justice is done.
Defend widows and orphans
    and help those in need.”

Richard: God is telling us to return to basics. Follow His word, do Home Church, know your neighbor, love you neighbor, help your neighbor.

Selected Passages from the Words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon about Home Church

Today’s Word magazine, September 1981 pp. 7 – 8

It’s your means of salvation
In order to find salvation, we must:
( 1) Pass through the judgment by words, judg-
ment of character and judgment of heart. All of
you understand that we cannot go to heaven
without passing through these three types of
(2) Become a True Parent.
(3) Become a central figure in heaven and on
(4) Help others reach salvation. How many people
have you helped to attend the two-day workshop,
the 21-day workshop, and so on up to the 70-day
workshop? The number of people you have helped
to go through these courses is related to your
personal salvation.
(5) Gain 84 disciples. Everyone should begin his
course of witnessing, with the primary objective
of gaining 84 spiritual children. The number 84
represents the 12 disciples and 72 elders at Jesus’
time, which added together make 84. In addition,
those 12 disciples include the three disciples,
representing the three stages of growth. (2/3/79)

It brings you great benefit
Home church is the greatest gift God and True
Parents can give mankind. It has never existed
before and will never recur in the future. When
you make this gift your own by fulfilling it, you
will definitely become a son or daughter of God.
For the entire 60 years of my life, I have been
preparing this precious gift for you.and now I
freely give it to you; you can make it yours in six
months. This is an incredible opportunity. (4/15/79)

Home church is a very precious blessing for
you, because through it I am giving you a
condition to go beyond the fall of man. (5/27/79)

The extent to which you carry out the home
church providence determines your level of per-
sonal maturity. Perhaps two thirds of your
spiritual growth will take place through home
church and perhaps the other third will come
through other activities. When you follow Father’s
instructions here absolutely and become successful
in your home church, you will inherit four things:
material, man, spirit world and God. (3/29/79)

Home church is the place where you can receive
the worldwide inheritance; you will receive the
individual inheritance, family inheritance. clan
inheritance, tribal inheritance and national inherit-
ance. Through the home church providence you
will also receive liberation from satanic accusa-
tion. (2/25/80)

What you have in home church is a microcosm
of the world, and by practicing there what I have
accomplished on the worldwide scale, you are
entitled to receive what I have inherited from God.

When you become completely victorious, your
360 homes will become your home. All 360 people
will say, You have been hungry for so long-please
come to our house for supper: you have lost so
much sleep-please take this bed as your own and
rest. When they see how hard you have worked,
they will all say. Sit down and take life easy; let me
do your job for you. If people really see God in
you, they will surely say this to you. ( 117/79)

We talk about hope and faith. What higher hope
is there than to look forward to the day when the
people in your home church area welcome you?
When you go around knocking all the walls down,
you will eventually find the 12 gates open to you,
and you will finally arrive at the central point you
should occupy. Then you will become a successful
13. At that moment you will have finished the
historical indemnity centering on yourself. You
will have achieved something no one ever dreamed
of achieving, and you will occupy the central
position with God’s approval. ( 1/13/80)

Home Church Is Our Destiny

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1687

Evolutionists! Those ideas should
be extirpated. Is there anyone here
who believes in evolutionary theory?
Learned people like professors are more
than willing to believe in it. Why is this
so? However much force is applied, two
objects that do not complement each
other cannot interact or become one;
not even God Himself can bring them
together! Why? Such is the law of the
universe! Why? Being created based on
the ideal of love with everything giv-
en its complementarities, the universe
operates on a pair system.
Did human beings evolve from
amoebae? There can be no harmony on
a straight line. It would take a long time
to explain this logically. How can three
points be made lineally? How can the
third and fourth points be made to cre-
ate a diamond shape which allows this
harmony to come about? Where does a
circle come from? It cannot arise from
a straight line. Does the amoeba have
energy within itself to choose and form
the third point? It does not. The amoeba
can only relate on the plus-minus level
between two points on a straight line.
(211-254, 1990.12.30)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1013

Some say they must witness to those
who are handsome and young, but that
is absurd. The church is the extension of
our family. There should be grandmoth-
ers and grandfathers, aunts and uncles,
and young people. If there were only
young people in the Unification Church,
it would be sick. This must be quick-
ly corrected. You should know how to
attend your elders. Your grandmother
and grandfather represent God; your
mother and father are your parents; and
with you and your children this makes
four stages in all. Your grandparents,
your parents and you are three stages.
Our lives are such that we cannot
break away from this fate. Grandpar-
ents, parents, and children make up
three stages. You need to draw four lines
to make three stages. This constitutes
the number seven. You cannot have
three stages without connecting these
four lines together. Without connecting
these, one another’s paths will randomly
cross. In order to have three stages, these
must be connected. (70-149, 1974.2.9)

Selected Passages from the Words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon about Home Church

Today’s Word magazine, September 1981 p. 7

The Significance of Home Church to You

It’s your destiny
Home church is the last providence which we
must fulfill. This is the last restoration. (3/29/79)

Home church is not a witnessing method; it is
our destiny, the final terminal and the fulfill-
ment of the providence. Fallen man must walk
this road. More than a man is destined to marry,
he is destined to fulfill the home church
mission, either on earth or in the spirit world. It is
impossible to erect the Kingdom of Heaven on
earth without fulfilling the borne church mis-
sion. This is no dream or fantasy; it is the real
blueprint of God. It is our great fortune to see
the home church mission in our lifetime and
install it as the pattern and tradition for history. A
hundred times a day you repeat the alphabet in
conversation; in the same way, home church is the
alphabet of the Kingdom of Heaven: it should be
an intimate part of you. If each one of you
clearly realized that home church is the destiny of
our movement, you would give your life for it,
and my presence in this country would be irrelevant. ( 1/1/79)

All of you long for a destiny with God, but I
want you to know that God has already set the
appointment with you: He is waiting for you in
your home church area. Jesus is there with Him,
and the Kingdom of Heaven is there as well.
Everything you have been craving is in home
church. Don’t just come to Belvedere to hear me
speak; you will find me as well in home church.

Suppose God and the spirit world hand-picked
you and gave you this chance to do the home
church providence. Now I am hand-picking you to
do the home church providence. Don’t you feel
honored? You should be very grateful. You should
repeat to yourself, Yes, God hand-picked me. How
precious it is! (4/16/80)

If you are victorious in everything else but not
in home church, your life will be a failure.

Without doing home church, no one can go to
heaven. You must understand this. Jesus left
behind the key to heaven, namely home church,
but even Jesus was not successful in home
church, so there was no way he could make heaven
on earth. Don’t ever be casual about this; you must
be determined to fulfill your home church
destiny. ( 1/1/79)

When you go to the spirit world, you should have
12 disciples and 72 followers, because sprit world
is organized according to this pattern. Without
winning 12, 72 and finally 84 people, it is
impossible for you to indemnify Jesus’ mission.
You must have 84 spiritual children as your
individual foundation; you can even work up to
the number 120, the number of Jesus’ followers
gathered after the resurrection. (10/5/80)

How seriously you have taken your home church
responsibility will determine your position in
history. ( 4/14/79)

360 Homes Represents the Entire World

1 Thessolonians 5

My friends, we ask you to be thoughtful of your leaders who work hard and tell you how to live for the Lord. 13 Show them great respect and love because of their work. Try to get along with each other. 14 My friends, we beg you to warn anyone who isn’t living right. Encourage anyone who feels left out, help all who are weak, and be patient with everyone. 15 Don’t be hateful to people, just because they are hateful to you. Rather, be good to each other and to everyone else.

16 Always be joyful 17 and never stop praying. 18 Whatever happens, keep thanking God because of Jesus Christ. This is what God wants you to do.

19 Don’t turn away God’s Spirit 20 or ignore prophecies. 21 Put everything to the test. Accept what is good 22 and don’t have anything to do with evil.

Job 14

Our time on earth is brief;
the number of our days
    is already decided by you.
Why don’t you leave us alone
and let us find some happiness
    while we toil and labor?

Richard: Here Job is praying to God. This could also apply to people; ignore naysayers and focus on doing the ministry that God has called you to.

Selected Passages from the Words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon about Home Church

Today’s Word magazine, September 1981 p. 5 to p 6

Worldwide level

Your home church is one small world repre-
senting all mankind and the entire earth; it is a
microcosm of the whole world, and it makes no
difference where you live or travel. No matter
where you go on earth, still you must do your home
church mission. Even if you went to spirit world
now, you would have to return to finish that
mission, because unless you go through that gate,
you can never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
( 1/1/79)
Because the messiah has already made the
condition of sacrificing himself by giving his
life to restore the world, then his followers can
condense a lifetime into a mere seven years in
which they can follow the Principle and gain
success in their own home church area. That will
be considered the same as having fulfilled the
responsibility of restoring the whole world. The
whole world is represented in your home church
area. By restoring your home church area, God will
give you the same credit as if you had restored or
re-created the entire world. (3/29/79)

If you do well in home church, then during the
next seven years you can affect the events
throughout the entire world. Your area is your
world. If you win there, you can win the world.

The number 360 in your home church stands
for all of history; 360 represents time and space:
the lunar calendar has 360 days, a circle has 360
degrees. Furthermore, the number 360 is divisible
by all the significant providential numbers: 3, 4.
12. 72, 120, etc. Your 360 homes symbolize the
annual rings of history, your 360 closest ances-
tors. all the individuals scattered over all the globe,
and a living altar representing the entire world.
Ideally, you should find at least 12 different
nationalities living in your 360 homes; thus, your
home church becomes the cultural sphere which
can unite God’s providence, centering on
Christianity and synthesizing all races. Therefore,
home church is the final gathering place. (9/23/80)

The ideal world

When you accomplish home church, there will be
no more need for churches, for every home will
be a church. You won’t have to go to church or pray,
just live by the heavenly law, the law of the
heavenly country. When we finish home church,
God will have His own nation, and its citizens will
only have to observe its laws. When we love
everyone as an extension of our own family, that
in itself will be heaven. If this does not become
reality, then the Divine Principle is just another
ideology that does not work. (10/5/80)

Restore the Mission which Jesus was Unable to Fulfill in His Lifetime

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2008

The goal of our faith is to become
citizens of God’s country. If you do not
become citizens of God’s country, then
there will be no way for you as sons and
daughters to freely receive the admira-
tion and love of that nation’s people or of
all things of creation. A person without a
country is always attacked. He stands in
a miserable position. He may often feel
hopeless after suffering an affront. That
is why the question is, where can we find
the country of God’s desire? Which is
the nation that can become God’s foot-
hold? That is the issue. (55-79, 1972.4.23)

In the family, even though all prop-
erty would be legally held in the parents’
names, in practice it would be joint-
ly owned by the parents and children;
that is, by the whole family. At the same
time, the individual family members
are allocated their own rooms, cloth-
ing and allowances. In this way, in the
family, the whole purpose and the indi-
vidual purpose are harmonized. When
this ideal form of ownership of the fam-
ily, based on such love, expands to the
society, nation and world, it becomes the
form of ownership of the ideal society.
(271-76, 1995.8.22)

Richard: This does not only apply to an actual physical nation of God. Here ( https://inspiration.visionroot.org/2017/07/14/people-at-the-top-need-to-know-gods-providence/ ), Father, Rev. Moon, explains that parents represent sovereignty, children represent people, and material possessions represent land. Godly families form the core that must be present for Cheon Il Guk (God’s nation) to exist).

And this reading from Cheon Seong Gyeong 1542

Christ at his Second Advent is com-
ing to save humanity. Once the heaven-
ly standard has been established, God is
ready to strike. He takes the offensive.
That does not mean that He kills His
foes by executing them in the style of
Stalin; instead, He makes them surren-
der at once. He must make Satan sub-
mit to Him, firstly through His ideology,
secondly through His citizenry, thirdly
through His sovereignty, and fourthly
through His territory. Everyone desires
to have ideals, friends, power, and mon-
ey, and these four items represent the
four that have been listed above. (12-169,

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1555

Communism and democracy are the
left- and right-wing ideologies. What
that means is that they are in the posi-
tion of the brother ideolog ies of Cain
and Abel. So a new ideology should
emerge from the East as the way of the
Parent. Centering upon the Parents and
Asia, left and right must unite. The Way
of the Parent is none other than head-
wing thought. Thus, when the head wing
tells the left and right, “You are wrong!”
they will answer, “Yes, we are,” and
when it tells them, “Listen to me!” they
will answer, “Yes, of course.” Everything
will then work out fine. When told that
what the parents are asserting is much
better than what they are claiming, and
that they should follow the parents, they
will answer, “Yes.” (168-60, 1987.9.1)

Selected Passages from the Words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon about Home Church

Today’s Word magazine, September 1981 p. 5 to p 6

Through home church, your
position is to restore the mission
which Jesus was unable to fulfill in
his lifetime. You are bringing his
unfinished task to perfection. In one sense,
Jesus was crucified because two
homes failed to unite: Zechariah ‘s home and
Joseph’s home (the Cain home and the Abel home).
The unity of two families would have been the
center of a restored tribe. Since this ideal was not
fulfilled at the time of Jesus, we have to make the
messianic mission a reality and restore also two
types of home churches: one representing Joseph’s
family and one representing Zechariah’s family.

When you move into your home church area,
God moves in with you, and Jesus · u1 d the spirit
world as well dwell there with you. ( 11/20/79)

God has tasted many failures in history, but by
your victory in your home church, He will be able
to forget them all. ( 12/24/78)

The entire world was my stage, and now that I
am finished, I am asking you to imitate me in
your small world of home church. You should
re-enact my course and my victory in your home
church; as my children in this children’s era, you
should repeat the victory of your parents. As soon
as you unite with this spirit, I will be there with
you; my victorious pattern and tradition will be
your asset. There is no easier way to go. ( 1/1/79.

Home church champion

I am looking for one person, the champion of
home church . Whoever consummates the home
church dispensation shall truly be recognized as
the tribal messiah and will issue invitations to
Mother and me to come to the first completed
home church on earth. Winning the Olympic
marathon is trivial compared to winning the home
church race. I would like to keep a record in my
notebook of successful home church # 1, 2, 3
and 4. How many numbers would you like to see?
Although you will never be able to look at that
notebook here on earth, as soon as you arrive in
spirit world you will. When you find it, if you see
that you are number one, then all your ancestors
will shout and dance . ( 1/1/80)

I am driving you all out to home church so
severely that no one can stand it, and most of you
want to give up. But among you there might be one
miserable man or woman who keeps on pursuing
home church. That person will become the home
church king or queen, and all the blessing of the
home church will go to that person. There God’s
history will be written. That chapter will say that
on such a year and such a month and such a day,
all the Moonies tried their best, but being unable
to sustain the pace, they gave up. Still, one
crippled person remained on until the last, deter-
mined to die if necessary, for the sake of home
church . God will build His eternal home church
upon that faith, just as Jesus built his church on
Peter, the rock. This kind of trial will reveal the
true man and true woman. The men and women
who remain shall be the rock of home church.

Home Church Was Supposed to Have Begun in the Garden of Eden

Joshua 19

19 Simeon was the second tribe chosen to receive land, and the region for its clans was inside Judah’s borders. 2-6 In one region of Simeon’s tribal land there were the following thirteen towns with their surrounding villages:

Beersheba, Shema,[a] Moladah, Hazar-Shual, Balah, Ezem, Eltolad, Bethul, Hormah, Ziklag, Beth-Marcaboth, Hazar-Susah, Beth-Lebaoth, and Sharuhen.

Richard: The modern tribal area is a Home Church area. “With one turn of that key, the door will open for the salvation of one tribe.”

Daniel 10

10 In the third year[a] of Cyrus the king of Persia, a message came to Daniel[b] from God, and it was explained in a vision. The message was about a horrible war, and it was true. Daniel wrote:

For three weeks I was in sorrow. I ate no fancy food or meat, I drank no wine, and I put no olive oil on my face or hair.[c] Then, on the twenty-fourth day of the first month,[d] I was standing on the banks of the great Tigris River, when I looked up and saw someone dressed in linen and wearing a solid gold belt.[e] His body was like a precious stone,[f] his face like lightning, his eyes like flaming fires, his arms and legs like polished bronze, and his voice like the roar of a crowd. Although the people who were with me did not see the vision, they became so frightened that they scattered and hid. Only I saw this great vision. I became weak and pale, and at the sound of his voice, I fell facedown in a deep sleep.

Richard: There are many interpretations of Old Testament scriptures, like this one. Fortunately, in this age we have the new words of truth, which clarify God’s Ideal and purpose. These new words of truth are contained in the eight sacred textbooks ( http://visionroot.org/resources/the-eight-books-of-holy-scripture/ ) which we are studying in this Daily Inspiration ministry.

Selected Passages from the Words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon about Home Church

Today’s Word magazine, September 1981 p. 5

Historic perspective

Home church is truly our gospel.
an amazing blessing from God.
Through home church you
can find and restore every-
thing. In home church you
meet God, the Messiah,
Cain and Abel, and all
the historical missions
of the providence. It
is a world of wonder.

In home church, you will indemnify everything
that was lost in history-all the things of creation,
all the love and heart that was lost, and all of
God’s personality, which has been lost. (4/14/79)

Home church was supposed to have begun in the
Garden of Eden, with the home as the place of
worshiping God. God should have been the main
beam of the home, with His children dwelling
there in His love. The original concept of God’s
creation began with one man and one woman, who
were supposed to form one family, one nation
and finally one world. Thus. as their family grew,
their home church would have become national
church and eventually world church. This was
God’s ideal.
Our way of life is like Jacob’s. Initially, his
elder brother wanted to kill him, just as the
Christian world tried to kill the Unification
Church. But when Jaccb finally returned home,
Esau’s heart was changed and he repented. Jacob
loved Esau, p;ave him presents and embraced him,
and the two brothers became one. In the same way,
the world will finally come to embrace you, when
you gain the victory in home church. ( 1/1/79)

Home church has become the Unification
Church trademark and a word with a very special
meaning; to us. Do you feel deep within your
hearts that home church is a necessity? Many
believers and religious people in history have talked
vaguely about heaven without truly knowing how it
could be developed. Jesus announced that the
Kingdom of Heaven was dwelling in the midst of
the people, but even he could not say that it was
here on earth. I would like you to know clearly that
the pronouncement of home church as
a means of establishing the Kingdom
of Heaven here on earth is truly an
historic event. ( 11/7/79)