Restore the Mission which Jesus was Unable to Fulfill in His Lifetime

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2008

The goal of our faith is to become
citizens of God’s country. If you do not
become citizens of God’s country, then
there will be no way for you as sons and
daughters to freely receive the admira-
tion and love of that nation’s people or of
all things of creation. A person without a
country is always attacked. He stands in
a miserable position. He may often feel
hopeless after suffering an affront. That
is why the question is, where can we find
the country of God’s desire? Which is
the nation that can become God’s foot-
hold? That is the issue. (55-79, 1972.4.23)

In the family, even though all prop-
erty would be legally held in the parents’
names, in practice it would be joint-
ly owned by the parents and children;
that is, by the whole family. At the same
time, the individual family members
are allocated their own rooms, cloth-
ing and allowances. In this way, in the
family, the whole purpose and the indi-
vidual purpose are harmonized. When
this ideal form of ownership of the fam-
ily, based on such love, expands to the
society, nation and world, it becomes the
form of ownership of the ideal society.
(271-76, 1995.8.22)

Richard: This does not only apply to an actual physical nation of God. Here ( ), Father, Rev. Moon, explains that parents represent sovereignty, children represent people, and material possessions represent land. Godly families form the core that must be present for Cheon Il Guk (God’s nation) to exist).

And this reading from Cheon Seong Gyeong 1542

Christ at his Second Advent is com-
ing to save humanity. Once the heaven-
ly standard has been established, God is
ready to strike. He takes the offensive.
That does not mean that He kills His
foes by executing them in the style of
Stalin; instead, He makes them surren-
der at once. He must make Satan sub-
mit to Him, firstly through His ideology,
secondly through His citizenry, thirdly
through His sovereignty, and fourthly
through His territory. Everyone desires
to have ideals, friends, power, and mon-
ey, and these four items represent the
four that have been listed above. (12-169,

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1555

Communism and democracy are the
left- and right-wing ideologies. What
that means is that they are in the posi-
tion of the brother ideolog ies of Cain
and Abel. So a new ideology should
emerge from the East as the way of the
Parent. Centering upon the Parents and
Asia, left and right must unite. The Way
of the Parent is none other than head-
wing thought. Thus, when the head wing
tells the left and right, “You are wrong!”
they will answer, “Yes, we are,” and
when it tells them, “Listen to me!” they
will answer, “Yes, of course.” Everything
will then work out fine. When told that
what the parents are asserting is much
better than what they are claiming, and
that they should follow the parents, they
will answer, “Yes.” (168-60, 1987.9.1)

Selected Passages from the Words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon about Home Church

Today’s Word magazine, September 1981 p. 5 to p 6

Through home church, your
position is to restore the mission
which Jesus was unable to fulfill in
his lifetime. You are bringing his
unfinished task to perfection. In one sense,
Jesus was crucified because two
homes failed to unite: Zechariah ‘s home and
Joseph’s home (the Cain home and the Abel home).
The unity of two families would have been the
center of a restored tribe. Since this ideal was not
fulfilled at the time of Jesus, we have to make the
messianic mission a reality and restore also two
types of home churches: one representing Joseph’s
family and one representing Zechariah’s family.

When you move into your home church area,
God moves in with you, and Jesus · u1 d the spirit
world as well dwell there with you. ( 11/20/79)

God has tasted many failures in history, but by
your victory in your home church, He will be able
to forget them all. ( 12/24/78)

The entire world was my stage, and now that I
am finished, I am asking you to imitate me in
your small world of home church. You should
re-enact my course and my victory in your home
church; as my children in this children’s era, you
should repeat the victory of your parents. As soon
as you unite with this spirit, I will be there with
you; my victorious pattern and tradition will be
your asset. There is no easier way to go. ( 1/1/79.

Home church champion

I am looking for one person, the champion of
home church . Whoever consummates the home
church dispensation shall truly be recognized as
the tribal messiah and will issue invitations to
Mother and me to come to the first completed
home church on earth. Winning the Olympic
marathon is trivial compared to winning the home
church race. I would like to keep a record in my
notebook of successful home church # 1, 2, 3
and 4. How many numbers would you like to see?
Although you will never be able to look at that
notebook here on earth, as soon as you arrive in
spirit world you will. When you find it, if you see
that you are number one, then all your ancestors
will shout and dance . ( 1/1/80)

I am driving you all out to home church so
severely that no one can stand it, and most of you
want to give up. But among you there might be one
miserable man or woman who keeps on pursuing
home church. That person will become the home
church king or queen, and all the blessing of the
home church will go to that person. There God’s
history will be written. That chapter will say that
on such a year and such a month and such a day,
all the Moonies tried their best, but being unable
to sustain the pace, they gave up. Still, one
crippled person remained on until the last, deter-
mined to die if necessary, for the sake of home
church . God will build His eternal home church
upon that faith, just as Jesus built his church on
Peter, the rock. This kind of trial will reveal the
true man and true woman. The men and women
who remain shall be the rock of home church.

Home Church is the Base of the Kingdom of Heaven

Join us for the Unification Principle online seminar Part 4 today at 10 am Eastern time: .

Cheong Seong Gyeong 500

What are the contents of the truth?
However great anyone may be, they can-
not stand in the place of your parents,
spouse or children. What is the highest
of all truths? Parents, spouses and chil-
dren. There is nothing higher. Then what
is the center of the truth? It is love. From
such a principled viewpoint, what is the
center of the highest truth? People say
that God is the Original Being of truth,
goodness, love and life. What does this
mean? They all mean the same. The truth
cannot be established without love and
life. Those who want to become people
who can talk about the real truth must
have the will and desire for the truth
within their lives. Here, desire stands in
a reciprocal position to your standard of
personality. So what is the nucleus? As
the Original Being of life, love and truth,
what kind of being is God? He is the
Father and simultaneously the Mother
of humankind. Parents are the nucleus.
(21-183, 1968.11.20)

Cheong Seong Gyeong 1155

How did Satan manage to oppose
God for six thousand years? Until now
Satan has been holding the Principle
in front of God. Satan says, “God, can
You punish me? If You want to punish
me You must destroy heaven and earth
first. When You created me, didn’t You
intend to love me with the love belong-
ing to the completion level, even though
it would be only a love meant for an
archangel?” Even the archangel must
receive love that belongs to the com-
Book 8 • Sin and Restoration Through Indemnity 1156
pletion level even though it is the type
of love befitting the archangel. So, the
archangel would ask God, “When did
You love me at the completion level?”
Even God gets trapped at this point.
Did God love the archangel at the
completion level? No, He was not able
to. Only after God has loved the arch-
angel in the Garden of Eden, in the free
heaven and earth, with the love belong-
ing to the completion level, is God’s
responsibility fulfilled. Otherwise, God
is trapped and He cannot move. (37-254,

Selected Passages from the Words of Rev. Sun Myung Moon about Home Church

Today’s Word magazine, September 1981 p. 4

Home church is the greatest gift God and True
Parents can give mankind. It has never existed
before and will never recur in the future. When
you make this gift your own by fulfilling it, you
will definitely become a son or daughter of God.
For the entire 60 years of my life, I have been
preparing this precious gift for you, and now I
freely give it to you. You can make it yours in six
months. This is an incredible opportunity. (4/15/79)

Your home church members will see visions of
me and also of you. When they are open like that,
then they will realize they are to live as one family.
Love will open their eyes. When you link that love to
one home church and it connects it to another and
so on, it will form an unbreakable chain of love
which no one, not even God, can cut. This link will
be sustained directly by the spirit world. The home
church course is the miracle of miracles. The
fact that I could announce the providence of
home church within 24 years is a miracle: compare
that to the little that Christians have achieved in
2,000 years. All the providential events are culmi-
nated in home church, the center of the dispensa-
tion. (5/1/79)

Home church is a very precious blessing for
you, because through it I am giving you a
condition to go beyond the fall of man. You are
an invincible force, advancing like a tidal wave to
cleanse your home church, undeterred by any
opposition. Your certification as a man or woman
of God will be signed by the hostile people you
meet in home church. You should feel that home
church is a cause for gratitude, not a burden.
Home church is a short-cut to the Kingdom of
Heaven. (5/27/79)

When I say that home church is the base of the
Kingdom of Heaven, I mean that it is a launching
pad like the pads at Cape Kennedy. Each of you is
building a rocket: to construct the engine on the
base is the most difficult task, and then you can
build your way up and up to the capsule, where
you can stay. Once you have finished constructing
it, all you have to do is push the button and lift
off. ( 1/1/80)

Home church is the arena where we will go
through all things God has said and done and
through which He wants us to inherit His broken
heart. (4/6/80)

Once every several thousand years. the rope
passes overhead. The Unification Church is that
rope and we are the ones who grabbed it. It is a
once-in-a-million opportunity, so would you just
casually grab it with one hand? You are winding it
around not only your body but around
your 360 homes. The rope will come
down and take root; this is home
You should think of home church
as your lover and love the people
there more than you have ever loved
anyone in the past. (5/18/80)