We Should Capture Satan, Bring Him Before God and Accuse him

Cheon Seong Gyeong 898

Hell is the place where you can never escape once you are caught. Despite this, you do not feel desperate about the fact that your mother, father and relatives are going to hell. You just think, “It will work out somehow.” However, let’s think seriously about your beloved parents really going to hell. Human nature is such that if your parents were to go to prison, you would cry and do all sorts of things to have them released. Then, even more so, if you knew that your sons and daughters, parents and relatives, brothers and sisters – with whom you have bonds made in heaven – were going to go to an eternal prison, could you just think casually about their fate? (34-266, 1970.9.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1371

If you were to compare a Japanese couple with an international couple, which would you say is the higher? You must serve the international couples. It is the same for Mr. Furuta and Mr. Oyamada as well. On whose shoulders lies the most important responsibility of leading Japan in the future? It is in fact the traditional standpoint of heaven to gradually appoint those who have intermarried as the leaders. This is not the case at present, but you should bear in mind that it will happen. The same is true for the United States. This is the first time I have spoken about such things in public. I am telling you because the time is ripe. (217-54, 1991.4.16)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

True God
Chapter 4 

True Father’s Insights on God
Section 4. The Reason God Cannot Punish Satan

4.2. God abides by the law

    The devil says to God, “God! I am the chief devil that changes. I am the ancestor who is changeable. But aren’t You the great supervisor of heaven and earth, the substance of truth, the unchanging Lord? Are You not the Being of love that embodies the principles of unchangeableness in life? I fell and became a rogue. But You are responsible to uphold the original ideal standard that You set up. I can freely pass in and out of the doors of the ideal world where Your will is fulfilled. I can freely come in and out, but since I cannot live there I must come out.” That is Satan’s assertion. Then God answers, “You are right.” (191-244, 1989.6.25) Continue reading “We Should Capture Satan, Bring Him Before God and Accuse him”

The Fall Meant Establishing a Bond of Love Centered on Satan

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1251

The purpose of marriage lies in perfecting the love of man and woman and uniting their worlds of the mind into one. Marriage is the proclamation, the proof of that. If the mind and love are perfected through married life, we can safely say that the ideal of the family has been realized. So, if you achieve this before you pass away, you will definitely enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (97-276, 1978.3.26)
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Cheon Seong Gyeong 1239

You should know that the concept of the Blessing did not begin with the Unification Church. Rather, it has been the hope of God in His innermost heart, something He has pursued and striven to fulfill throughout history since the time of creation and the Fall. To see this dream come true, God has been walking a path of suffering until this day, but the day of its fulfillment has not yet come. That is why the day that God’s hope is fulfilled will be the day of the liberation of the world, and the day His historical wish is fulfilled. Knowing this, you should understand why the Blessing is so significant. (30-164, 1970.3.22)
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Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

True God
Chapter 4 

True Father’s Insights on God
Section 4. The Reason God Cannot Punish Satan

4.2. God abides by the law

    What kind of being is God? God is like the mind of the universe; the universe is like His body. However, the devil has infiltrated this body. Satan has usurped the powers of the heavens and thus controls the universe. Continue reading “The Fall Meant Establishing a Bond of Love Centered on Satan”

Are You Going to Become Audacious Leaders In Front of God?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 189

Today, the True Parents live in the same world with us. Sons and daughters of the True Parents live on this earth and so do the sons and daughters of fallen parents. Originally, all people should have become God’s beloved sons and daughters through the flesh and bloodline of true parents, but they became fallen sons and daughters due to the Fall. The Lord and Savior must, therefore, again come as a parent to resolve the wrongdoings of our first human ancestors

Cheon Seong Gyeong 677

    I greatly appreciate Mother. She had many very deep experiences of the heart during my time in Danbury. Being a mere child when she met me, she has had to lead a life that was to reach the line parallel to mine. Having lived that way, her standard has gradually risen. Before, she probably did not experience the deep valleys of the heart. After being separated from me because of Danbury, she was able to realize the precious value of the True Father and understood how lonely it could be for a woman without her husband. As a result, on February 1, we conducted a ceremony to open the gates of heaven and hell. Now they cannot be closed. Through the True Parents standing at opposite poles, a solution can emerge from the place where the two poles connect. This was to connect the spiritual and physical worlds. On February 1, 1985 at 3 a.m. Eastern Standard Time, this standard was established at Danbury and East Garden.
    With God’s heart, you have to act so that the force of love can be connected. Are you going to become audacious leaders who will have to stand before God in need of salvation or are you going to go along this vertical line?
    The way to the heavenly palace is the path on which man and woman travel as one. Where do they become one? They become one there and then must follow it. When ascending, you should ascend towards it. When descending, you should descend towards it. Everyone has to go this way of the sphere of the tribe, people, nation and world centering on the family in accordance with the principle of restoration through atonement. Everyone has to go through this path because they are in the realm of the Fall. (136-45, 1985.12.20)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

True God
Chapter 4 

True Father’s Insights on God
Section 4. The Reason God Cannot Punish Satan

4.1. The reasons for Satan’s accusations

    Satan was originally an archangel. He declares to God, “Even though I became Satan due to the Fall, You should solve the problems according to the principles You set up because You are the omniscient, almighty and absolute God. Although I violated the law and became Satan, You, the all-knowing, almighty and absolute Being must work according to the laws You have laid down. Isn’t that true?” (39-88, 1971.1.10)

Continue reading “Are You Going to Become Audacious Leaders In Front of God?”

Why Is God Unable to Wipe Out Satan?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 107

If you want to know, the universe is many billions of light-years across. Light travels 300 thousand kilometers a second, and 300 thousand kilometers is seven and a half times the circumference of the earth. In astronomy, the distance that light travels over the course of one year is called one light-year. The universe is so big that the light that moves according to this light-year unit cannot reach its final destination even after billions of years. (127-213, 1983.5.8)

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What is Godism? Another term for it is the Way of True Love. What is the Way of True Love all about? It is about giving and giving, and forgetting that you have given. If all its citizens were like that, what would Korea be like? (201- 54, 1990.2.28)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon

True God
Chapter 4 

True Father’s Insights on God
Section 4. The Reason God Cannot Punish Satan

4.1. The reasons for Satan’s accusations

    There is theological dispute over whether Satan existed from the very outset. If he has, it is a big problem. If Satan had always existed, craftily defying and hindering God’s providence of restoration for six thousand years, who would be able to subjugate and eliminate him? That is the issue. (54-56, 1972.3.11) Continue reading “Why Is God Unable to Wipe Out Satan?”

God Cannot Strike His Enemy

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COVID Crimes – Never Forget

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2416

    What does it mean to say that the Last Days have come? It means that the day when the human race can find its original homeland has come closer. It means that the time is near when people who can live in the original homeland can establish their historic fatherland. Because of that, Jesus, who came with the ideal of founding something, was given the title of King of kings. That is rather strange isn’t it? Why was such a title given to him? This is not a lie; it is the truth. Without a motive, no result can come. If you investigate a result closely, you will absolutely find that there is a motive. However, that motive is something human beings cannot know. God is moving everything. (155-32, 1964.10.6)

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    God is not a fantasy or a conceptual God, nor is He an abstract God. With His leadership in our daily life, He is always with us as the master of our daily circumstances. He does not just receive attendance but is living together with us by sharing love. This sounds like a dream. (168-111, 1987.9.13)

    Without making a beginning point where God enters our mind, and where we human beings become completely one body with God, there is no way of liquidating the devil’s world. From this point of view, we can understand that this time is the age of attendance and the age of salvation by justification through attendance. We are saved through attendance. God is not a God who is way up in the sky far removed from us. We should attend God as the master in our daily life. (144-274, 1986.4.25)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Human Fall

Satan caused great grief to God, our Father.  However, God must work His providence to make Satan submit voluntarily.
By leading a life of faith, we can conquer our innate tendencies to complain and blame others for our woes.  We can grow spiritually and give comfort to God.
See slides 22 to 26 below: