Secular Humanism and Free Sex are destroying American Families

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1868

I built a boat in Korea named Boat of
Heavenly Victory. What victory? Heav-
enly victory, of course, is where Heaven
has won victory because God’s will has
been fulfilled. I had already begun ful-
filling God’s will from long ago. I made
the Boat of Heavenly Victory and talk-
ed about occupying the oceans of the
world. One member, Eu Hyo-young,
was constantly saying, “Boat, boat!” So I
made him one, but he did not like going
on boats – maybe because he was old.
He said, “Father, I cannot go out to sea
when the waves surge like that.” How
can a fisherman think like that? He must
go out to the sea until his death. (294-175,

Richard:  Sometimes you have to do things that you do not like to do but should do.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 998

What kind of person am I? I am a
person with only one talent. I am a per-
son who just goes straight ahead no
matter what. Some ask why I always do
things which are spoken ill of, instead of
quietly going around the other way with
my mouth shut. It is because the pinna-
cle can only be overcome by receiving
opposition from many people. But you
are thinking of taking a detour, aren’t
you? Then, why do we have to cut off
from everything in the secular world? It
is because we cannot go straight if we are
pulled by our love for our physical par-
ents. Since God has been going straight
towards us, we also have to go straight.



July 28, 1991
Belvedere, Tarrytown, New York

Until now, there was never an original nation. The original ideal hometown never existed! This mistaken world must be kicked back to the original world. Proclaiming and taking action for God is the Unification Movement way. The contents of this movement are absolutely centered on love. God’s ideal, God’s existence, everything is connected to that central true love place, the dwelling place of true love, true life, and true blood lineage. From where did humanity start? Not from the eyes, nor the nose, nor the head, but from your holy place-your sexual organ.

But is your sexual organ truly holy? Your blood lineage is stained, so salvation is not easy. People say, “If God has absolute power, why did He leave the world in such a miserable situation for so long? Why didn’t He take away sin and raise up goodness? God has no power.” Man’s conclusion was, “God doesn’t exist, God is dead.”

Satan cleverly led mankind into secular humanism and free sex. Look at the misery of the American family system. Fathers and grandfathers have sexual relationships with their daughters and granddaughters. Satan has been accusing God: “God, look at mankind. You can’t save them.” What could God answer? How miserable God has been since He lost His Kingship. You don’t know that, but I understood it so clearly! I proclaimed to Satan, “I will go the Principled way, centering on true love, climbing past the individual peak, the family peak, tribal peak, national peak, free and communist world peak. I made a new tradition uniting the races of the world. Continue reading “Secular Humanism and Free Sex are destroying American Families”

Your Mission Is to Clean Up Evil

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2120

In the future we will have to be reg-
istered. When the North and South are
united, the families of the Unification
Church around the world, those Blessed
Families who have been active, will all
go beyond the tribal level and become
registered. If the North and South are
united through my power, heavenly law
will establish the loyal officials of the
Unification Church around the world as
the representative people and the peo-
ple who provide the seed. Who would
oppose this? Historically speaking, who
would oppose me, when I have worked
as hard as I have for the sake of the inde-
pendence of Korea and the return to
hometown in Korea? (197-212, 1990.1.14)

Richard:  All families have to receive the Registratin Blessing to be registered:

Cheon Seong Gyeong 803

You should not be proud of how
many years you have been in the church.
What matters is how many regional
directors you raised, how many people
you blessed, how many people you con-
nected to Father’s tribe and lineage. This
is a serious problem. Pak Bo-hi, Kwak
Chung-hwan, and Yoo Jung-ok became
my in-laws, but this does not mean they
fulfilled this criterion. As a foundation
for everything else, they have to expand
the realm of the tribal messiah thou-
sands of times, and quickly raise peo-
ple of the Kingdom of Heaven who are
shameless in the historic age to come.
(230-27, 1992.4.15)

Richard:  Do you know about the Lord of the Second Advent, Rev. Sun Myung Moon and his ministry of marriage, family and absolutely good sex?



July 28, 1991
Belvedere, Tarrytown, New York

Now the American government and American churches must follow my teachings. There is no hope otherwise. I am being recognized for who I truly am. The Inquisition book clearly proclaims the truth. As opinion-makers read that book, they change 180 degrees: “We must repent for our treatment of Rev. Moon.”

The satanic world has been targeting Father. However, Father repelled every one of those attacks and declared the victory. One man stood with all humanity against him. From that a foundation was built, through the indemnity course. Parents, brothers and sisters, and relatives kidnapped their Moonie children. That phenomena occurred only in the Unification Church. But I won back the individual foundation, the family foundation, ultimately indemnifying the world foundation.

At the family level all families came against me; at the tribe level, all the tribes of the world attacked me. After winning the tribal level we rose to the national level, and all the nations of the world gathered to destroy us. Finally, all of the spiritual world came against me.

But now, the leading nations of the world no longer have any power over me. They said, “Reverend Moon, we don’t want you!” But all of the worldwide opposition caused me to be raised up even more quickly. Continue reading “Your Mission Is to Clean Up Evil”