God Comes to Directly Conduct His Providence

Strengthening Families and Communities Forum
#137-Creating an Abstinence-Centered Education Revolution
Richard Urban

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2435

The loftiest hope of humankind is that which is realized through love. All of God’s hopes are to be realized through love, too. If God were to take the position of a son of filial piety, He would want to do so on the basis of love for parents. If He became a couple, He would want to become a couple established through love and then a parent established through love. This is what God desires. (263-309, 1994.10.27)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 968

Didn’t I say that in the spirit world, Lee Sang-hun is in the highest position among Blessed Families? This highest position will be the model for the spirit world that will be created from now on. It is the model for the spirit world. There will be heaven and there will be a paradise for families. The middle realm of spirit world for families and hell for families will be created. It is an age where all shadows remaining in your conscience from your current life will be clearly visible in broad daylight. Excuses will not work. Did I say that there is a prison there? There is a prison. Even when Blessed Families enter the spirit world or heaven, there will be ranks in which some families will come closer to God and True Parents. (295-300, 1998.9.24)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The True Parent and the Completed Testament Age
(Completion, Conclusion and Finalization of the Providence of Restoration Through Indemnity)

    While Jesus was intended to complete the providential course for the substantial restoration of Canaan, due to the unbelief of the Israelite people, the Jewish leadership and the disciples, he died on the cross promising to return again.
    Jesus was unable to complete the providential course for the substantial restoration of Canaan through his death on the cross. During the 2000 years since he promised to return, he conducted and completed the providential course for the global restoration of Canaan in spirit.
    Accordingly, the providence of restoration centering on Jesus was prolonged, and the entire providence of restoration is completed, concluded and finalized by the True Parent, who appears as the returning lord, obtaining victory in the providential course for the cosmic restoration of Canaan.
    Subsequently, with the emergence of the ‘Hwegi’ era (Era of the Period of Return) centering on Foundation Day (January 13, 2013, Heavenly Calendar) God comes to directly conduct His providence in substance on the spiritual and physical worlds centering on the True Parents.
See slides 1 to 5 below:

God Loves Rev. Sun Myung Moon Very Much

Strengthening Families and Communities Forum
#137-Creating an Abstinence-Centered Education Revolution
Richard Urban

Cheon Seong Gyeong 995

Whatever you may do, be it eating, drinking, sitting or standing or whomever you may relate with, you’ll receive a perfect score if you show your loving heart before True Parents and God. It does not come about by having a lot of knowledge or scholarly attainment. Will you live in God’s presence saying, “I have a Doctorate”? There is no need for that before God. Therefore, how can we entice God’s love? There is only one path: “Sincerity moves heaven.” There is no other way. (78-38, 1975.5.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1240

In the present era, we are heading towards the completion stage, having passed through the formation and growth stages. This is the era in which history has to move horizontally after developing vertically. In other words, it is the era in which the boundary of the six-thousand-year long history of indemnification is crossed. That is why you need to escape from the dominion of Satan. Then what is the Blessing? It is the gate you have to pass through to leave the realm Satan has dominated throughout history. (18-209, 1967.6.8)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The Second Advent

(4) Written resolution by the Representatives of the Five Major Religions
    i. We resolve and proclaim that God is the Parent of all humankind.
    ii. We resolve and proclaim that Reverend Sun Myung Moon is the Savior,
Messiah, the Second Coming and the True Parent of all humanity.
    iii. We proclaim that the Unification Principle is the message of peace for the
salvation of humanity and the gospel for the Completed Testament Age.
    iv. We resolve and proclaim that we will accomplish the peaceful unification of
the cosmos through “living for others” while transcending religion,
nationality and race, centering on true love.
    v. We, the representatives of the Five Major Religions, resolve and proclaim
that we will harmonize with one another, unite and move forward, in order
to bring about world peace and the nation of God, while attending the True

    God loves the True Parent, Rev. Sun Myung Moon very much.  See God’s message in the slides 31 to 35, below:


Rev. Sun Myung Moon is the True Parent

Strengthening Families and Communities Forum
#137-Creating an Abstinence-Centered Education Revolution
Richard Urban

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1395

Do you think you need 3.6 million couples? You do not. Only when you have restored at least two archangel families and offered them to the family in Adam’s position can the traces of the families or children of the satanic world disappear from this world. When this happens, Satan will be obedient forevermore and you will be separated from him eternally. Hence, Satan is doing all he can to oppose us; yet he has been restricted in this work since the 30,000 Couples Blessing in 1992. Through that Blessing, we had finally started to climb vertically on the global level. The growth stage was the 360,000 Couples Blessing and the completion or final stage is the Blessing of 3.6 Million Couples. Just as the Blessing has been opened 360 degrees to the whole world so that anyone can receive it, then after the successful achievement of the Blessing of 3.6 Million Couples, even people in the spirit world can receive it. Until this time, no one has been able to enter heaven; however, because Heung-jin is performing the Blessing on behalf of me, the descendants of the fallen archangel in the spirit world can stand in the position of the younger brother of Adam’s family, and in single file follow the True Parents into heaven. This is restoration through indemnity. (280-302, 1997.2.13)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 855

Focused upon God’s heart and the heart of the Kingdom of Heaven, you can unite and harmonize with everything, wherever you may be. When that happens, those people who can pass through those gates and live within that realm will say, “Wow! Mansei! God is great!” They will want to follow God around and everyone will be happy. They can eat anything they want to eat, wear anything they want to wear, play if they want to play, and do anything they want. They can feel all the things they could not feel in the hundred years of their life on earth. They can feel deep joy and gratitude, which can be experienced in a moment and remain thereafter. (106- 229, 1979.12.30)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The Second Advent

    Who is Rev. Sun Myung Moon? He is the Messiah, Savior, Second Coming of Christ, the True Parent giving the Blessing (of marriage), the True Parent of Heaven, Earth and Humankind and the King of Cosmic Peace.
    What is the evidence testifying to the True Parent?
(1) The champion of knowing God
(2) The champion of knowing the reality of Evil
(3) The champion of understanding human beings
(4) The champion of knowing the Spirit World
(5) The champion of knowing Jesus
(6) The champion of knowing the Bible
(7) The champion of knowing the meaning of history and the root and
origin of religion, philosophy and ideology
(8) The champion of the ideal of true families
    Jesus and the leaders of the five great religions have testified to the True Parent from the spiritual world.
See slides 26 to 29 below:

God Will Appear through Your Mind

Strengthening Families and Communities Forum
#137-Creating an Abstinence-Centered Education Revolution
Richard Urban

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2364

    Why do we need the Lord at his Second Advent and the True Parents? All the families in history that progressed from individuals, to families, to tribes, to peoples, to nations, and to the world, have never been able to live together with True Parents. Even if England, America, and France had united at the time of the Second Advent right after World War II, humanity would have had to begin from the position of the family led by the True Parents. Families must unite around True Parents’ leadership.
    Once families are united, we will not need to be concerned about tribes, peoples and nations. Why is it so? True Parents come on the worldwide foundation. They are the parents coming on the victorious foundation of worldwide dominion. Why do they come? They come as the True Parents representing the age of the families. They have to connect to the past as the tribal level True Parents, race-level True Parents, and national level True Parents. (263-203, 1994.10.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 617

    Then, what will happen next? As God exists, where will He appear? God will appear not in the air but through your mind. Why have not you been able to experience that? Because your mind is not yet firmly established in its own existence and because you have become people who are being dragged around by your body. Once your mind is firmly established within its existence and forms a higher dimension of character whereby you can declare it to be another subject entity, the situation will surely be different.
    When you reach a higher level through prayer, you will start talking with your mind. A state of resonance will occur. It will be on a higher level, and you will physically hear what you are saying in your mind. You will advance to that kind of state. During the first stage a hint or suggestion in your daily life will be given. Therefore, believers must collect the vast amount of such facts.

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The Second Advent

Continuing the analysis of the Korean nation as a moral nation, the religions of Buddhism, Confucianism, Christianity and Unificationism have all borne fruit on the Korean peninsula.
The Korean ‘Chong ham nok’ and other prophecies have predicted the coming of a sage and the realization of happy families around the year 2000.
Just as wise men testified to Jesus, notable scholars and spiritualists, such as Arthur Ford and Jeane Dixon have testified to the role of Rev. Sun Myung Moon.
See slides 22 to 25 below:


People Were Originally Meant to Be Educated by their Parents

Strengthening Families and Communities Forum
#137-Creating an Abstinence-Centered Education Revolution
Richard Urban

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1073

What will you teach your children? In order for your children to inherit the tradition, you must educate them and lead an exemplary public life. People were originally made to be educated by their parents; they are not to receive education just from school. Especially, education in order to inherit the tradition cannot be taught in school. (111-256, 1981.2.22)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1406

I stand before them on this occasion which You have long desired, and bless them to become Your children who from this moment can inherit Your will to build Your kingdom on earth and in heaven as true individuals by uniting mind and body, husband and wife, parents and children, and with their siblings in the blessed world. Please be with them and bless them as they march forward to the place of victory and glory. I pronounce my benediction upon the 360 million Couples in the name of the True Parents! Amen! Amen! Amen! (299-109, 1999.2.7)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

The Principle of Restoration

The Second Advent

The Korean nation is a moral nation. Concepts such as the importance of lineage and the birthright of the eldest son are ingrained in national culture.
History began on the continent, moved to the peninsular culture of the Roman Empire, then the island of England. Then it migrated back to a continent, the United States.
Finally, the island culture of Japan has swept the world in many ways.
Ultimately, culture and Providence is culminating now in the Pacific Rim Era, centering in Korea and other Pacific Rim Nations.
See slides 18 to 21 below: