There Are Three Stages of Life

The Richard Urban Show #128:
Huge Win For Parental Rights-Court Mandates Religious Vaccination Exemptions in Mississippi

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2233

God created heaven and earth, not just to see human beings, but for the sake of love. God cannot possess love by Himself, nor can He feel it on His own. Certainly, He contains love, but He cannot experience the kind of love that overflows with the joy of being in perfect harmony all by Himself. No matter how beautiful a flower may be, it must give off a fragrance; no matter how sweet its fragrance is, the wind must blow for that fragrance to be spread about. So, as the flower needs the wind, God, too, needs an object partner who will stimulate Him. (210-223, 1990.12.23)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1309

What is the responsibility of the 36 Couples? They are to act as a shield against accusation that has resulted from all the mistakes of past history and up until this time. In other words, they must become the perfect protective fence that can block Satan out completely. That is why these families should practice the new tradition and ideology, which are completely separated from Satan. Centering on these traditions, the 72 Couples and 120 couples must expand. Considering all this, you should realize how important the responsibility of the 36 Couples is. (28-60, 1970.1.3)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Principle of Creation

For today’s study, please view slides 152 to 155 below about the growing period and the human portion of responsibility.
The spirit only grows and only receives either good or bad vitality elements while a person has a body on earth. The spirit is like the fruit and the body is like the tree. See the study below, pages 152 to 155.

Human Perfection Requires Our Own Portion of Responsibility

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2345

    I pray that from today the powers of evil will retreat and the powers of goodness will advance and, by assuming overall command and leadership, strive to establish the new heavenly civilization, so that the glory and grace of heaven will fill the entire cosmos and all Blessed Families worldwide will inherit the sovereignty of the love and liberation of the physical and spirit worlds, and thereby become worthy to be the registered Blessed Families of the Nation of Cosmic Peace and Unity.
    On this day and in this place where the Cosmic Parent and the Parents of Heaven and Earth have attained oneness of mind and body, I declare and direct that everyone will strive to achieve the age of sovereignty of the one ideal, of the unified world of Cheon Il Guk based on the liberation of heaven. I pray that You will let us achieve everything in accordance with our desires. I report this in the name of the True Parents. Amen! Amen! Amen! (404-288, 2003.2.6)
Prayer given at the “Holy Marriage Blessing Ceremony of the Parents of Heaven and Earth Opening Cheon Il Guk” and the “Coronation of the King of the Blessed Families of the Peace and Unity of the Cosmic True Parent and the True Parents of Heaven and Earth” conducted on February 6, 2003.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1270

The fruits that Christians have produced through their lives of faith are the fruits of the wild olive tree. In order to produce fruits of the true olive tree, they need to be cut off at the base and have the sprout of the true olive tree engrafted on to them. If the sprout cannot be engrafted, the tree should be pulled up completely and burned to ashes. If the wild olive tree is not uprooted completely, it will produce further fruits, which will then be strewn around the tree and will grow into more wild olive trees.

Richard:  All Christians need to receive the Holy Marriage Blessing from True Father Moon and his bride, the True Parents.  If not, Christianity will gradually become weaker and weaker.

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Principle of Creation

For today’s study, please view slides 148 to 151 below about the growing period and the human portion of responsibility.


The Place of Conjugal Unity Is the Original Palace

The Urban Life Training Parent and Presenter Web Portal has been updated with lots of new materials, including the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training Program. Join Urban Life Training to gain access to all of the abstinence-centered materials and help ensure a bright future for your family and for our nation!

The Richard Urban Show #128 is now posted:
Huge Win For Parental Rights-Court Mandates Religious Vaccination Exemptions in Mississippi

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1172

   The relationship between Jesus and John the Baptist was similar to that between Cain and Abel. Jesus and John the Baptist were brothers. This has not been revealed before, but they were brothers. John the Baptist was born from the first wife, and Jesus was born from the second wife. He could not have been born from the first wife. That is why in the Last Days, sexual immorality has become prevalent. The trend of women selling their bodies is spreading. Women must be liberated. It cannot be done through the first husband. In the Last Days, outstanding people can be born to wanton women, to streetwalkers. Do you understand?
    In the fallen world, the concubine snatches love. This is the age when the kept mistress can have even greater power than the legal wife. Why is that so? The first relationship represents Cain’s love, and the second represents love from God’s side, so God works through the second figure. That is why, for example, Joseph and Jesus were born from second wives. (169-194, 1987.10.31)
Richard:  We need to implement the standard of absolute sex(ual ethics).  That means abstinence before marriage and faithfulness in Blessed marriage.  This standard has been set by Father Moon and his wife as True Parents

Cheon Seong Gyeong 831

    The original palace of love is the royal palace that perfects God and brings solace to Him. How is this achieved? The royal palace emerges at the unified meeting point of Adam and Eve’s convex and concave sexual organs. That is a truly great place. Thus, the sexual organs are called the original palace of love. These are amazing words. The original palace of love is the royal palace that perfects the entire creation of heaven and earth and also provides a place of settlement for all, even God. The Kingdom of Heaven in the spirit world and on earth does not come first. Heaven begins from the family. That is the original palace. These are amazing words.
    The place of conjugal unity is the original palace based on true love, true life, and true lineage. It is the origin of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth and in the spirit world. Without this unity, the original world of the Kingdom of Heaven, the spiritual realm, and the earthly realm of human beings cannot be established.
    This amazing place of true love has been vulgarized. Since it became the cause of national ruin and destroyed heaven and earth, it has been treated as the most evil thing to this day. Originally, it was something holy. You teachers, do you understand? When you get up in the morning, you should greet your love organ, saying, “Good morning!” You should know that this very place is the place that enables you to attend the love of your greatest ancestors rather than the ancestors themselves. (263-347, 1994.10.27)
Richard:  Wow!  What a beautiful teaching, and so much needed in today’s fake, falsely sexualized world.

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Principle of Creation

For today’s study, please view slides 144 to 147 below.

God Sets the Standard Determining the Value of His Creations

The Urban Life Training Parent and Presenter Web Portal has been updated with lots of new materials, including the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training Program. Join Urban Life Training to gain access to all of the abstinence-centered materials and help ensure a bright future for your family and for our nation!

The Richard Urban Show #128 is now posted:
Huge Win For Parental Rights-Court Mandates Religious Vaccination Exemptions in Mississippi

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2141

    The new millennium is the time to complete the 6,000-year history of the providence for human salvation and build the original heavenly kingdom centered on the ideal of creation. It is the Completed Testament Age, when the promises of the Old and New Testaments are to be fulfilled. This means a new heaven and new earth, where “He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, and neither shall there be mourning nor crying nor pain any more.” (Revelation 21:4) It means a time of unconditional true love, when all people will be able to drink the water of life that is as clear as crystal without payment, and when the spiritual and physical worlds will be open to each other, and God’s Kingdom is established in both. The living God’s direct dominion is to begin through the restored rights of the firstborn, parents, and king, opening a new era of God’s all-immanence, all-transcendence, supreme authority, and omnipotence.
    As I have already mentioned, the earth is the hometown of all humankind and the spirit world is the eternal homeland where all humanity will eventually arrive. Finally, the time has come for the global family ideal to be realized on earth centered on the Heavenly Parent, moving us beyond ‘One Nation under God’ to ‘One Cosmos under God.’ Accordingly, I request that you bear in mind that the fundamental relationship between God and humanity is that of parent and child, and upon that foundation, that you play an active role in transforming the cosmos, that is, the spiritual and physical worlds, into our Hometown and Homeland.

Cheon Seong Gyeong 863

When you go to the spirit world and look at a man who lived happily with his wife on earth, you will find a woman inside him. If you ask him, “Who is that woman?” he will answer, “My wife.” You will also see a man within a woman. In this way, when these two unite, the number of the four directions – north, south, east, and west – arises. Man and woman are two. When a man and woman as a plus and minus go in all four directions, they are attending God. God becomes a protective fence. If that happens, God becomes your God and you live together with Him. Did you know that when parents grow old and are over 100 years old, they become friends with their son who is eighty years old? They do not say, “Hey, son!” They say, “Hey, you!” They speak to him as a friend. They must return to God and the original relationships. (252-105, 1993.11.14)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Principle of Creation

For today’s study, please view slides 140 to 143 below.

Marriage Allows Us to Resemble God

The Urban Life Training Parent and Presenter Web Portal has been updated with lots of new materials, including the STAR Interfaith Leadership Training Program. Join Urban Life Training to gain access to all of the abstinence-centered materials and help ensure a bright future for your family and for our nation!

The Richard Urban Show #128 is now posted:
Huge Win For Parental Rights-Court Mandates Religious Vaccination Exemptions in Mississippi

Cheon Seong Gyeong 2264

The term “a glorious true family” refers to a family that can be happy on earth and in the spirit world. A family that can live directly with God, the central Being of the next world, will be a true family in glory. You must become families that like each other more and more for eternity. If you do not like each other, you should work together to actualize an ideal world of love. As ideal subject and object partners, you need to create an environment in which each partner feels grateful to, lives for, and respects the other because they have received each other as partners of love. (294-312, 1998.8.9)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1074

Children learn their parents’ heart.
(30-87, 1970.3.17)

Original Substance of the Divine Principle

Principle of Creation

For today’s study, please view slides 136 to 139 below.