The Parent-Child Relationship Is the Fundamental Root of the Universe

The latest Richard Urban Show:
#170-Richie Robb on Strengthening Families and Communities

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1032

    The Fall resulted from the desire for possessions, to have something of your own. Even when God and the Messiah come, if you continue with this desire, you will end up being on the side of Satan.
    That is why you should follow the way of obedience. Yet, time and again, such chronic problems inherited from the fallen world have remained with us. What would you do if asked to use your possessions for God’s sake? Even in my dreams, I have never said that the things I have earned belong to me. (107-207, 1980.5.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1346

Just as I have the 120 Couples, all of you have 120 kinfolk of your own, through twelve tribes multiplied by ten in the spirit world. At present, we regard the number of nations in the world in which we are carrying out missionary work as 120 or 160. Hence, at the time of the Seoul Olympics, national representatives from 120 nations got together to become as one. Similarly, within your tribe, you must establish representatives of 120 nations and make them unite with you as the representatives of the nations of the world. Only thus can you restore through indemnity the lost base of the 120 followers on earth at the time of Jesus’ resurrection and ascension, which is why we need the 120 Couples. Only when they are established on earth, brought together and completely united can the 120 representatives in the spirit world be connected to the tribes. In this way, even the spirit world can be connected to the 120 nations. Thus, the 120 Couples are absolutely indispensable to us. (215-129, 1991.2.6)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 3

true love

Chapter 2

The Reality of Love

Section 3. Parental Love

3.1. Parents’ love is the love of the essence

Children are the fruit of their mother and father’s love and the result of their investment. They are the extension of their mother and father’s life and the realization of their mother and father’s ideal. Those who have had children and given their love to them will know. This is why they say about their beloved sons, “This is the substance of my love, the extension of my life, and the realization of my ideals – my second self.” Since children are born on the foundation of love, life and ideals, the more their parents see them, the more adorable they become, the more their lives are filled with vitality, and the more they appear as ideal partners. (69-78, 1973.10.20) Continue reading “The Parent-Child Relationship Is the Fundamental Root of the Universe”