Is Religion Necessary in the Spirit World?

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1904

When you go out to the sea fishing with Rev. Moon, you think the fish often bite onto my fish hooks, right? When fishing, everything looks like my object. The perfected subject fulfills the perfected object. The idea should be “the fish must bite here” when fishing. That is how the Principle operates. As soon as I put the fish hook in the water, the fish come to me as object partners of perfect value. This is different from the way normal people touch and handle a fishing rod. (262-300, 1983.8.1)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1266

You were born of the lineage of false parents, driven away from God, and have no connection to true parents. Therefore, in order to free yourselves from this lineage, you must stamp it out and uproot it. Only when you do so, and totally change the lineage, can you enter the Kingdom of Heaven. (22-271, 1969.5.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong 1097

I have enabled you to establish the indemnity condition to receive this new Blessing and create a new family and I have tried to take responsibility for your heavy burden. But if you transgress the heavenly law even after I carried out my responsibility, that constitutes the most fearful sin – one that will be transmitted down to dozens of generations. (22- 211, 1969.2.4)

Cheon Seong Gyeong

Selections from the Speeches of Rev. Sun Myung Moon
Book 5


Chapter 2

Death and the Spirit World

Section 3. To go to a Higher Realm in the Spirit World

3.5. Establish the family foundation

    Why must you have sons and daughters? There surely has to be love. God has to exist, man and woman have to exist, and husband and wife have to exist. Next, the blood has to be mixed. The descendants are born with God’s blood and love blood, vertical blood and horizontal blood, mixed together. Therefore, unless you have descendants, you cannot have a place to play and rest in the other world. Continue reading “Is Religion Necessary in the Spirit World?”